I wrote this article in November 2020, before the Basement Dummy took office. I stand by every word. He was a dementia patient before taking office, and that is exactly what Obama and his handlers wanted. Look what that illegal stolen election has wrought. The regime media was always in on it. They all knew Biden was a senile Trojan Horse to usher in the downfall of our nation. They will start WW3 to keep power. Just watch.


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” – H.L. Mencken

Jolly Roger Black Flag -

It’s now almost two weeks since the most crooked, rigged, fraudulent election in U.S. history. The engineered elevation of a handsy, sniffy, senile, empty portal, trojan horse by billionaire oligarchs, their Silicon Valley techno-geek social media censorship police, and the corporate media propaganda mouthpieces looks like it might succeed. Republican cucks like Romney and even the pliable Fox News talking heads have acquiesced to this third attempt during this ongoing coup like obedient lapdogs positioning themselves to profit from doing the bidding of their global oligarch masters.

Make no mistake. There was a master plan implemented by dark forces to steal this election, overriding the will of the American people. The anger of 70 million Americans is perfectly captured in the above quote from Mencken. If Trump and his allies are unable to prove fraud and overturn this sham of an election, myself and millions more will treat the Kamala Harris administration as illegitimate and do everything in our power to resist and insure its failure.

The level of fake news media propaganda about the “most secure fairest election in history”, and the vociferous blatant systematic censorship by Twitter, Facebook, and Google of anyone who dares to question the approved narrative of “a mostly fraud free election” on their social media platforms is all the proof a critical thinking person needs to realize this election was stolen by left wing oligarchs. Trump was too erratic, uncontrollable and resistant to their new world order agenda of climate extremism, population control through fear, communist economics, cash elimination, and ruling through a technocratic Big Brother surveillance state.

Trump, through naivety, foolishness or carelessness, allowed enemies of his administration to wield power and influence for the last four years. He chose swamp creature after swamp creature for key cabinet positions and seemed surprised when they stabbed him in the back. He failed to purge Obama loyalists holding middle level positions in the FBI, CIA, Dept of Defense, and numerous other agencies. They actively worked to subvert everything he tried to accomplish.

The military industrial complex apparatchiks are cackling like hyenas about how they misled him about troop levels in Syria and continue to ignore his orders to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. Obama and his gang of traitorous thieves conspired to bring Trump down before he assumed office and continued for the entire four years, assisted by a feckless mainstream media of faux journalists peddling fake news and disinformation fed to them by the Deep State coup collaborators.

The liberal media won't tell people that Joe Biden is a moron

It was creepy Joe Biden who suggested using the Logan Act to entrap General Flynn and derail the Trump presidency before it began. He was part of the plot, along with Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and a myriad of other slimy toadies doing the bidding of their treacherous back-stabbing superiors. Joe Biden, in addition to being a senile old pervert and the father of coke addict son who slept with his dead brother’s wife, is a racist and a traitor to this country.

Along with his dishonorably discharged deviant son and his gold-digging brother, he shook down foreign leaders and sold his influence for millions of dollars. This was all revealed on Hunter’s laptop, and completely memory-holed by Jake Tapper and the contingent of Deep State media hacks pretending to be journalists. Biden was selected by the shadowy billionaires constituting the invisible government, who really run the show, as a pretend viable candidate for president – whose job was to shut up, stay in the basement, and let them do the vote rigging to hand him the presidency. So now Mencken has been proven right once again.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – H.L. Mencken

Joe Biden forgotten message - Imgflip

The “resistance”, also known as left-wing Deep State corporate fascists, have been conducting an ongoing coup since before Trump took the oath of office and it has continued through this rigged election. It has been a planned, coordinated and well-funded coup d’état against a duly elected president and the wishes of the American people. The Steele Dossier was a ploy by Hillary Clinton and her minions to undermine Trump. The accusations of Russian collusion were false and promulgated by CNN, MSNBC, NYT and Washington Post because they were active participants in attempting to undermine the Trump presidency, in collusion with Obama, the FBI, CIA and State Dept.

The Mueller investigation was a complete fraud and nothing more than a diversionary tactic from the true criminality of Obama, Clinton, Comey, Clapper and Brennan. The impeachment scheme engineered by pandemic Pelosi and bug-eyed Schiff head was based upon the fact that Joe Biden illegally interfered in the investigation of a foreign country to protect his crackhead son’s multi-million-dollar Burisma scam. It failed so miserably, not a word was spoken about the sham during the election.

Then, like manna from heaven for down in the dumps left wing billionaires, the Wu-flu was released upon the world by Biden’s communist pals in China. With the unemployment rate at 3.5%, the economy growing strongly, the stock market at all-time highs, the failed impeachment farce over, and a Democrat slate of losers, nutjobs, and communists competing for their nomination, Trump was a shoe-in to win re-election.

Hanoi Jane Fonda told the truth shortly before the election, “I just think Covid is God’s gift to the left.” As Obama’s best buddy Rahm Emmanuel once said, the left never lets a good crisis go to waste. The billionaire oligarchs Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey, along with the Deep State democrats and Never-Trumpers, and their propaganda media mouthpieces hatched a plan to weaponize a flu that has a 99.7% survival rate.

The Media-Produced Fear Is What's Killing Our Country, Not The Coronavirus | Coronavirus |

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” – H.L. Mencken

The anti-Trump coalition was reinvigorated by the opportunity to use the pandemic to wrestle power away from Trump by any means necessary. Under the cover of Covid, the Constitution was shredded and Democrat governors, mayors and bureaucrat drones in swing states changed the rules of the game to encourage and sanction voter fraud. The fix was in. Even though Americans could “safely” stand in long lines at Wal-Mart, Target, and Home Depot, our left-wing Governors across the land declared it unsafe to vote in person.

They had to save lives by instituting mass mail-in voting with absolutely no safeguards against fraud. Matching signatures was racist. Requiring ID verification was racist. Their voter rolls were filled with dead people and people who had moved years ago. They all received ballots. Biden received 100% of the dead vote. Over the summer, BLM and ANTIFA terrorists were encouraged to “peacefully protest” in large groups while looting and burning left wing run cities in swing states. Looting and rioting was safe, but going to church, school or voting in person was too dangerous.

You could see the plan to dispose of Trump developing as we approached Fall. Soros, Bloomberg, and their ilk poured hundreds of millions into key states to influence the vote, but the real work was being done behind the curtain. Left wing Secretaries of State in the key battleground states were issuing edicts without legislature approval to insure a Biden victory. While Hiden Biden took long naps in his basement bunker, his handlers took care of laying the groundwork for a successful election embezzlement.

Trump jabs at Pelosi again over salon 'setup' -- takes shot at Biden too | Fox News

When Pelosi wasn’t breaking her own lockdown rules by getting her hair did, she was blocking any bill that would help the economy recover before the election. Fauci, the CDC, and the medical industrial complex Trump haters then pushed the Covid fear into overdrive. They rolled-out mass testing with a faulty PCR test to drive up cases to all-time highs just before the election.

The MSM talking heads then did their part to hyperventilate about the coming mass death event unless sleepy Joe was put in charge. His brilliant plan of more masking and more lockdowns would surely work this time, just like they worked so well in Europe. The billionaire oligarchs propping up their corpse of a candidate understood Mencken’s truths about the ignorance of the masses.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” – H.L. Mencken

Man lurking behind the American flag, peeking out from and parting the red and white stripes like blinds on a window


The entire Deep State apparatus was working in coordination to steal this election and override the wishes of the majority of Americans, because they know what is best for our country – government control of every aspect of our lives and a Great Reset to a new world order run by global elite oligarchs.

The hobgoblin of Covid cases has been the cudgel used to beat the masses into submission and invoke fear into those incapable of independent thought, who have been so dumbed down by the government education system they can’t understand the data right in front of their faces. If you conduct a record number of highly faulty tests, you will get a record number of false cases – not sicknesses. Elon Musk took the exact same test four times in one day and tested positive twice and negative twice.

The chart below is so scary if you can’t add, subtract, multiply or divide. The only thing that should matter to people are deaths “FROM” Covid. The fact is only 6% of the 245,000 deaths were from Covid. The other 94% died from something else, while they had Covid. We know the average age of death is 80, higher than the overall average age of death. They should have a death classification of “FROM Cuomo”. We know for a fact 50% of the deaths were in nursing homes where Cuomo, Murphy, Wolf, and Whitmer sentenced senior citizens to death by sending infected patients into the nursing homes.

We know virtually no one under the age of 50 dies from this over-hyped flu, but government school teacher unions refuse to teach children in person. Only 450 deaths between 5 and 24 years old is far less than the annual flu deaths in this age group. Anything to help derail Trump’s re-election chances has been implemented.

4 bar charts showing key COVID-19 metrics for the US over time as of November 14. Today, states reported 1.7M tests, 163k cases (record), 70k currently hospitalized (record), and 1,321 deaths.

Back to the chart. In April the deaths per case was 7%. Two months-ago the deaths per case was 2.1%. Today the deaths per case is 0.8%. For the math challenged, the death rate has plunged by 88% since April. Have you heard that great news from Fredo on CNN or Madcow on MSNBC?  It’s pretty clear approximately 8% of the U.S. population has been infected by this flu. That’s 26 million people. The 245,000 deaths are less than 1%. Shockingly, that is the exact same death rate of the annual flu, as documented by our beloved CDC:

CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season.

It’s the flu bro!!!! – And you have a 99.7% chance of not dying from this scary virus.

Does anyone really think it was a coincidence Fauci and Pfizer withheld the results of their vaccination trial until a few days after the election? Do you think that news would have swayed some votes? What I have realized is there are no coincidences. This is all part of the plan. Is it a coincidence that Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff is a lobbyist for Dominion or that Feinstein’s husband was a major investor? Is it a coincidence Dominion voting machines were rolled out in every swing state, even though Democrat Senators in December 2019 questioned the security of these machines?

US Election Polls: Why won't people admit to voting for the Right? | Daily Mail Online

Despite the rigged polls purporting to show a Biden landslide and a blue wave, utilized to depress the Trump vote, and the hundreds of millions spent by the billionaire elitists, it was clear Trump was going to win on election night at 2:00 am. Dorsey and Zuckerberg had been working like madmen during the last week before the election suppressing and censoring the truth about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family adventures around the globe. But it looked like all that money and effort was going to fail.

The Download — The Biden Crime Family - YouTube

Then another non-coincidence occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, as they all simultaneously stopped counting votes for a few hours, when Trump had commanding leads in all four states. Mysteriously, as soon as counting resumed, an avalanche of Biden votes began pouring in. Republican poll watchers were given the boot or not allowed access to witness the vote counting. Machines “accidentally” switched thousands of Trump votes to Biden in Michigan. Bins of votes arrived in the wee hours of the morning under cover of darkness.

Data experts analyzing the vote counts show the chances of such a one-sided distribution in Biden’s favor was mathematically impossible. The results in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta are skewed so far out of line with the rest of their states and the country, the only explanation is massive fraud. The frantic level of pushback from the corporate media and social media censorship police is proof the claims are true. Trump was right when he said “Bad things happen in Philadelphia”. Was the CIA Hammer program used against Trump? We know the CIA brass hates him. Were the Dominion machines programmed to switch votes from Trump to Biden? We may never find out.

Trump’s only hope at this point is for his lawyers and data analysts to prove this level of fraud occurred. As Mencken profoundly stated:

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.” – H.L. Mencken

I’ve come to the conclusion those who run our government from the shadows are dishonest, insane, intolerable and evil. If the American people allow this coup to succeed and continue to believe the lies they are being told about Covid and the communist agenda of the left, they will deserve to get it good and hard, as Mencken predicted when pondering democracy. Honoring thieves and liars, while detesting those who tell them the truth, is where we find ourselves today.

Those on the verge of gaining power want to rule over you. Freedom, liberty, free speech, and the 2nd Amendment are considered dangerous by these tyrants. These elitists want a global reset where you are nothing but a serf who will be given what they decide and told to shut up and obey. Otherwise they will destroy your ability to earn a living and will publicly shame you. If they can steal the two Georgia senate seats, and they will use any means necessary to do so, they will fundamentally attempt to destroy this country. For those who don’t believe these left-wing communist radicals would ever go as far as they bloviate on social media, heed the words of someone who experienced it first-hand in a gulag.

What Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Can Tell Us About Truth

“All of the Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

We have arrived at a key juncture in this Fourth Turning. In my October article Fourth Turning Election Year Crisis I anticipated the current state of affairs.

“I do not believe either side will accept the outcome of the election and will treat the victor as illegitimate. Once that mindset gains control, only violent conflict can result.”

Based on my observations of fraud, I will not consider Biden a legitimate president if he is appointed by the oligarchs in January. If Trump is able to overturn this blatant fraudulent outcome, the left and their BLM and ANTIFA mercenaries will lose their minds – burning, looting, rioting and attacking defenseless white people. The violence kicked off at the Washington DC March for Trump, with the low-life left wing terrorists sucker punching old people, women and families with kids.

When they picked the wrong victim, they got the shit kicked out of them. This was only a prelude to what is coming. As the intensity of hatred between the 70 million Trump supporters and the 70 million AOC, Sanders, Pelosi, Harris, Soros contingent ratchets up to war level, this will become a shooting conflict. Assassination of politicians, bankers, and oligarchs is a likely next step. The intensity of conflict will only ramp up from here.

I’ve been wondering how Trump could be the Grey Champion if he was to lose the election. As he refuses to concede and continues to fight against this election fraud chapter of this four-year long coup, it becomes clear that even if he is forcibly removed from office, he will become the real resistance. This Fourth Turning is resembling our first Civil War. Both sides were led by men from the Prophet generation (Lincoln & Davis), so both could be classified as Grey Champions. Biden is Silent Generation and Harris is Gen X, so Trump remains the Grey Champion.

With his bully pulpit, Twitter account, mass rallies, a potential for TNN (Trump News Network), and 70 million dedicated followers who believe he was robbed, Trump can essentially create an alternative presidency. Every decision or policy from Harris/Biden will be contested by Trump. Imagine the fireworks if he chooses to hold a counter rally in DC on inauguration day. The pussy hat wearing lefties did so in 2017. Paybacks are a bitch.

Some say Women's March pink hats aren't inclusive. Philly organizers say wear what you want.

I see two potential triggers for the coming violent upheaval. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump regarding the coordinated election fraud, the left will go berserk, but this time the Trump supporters will fight back. If Trump is unsuccessful and the wizards of fraud are able to steal the two Georgia Senate seats, the left will try to implement their radical takeover of the country by packing the Supreme Court and adding Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as states.

If they successfully seize power, they have no intention of ever relinquishing it. They will work with their global elite brotherhood to institute their desired global reset. The right will either surrender and accept their fate as slaves or violently fight back. Trump will be provoking conflict and leading the resistance to the illegitimate Harris/Biden regime. Since Harris/Biden is controlled by warmongering statists, one cannot rule out a foreign conflict added to the mix. This civic chaos and global disorder will be exacerbated by the financial collapse caused by the toppling of the global debt Ponzi scheme.

This four-year coup attempt has radicalized millions of liberty-loving, critical thinking people who love their country, but now hate those hijacking their government. We are tired of seeing our country debauched. Good people who are driven to despair and feel they are backed into a corner are dangerous, and heavily armed.

If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. Mencken’s time for slitting throats seems to be rapidly approaching. This is how Fourth Turnings roll.

What Is Antifa? - The New York Times Crowd at Trump rally sings 'Amazing Grace' after woman collapses | Fox News

“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.” – H.L. Mencken

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Bryce Buchanan
Bryce Buchanan
November 16, 2020 11:46 am

Great column, Jim. … Maybe your best ever.

  Bryce Buchanan
November 16, 2020 9:43 pm

Every column Jim writes is a best ever… Chip

olde reb
olde reb
November 16, 2020 12:41 pm

Servers seized in Frankfort and Spain. Soros helped develop software for real-time alteration of ballots in Venesula. CIA left out of raids and the loop.

Carlos the Jackal
Carlos the Jackal
November 16, 2020 12:43 pm

So many of us ready to kill commies again, but we have to know we’re on the side of justice in doing so.

November 16, 2020 12:45 pm

ALL presidents are illegitimate.

November 16, 2020 1:31 pm

There are too few of us left. The steps and the will required to stop this fraud is needed at a level of a mass demonstration in the millions. The problem with the right is we are generally law abiding, leave us the hell alone kind of people, but we need to be moved into furious action in a significant way in order to quash this illegal election result. As many of us have come to realize, it is most likely too late on many fronts. We have two generations behind us indoctrinated into the idea that equity, secular humanism and everyone gets a prize regardless of effort, ability or intelligence means that we end up with socialism where the masses get little and the “crats” get everything else. They are embracing a future where forced rationing will be for the good of everyone and what you produce will be redistributed to others… how selfish we will be if we want to keep the fruits of our labor.

The writing on the wall seems all too clear and has been for some time. I was hopeful, we were hopeful that Trump, despite his many faults, would be able to push against the rising tide. In many ways, I believe he tried, but 4 years of coups attempts left him with little ammo and the scorecard primarily against him. I already feel out “politically corrected” where there is no real freedom of speech. Even what I type here, I know is being processed in a fusion center somewhere. Biden…. I mean “Com”ala… will bring a sh@t storm the likes that we haven’t seen since the 60s and not in any of the free love kind of way. How we maintain our freedoms and if we maintain our freedoms will most certainly decided in the next two 4 year terms.

November 17, 2020 8:45 am

Cumalloverher will cause a civil war

November 17, 2020 12:34 pm

We lose ANYTIME we hand off what is our responsibility to someone else to take care of….

November 16, 2020 2:36 pm

I bought a bunch of ground meat to make burgers with. My neighbor alleges he saw me mixing a bunch of dog turds in to make it last longer. Of course I denied it. How outrageous?!! My burger making is on the “up and up”! Yet, he does not relent. So I agreed that I may have “unknowingly” deposited a turd or 2 into the meat, however, it’s not enough to change the taste of the burger.
BTW, anyone who believes that even a little fraud is OK in this election is invited to my house for burgers this weekend! I fire up the grill at noon…BYOB!

November 16, 2020 2:40 pm

It’s a shame, but it looks like bulleta are all that is going to solve this countries problems with elected, and un-elected criminals, because our justice dept, is one of the criminals.

November 16, 2020 3:13 pm

It may come down to the 2nd amendment. we are surrounded by criminals and fools. COVID is being used for a reset. The election is a fraud. The media is in on it also.

November 16, 2020 3:32 pm

Right,the 2nd just a small but essential part.What is needed is at aluminum 5 million citizens to fight by all means necc.,more would be welcome but feel the 5 million really enough to make some serious changes that are needed.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 17, 2020 12:31 am

“What is needed is at aluminum…” Afternoon drinking on a Monday? 8=D

November 16, 2020 3:20 pm

I have spoken of cross pollination of articles across different sites,feel given this article that this read would be of interest to readers here:


,just a thought.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 5:24 pm

Nice link, James. I imagine each of us already has a “score” somewhere deep in a data file. They have identified those most likely to create the most chaos and will visit them in the wee hours by storm troopers. Their initial objective will be to take out the potential leadership and those with special operator skills. As it gets rolling, they will use drones to locate/neutralize any cells they detect.

All we have to do is imagine the stripes and brass as points on a rack. Go for the big rack first.

November 16, 2020 5:00 pm

Whenever I read these articles I’m inclined to ask who is more mentally ill? The ones in power or the ones that gave them that power and can rescind it at any time but never do till it’s too late.

History is filled with them. I guess we want a perfect record for human history.

November 16, 2020 5:06 pm

And a nutta ting. NOBODY wants to ENFARCE the law.

Moe and Hairyass are NOT legal for that office. Neither Trump nor any Retardican ever mentions this. Why Retardicans are like this I have no clue but they let them get away with lawlessness time and time again then cry about it when they lose.

And Mr. Trump stop trying to be nice in an effort to with them over. Never align yourself with EVIL. You should have hanged Hillaryous and went for the rest instead of rewarding them with cushie jobs which they took as an opportunity to SCREW you.

In this instance, I could call you stewpid and this has to END when you get back up there. Don’t repeat your mistake a second time or they’ll KILL you.

November 16, 2020 5:18 pm

“If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. Mencken’s time for slitting throats seems to be rapidly approaching. This is how Fourth Turnings roll.”
I’ve been saying it all along DISENGAGE…This corrupt system is dead. You cannot breath life into a corpse. It NEEDED to die. Let’s work on what replaces it.

November 16, 2020 5:26 pm

Anyone else have trouble finishing the entire article? I finished it …. but with each and every paragraph my inner rage grew and grew.

Good god, how I loathe and hate Dems. But, just as much, I hate the stupid fucken 70 million or so people, who don’t have two functioning brain cells to realize what choice they just made.

========================= =

I feel deep sorrow for this man. He didn’t need this shit in this stage in his life. He’s a Billionaire, with a knock-out wife, a family that loves each other. He could live out his life in complete and total relaxation and pleasure. So, why the fuck did he ever decide to become POTUS in the first place??

Because this dejected man below LOVES THIS COUNTRY. (Blow me if you disagree.) History will show that his love for America was real. History will show he changed the course of this nation … if nothing more than exposing the filthy people/organizations in charge. History will show he was a great President.

Pray for this man!

comment image

November 16, 2020 10:58 pm

This election has been a gift. He worked his ass off to ensure a total fuckin blow out, the old fashion way, he earned it with a superstars performance of rally’s, he got out the vote.
They had to cheat so fuckin big it blew out the firewalls and is right out in the open.
His gift.
I personally am thankful for it.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
November 17, 2020 8:30 pm

Amen Stucky and I detect no sarcasm in your post. You’re right this man gave up everything anyone could want in a materialistic mindset because he does truly love his country.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
November 17, 2020 11:32 pm

A Fucking Men.

Token Whitey
Token Whitey
November 16, 2020 5:28 pm

Does anyone think Trump could have been controlled op from the start? I’ve wavered on that throughout his term, mostly due to a bunch of unanswered questions:
– Why not fully declassify the coup attempt right out of the gate?
– Why the constant parade of DS stooges in his admin?
– Why did he comply with the scamdemic?
– Why did the 180 on Federal Reserve policy? (see his old tweets on
– WHY BILL BARR? Or better yet, why didn’t he fire Barr after Epstein’s death/disappearance?
– Why didn’t he take steps to ensure the integrity of our vote prior to the 2018 midterm elections?
– Why has he taken no action to ensure conservatives have an equal voice on social media?
– Why have so many of his 2016 campaign promises get abandoned on the first day of his term?
– Why sign the 2018 omnibus bill that granted amnesty to illegals and also allowed for “any concerned party” to sponsor an illegal rather than a family member? That made the wall an expensive campaign commercial.
– Why no action against Antifa and BLM?
– Why hasn’t the soulless hag been burned at the stake?

His primary purpose may have been to put a friendly face on the massive scamdemic heist, and pretending to care about issues that concern most Americans while quietly maintaining the status quo.

I think the next few weeks will be telling because if he is the Grey Champion, I’d expect him to go 100% balls to the wall to bring down his enemies.

  Token Whitey
November 17, 2020 8:50 am

Within 30 days we shall all know we were either played, fucked or trumped by trump or he is truly a patriot. I don’t put my money on the latter

Not jack london
Not jack london
  Token Whitey
November 18, 2020 7:30 am

Good questions. No good answers.

November 16, 2020 6:28 pm

Is this the same Quinn from Quinn and Rose on KDKA? If so, I miss hearing you on the radio! I post Rule #1 all the time!

November 16, 2020 7:05 pm

Oh no, is that Bobby Blowjob Fennigan?

November 16, 2020 7:37 pm


November 16, 2020 8:50 pm

That’s why I asked. I really like what I see here. Keep it going!

November 18, 2020 10:33 pm

Are you Quinn the Eskimo…you know from the song?

I wanna jump for joy.

franklin hanson
franklin hanson
November 16, 2020 6:31 pm

Oh poor Jim. He is awoke in 2020 to the political process that has occurred in the us since….. JFK or earlier. Please take your pick. Fake news dates back to the 17th in the UK. You share you articles and use the “Shadow Billionaires” apps, hardware and software in your daily life. Therefore you are an enabler. This is merely stale news for click bait designed to feed of the emotion of the angry people who realized the elites plan about 20 years too late. Sorry. Please open your eyes and mind to figure out a path to happiness for yourself because we are powerless to the inevitable global reset, etc.

  franklin hanson
November 16, 2020 11:05 pm

Who did you learn your powerlessness from? It doesn’t sell here, and feigning pity for Admin is cheap talk for someone so light in the intellectual britches. Honestly it would be best for you to just fuck off out of here, please add some value before you exit and click some adds.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
November 16, 2020 6:32 pm

myself and millions more will treat the Kamala Harris administration as illegitimate and do everything in our power to resist and insure its failure.

How? In a serious sense I mean that. What is there that I can do to further reduce my consent to be governed that won’t put me in The Lewisburg USP? My life never changed much under DJT other than The Man wasn’t coming up with a new way every day to make my life difficult.

If there is less that I can do, I’m willing to learn.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
November 16, 2020 6:52 pm

Have you noticed that the fake news media personalities, talking heads, and their managers have crossed a very special line? By their own willful actions, they have lost — or waived — the protections granted to *journalists* by The Geneva Convention. If and when TSHTF, any man or woman of good character and morals, upon encountering one of these villainous reprobates, may treat them as they would any other bandit or Bolshevik partisan, and subject them to a penalty fitting such crimes in times of emergency and enemy insurrection. (!)

Richard J Johnson
Richard J Johnson
November 16, 2020 7:39 pm

Stand up now or lie forever in the grave of your civilization.

Richard J Johnson
Richard J Johnson
November 16, 2020 7:50 pm

If Biden is installed as President, and even without the Georgia Senatorial elections falsified, there will be no reason for them to ever steal another election. Executive orders will ensure open borders, and the enfranchisement of millions and millions of illegals will render every future election a 60/40 split favoring the Dems/Globalists. Whites and those who have an affinity for their culture will swiftly decline into minority status. That is why DO NOT HEED those who say Trump should concede and “we should prepare for 2022 and 2024.” That is a trap.

Sig Sour
Sig Sour
  Richard J Johnson
November 18, 2020 1:37 pm

@richard — keep spreadin’ that BDS, brother. Whip it up bigly!

November 16, 2020 8:38 pm

Whatta great article.. sums up the mood at present. Funny thing is that all this talk of election fraud is missing one point. Most of the election day voting extensions are unconstitutional because they were put in place by decree from Executive instead of being formed organically in the Legislative Branch. The votes cast after 8:00 pm are null and void because they were cast in violation of constitution. Alito has already said so much… Let’s hope that Barrett has moar balls than Roberts and does the right thing..

If this comes to pass the Left is going to lose their fucken minds!

The clean-up in aftermath is going to be epic!

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
November 17, 2020 11:35 pm

Let the cities burn.

November 16, 2020 9:00 pm

“If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. Mencken’s time for slitting throats seems to be rapidly approaching. This is how Fourth Turnings roll.” I’m going to print that out and put it on the wall of my office. Nice, Jim.

Melissa Sizemore
Melissa Sizemore
November 16, 2020 9:12 pm

This is where “Dark Winter” comes from, they knew what their biological, economic & psychological warfare would do to the United States and the world and then they could make billions more selling their vaccines to the world- CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY- I wonder what their plans said about voting & elections??? Dark Winter (&there’s video out there of Gates & his wife laughing about a second pandemic)

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 9:43 pm

Should the legal challenge fail we will umm be umm supportive and cooperate with the Biden Admin.. DAMN I CANT DO IT! Sorry Admin But fuck those clowns.. umm in a non violent way

November 16, 2020 10:16 pm

Wow!! Nailed it all. This should be required reading for every school student. The massive election fraud wasn’t just against Trump…it was against ALL the American people and their right to decide who should govern. If this isn’t stopped this election then the cabal truly has won.

rockin away
rockin away
November 16, 2020 10:26 pm

Trump, through naivety, foolishness or carelessness, allowed enemies of his administration to wield power and influence for the last four years. He chose swamp creature after swamp creature for key cabinet positions and seemed surprised when they stabbed him in the back. He failed to purge Obama loyalists holding middle level positions in the FBI, CIA, Dept of Defense, and numerous other agencies. They actively worked to subvert everything he tried to accomplish.

are you for real? do you really believe what you write? are you just a total moron like rest of the sheeple?
More than likely, you are a shill, stooge, zionist disinfo agent!
you refuse to publish the truth? why? must mean shill.
anyone with any minute intelligence knows drumpf is a part of the swamp; a puppet of elite masters to keep the sheeple entertained because they are incapable of thinking for themselves and refuse to accept truth. thus, such sites as this. the sheeple are all moronic zombies tied to their phones and incapable of true thought so they turn to ‘blogs’ that tell them what to believe and think.
strumpet is a 33rd mason, like his masonic brethren he is leading the sheep to zion, straight to the nwo which all the sheeple claim they want no part of, yet they cling to zion like flies to sh*t.
keep marching, keep hiding behind your phones and keyboards!!!
the millennials are scared shitless when they have to face an opponent alone. just like the crybaby antifa/blm when the ‘proudbabies’ showed how tough they were and beat them — two crowds of bullies, one just a little tougher than the other — no, just two sets of bullies, no difference in them — all of them thugs.
there is no manliness in a bully but it makes the trump millennials feel good so they support the proud bullies financed by soros (yes, he supports both sides). trump millennials incapable of caring for themselves so they need bullies to look up to for protection.
millennials — three generations of bullies, crybabies, and perverts — a bunch of liberal crybabies who claim to be conservative with no clue as to what a true conservative is or means (todays conservatives are yesterdays liberals).
welcome to the nwo
the un (agenda 2030) will kill most of us without any issue what so ever.
they will take the bullies under their wing (like hitler’s brown shirts) until the rest are destroyed then they will kill the goy bullies.
millennials – a bunch of unknowing illegitimate little maggots who think they deserve when they have never done anything nor been anywhere in their miserable lives.

and PS every president since jfk has been illegitimate. jfk was the last true american president — why they killed him. everyone since has been a shill for the nwo.

November 17, 2020 2:43 am

An excellent piece, thank you for sharing it. Sums the whole gangrenous mess up perfectly. Every single one of our institutions is broken. Most of what we value as a society is fake.

The mask is off, they are no longer even trying to pretend to be benevolent. What comes next will be one for the books.

Fruity Metcalfe
Fruity Metcalfe
November 17, 2020 6:43 am

Just a couple of comments: not so sure I’d be advocating slitting anyone’s throat, wherever they are from and whoever they support. I’d also say, Johns Hopkins Uni has the official number of infections at 11.5 mill and deaths at 252000. That’s a rate of 2% deaths; ie you have a 2% chance of dying if you catch CV19

  Fruity Metcalfe
November 17, 2020 12:21 pm

There is a vast difference between died WITH Covid and died FROM Covid. 252,000 died with Covid, meaning, they may died of a heart attack, or cancer, or a car wreck, but they had Covid in their system at the time of death. CDC puts the actual numbers of dead FROM Covid at about 9700 last time I looked. That isn’t even a statistical hiccup when you are talking about a population of 330+ million.
And there is a high likelihood that a lot of the 252000 were false positives because they have raised the replication rate for the tests so high that they will get positive results from almost anything.
Even if your 2% number was correct, and it isn’t, losing 2% of patients, when the vast majority of those affected are significantly elderly and have multiple comorbidities, is NOT worth murdering an economy over. There. I said it. Keeping diabetic, COPD Grandma alive for 6 more months is not worth slaughtering the future of millions of young people. Imprisoning her in a nursing home and forbidding contact with everyone she holds dear to keep her “safe” is flat out abuse.
I don’t expect the “progressive” suicide cult to understand that since you are a bunch of irrational lunatics, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

November 17, 2020 4:00 pm

I love this ‘with Covid, not from Covid’ argument. Do you remember a while back when they were telling us more people died from the flu each year than from Covid? Nobody ever brought up the died with the flu argument or mentioned how those with underlying health conditions or the elderly were the ones most at risk. I wonder where you’re getting your confused stats from. The OP claimed 26 million cases, but you seem to claiming considerably less than 11 million due to the number of false positives. Interesting that, worldwide, plenty of people are dying from Covid, yet it hasn’t affected the US as there have been only 9700 deaths. Perhaps people in the US have managed the same herd immunity as they got in Sweden……

Ivar Malmström
Ivar Malmström
November 17, 2020 3:54 am

“Sidney Powell, of President Trump’s legal team, tells ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ that ‘the evidence is coming in so fast’ she ‘can’t even process it all.'”

“U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties
Oct. 29, 2006

The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chávez.

The inquiry is focusing on the Venezuelan owners of the software company, the Smartmatic Corporation, and is trying to determine whether the government in Caracas has any control or influence over the firm’s operations, government officials and others familiar with the investigation said. …

“The government of Venezuela doesn’t have anything to do with the company aside from contracting it for our electoral process,” the Venezuelan ambassador in Washington, Bernardo Alvarez, said last night.

Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the country’s elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that confirmed Mr. Chávez as president in August 2004.

Seven months before that voting contract was awarded, a Venezuelan government financing agency invested more than $200,000 into a smaller technology company, owned by some of the same people as Smartmatic, that joined with Smartmatic as a minor partner in the bid.

In return, the government agency was given a 28 percent stake in the smaller company and a seat on its board, which was occupied by a senior government official who had previously advised Mr. Chávez on elections technology. …

With a windfall of some $120 million from its first three contracts with Venezuela, Smartmatic then bought the much larger and more established Sequoia Voting Systems, which now has voting equipment installed in 17 states and the District of Columbia. …

But the role of the young Venezuelan engineers who founded Smartmatic has become less visible in public documents as the company has been restructured into an elaborate web of offshore companies and foreign trusts. …

Government officials familiar with the Smartmatic inquiry said they doubted that even if the Chávez government was some kind of secret partner in the company, it would try to influence elections in the United States. But some of them speculated that the purchase of Sequoia could help Smartmatic sell its products in Latin America and other developing countries, where safeguards against fraud are weaker.”

November 17, 2020 4:08 am

I am selling Amway products and would like to invite you to a meeting to introduce you to a way that you can become a millionaire like me.

You got Trumped
You got Trumped
November 17, 2020 6:45 am

Agenda 21 was changed to Agenda 2030 because they were not ready yet. The Obama years was like shelling a beach in WW2. Remember literally every other week we were having mass shooters killing people. These were all false flags! The big one was the Vegas coup and it was there to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Hillary was to be in office and oversee the evisceration of the Bill of Rights. She was there to shoe in a re-writing of our Constitution. All of this went wrong.

They need more time to disarm the public. They can never take over u til we are disarmed people. Understand this. They will use Covid as a cover for the complete destruction of money worldwide. The world is currently in a state of economic suspension as many are watching the reserve currency implode monthly. They do nor say anything because when it implodes their debts are vanished. So, they wait. They also know their patience will pay off. A digital currency reset will coincide with social justice, equality, and religious freedoms. No borders etc.

I feel now the deep state globalist will now cause civil war as a means to an end of gun ownership. I also hate to say this but Trump was part of this delayed tactic plan. They needed to keep patriots asleep and compliant. Patriots all sat on their hands believing that Trump would fight their battles. Even this article shows Trump was full of deep state surrounding him and never fires them. He uses them to keep his base polarized and sending donations. Hell, his website even today consist of nothing more than selling Maga gear and campaign donations….W. T. F!!?

The Durham report has been silenced but was promised to be made available after the elections. Nope. Barr has done not a damned thing. He was a George Bush loyalist and Trump knew this so did everyone. Trump allowed bump stocks to be banned and now does nothing regarding the govt attempt To go after AR15 pistols….Trump has protected himself for now and secured his future by ratting out pedos and others that are corrupt but that was selfish and self serving. He was letting the deep state know he has shit on them and will release it if they fuck With him. Essentially, He does not want to be Clintoncided in a few years. Or Breitbarted with a heart attack by a puff of cia smoke.

If you look at Armenia right now people were killed in the parking lot of their jobs trying to clock into work. The genocide comes, it comes fast. Very fast. And rural America Is not on twitter etc like these leftist who are on it 16 hours a day, things move fast. When farmer john sees a mob approaching he is likely to ask if their bus broke down and needs help, Just before he is beheaded.

The right think they have guns etc. but the left have been practicing tactics and lead by skilled people. Farmer Bob thinks his attitude and Hunting rifle are tools of freedom. He is wrong. Dead wrong. These people are serious and as we see In Portland and Armenia the leftist in govt will allow enough time to kill millions. In 6 weeks Rawanda killed 30 million. Over 25% of the targeted population. In the UsA it could be 6 days to allow politicians to remain with plausible deniability.

Imagine Roving antifas all over the usa targeting the police first then the citizens. The media is complicit so do not plan on them warning you. The police will be in their own war of survival and then others will be going house to house street to street slaughtering women and kids while you fuck around typing emails at work. Then others will go floor to floor in buildings wiping out people who defend themselves with staplers because guns in the workplace were outlawed or against corp policy. 911 will not exist. You are on your own. 6 days later the right was purged….40 million graves will be dug.

They will target red states and red counties, occupations, businesses, suburbia. They will be indiscriminate and many of their own supporters will become fertilizer too because of wrong time and place. 9/10 they know are conservative the 1/10 leftist that is accidentally killed will be acceptable Friendly fire. It could coincide with a blackout also so no communication be allowed to warn others what is happening.

The idea Trump is trying to win now is ridiculous when he had 4 years of known cheating and spying on him the first time. He could have secured the elections process foolproof but did not. Why? Because he is the Manchurian candidate to keep patriots stupid and blind to what is occurring right in Broad daylight.

Many are awake but few are so awake they are taking appropriate actions to save themselves. Most are not even armed, have no food, no silver, no skills, no,friends. They are essentially cannon fodder. Many May be a distraction for a real patriot to mount a Real defensive….Or at least regroup to fight another day.

I have close friends that have had very deep discussions and they have a line in the sand too far away and will die before it is reached. They do not see what is coming. They are too far behind this. By the time they realize what is happening they will be handcuffed lined against a wall And then they will know the facts provided to them earlier by friends Was ignored by them because they wanted to ignore the facts. Cognitive Dissonance at its finest. And then they shall weep Very briefly, before the commies murder them.

To many people do not understand the govt sees money as a means of power and control while citizens view money as a means of trade. When money is worthless and wont buy you a banana but the govt can print it up and keep you in compliance at the same time it becomes apparent. In Venezuela, the national average monthly salary is 40,000. Enough to buy 6 hot dogs from a street vendor. Yet the monthly welfare is 5,000. A half hot dog. Yet, people walk right by a hot dog vendor that has over 200 hot dogs steaming. Thats over a year of salary and they do not steal them? Crime would pay. They do not commit crime. Weird if you ask me. Why not? I blame hope. Hope that this ends soon. Hope that things are changing. When, and it will eventually Come to this. They will start finding hot dog vendors dead and robbed. And many others.

In America this will also happen when they bring in digital currency then lock down peoples accounts because they said something socially impolite. Social justice watchdogs and fakebook bans etc. THE CHINESE SOCIAL SCORING SYSTEM WILL BE SOOOO MUCH MORE STRICT HERE. In the future people will hate Trump for building a wall that keeps them in the USA……

We are nearing the end of the end. You will see Trump will walk away politely and say, “Awe Shucks man I did lose, oh well, we can get em next time. Send me another campaign contribution and we can try again in 2024”. As he rides off a wealthier billionaire, securing he won’t become another Kennedy because he did his part and also has insurance on the deep state…..

America you just got Trumped……

November 17, 2020 6:59 am

Aliens, i knew it, the moment Grey’s were mentioned

Bryan Mihalakis
Bryan Mihalakis
November 17, 2020 9:31 am

Come out of your rabbit holes boys. Out your big boy pants on and face reality. Get out of this echo chamber. There is real life out there.

  Bryan Mihalakis
November 17, 2020 12:42 pm

Dick heads vs. pussy hats, the delusion is STRONG here!!!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
November 17, 2020 9:47 am

Sure the election was rigged. However, one of the traits of a sociopath is to make sure that their victim knows that they got one over on you. It is so obvious to me that the elite made no effort to hide the fraud. They wanted you to know that they got one over the people. The only question left is whether Donald is playing a part of the victim. Does anyone seriously believe at 73 years old he would want another 4 years of daily ridicule and hate?
Would he rather put his family through all this for another 4 years instead of wiping his brow and be relieved that he lost? Sorry, I don’t buy that Donald is incensed at the fraud.
I think the script was given to Donald. It’s all part of divide and conquer. We’ll see how it turns out.

  Stan Sylvester
July 1, 2024 12:31 am

He is apparently meant for this BS. Just look at past presidents before and after being president. Trump looks the same. It feeds his ego. It should be interesting. I try to live like the government doesn’t exist anyhow.

The Watchman
The Watchman
November 17, 2020 11:33 am

Good article as usual, Jim
Linking today @

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 2:10 pm

All these limp dick trolls piling in are a real hoot. You asshats are so obvious you wouldn’t stand out more with sparklers and sirens.

teutonic knight
teutonic knight
November 17, 2020 3:31 pm

I thought the article discussed many ideas that I could agree; as happening. However the hero, [Munchkin] follower, philosopher is clearly misinformed 100 yrs later; & not of my political interests; thus I question your dubious motives.

  teutonic knight
November 17, 2020 8:32 pm

And exactly what motives would that be toot on night

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
November 17, 2020 11:57 pm
November 17, 2020 8:53 pm

You really have bought into all of the garbage. Unbelievable how gullible you are. One thing Trump has proven over the years, “if you say it long enough and loud enough people will believe you”

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 17, 2020 10:11 pm

Looks like another troll from over Zero Hedge way.

Ahhh… The trials of fame.

Sig Sour
Sig Sour
  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 18, 2020 1:45 pm

“a troll from zh”

ahhhh…another honeypot

November 17, 2020 9:42 pm

O’er the land of the frear and the home of the COWARDS!.

November 18, 2020 8:42 am

All of the “Presidents” are illegitimate.
No Treason
The Constitution of No Authority

November 18, 2020 8:43 am

The carefully well spoken Trump Attorney, Sidney Powell, has said that the “Kraken” has been released. This is interpreted my many to mean that the loyal military has gone into action against the disloyal deep staters. I can only pray that it it true.

13 again
13 again
November 18, 2020 2:01 pm

I thought she said that Phil McCracken was released.

November 18, 2020 9:57 pm

OK…Time for a big fucking DRUD rant. Got a fresh beer to fuel it and we’ll all find out where it ends up together.

First off, I’m sitting in a nice little AirBNB in Mechanicsburg, PA this evening, after travelling here on (in part) the famed Schuylkill Expressway. You’ve got one hell of a State here Admin…I spent all of the last two fucking days scrambling around on a 300 ton steel railcar in the lovely Pennsylvania weather….you know constant dreary overcast, bullshit sky, with a steady bone-chilling breeze and even when the sun does fucking bother coming out it doesn’t actually warm anything up or provide anything approximating cheer. Jesus, what can you sat about a place where the sun doesn’t even fucking WORK. Meanwhile, my wife and daughter needed air conditioning on their car ride home from the Denver zoo, where it was actually sunny and in the low-to-mid 70s. and where they have 300 days of glorious sunshine a year. (PA gets the other 65, apparently.)

Second, what the fuck has happened to this place and these people. Sure LLPOH is still an irascible, yet solid citizen. Stucky is back (Hurrah) and HSF is still HSF, but this place seems to have lost its collective mind. I get it, there’s some degree of election fraud….but who in their right fucking mind would have expected anything else and how can anyone dredge up the energy to be pissed off about something so obviously predictable and now we’re all up in arms (with plenty of calls to make it literal arms) to support one Donald J Fucking Trump. Even Stucky—God bless you my friend–sounds like the ultimate fucking Trumpeteer….a term I might remind you that you fucking invented…as a fucking pejorative. What the ever-fucking fuck? We all knew Trump wasn’t a fucking hero four years ago, but now we’re certain he is? What the actual fuck? We all agreed he was–as the great lefty fat-ass (Moore) stated in 2016–nothing but a Molotov cocktail to throw at an irredeemably corrupt system.

Everything here and on Zerohedge is convinced that Trump won in a literal landslide. FINE. Whatever. So what that we are whining in EXACTLY the same fucking way that the CNN Talking Morans did after the 2016 election–and for the interim 4 years–about something that really doesn’t fucking matter–at least not in the way we think (FEEL) it does. The grift goes on–Trump or Biden–the Swamp that is DC ABIDES-it motherfucking abides. AND when was it different? When was it ideal? When was it, exactly, that the powerful did not exert ridiculous amounts of power and the inevitable, resultant corruption? When in all of the history of human civilization was it not like this? It has always been. It is WE that have lost our minds. 350 million Americans and Billions of others in the West have all lost our damn minds and that is making the generous assumption that they were ever ours to begin with. What in the hell is the Fourth Turning really, other that mass psychosis. And the members of TPB feel that they alone are immune to it??? Southern Sage is a long-time, and rightfully well-respected commenter here, but seriously how in the fuck do you think an armed fucking uprising will fucking end??????? Akin to Antifa, honestly, their idea being that if we tear down civilization we will just happen upon a wonderful, equanimous utopia on the other side, you know…because diversity and stuff. How much different is it to imagine that an armed uprising on the right won’t result a few years hence in absolute fucking atrocity under the direction of the most ruthless tyrant that will rise in that particular Game?

Civilization is a knife’s edge. Jesus Christ–God or myth (it really matters not, He’s the model, the Foundation of Western Civilization)–walked it. Did he suggest armed uprising as the way to the Kingdom of Heaven? For His everlasting, God-damned (literally) sake use your fucking brains. We
ALL benefit from society and there is no winning/losing dynamic between Left and Right. BOTH are absolutely fucking essential. Conservation and Progress. Stasis and Change. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Stasis) AND the Second (Change). Order and Chaos. Yin and Yang. These things are written into the Firmament of Existence. SO much fucking bigger than anyone’s fucking politics. I posted this in November 2016 and stand by every word:

I never post here and in general avoid politics like the plague that it invariably is, but this MUST be said. Like many here I am saddened and more than a little pissed off today–simply for different reasons. I am NOT pissed off because the Orange, Corrupt, Statist, Self-Parody Megalomaniac beat the Crippled, Corrupt, Crooked, Crony, Statist Harpy with the three-dollar-bill smile. I AM pissed off because so many GOOD people are miserable and at each other’s throats today because of a ridiculous (can ANYONE argue that the last year of this shit has been anything other than ridiculous?) contest between two GENUINELY AWFUL people that none of us will ever meet. Socrates said that “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” EVERY presidential election, and ESPECIALLY this one, is an exercise in taking us all to the lowest common denominator of intellect. It is an ugly place. Let us instead think of this election as an Event, then as an Idea. The EVENT of Trump vs. Clinton did not begin in 2015, nor even in 2005…the systemic decay of our society and institutions that allowed such a no-win situation has been festering for decades. The begin thinking about the IDEA of Trump vs Clinton we must first recognize that this is NOT the future of our country. WE ARE the future of our country…not the Donald, not the Government. WE…the good citizens just trying to make it through and help those around us to do the same. Yet, all our focus remains on a popularity contest between two genuinely awful human beings one of which gets an obscene amount of power over our day-to-day lives. It is the system we must rage against…not the Orange Weirdo and especially not those who voted in a way we disagree with. I don’t know exactly how we do this, but it begins with us ceasing to fight each other over the ridiculous nonsense that has been the 2016 election season.

Reason has mostly left this place and it saddens me. I find it in the Weinstein Brothers (OMG … they’re not only liberals but Joos)….and Coleman Hughes, Chloe Valdary, Kmele Foster, John McWhorter (OMG …Liberals and Kneegrows), Glenn Greenwald (aa Lefty and a Fag…fuck you, BTW,, that guy has absolute balls of steel), Matt Taibi (another fucking Lefty), Lex Fridman (holy shit … he’s a fucking Russky..and a Joo) and on it goes…;heroes, and the voices we need, don’t all sound like yours or even pleasant. Better conversations rely on us approaching each other honorably. Reaching out honorably is courage….I know you all have that…use it well.

Grow the fuck up people. Your convictions are solid…have the courage of them. Call your side out. Put reason before emotion, logic before politics and love before all. We are awash in bullshit. There is no good way to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality information. But there is a way, as always, to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality ACTION. Love your neighbor as yourself, forgive endlessly, serve others to the best of your ability and strive for Balance in ALL Things. We all know these things are TRUE. Let’s put them in to practice.

Peace and Love to all. Good night.

November 19, 2020 11:20 pm

Beautifully Written.

November 20, 2020 11:29 am

Thank you…though it’s kind of odd to hear a profanity-laced tirade described as “beautiful.”

November 19, 2020 10:02 am

Dominion Voting Machines ALL INCLUDE “Weighted Race Feature” Whose Only Purpose Is Cheat in Elections — We Contacted Dominion But Did Not Get a Response

An Unserious Movement for an Unserious People

November 19, 2020 11:04 am

“If you are not armed, it is…” probably too late to arm yourself, unless you have a friend who is willing to sell you a rifle and some ammo. Sorry to point this out, but the guns for sale were sold out by July.

November 19, 2020 5:29 pm

FBI Agents Arrest Cincinnati Democrat For Accepting Bribes in Exchange For Votes

150,000 votes for Biden in an area with no registered voters:

Nevada GOP announces another legal challenge to state election results

Jerald Sontag
Jerald Sontag
November 19, 2020 7:29 pm

If I ever wanted to do experiments on the brains of idiots, I’d come to this website and ask for volunteers. The clown who wrote the article is a coward and a fool, just like the President he probably loves. I was in the Vietnam war and I know cowards when I see them. Children take losses better than Donald Trump. Any high level high school student would make a fool out of this author in a serious debate.

November 19, 2020 8:36 pm

Jerald has a wanger? Imagine he was neutered long ago.

All that agent orange went to his head.

Ivar Malmström
Ivar Malmström
November 19, 2020 10:12 pm

From Germany:

The Kracken ist los. Zuerst ein Text über Guiliani und Powell und Trumps Verschwörung, Bidens Sieg zu diskreditieren:
(“Trump’s conspiracy”)

Giuliani Alleges a Vast International Conspiracy to Steal the Election From Trump

Die glauben, Trump sei verrückt geworden, also darf er in die Schlagzeilen. Wenn er dann nach und nach die Beweise rausholt, können die sie nicht mehr vertuschen, er hat die Lügenpresse am Zügel.

Die erste Serie Klagen etc. soll schlicht blockieren, das es gültige Ergebnisse gibt und Biden Wahlmänner bekommt. “The Kracken” reicht im Idealfall, die Ergebnisse in stark betroffenen (=tiefblauen) Counties zu anullieren, dann sind Hunderttausende Stimmen der DEM’s perdü. Als Plan B soll the Kracken” verhindern, daß Biden 270 Wahlmänner bekommt. Und für Plan C (Wahl Trumps im Kongress) soll the Kracken für ausreichend Empörung sorgen, daß die GOP’s dort nicht wegen Trumps Tricks abtrünnig werden, sondern eine angemessene Gegenmaßnahme gegen Bidens Betrug sehen.

Elizabeth Warren und weitere DEM-Senatoren hatten heftige Bedenken wegen der Wahlcomputer:
Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden, and Pocan Investigate Vulnerabilities and Shortcomings of Election Technology Industry with Ties to Private Equity
Three private equity-owned election technology vendors serve 90% of eligible voters but fail to sufficiently innovate, improve, and protect deteriorating voting systems; Election security experts have noted for years that our nation’s voting systems and election infrastructure are under serious threat …
U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties
Oct. 29, 2006
federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chávez.
The inquiry is focusing on the Venezuelan owners of the software company, the Smartmatic Corporation …
Never again! …to Smartmatic
June 21, 2016
By this time, only the truly uninformed would still find Smartmatic’s combination of PCOS/VCM (Precinct Count Optical Scan/Vote Counting Machine) and CCS (canvassing and consolidation system) an acceptable solution to the automation of Philippine elections. We used this solution in the last three National and Local Elections (NLE) and in all three, we experienced “glitches” and lack of transparency that convinced us of the system’s unreliability and its vulnerability to tampering.
Consider the following incidents: …
Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes voter fraud is taking place in states still counting ballots. … “I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places,” he said. “Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.” … “State law allows those observers to be in there,” he said, adding if the law isn’t being followed then this election is “illegitimate.”
Nos. 20-542, 20-574 In the Supreme Court of the United States …

Amici are the States of Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas.
Amici have at least two compelling interests in the outcome of this case. First, he States have a strong interest in safeguarding the separation of powers among state actors in the regulation of Presidential elections. …
Second, States outside Pennsylvania have a strong interest in preventing the effective invalidation of their own voters’ choices through illegal voting in Pennsylvania. …
First, ballots cast outside the clear and unambiguous rules established by the Pennsylvania
legislature are illegal. Second, by exacerbating the risks of fraud, he Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision raises the specter of late voting that is not just illegal, but outright fraudulent. …
The decision also aggravated the risks of fraud, abuse, and the appearance of fraud and abuse in voting by mail in Pennsylvania. It permitted unscrupulous actors to know results reported on Election Day before deciding to pursue fraudulent activities. It enhanced opportunities for such illicit acts by ordering boards of elections to count mail-in ballots even if they have no postmark or no legible postmark, and thus no indication that they were sent on or before Election Day. …

Ob Venezuela heute mit der Sache noch was zu tun hat oder gar Kuba und China möchte ich dahingestellt lassen. Für den Anfang macht sich Bidens kommunistische Verschwörung jedenfalls gut. Aktuell gibt es eher Verbindungen in die Nähe von Soros und Biden und des Merkelregimes. GB, Spanien und Kanada hängen irgendwie auch drin. Mit der Wahrheit darf Trump aber nur nach und nach herausrücken und er muß dabei möglichst jedes Mal wieder verblüfft wirken über diese Schändlichkeiten.

Ich gebe zu, das hört sich alles verrückt an, aber verrückter als die Wahlnacht (bei uns Nachmittag),
als alle Ergebnisse surreal wurden, ist es nicht. Man darf sich nicht von der Lügenpresse verwirren lassen. Was nicht stimmen kann, stimmt auch nicht. Deren Lügen, da wäre selbst Goebbels die Spucke weggeblieben, und wer die nicht glaubt ist bei Vernunft, auch wenn die Lügner einen für irre erklären oder zum Verschwörungstheoretiker. Aber das tun die immer, man bekommt Übung.

November 20, 2020 6:46 pm

Election Fraud Expert PROVES Michigan Election Results Are Physically Impossible

Via Attorney Lin Wood: Georgia Woman Witnesses Shredding Company Shredding Ballots, Calls Police, Films Shredding and Recycling Company Destroying Evidence at Elections Office in Cobb County

UPDATE: This Seems Important – Dominion REFUSED to Testify Before PA House Committee Today — Lawyered Up Instead

November 21, 2020 1:14 pm

Or it could just be that the guy who never got above 50% approval rating lost an election.

If this election was rigged then why didn’t the Democrats steal the Senate also? Can’t really do that much without the Senate. Also why is Trump losing all these court cases if there’s merit to his claims? Does George Soros control the courts.

November 21, 2020 1:17 pm

Trump’s highest approval rating came in the first months of covid. If he would’ve simply done what other countries did in order to get the disease under control, and pretended like he cared he would’ve cruised easily to reelection.