I wrote this article in November 2020, before the Basement Dummy took office. I stand by every word. He was a dementia patient before taking office, and that is exactly what Obama and his handlers wanted. Look what that illegal stolen election has wrought. The regime media was always in on it. They all knew Biden was a senile Trojan Horse to usher in the downfall of our nation. They will start WW3 to keep power. Just watch.


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” – H.L. Mencken

Jolly Roger Black Flag -

It’s now almost two weeks since the most crooked, rigged, fraudulent election in U.S. history. The engineered elevation of a handsy, sniffy, senile, empty portal, trojan horse by billionaire oligarchs, their Silicon Valley techno-geek social media censorship police, and the corporate media propaganda mouthpieces looks like it might succeed. Republican cucks like Romney and even the pliable Fox News talking heads have acquiesced to this third attempt during this ongoing coup like obedient lapdogs positioning themselves to profit from doing the bidding of their global oligarch masters.

Make no mistake. There was a master plan implemented by dark forces to steal this election, overriding the will of the American people. The anger of 70 million Americans is perfectly captured in the above quote from Mencken. If Trump and his allies are unable to prove fraud and overturn this sham of an election, myself and millions more will treat the Kamala Harris administration as illegitimate and do everything in our power to resist and insure its failure.

The level of fake news media propaganda about the “most secure fairest election in history”, and the vociferous blatant systematic censorship by Twitter, Facebook, and Google of anyone who dares to question the approved narrative of “a mostly fraud free election” on their social media platforms is all the proof a critical thinking person needs to realize this election was stolen by left wing oligarchs. Trump was too erratic, uncontrollable and resistant to their new world order agenda of climate extremism, population control through fear, communist economics, cash elimination, and ruling through a technocratic Big Brother surveillance state.

Trump, through naivety, foolishness or carelessness, allowed enemies of his administration to wield power and influence for the last four years. He chose swamp creature after swamp creature for key cabinet positions and seemed surprised when they stabbed him in the back. He failed to purge Obama loyalists holding middle level positions in the FBI, CIA, Dept of Defense, and numerous other agencies. They actively worked to subvert everything he tried to accomplish.

The military industrial complex apparatchiks are cackling like hyenas about how they misled him about troop levels in Syria and continue to ignore his orders to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. Obama and his gang of traitorous thieves conspired to bring Trump down before he assumed office and continued for the entire four years, assisted by a feckless mainstream media of faux journalists peddling fake news and disinformation fed to them by the Deep State coup collaborators.

The liberal media won't tell people that Joe Biden is a moron

It was creepy Joe Biden who suggested using the Logan Act to entrap General Flynn and derail the Trump presidency before it began. He was part of the plot, along with Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and a myriad of other slimy toadies doing the bidding of their treacherous back-stabbing superiors. Joe Biden, in addition to being a senile old pervert and the father of coke addict son who slept with his dead brother’s wife, is a racist and a traitor to this country.

Along with his dishonorably discharged deviant son and his gold-digging brother, he shook down foreign leaders and sold his influence for millions of dollars. This was all revealed on Hunter’s laptop, and completely memory-holed by Jake Tapper and the contingent of Deep State media hacks pretending to be journalists. Biden was selected by the shadowy billionaires constituting the invisible government, who really run the show, as a pretend viable candidate for president – whose job was to shut up, stay in the basement, and let them do the vote rigging to hand him the presidency. So now Mencken has been proven right once again.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – H.L. Mencken

Joe Biden forgotten message - Imgflip

The “resistance”, also known as left-wing Deep State corporate fascists, have been conducting an ongoing coup since before Trump took the oath of office and it has continued through this rigged election. It has been a planned, coordinated and well-funded coup d’état against a duly elected president and the wishes of the American people. The Steele Dossier was a ploy by Hillary Clinton and her minions to undermine Trump. The accusations of Russian collusion were false and promulgated by CNN, MSNBC, NYT and Washington Post because they were active participants in attempting to undermine the Trump presidency, in collusion with Obama, the FBI, CIA and State Dept.

The Mueller investigation was a complete fraud and nothing more than a diversionary tactic from the true criminality of Obama, Clinton, Comey, Clapper and Brennan. The impeachment scheme engineered by pandemic Pelosi and bug-eyed Schiff head was based upon the fact that Joe Biden illegally interfered in the investigation of a foreign country to protect his crackhead son’s multi-million-dollar Burisma scam. It failed so miserably, not a word was spoken about the sham during the election.

Then, like manna from heaven for down in the dumps left wing billionaires, the Wu-flu was released upon the world by Biden’s communist pals in China. With the unemployment rate at 3.5%, the economy growing strongly, the stock market at all-time highs, the failed impeachment farce over, and a Democrat slate of losers, nutjobs, and communists competing for their nomination, Trump was a shoe-in to win re-election.

Hanoi Jane Fonda told the truth shortly before the election, “I just think Covid is God’s gift to the left.” As Obama’s best buddy Rahm Emmanuel once said, the left never lets a good crisis go to waste. The billionaire oligarchs Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey, along with the Deep State democrats and Never-Trumpers, and their propaganda media mouthpieces hatched a plan to weaponize a flu that has a 99.7% survival rate.

The Media-Produced Fear Is What's Killing Our Country, Not The Coronavirus | Coronavirus |

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” – H.L. Mencken

The anti-Trump coalition was reinvigorated by the opportunity to use the pandemic to wrestle power away from Trump by any means necessary. Under the cover of Covid, the Constitution was shredded and Democrat governors, mayors and bureaucrat drones in swing states changed the rules of the game to encourage and sanction voter fraud. The fix was in. Even though Americans could “safely” stand in long lines at Wal-Mart, Target, and Home Depot, our left-wing Governors across the land declared it unsafe to vote in person.

They had to save lives by instituting mass mail-in voting with absolutely no safeguards against fraud. Matching signatures was racist. Requiring ID verification was racist. Their voter rolls were filled with dead people and people who had moved years ago. They all received ballots. Biden received 100% of the dead vote. Over the summer, BLM and ANTIFA terrorists were encouraged to “peacefully protest” in large groups while looting and burning left wing run cities in swing states. Looting and rioting was safe, but going to church, school or voting in person was too dangerous.

You could see the plan to dispose of Trump developing as we approached Fall. Soros, Bloomberg, and their ilk poured hundreds of millions into key states to influence the vote, but the real work was being done behind the curtain. Left wing Secretaries of State in the key battleground states were issuing edicts without legislature approval to insure a Biden victory. While Hiden Biden took long naps in his basement bunker, his handlers took care of laying the groundwork for a successful election embezzlement.

Trump jabs at Pelosi again over salon 'setup' -- takes shot at Biden too | Fox News

When Pelosi wasn’t breaking her own lockdown rules by getting her hair did, she was blocking any bill that would help the economy recover before the election. Fauci, the CDC, and the medical industrial complex Trump haters then pushed the Covid fear into overdrive. They rolled-out mass testing with a faulty PCR test to drive up cases to all-time highs just before the election.

The MSM talking heads then did their part to hyperventilate about the coming mass death event unless sleepy Joe was put in charge. His brilliant plan of more masking and more lockdowns would surely work this time, just like they worked so well in Europe. The billionaire oligarchs propping up their corpse of a candidate understood Mencken’s truths about the ignorance of the masses.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” – H.L. Mencken

Man lurking behind the American flag, peeking out from and parting the red and white stripes like blinds on a window


The entire Deep State apparatus was working in coordination to steal this election and override the wishes of the majority of Americans, because they know what is best for our country – government control of every aspect of our lives and a Great Reset to a new world order run by global elite oligarchs.

The hobgoblin of Covid cases has been the cudgel used to beat the masses into submission and invoke fear into those incapable of independent thought, who have been so dumbed down by the government education system they can’t understand the data right in front of their faces. If you conduct a record number of highly faulty tests, you will get a record number of false cases – not sicknesses. Elon Musk took the exact same test four times in one day and tested positive twice and negative twice.

The chart below is so scary if you can’t add, subtract, multiply or divide. The only thing that should matter to people are deaths “FROM” Covid. The fact is only 6% of the 245,000 deaths were from Covid. The other 94% died from something else, while they had Covid. We know the average age of death is 80, higher than the overall average age of death. They should have a death classification of “FROM Cuomo”. We know for a fact 50% of the deaths were in nursing homes where Cuomo, Murphy, Wolf, and Whitmer sentenced senior citizens to death by sending infected patients into the nursing homes.

We know virtually no one under the age of 50 dies from this over-hyped flu, but government school teacher unions refuse to teach children in person. Only 450 deaths between 5 and 24 years old is far less than the annual flu deaths in this age group. Anything to help derail Trump’s re-election chances has been implemented.

4 bar charts showing key COVID-19 metrics for the US over time as of November 14. Today, states reported 1.7M tests, 163k cases (record), 70k currently hospitalized (record), and 1,321 deaths.

Back to the chart. In April the deaths per case was 7%. Two months-ago the deaths per case was 2.1%. Today the deaths per case is 0.8%. For the math challenged, the death rate has plunged by 88% since April. Have you heard that great news from Fredo on CNN or Madcow on MSNBC?  It’s pretty clear approximately 8% of the U.S. population has been infected by this flu. That’s 26 million people. The 245,000 deaths are less than 1%. Shockingly, that is the exact same death rate of the annual flu, as documented by our beloved CDC:

CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season.

It’s the flu bro!!!! – And you have a 99.7% chance of not dying from this scary virus.

Does anyone really think it was a coincidence Fauci and Pfizer withheld the results of their vaccination trial until a few days after the election? Do you think that news would have swayed some votes? What I have realized is there are no coincidences. This is all part of the plan. Is it a coincidence that Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff is a lobbyist for Dominion or that Feinstein’s husband was a major investor? Is it a coincidence Dominion voting machines were rolled out in every swing state, even though Democrat Senators in December 2019 questioned the security of these machines?

US Election Polls: Why won't people admit to voting for the Right? | Daily Mail Online

Despite the rigged polls purporting to show a Biden landslide and a blue wave, utilized to depress the Trump vote, and the hundreds of millions spent by the billionaire elitists, it was clear Trump was going to win on election night at 2:00 am. Dorsey and Zuckerberg had been working like madmen during the last week before the election suppressing and censoring the truth about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family adventures around the globe. But it looked like all that money and effort was going to fail.

The Download — The Biden Crime Family - YouTube

Then another non-coincidence occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, as they all simultaneously stopped counting votes for a few hours, when Trump had commanding leads in all four states. Mysteriously, as soon as counting resumed, an avalanche of Biden votes began pouring in. Republican poll watchers were given the boot or not allowed access to witness the vote counting. Machines “accidentally” switched thousands of Trump votes to Biden in Michigan. Bins of votes arrived in the wee hours of the morning under cover of darkness.

Data experts analyzing the vote counts show the chances of such a one-sided distribution in Biden’s favor was mathematically impossible. The results in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta are skewed so far out of line with the rest of their states and the country, the only explanation is massive fraud. The frantic level of pushback from the corporate media and social media censorship police is proof the claims are true. Trump was right when he said “Bad things happen in Philadelphia”. Was the CIA Hammer program used against Trump? We know the CIA brass hates him. Were the Dominion machines programmed to switch votes from Trump to Biden? We may never find out.

Trump’s only hope at this point is for his lawyers and data analysts to prove this level of fraud occurred. As Mencken profoundly stated:

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.” – H.L. Mencken

I’ve come to the conclusion those who run our government from the shadows are dishonest, insane, intolerable and evil. If the American people allow this coup to succeed and continue to believe the lies they are being told about Covid and the communist agenda of the left, they will deserve to get it good and hard, as Mencken predicted when pondering democracy. Honoring thieves and liars, while detesting those who tell them the truth, is where we find ourselves today.

Those on the verge of gaining power want to rule over you. Freedom, liberty, free speech, and the 2nd Amendment are considered dangerous by these tyrants. These elitists want a global reset where you are nothing but a serf who will be given what they decide and told to shut up and obey. Otherwise they will destroy your ability to earn a living and will publicly shame you. If they can steal the two Georgia senate seats, and they will use any means necessary to do so, they will fundamentally attempt to destroy this country. For those who don’t believe these left-wing communist radicals would ever go as far as they bloviate on social media, heed the words of someone who experienced it first-hand in a gulag.

What Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Can Tell Us About Truth

“All of the Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

We have arrived at a key juncture in this Fourth Turning. In my October article Fourth Turning Election Year Crisis I anticipated the current state of affairs.

“I do not believe either side will accept the outcome of the election and will treat the victor as illegitimate. Once that mindset gains control, only violent conflict can result.”

Based on my observations of fraud, I will not consider Biden a legitimate president if he is appointed by the oligarchs in January. If Trump is able to overturn this blatant fraudulent outcome, the left and their BLM and ANTIFA mercenaries will lose their minds – burning, looting, rioting and attacking defenseless white people. The violence kicked off at the Washington DC March for Trump, with the low-life left wing terrorists sucker punching old people, women and families with kids.

When they picked the wrong victim, they got the shit kicked out of them. This was only a prelude to what is coming. As the intensity of hatred between the 70 million Trump supporters and the 70 million AOC, Sanders, Pelosi, Harris, Soros contingent ratchets up to war level, this will become a shooting conflict. Assassination of politicians, bankers, and oligarchs is a likely next step. The intensity of conflict will only ramp up from here.

I’ve been wondering how Trump could be the Grey Champion if he was to lose the election. As he refuses to concede and continues to fight against this election fraud chapter of this four-year long coup, it becomes clear that even if he is forcibly removed from office, he will become the real resistance. This Fourth Turning is resembling our first Civil War. Both sides were led by men from the Prophet generation (Lincoln & Davis), so both could be classified as Grey Champions. Biden is Silent Generation and Harris is Gen X, so Trump remains the Grey Champion.

With his bully pulpit, Twitter account, mass rallies, a potential for TNN (Trump News Network), and 70 million dedicated followers who believe he was robbed, Trump can essentially create an alternative presidency. Every decision or policy from Harris/Biden will be contested by Trump. Imagine the fireworks if he chooses to hold a counter rally in DC on inauguration day. The pussy hat wearing lefties did so in 2017. Paybacks are a bitch.

Some say Women's March pink hats aren't inclusive. Philly organizers say wear what you want.

I see two potential triggers for the coming violent upheaval. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump regarding the coordinated election fraud, the left will go berserk, but this time the Trump supporters will fight back. If Trump is unsuccessful and the wizards of fraud are able to steal the two Georgia Senate seats, the left will try to implement their radical takeover of the country by packing the Supreme Court and adding Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as states.

If they successfully seize power, they have no intention of ever relinquishing it. They will work with their global elite brotherhood to institute their desired global reset. The right will either surrender and accept their fate as slaves or violently fight back. Trump will be provoking conflict and leading the resistance to the illegitimate Harris/Biden regime. Since Harris/Biden is controlled by warmongering statists, one cannot rule out a foreign conflict added to the mix. This civic chaos and global disorder will be exacerbated by the financial collapse caused by the toppling of the global debt Ponzi scheme.

This four-year coup attempt has radicalized millions of liberty-loving, critical thinking people who love their country, but now hate those hijacking their government. We are tired of seeing our country debauched. Good people who are driven to despair and feel they are backed into a corner are dangerous, and heavily armed.

If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. Mencken’s time for slitting throats seems to be rapidly approaching. This is how Fourth Turnings roll.

What Is Antifa? - The New York Times Crowd at Trump rally sings 'Amazing Grace' after woman collapses | Fox News

“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.” – H.L. Mencken

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Long time lurker
Long time lurker
November 15, 2020 6:57 pm

So.. Who is the grey champion if Trump is gone?

  Long time lurker
November 15, 2020 7:39 pm

Who said Trump is gone? The media? Phtttttttt….

November 15, 2020 8:41 pm

You got it.

November 15, 2020 10:04 pm

Well, seems Sidney Powell has just announced that her team has discovered levels of voter fraud so obscene that it beggars the mind. The voting machines are the culprits and the DHS and corporations that make the machines are crying foul and that there is NOTHING to see here. Imagine the Presstitutes will also sally forth to assail with more lies and coverups.

Excellent article…I’m ready to go full pirate meself. If I had a flag I’d hang it upside down and proceed with whatever was necessary. This is my personal Alamo.

November 16, 2020 9:10 am

Everyone in the Alamo died.. 🙁

November 16, 2020 9:22 am

No one will die here. Because they will remain on their couch.

The crowd in DC was very slim compared to the huge number of “patriots” claiming to be on the verge of “action. LMAO.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 16, 2020 9:29 am

Looked like about 150,000 – 200,000 to me.

  Iska Waran
March 9, 2021 7:20 pm

Why do you think they’re not going to take down those fences. They’re afraid of those 150,000-200,000 who know they stole the election from Trump. We’re fighting mad and they know we’ll be coming after them.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 9:32 am

Who is this guy, Anonymous? Certainly he has never had any experience with civil conflict, terrorism, or insurgencies. Of course ordinary people are on the couch – for now. Only an idiot rushes to the hall closet, grabs a gun, and starts shooting people. We are in the early stages of what will be a civil war. It will take a spark, or several of them, to light the fire. We can assume a dolt like Biden will readily provide them. And only an idiot needs somebody else to explain this to them……

The Witness
The Witness
  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 10:58 am

We are already in civil war II and have been for some time. The current battleground is social media and news. We just didn’t get to the part where we sling lead slugs at each other.

  The Witness
November 17, 2020 10:57 pm

Spot on and agreed!

  The Witness
November 18, 2020 11:11 pm

Except during the riots. I hear they’re coming back when Trump prevails.

  The Witness
November 21, 2020 9:21 pm


  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 5:11 pm

“Stealing the election” is not enough? lmao.

OK, McFly, you keep waiting for your spark. On your couch.

2A Girl
2A Girl
February 6, 2021 10:38 pm


  Southern Sage
November 17, 2020 6:58 am

99% will remain on the couch. Compliant

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 10:18 am

It only took 3% to take on the world’s greatest army and win a couple hundred years ago.

teutonic knight
teutonic knight
  TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 3:26 pm

That was a myth. 3% may have directly fought, but it took support and a rejection of the King’s. TRYANNY.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  teutonic knight
November 17, 2020 4:03 pm

That is the 3% I am talking about. True, there were many, many more who supported the uprising and provided support to the troops, but without those willing to stand up to George, the shot hear round the world would never have been fired.

  Southern Sage
November 22, 2020 9:23 am

You are spot on SS. It has been my experience there are a lot of useful idiots out there.

November 16, 2020 7:14 pm

Of the 70 million trump voters I imagine 30 million are actual christians. So when Jesus takes His tithe of humanity in tge rapture, the remaining 90% will first be shocked, then joyous, then suspicious, then frightened, then horrified, then mortified. Very sad.

November 19, 2020 9:25 pm

There must have been 100 million Trump voters at least.
Why do people seem to assume votes were only added to Biden and not removed from Trump?
Many Trump voters couldn’t even vote. Many have up and walked away while lining up. Millions of votes were switched. Millions thrown away.

November 17, 2020 7:46 am

It’s non zero Sparky. Mark it non zero. Go ahead mistake kindness for weakness.

December 2, 2020 3:47 pm

Join the discussion…

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:23 am

Your point?

November 16, 2020 10:39 am

Everyone in the Alamo died.. ?

You have no understanding of what the battle of the Alamo did, do you? Nor do you understand the Goliad Massacre and Santa Ana’s brutality and seemingly unconquerable army.

Remember the Alamo and Remember Goliad were the battle cries that led the Texans to victory in San Jacinto under the leadership of Sam Houston. Santa Ana brutally murdered the Texan prisoners in Goliad, despite his claims that he wouldn’t do so. If you believe the election thieves won’t go full Santa Ana if they get their hands on power, then you are naive. Look at what AOC and others want to do to faithless Trump supporters.

The Texans got their freedom and they got their state (country) back even though many died. Those Texans were men, real men, not simpering cucks.

The point here is this….if you allow your enemies to consume you as these usurpers are attempting to do then you are already dead. There comes a point when you either draw the line or else accept the chains of your slavery. They will never stop in their march to destroy all your freedoms and autonomy. Look at what the ‘president elect’ is already doing, or attempting to do, are you ok with that?

I draw the line, I refuse those chains and I will follow the example of those brave men in the Alamo.

If you want to bow and scrape and kiss the asses of the liars and thieves who want to turn the country into a third world hell hole run by globalists and the IMF and George Soros, or give way before the evil that is Biden, Harris, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and all the others, be my guest. I refuse to do so.

Word of the Goliad Massacre quickly spread throughout Texas, infuriating the settlers and rebel Texans. Santa Anna’s order to kill the prisoners worked both for and against him: it assured that settlers and homesteaders in his path quickly packed up and left, many of them not stopping until they had crossed back into the United States. However, the rebellious Texans were able to use Goliad as a rallying cry and recruitment soared: some no doubt signed on believing that the Mexicans would execute them even if they were not in arms when captured.

November 16, 2020 7:18 pm

Indeed. Those who love their lives have already lost them. Like the man said, You can all go to hell, me and mine are going to heaven.

November 17, 2020 12:52 pm

As a Texan, I can say your comments are accurate and well stated.

November 18, 2020 12:14 am

You already accepted the slavery whether you want yo believe it or not. What we have had my entire life is NOT freedom.

November 19, 2020 6:45 pm

How old are you?

Old Sailor
Old Sailor
November 18, 2020 11:35 am

Great post. Many have heard of the Alamo, but few outside of Texas know of Goliad and the massacre at La Bahia. Fannin was indecisive and incompetent as a leader, which lead to the massacre. We have to ensure we don’t fall prey to the same incompetence in our leaders. They, whomever they may be, must be all in. I guess that’s what frustrates me so much with the President’s legal team. They talk a good game, but they don’t seem to be all in. They claim to have all this evidence of voter fraud, so let’s see it. Making the circuit on talk shows isn’t getting the job done any more than Fannin dallying at Coleto Creek did. Kick the doors down, blow the roof off, arrest the fraudsters and put an end to all this fraud right now.

November 16, 2020 3:02 pm

Everyone who wasn’t in the Alamo died too.

November 16, 2020 4:51 pm

Ha ha ha! Hilarious! Love it!

ken higgs
ken higgs
November 17, 2020 12:01 am

Even Davey Crockett…

November 17, 2020 8:43 am

Yeah but we won the war!

November 17, 2020 12:49 pm

Yes, they did die, however, as the senior general to Santa Anna said after the battle, the Mexican Army won the battle, but because of the high number of casualties they may lose the war. Well, that is what happened, the Mexican army did lose the war. The brave men that defended the Alamo understood freedom and died fighting for their country, Texas. They did not put on a cowards slave mask.

November 17, 2020 6:56 am

Everyone is claiming they got the fraud evidence. Yet still nothing but crickets. Just like Q bullshit with 33,000 indictments. Fake Durham report, Trumps promise to unseal top secrets of Russiagate and spying etc … is All bullshit to keep the patriots from fucking them all with their AR 15‘S until they can disarm them Patriots……

November 20, 2020 11:46 am

Way too much talk, still very little action.

November 18, 2020 11:11 pm

You’re right MG..m, when Sidney Powell says she’s about to release the Kraken, I duck!

Ghost of Maggie
Ghost of Maggie
November 16, 2020 7:33 am

I hear ya, mark…

November 16, 2020 9:16 am

Get ready for Kamigula.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
November 16, 2020 1:30 pm

The Whore of Babylon

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Long time lurker
November 15, 2020 10:02 pm

Steve Bannon can substitute for Trump as Grey Champion. He was born in November of 1953. Does that qualify?
As near as I can determine any change of voting laws or regulations, procedures and all that which are not directly from votes of the state legislatures are violations of the US Constitution Article II. The Dems have already lost PA. The others have multiple procedural violations and disenfranchisement issues. I believe it is a waste of time to worry about the Electoral votes. This will be decided by either the Supremes or Congress.
Another first rate effort by Mr. Quinn.. Give this article to anyone who needs to be exposed to what really has happened and what is at stake.
Watch Bannon’s War Room Pandemic on Youtube, Pluto, the WarRoom Pandemic website or Populist Press. 9-11 am cst and 4-6pm cst. The only thing on TV close to what you get on TBP! “Deplorable TV.”

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 15, 2020 10:51 pm

Not Bannon, not up for it, Jr. With the passion of a murdered father.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 12:56 am

Too gay.
comment image

November 17, 2020 2:16 am

Too Zionist.

comment image

Bannon ain’t on our side.

November 21, 2020 11:51 pm

Well look who crawled out from under the rock. You’re a sick, ignorant fuck, and you’d be better off keeping silent as then nobody (other than your family) would know what a brain-dead moron you are.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 7:02 am

You are delusional. Trump will lose. It was all planned. The left are goading the right into bloodshed to ban guns…..then they will go full Hitler, after we are disarmed. And will will be disarmed. The right are too law abiding even when they know the laws are unconstitutional. They are fucking weak minded compliant sheep. Thats the problem.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 1:29 pm

I believe I am correct. I base my conclusions on information. Your logic seems flawed. Were the “right” goaded into bloodshed, why would it stop and hand over its hardware? Then you claim they are too f’d up to do anything. So which is it? Wimpy sheep or Bloody Bill Anderson on steroids? Can’t be both Troll.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
  Long time lurker
November 16, 2020 1:48 am

volley fire into davos. priceless

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Long time lurker
November 16, 2020 6:48 am

ain’t going to happen because there is no one anywhere in the U S that really gives a damn.

  very old white guy
November 16, 2020 8:14 am

Sadly, may be true. The masses are mentally lazy and complacent. Sheeple for sure. Those of us over 70 have already fought our battles. It’s up to younger people now. I am ready to defend myself and will do so if provoked. I sure with there was a “Conservative” area of this country. I have been eyeing property in Cheyenne,WY. Far away from the Big Blue Bubble of the North East Atlantic area and too “small-town” for the new Marxists to want to fool with. It is a frustrating situation.

  Long time lurker
November 16, 2020 8:01 am

Hmmm…..,was a new one to me HR,did a little research,seems interesting,that said,almost have me heart set on a 6.5 Creedmore upper/long barrel,but,will do a little more research.

Why you got negged is beyond me for just sharing info.!

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  Long time lurker
November 16, 2020 9:22 am

The Gray Champion might not be President at the time.

  Long time lurker
November 16, 2020 3:22 pm

Long,new grey champion?

Might I suggest Mama from the “I have fucking had it”party,just a htought.

  Long time lurker
January 22, 2021 2:57 pm

President Trump said he would return and said, “See you later.” Listen closely.

November 15, 2020 7:03 pm

2020 is getting more interesting by the minute. What a great time to be alive.
Let the show trials begin.

Rudy Giuliani tweet below seems to confirm the news that
Dominion servers located in Germany were seized by the US military.
comment image

comment image?ssl=1

P.S. Get on GAB

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
November 15, 2020 9:49 pm

They need to go big and leave it all on the field tomorrow or it’s going to be “Jomala” who will not be my president

  Cow Doctor
November 16, 2020 11:33 am

Rudy and Sidney better not be flying on the same plane.
I fear this will be on the minds of the usurpers…then
some people will be off the couch. Please remember,
any revenge/counter action is best served cold.

  Cow Doctor
November 17, 2020 11:25 pm

U leaving?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 15, 2020 9:50 pm

comment image

Judge a book by its cover.

William Williams
William Williams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 15, 2020 10:01 pm

I don’t really follow the “news”; which simpering fag is that?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  William Williams
November 15, 2020 10:09 pm

A retired brave member of our heroic military – thank him for his “service”.

  William Williams
November 16, 2020 7:31 am

comment image

November 16, 2020 4:29 pm

Would you trust that “man” Neffenger within 10 miles of a child? CREEEEEEEEEEPY!

November 16, 2020 4:52 pm

Hey! I saw this guy peeping at me through a glory hole while I was taking a Biden!

  William Williams
November 17, 2020 11:42 pm

Neffenger, chairman of Smartmatic

  hardscrabble farmer
November 15, 2020 10:15 pm

That guy stinks to high heaven. If that Smartmatic info is proven, Neffenger should be tried for high treason against the USA.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 12:07 am

Those teeth…..what a smarmy snake rat…..fucking admirals!

Fatman from Oz
Fatman from Oz
  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 1:23 am

He looks like McCabe’s long lost cousin.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 11:50 am

Big fucking geek, this dude will sing like a bird when the chips are down

Cavity Man
Cavity Man
November 16, 2020 6:38 pm

Or when they attach his tiny gonads to a car battery.

Token Whitey
Token Whitey
  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 4:57 pm

Agreed. He looks like someone who got put on the back burner to star in the next Lucky Charms commercial. Could be that he found the ‘magically suspicious’ gig far more lucrative.

November 15, 2020 10:54 pm

It sounds like US Military hit server farms in Frankfurt and Spain.

November 16, 2020 1:39 am
November 16, 2020 10:49 am

Well, that comment sure did go awry….

November 16, 2020 11:45 am

Darn I didn’t see it/whatever.

Darn again,I thought I as a smartie (many things)
yet I can not get it clear that so many are very willing
to lie, cheat, steal, and murder for money/power over
others. Others? I am thinking that the collective belief
by them is to be well rid of any others.
Culling games may grow, become addictive, and eventually
they will eat each other.

November 17, 2020 11:28 pm

Omg. You guys are nutd

November 16, 2020 6:26 am

Yes….my friend “These are exciting times.”

November 16, 2020 9:08 pm

Source for that tweet, Flash? I don’t see it on Rudy’s Twitter.

November 17, 2020 7:10 am

Fake news. Usa military attacking a corporation on another countries soil. Doubtful. Germany hates trump. They would fire on military if this was happening……this is again nothing but disinformation to keep patriots hoping until they run Out the clock on you….Mark. My. Fucking. Words. Wait 4 weeks and you will see nothing more anout this. Just like everything else. All fake to keep patriots from shooting fucking commies right now

Old Sailor
Old Sailor
November 18, 2020 11:46 am

I hate to say it, but I’m afraid you are correct. I hear a lot of talking, but see little to no action out of Trump’s legal team.

November 17, 2020 11:24 pm

Hey delusional people. I got $2000 that says in two weeks things are certified and Rudy is gone with the money

November 20, 2020 11:47 am

Except that truth will never make it to the people who need to hear it the most.

November 15, 2020 7:07 pm

Good article. It makes you wonder if good will overcome evil. Supporters of the left are really strange, I just can’t get whatever drives them. Cheating and lying and breaking laws seem to matter little to them.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 15, 2020 8:17 pm

Winning is the only thing they believe in, because when they win it all, they will control all of the little people in the country. I am old and will do all I can to stop them from destroying the United States. I owe it to my children, grand-children and great grand-children.

  TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 6:40 am

Plenty of frontline civil war Generals and other officers were over sixty years old. There is more to war than just plain shooting.

November 16, 2020 10:40 am

There’s more … like support and logistics.
The people to look to will be in the trades and medical field. Old guys like me who are too slow and not much good can still be useful causing diversions, delays, and handing off ammo to the kids – or even being a meat shield, if need be. I consider myself expendable but given the right odds and circumstances a hell of lot of them are going with me if that’s how it’s gotta be.

Sue Robinson
Sue Robinson
  TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 2:00 am

Right on TN Patriot. I will be right beside you.

  TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 7:14 am

Also, we owe it to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could have what we have today….do not forget those that gave so that we had our time as well……

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
November 15, 2020 7:15 pm

For those of you who think we can get through this without stepping forward and putting ourselves in harms way, just go back to sleep…you’ve been cucked and gelded by the MSM and Faux News. Patriots will cover your ass like we have for the last 245 year (Marine Corps b-day). This WILL NOT stand.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
November 15, 2020 10:04 pm

I forgive you for following unlawful orders to keep us “safe” from fictional enemies created by those that benefited from the mayhem that you caused by murdering millions. Feel free to promote the facade that you are willing to put yourself in “harms way” for the greater good, but it only perpetuates the lie since the genie is out of the bottle. When the shooting starts you can play the part of the noble martyr if you like, I prefer to address the problem from 1000 yds. with a 185 grain leaving the muzzle @ 3000 fps.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
November 16, 2020 9:51 am

Back to your hidey-hole Eunuch. I call BS on 1000 yard, unless you’ve had formal training and are in the top .01% of your “class” you can’t touch a silhouette target at 1000 yards consistently. Guaranteed. Of the top 20 snipers in history, only the elite of the elite can hit at 1000+ yards. Poser.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
November 16, 2020 11:54 am

@just sayin’
That was passion not being a poser.

November 16, 2020 11:52 am

careful there Arrow…
and only 10% (optimistic?) will engage in anything
meaningful. Oldsters can advise but the young have the strength.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Just Sayin'
November 15, 2020 10:23 pm

FOX has flipped to the dark side. The on air people caught in the middle look like bank tellers trying to act normal while a team of robbers have guns on them under the counter. The Tuckers, Hiltons, Maria’s etc. are energized and visibly hostile and angry while the Prog limp dicks like Leland Vitters act like they are fonts of wisdom and just keep parroting “no evidence.”
Let’s make them pay.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 15, 2020 11:41 pm

They flipped long ago.

November 16, 2020 7:37 am

+1000 The Unity Party was always the enemy.

Not jack london
Not jack london
  Just Sayin'
November 16, 2020 5:42 pm

Wish it was so brother! The Old Corps went out with the 20th Century, if not before. Loved those birth day cerimonies and bashes for more than two decades. Marine Times is fully on board with Biden and this reflects sentiments and future of anyone O6 and above.
Sadly, in a coup against PDJT, count our proud team in. Let’s see how it turns out when resurces are allocated, defense vs free medical care for illegals for example.

  Not jack london
November 16, 2020 8:05 pm

Not jack london,

Over the summer my Marine 07 nephew and his Father, my wife’s younger brother, spent 2 weeks on my farm, fishing, drinking, eating, and shooting. He is as old school as you can get.

We have a picture of his Grandfather (my wife’s father who live with us), in descending age order, me, his Father my Brother-in Law, my neighbor/buddy, and him.

Five generations of Marines, 87, 70, 62, 54, 34.

He told many stories of PC infecting the Corps, and of those fighting it, one of whom is him. One of the youngest Gunny’s in the Corps today.

  Just Sayin'
November 19, 2020 7:17 pm

400 years since the Mayflower Compact. Just sayin…

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
November 15, 2020 7:19 pm

I have to say I never understood some of Tump’s very swampy cabinet and government appointments. Like John Bolton, really??

And if he had pushed healthcare reform harder, the very healthcare he promised to “repeal and replace” we might not be in this covid mess right now and he would have easily won a second term. Huge disastrous mistake on his part.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  deplorably stanley
November 15, 2020 8:23 pm

Don’t forget that it was “war hero” John McCain who cast the deciding vote to not kill 0bamacare. Granted, Trump did not have a “beautiful” replacement ready to implement.

comment image?1521578278

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
  TN Patriot
November 15, 2020 8:30 pm

Trump implemented nothing on the healthcare front except to disable certain provisions of the ACA.

So what do we have now? A flu pandemic and a locked down country where your civil liberties have been snuffed. His inaction on healthcare is what got us here.

  deplorably stanley
November 15, 2020 10:06 pm

Stanley, your comment proves that you can’t fix stupid.

November 17, 2020 7:20 am

Stanley is right

November 17, 2020 4:42 pm

So which chickenshit anonymous are you? There are sooo many of you, how much does Soros pay these days?

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 17, 2020 8:50 pm

Look… it’s the dickless bros. answering each others posts & vouching for themselves. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Slithering twats.

  deplorably stanley
November 15, 2020 10:10 pm

Now that’s funny right there. The only one responsible for my health care is me. What pandemic are talking about? Nothing has changed around here. If you’re losing “civil liberties” they were never God-given rights, but gifts from your master(s). Man up Stan.

November 16, 2020 11:56 am


Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  deplorably stanley
November 15, 2020 10:25 pm

He was being impeached on false charges during critical moments you dipstick.

William Williams
William Williams
  TN Patriot
November 15, 2020 10:04 pm

I love watching that old footage of Grand Admiral McCain, selfless leader of integrity.
He’s a war hero, too!

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  William Williams
November 16, 2020 9:54 am

Fergot “//SARC OFF//” , WW.

Old Sailor
Old Sailor
  William Williams
November 18, 2020 11:58 am

Being an Admiral, like his father and grandfather, was the thing of wet dreams for McCain. Alas, it was not to be and just dribbled down his leg. Maybe that’s why he was such a waste of oxygen all those years in the Senate.

  TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 9:05 am

There was always a replacement-freedom. The problem is that most Republicans don’t understand it, support it, believe in it, or can explain it to others.

November 16, 2020 11:57 am

I do not believe in R v. D. I see endless corrupt

  TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 9:25 am

He also handed over the steel dossier. I always saw McCain as a petty, angry sore loser. but everyone else talks about him like he is some national treasure all because he was a POW.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 10:23 am

A friend loved McCain and when I would call him a bitter old loser, he would protest a bit much.

McCain never got over W whippin him in ’00, just like Hi LIAR y never got over Barry whippin her in ’08 and Trump doing it all over again in ’16.

  TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 7:20 am

Songbird mccain was a traitor

November 15, 2020 7:20 pm


November 15, 2020 7:44 pm

“Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.”
— Ho Chi Minh

November 15, 2020 8:30 pm
November 16, 2020 12:20 am

No, the US was the mass murderer. Check the history of Nam starting in 1900. Ho was the equivalent of GW here. Just wanted the French colonists out. US refused to help. Another victory for the MIC was what Nam was.

November 16, 2020 4:47 am

The long history of Viet Namese and Chinese relations has been fraught with distrust and animosity. The U.S. was the first major power Ho Chi Minh approached for assistance.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
November 16, 2020 6:40 am

Ho was a communist ready, willing and able to join with China against western interests in the south pacific. I spent a year over there fighting him, and the time spent was well worth it.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Sionnach Liath
November 17, 2020 9:09 pm

Ho was a ho… an opportunist. He wanted what was good for Ho & didn’t really care where it came from.

November 16, 2020 8:21 pm


“US refused to help”.

In the mid-1940s, the Viet Minh, under Ho Chi Minh, looked to the West for help in its independence movement and got it.

November 15, 2020 8:02 pm

It seems to me the online talk never gets around to pointing fingers and naming names: not of the obvious placeholders who own Facebook and Amazon, but of the people behind the scenes. Just who are the behind the scenes actors and controllers who need to be taken out? Who are the excessively wealthy families that direct the political toadies and sycophants? This is a very well written statement with that one exception. It is time to tell we little people who is really to blame and hold accountable. Trump is leading but he can’t do it alone. Let us help-we need more information.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 15, 2020 8:27 pm

We need a list!

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 15, 2020 9:07 pm

Well Sore-ass & little Mikey are a start. The Klintoons & the homo Zerobamas are in the same vicinity. That whole left coast inbred batch Piglosi, calling Dr. Fine-stein, eye of Newsome & the tech crew is for them that live out thataway to take care of. We have Coonman, Warner, & a host of others in VA. Ya gotsta start somewhere. Plan locally.

  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 15, 2020 10:18 pm

Add Bill Gates, the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA, FBI, etc., etc., etc.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 15, 2020 10:29 pm

Nuke Martha’s Vineyard. LOL!

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 8:07 am

Whoa HR!

Let me get me mums house down there sold first!

I am heading down this week to meet with interested folks.

When sold and monies in me mums bank accounts,well,bombs away!

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 10:22 am

We’ll hold off James. Find some Prog, fat on tax Dollars and get the big pile of fiat.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 11:06 am

HR,thanks for the lack of better word “technical data”earlier in posts,they seem to have gotten lost but did look up your #’s,still feel in me heart the Creed but will before biting the bullet do some more looking,did you have personal experience with afore mentioned #’s?

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 1:32 pm


  Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 16, 2020 9:29 am

Names and what they did. People are out to destroy the country.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 15, 2020 8:14 pm

Trump deserves some of the blame for letting this fraud go on. From my home in W TN, I could see Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee as the keys to the dems stealing the election. These 3 cities, plus Atlanta, are the only cities in the country where Creepy, Corrupt, Senile, Pedophile Old Joe and his Ho outperformed Hi LIAR y. Surely, if I could see it from here, some of his people who are supposed to be a hell of a lot smarter than me could have seen it and done something about it.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  TN Patriot
November 15, 2020 10:33 pm

Beattie at Revolver laid the whole thing out exactly as it happened months ago. Unfortunately you have to wait for someone to commit a crime even if you suspect they will. I am optimistic Powell and Rudy have a handle on this. Beattie wrote speeches for Trump so one must believe the 4th wasn’t the first they had wind of it. Trump did state what he suspected was in the offing before the election.
When this is over he should do wholesale firing of all the traitors and holdovers. Not replacing and shutting down a bunch of the infested agencies would be a positive. They cost too much and hurt the country.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 12:08 pm

Trump orders actions but is ignored.
Trump is one man alone, and under continuous siege.
If the employees hate the boss, they work together to
sabotage the company in all ways.

November 17, 2020 7:30 am

This can go both ways. Patriots will ban together to sand the gears of marxist BLM supporting corps. Make them pay people. Make them pay

November 15, 2020 8:40 pm

Keep one thing very much in mind. Trump saw this coming from the start 4 years ago.

It’s why he made sure as many seats on the Federal bench were appointed by him. It’s why he took care to make sure he had enough people on SCUS.

His fundraising all year was for lawyers. He’s got 2 of the best lawyers in the country, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, on his side.

As he said, don’t bet against me.

I’m not.

November 16, 2020 10:57 am

In 2018 Trump wrote an executive order regarding election fraud and interference by non-national companies and agents in national elections. He declared that should such actions occur then it would be a national emergency. Think that through for a minute…
The EO goes on to state that the director of the NIH, one John Ratcliffe ( a conservative hand picked by Trump)will, after 45 days of the election conclusion, present evidence of foreign involvement in US elections….

November 16, 2020 8:26 pm

Just when I think I’m out (of hope) I get pulled back in!

November 16, 2020 8:36 pm

annnnnnnd it gone!

Mygirl, have another link?

November 16, 2020 10:01 pm

Mygirl…I started to watch it…had to leave…came back and it was gone…now its back?

November 17, 2020 4:43 pm

I just clicked on the image and it came up…..

November 17, 2020 6:24 pm

Yea, I don’t what happened…I assumed You tube took it down, but its there now, thanks.

November 15, 2020 8:53 pm

This afternoon, I assembled an outline and wrote the first draft of an article addressing many of the same points as discussed in the piece above; even citing the very same Mencken “Black Flag” quote. Oh well. ?

I might have finished and posted tonight but decided to take a break and look at it with fresh eyes in the morning.

And now I see there may be some forthcoming election announcements tomorrow from Team Trump as well.

Time being of the essence is part of the risk of blogging. One can spend hours knitting together a post only to have timing and events demand a new start; and that’s only if one is not first censored by WordPress.

Will now wait and see how my piece ages and should I decide to keep the Mencken “Black Flag” quote, will likely hyperlink/embed that segment to the above article.

Jim wrote:

As he [Trump] refuses to concede and continues to fight against this election fraud chapter of this four-year long coup, it becomes clear that even if he is forcibly removed from office, he will become the real resistance.

And that could definitely happen; provided Trump is real. However, should I decide to finish and post, my piece will explore other options as well.

In the meantime, this was a great breakdown of current and past events, Jim, and a scathing reminder of how anger warms on cold nights.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 16, 2020 4:20 am

Mr. Quinn also wrote:

“Trump, through naivety, foolishness or carelessness, allowed enemies of his administration to wield power and influence for the last four years. He chose swamp creature after swamp creature for key cabinet positions and seemed surprised when they stabbed him in the back. He failed to purge Obama loyalists holding middle level positions in the FBI, CIA, Dept of Defense, and numerous other agencies. They actively worked to subvert everything he tried to accomplish.”

Your articles explore an aspect I hold strongly…

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”

Then there’s the Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship, and all that surrounds Sir Francis Bacon with freemasonry.

“The cipher story reveals still more—that Francis Bacon was the true author of the works of Shakespeare. Bacon wrote of his vision of a coming golden age—a New Atlantis—in the new land of the West. He foresaw an age when science and technology would lift the curse of Eden and man would be free.”

Sir Francis Bacon, Shakespeare Author

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–=== some body up to sumting….

You, Quinn, and others around here seem to be able to bang out succinct expressions on complex subjects with little effort (this one took me near an hour)… I would say not to see how it ages-time being of the essence and all.

Or not….heh, heh, heh

  ordo ab chao
November 16, 2020 9:31 am

I can only guess he wanted people he thought could do the job. or he got bad advice.

One and Done
One and Done
November 17, 2020 9:36 pm

As a rule, I do not use any type of social media or post my thoughts in comment sections. Doing so in the past has led to some very strange activity on my personal computers and cell phones.

Having said that, I am making this rare exception to point out something that I think many of you may be missing. Let me first inform you as to where I’m coming from. I’m blue collar, no spring chicken, conservative, a firm believer in Jesus Christ, from a military family though I did not serve, not a pacifist, but no desire to become a revolutionary either. I only wear a mask when forced to, and will not submit to a vaccine or even testing, for any reason. I haven’t owned a TV set since tossing one in the trash not long after my first son was born, over thirty years ago. So that’s a little about me. Thanks for listening and thanks for the work you do here at TBP.

I have two points to make.

Often overlooked by those who claim to know Christ and follow Him, is his dialogue with Pontius Pilate, particularly His exclamation that “My Kingdom is not of this world”. The obvious implication being, that for those of us who are His disciples, our kingdom is likewise, not of this world. America is my geographical location, it is not my home. I have no flag, I take no oaths, nor do I regard any of the grifting psychopaths in Washington or any State capitol as my leaders. I was born here, whether by gratuitous fate or random destiny it matters not, I count it a blessing either way, but I will under no circumstances take sides in a conflict over any piece of land other than the piece of land directly beneath my own feet. I will defend my family, my friends and if need be my greater community, and that is where my loyalties end. Nationalism to me, is but yet another form of insidious idolatry. You are perfectly free to disagree, I haven’t always held this view myself. I understand why young men go to war. I cannot understand how those of us with more age and wisdom could possibly cheer them on, it’s madness, but I digress.

Now that I have offended half the crowd, on to my next point.

I have spent the last thirty years studying at some depth global politics, history, warfare, economics, endless conspiracy “theories” and of course, the Holy Bible. It was just last week that my veteran son and I were discussing the writings of H.L. Mencken, I was delighted to see him quoted here today.

I am no prophet, no expert political analyst, just a guy. But here is my unsolicited take on our present situation.

Recall the rash of mass shootings (false flags?) during the Obama presidency? How often during that time did we hear the mantra that “They” were coming for our guns? And yet, they never did, in fact, Odrama will go down as the greatest gun salesman in the history of the world. Nothing in politics happens by accident (Truman?). In fact, guns are more ubiquitous now than at any time in our history, millions of folks who would have never considered owning a firearm are now in possession of one or more. If you run down the list of all these shootings, a pattern clearly emerges. Grade school, middle school, high school, community college, baptist church, black baptist church, mosque, synagogue, gay bar, country music concert, etc. They were never coming for our guns my friends, it was a damned promotional campaign, checking off the boxes one by one, not to take your guns, but to arm everyone, everyone. And it was an overwhelming success.

Why did they want us all armed? Simple really, America cannot be destroyed from without. Nuclear war ends badly for everyone. A scorched earth policy would make the global socialist utopia unimaginable, and even more of a unicorn than it already is. Invasion as well, is off the table, a nonstarter. Yamamoto knew this, substantiated quote or not, there would indeed be a rifle behind every blade of grass should anyone be bold enough to try.

America must be destroyed from within.

Does anyone here think that the radical left hate their more patient and thoughtful counterparts on the right any less than the Hutus hated the Tutsis, really? And the Saxon? Well, he has indeed begun to hate. To arms, to arms, will shortly be the call. The left already have their justification for violence, demonically inspired as it may be. The right shall soon have theirs. Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.

We are an integrated society, politically, ethnically, economically. And yet we are more divided now than ever in our history, across every possible line. If so inclined, a man need look no further than his next door neighbor to find his mortal enemy. And when the hunger sets in, well, it’s more than I care to think about, but I have, and you should too.

Everything is proceeding according to plan, and yes, Trump the billionaire reality TV star, is positioned precisely where he was intended to be. How this all plays out is yet to be revealed. My best educated guess is that the warfare upon America has been under way for quite some time, and it will culminate in a multi front invasion, but only after we have divided and conquered ourselves.

For the great reset, digital economy, one world religion and global dictatorship headed by the Antichrist to come into being, all that needs transpire is the downfall of the American Empire. It has begun. We have crossed the Rubicon, there is no turning back. The Republic needs no savior, nor shall it have one. There is but one Savior of man, and we dismissed Him long ago. America has become deaf of ear and blind of eye, forgetful, earthly minded, fat of body, lean of soul, weak in spirit. We have sown to the wind, we shall reap the whirlwind. It is a sad time, it will be a trying time. Judgment is now, and will be in ever increasing measure, poured out upon this once great land. But we are not without hope, for there shall also be mercy, choose your kingdom wisely.

Pride goeth before destruction. Has there ever been a nation more full of pride than the good ole USA?

Trust not in man.

Seek the Lord while He may be found.

  One and Done
November 18, 2020 1:11 pm

It has crossed my mind too, One and Done. I’ve written in past articles about the 1927 film “Metropolis” which is a favorite of the occult elite. In that story, the elite utilizes a robot doppelganger to incite the plebes to rebel so they may be smashed.

Tricky business and strange times, indeed.

I enjoyed your comment.

November 15, 2020 9:00 pm

This is why I’ve railed against voting for all the years I’ve been on TBP. We will NEVER be free playing by the rules of their game. We must now invent our own rules.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
November 15, 2020 10:00 pm

There are NO rules for this game, CC.
Also, the game is rigged.

  Auntie Kriest
November 16, 2020 9:45 am

Translation: Winning becomes the only rule. This is about power: winner takes all.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 15, 2020 10:37 pm

When you invent them run them by us and we can discuss them. Until then ………

November 16, 2020 8:50 am

Here are the rules-idiots: “Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. The time for slitting throats approaches.”

Let me add: STOP THAT FUCKING VOTING!!!! It only feeds the monster.

November 16, 2020 11:50 am

STOP THAT FUCKING VOTING!!!! It only feeds the monster.

Where to begin here…voting in rigged elections does indeed feed the monster. Your assumption is that all elections are fraudulent and therefor it is pointless to vote. Instead of telling people to not vote, the better suggestion would be to demand that elections are honest and above board and free of fraud.

How to do that? If if comes down to it, vote, in person, with paper ballots that are kept sacrosanct and hand counted with a team of observers who aren’t forced out of the room so the count can be held in secrecy.

Not voting when the votes are honestly counted and apportioned is asinine and defeatist.

Not voting when known rigging is happening is not only wise, it also invalidates and repudiates any attempts at confering any legitimacy on the process. The voter fraud is so in-your-face in this election that it boggles the mind.
I daresay there are some interesting changes that are coming into play as regards voting…stay tuned….

November 16, 2020 1:03 pm

I try to keep my comments brief when I can. Voting in local elections is fine. Typically the candidates are pillars of society, professional people, educators, clergy, etc. They actually have to live with their decisions. Smaller voting units are easy to manage honestly. The further away from the people the more chance for corruption. When it gets to national elections you get sociopaths and psychopaths-the sorts like Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer who can look sincerely into your eyes and lie through their teeth. I’ll cut some slack with Trump-he has all the right enemies but every president since Carter was a lying POS. Voting for any of them is “asinine and defeatist”-to coin a phrase.

I gave up on national elections when it dawned on me, after a lot of reading, that JFK was murdered in a coup. That they got away with it taught me the government was hopelessly corrupt. Since then I learned of the USS Liberty-that FDR knew the Japanese fleet was sailing towards Pearl, The real reason we entered WW1, the Federal Reserve, 911, on and on.

Finally, as an Anarcho-Capitalist, I don’t want or need a ‘leader’. I want to live my own life as I choose and leave others to do the same. So, I favor smaller, separate governing units which is what the Articles of Confederation gave us until our 1st coup happened and we got the monster government in the making. Now for the good news; we are being stripped of the illusion of democracy. Good riddance.

November 16, 2020 8:31 pm

You will be slaves to Chinks.
How was that for brevity?

November 17, 2020 8:50 am

Fuck yourself.

November 16, 2020 8:30 pm

No, I’ll keep voting, thanks for the offer though.

November 17, 2020 7:36 am

John Galt the system

November 15, 2020 9:31 pm

Your father is dead. Get over it.

November 15, 2020 10:11 pm

When did Hubble die?

November 15, 2020 10:21 pm

She assumes that they are Trump supporters.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 1:56 am


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 15, 2020 11:23 pm

Talk about your simpering fags.

Fatman from Oz
Fatman from Oz
  Iska Waran
November 16, 2020 1:30 am

Fidel would be rolling in his grave knowing he partook in producing, this bloody effeminate poofter. Must take after his mother as both mother and son like having their maple donuts reamed.

November 16, 2020 12:15 pm

Indeed, “The Great Reset” digital $ and banker control
world wide. Bankers have plenty of friends and supporters

November 17, 2020 7:37 am

Fuck Canada. I like the people but their govt can kiss my ass

November 17, 2020 9:33 am

I’d say the same for the US. Well….maybe most of the people….ahhh ok a lot of the people.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
November 15, 2020 10:02 pm

Same in New Mexico.

Tyranny under medical martial law.

  Auntie Kriest
November 15, 2020 10:38 pm

And Washington state. No social gatherings indoors in private homes without a 14 day quarantine or negative test within 48 hrs of gathering according to daddy Jay.

November 16, 2020 12:32 am

So no more pro sports ball in Michigan?

November 16, 2020 12:18 pm

The woman is determined to win a seat at the table.
She is a problem for MI. let them deal with her.

November 16, 2020 9:04 pm

Globalist bitch… Chip

November 17, 2020 7:38 am

Why is she always dressed in black biker leather like she is on her way to a sex dungeon?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 15, 2020 10:05 pm

Rudy Giuliani was tied to the laptop story. After 9/11 it became pretty clear that he was part of the coverup. He strikes me as a Trojan Horse into the Trump camp. Based on the time and energy that they put into the laptop/Hunter Biden sexcapades, it looks like it was meant to distract from the far more important task of securing the election.

And it worked.

An American Ephialtes.

Diaperless in VA ILuvCO2
Diaperless in VA ILuvCO2
  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 12:34 am


  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 10:31 am

I too have had those same thoughts. Rudy is likely a globalist.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 12:22 pm

Trust no one. Yet he is out talking for Trump.
Maybe it is a form of repentance? Or maybe
he is just controlled opposition?

November 16, 2020 12:35 pm

So was Sessions until he wasn’t.

November 17, 2020 7:40 am

When shtf sessions will be on a plane far away. He knows he is on many lists.

November 17, 2020 7:00 am

Lawyers gonna lawyer

  hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2020 5:25 pm

It’s ALL been one distraction after another. This “election fraud” is another distraction. THE DARK OCCULT RUNNING THIS SHOW WANT CIVIL WAR. And like the fools most Americans seem to be….they’ll get it.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 6:51 pm

What do you figure are our options?
It’s easy to say what you said, I’ve read it many times. If you wanted to avoid this mess you should have started 50 years ago. What were you doing then?

  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:03 pm

Trying to educate and enlighten (myself and) people as to what our future might be if we didn’t WAKE THE FCK UP! But to no avail . What I did was to live small, debt free, remain nimble, healthy, remain out of the Medical Industrial Complex, live as anonymously as possible (NO SOCIAL MEDIA). And contribute as little as possible to the “system,” support those who do good and NOT support those who are evil. AVOIDED LIVING OFF THE GOVT TEAT IN ANY WAY. (no social security. no medicare. no social services.)

November 15, 2020 9:14 pm

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” Thomas Paine. Stand by for heavy rolls! As we say in the Navy. As I have said before all of us will be forced to decide what we stand for when will we, you, me say enough! Resist! This evil is not going away. Heed Admins words. First up will you take the Covid-19 vaccine voluntarily??….how about when it becomes “MANDATORY”?? Me no way. I am NOT taking something that alters my DNA!!! So…is a FEMA camp in my future…time will tell!!!

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 1:58 am

might catch up with you when we get shipped to a Chinese forced labor camp 😉

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 9:41 am

At that point, it won’t matter to me, as I’ll be ready for burial.

  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 12:23 pm

“as I’ll be ready for burial.”

Horse,do we even bother to bury those you took with you or leave em to the critters?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 5:03 pm

Buzzards gotta eat, too. A lot of them winter around here and clean up the dead deer in the ditches.

  Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 8:34 pm

You are even further behind enemy lines than me, here in Colorado.

November 17, 2020 12:25 am

Yep, the vaccine is my 100% line in the sand. Sticking something that I don’t want into my body is rape (which is all about power, not sex, and so is this vaccination, a total power trip). Period. And that warrants the use of deadly force, IMHO. They are not coming near me or my child with their poison cocktail. I DO NOT CONSENT.

November 17, 2020 7:41 am

My body my choice right

November 17, 2020 4:41 pm

That’s right, when it involves my DNA only. I am against abortion (because it terminates another person’s exclusive DNA separate from the mother), but think individuals should have the right to do whatever they please with their own bodies, including offing themselves if they so desire. If you don’t own your own life and have body autonomy, you are not free.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
November 15, 2020 9:16 pm

If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. The time for slitting throats approaches.

Jim summed it up succinctly. I’d also add (off the top of my head):

1. GTFO of the city. Now.
2. Learn how to build and use drones, for agricultural purposes of course.
3. Build a community/network and keep your area study up to date.
4. Find a local farmer who sells cows or fractions of cows.
5. Get some chickens.
6. Store at least 6 months of food and rotate as necessary. Store extra for neighbors.
7. Get a guard dog. Include its food in number 6 above.

  Articles of Confederation
November 15, 2020 10:28 pm

AOC- I don’t own a drone, any pointers? What model/brand do you have?

Do you think the military will take orders from Joe B.?

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
November 16, 2020 1:17 pm

That is a loaded question. I’d assume you want a really high quality camera or else it’d be pointless (IMHO). But then it depends on how much you’re willing to spend and the resolution/FPS. I’m going to be upgrading shortly and have been eyeballing the Autel Evo II.

  Articles of Confederation
November 16, 2020 3:40 pm

AOC- Thanks! Ever get one of those drones stuck 30/40 foot up in a tree?

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
November 16, 2020 5:50 pm

HA! I cleared the bulk of the front of the property for the orchard, minus the berms for the living fences. But now that Spicy Time is approaching, I suppose I should give serious consideration to that type of predicament!

  Articles of Confederation
November 16, 2020 8:56 pm

AOC – My grandsons have done it more than once. HaHa 🙂

  Articles of Confederation
November 17, 2020 7:43 am

Are all drones now requiring registration!? How do we get around this if we are too fat lazy and couch potato to build our own…..asking for a friend

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
November 17, 2020 10:15 am

Do I think .MIL will take orders from Lying Biden? Sure they will!

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Articles of Confederation
November 15, 2020 10:46 pm

9. Quarter mile reel of barbed wire. 10. Case of buckshot for the unprepared late bloomers. Five or ten shells make anybody with a 12 gauge an armed partisan or at least a neighborhood watch person.

Check Six
Check Six
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 15, 2020 11:39 pm

4-point barbed wire if you can find it…real nasty stuff.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Check Six
November 16, 2020 9:58 am

Concertina wire – always a crowd pleaser.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
  Articles of Confederation
November 16, 2020 1:59 am

you forgot ammo. lots of ammo

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
  Depressed Aussie
November 16, 2020 9:07 am

Good luck finding it at this point. It’s too late unless you are reloading and even those supplies are scarce.

I believe this is why all the federal agencies were buying overly massive amounts during The Reign of The Kenyan. This shortage, the whole series of events, was planned long ago.

Now there is very little to be found and mostly what is available is poor quality Eastern European trash* being sold for top dollar. Even hunting rounds are in short supply as we approach the unofficial holidays known as Deer Season.

*My friend had a new Sig-Sauer handgun explode in his hand recently from a freshly opened box of Eurotrash ammo. Fortunately he wasn’t hurt but easily could have lost fingers or his hand.

  Dirtperson Steve
November 16, 2020 9:18 am

Steve,7.62X39 euro trash ammo works fine in firearms designed for it and is still reasonably priced in comparison to other rounds.

Works great in AK’s/AR47’s with correct mags ect.,still time to load up.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 10:30 am

You don’t imagine some Prog decided to do an “Elder Son?” I met a guy who was involved in that decades back.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 11:28 am

Had to look that one up,heard of program but not named as such,for viewers interested: ,devious!

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
November 16, 2020 6:23 pm

I had to look it up too. I think that it was just a double loaded hot one from poor quality control. We’ll never know. My buddy still has his fingers, Sig gave him credit on a new gun and the ammo seller threw him some $ to make the problem go away.

He managed to replace the gun and have a few $ left but not enough to take that risk again.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 10:35 am

James – I went to visit my son this past weekend and he showed me his new toy built in 458 SOCOM. He says it is a dream to shoot, but we did not get a chance to go out. At $1.50/rd, he will not do a lot of fun shooting, though.

He also has just received 1,000 rd of 9mm that he got for $.30 and had another 1,000 due any day. He is self employed, spends his spare time browsing for toys and ammo and says it is getting tough to find any good deals.

I took him Great Granddad’s .22short Winchester, as the grandson has his 7th birthday next month. He will be the 6th generation owner.

  TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 11:25 am


I always wanted to try the .458 and the Beuawolf .50 just for s&g’s!

I have a single shot Savage from 1907 that was me grandfathers and a 1911 year Winchester pump .22 from me granddad.

I die will have em go to friends kids,keep the line going!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 12:45 pm

My great-granddad was quite the hunter and used to take wagon trips from OK to CO to elk hunt. He owned a dry goods store and sold a lot of firearms and ammo. I wish I had his elk rifle, but don’t know which of the grandkids got it

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 12:52 pm

Before the Plandemic you could get all the Winchester 124 gr. fmj NATO you wanted for $169/1,000. Although it usually is not marked as such the NATO 9mm is a +P loading. Don’t use it in anything not designated for +P.

November 16, 2020 8:35 pm

Yes, sub 400 a case still…

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Dirtperson Steve
November 16, 2020 11:43 am

Was it Wolf brand 9mm?

  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 16, 2020 12:26 pm

Lee,feel must have been steel or perhaps nickel plated at that price pint,or,the 1 in a million barn find!

That said,the steel pistol seems to run fine in some handguns and others just hate the stuff,best bet is if you have it run a bunch now and find out while times still semi-mellow.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 1:36 pm

My intention for steel case auto pistol rounds would be to use them in revolvers with moon clips. There are quite a few revolvers out there now chambered for 9mm using moon clips. .45 acp 1917 Colt, 1917 S&W, and S&W 25-2 Model of 1955 Target along with the several model 625 variants using .45 acp in moon clips.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 16, 2020 5:40 pm

Rural King had a shitload of some Russian 9mm stuff a month or so back. It sold quickly & was replaced by some other cheap steel cased shit. I think it was Wolf. I may be confused as huge batches of different cheap shit probably found in a warehouse are bringing ridiculous prices recently. I hear accuracy is abysmal beyond a few feet.

Estimates are minimum of a year to catch up with production. The excuse for no components available is that it’s all going to make loaded ammo. Where is it? I’ve only seen very small amounts of Winchester white box & some Federal 115JHP in 9mm. I snagged a 100 pack of RP 230JHP 45ACP for cheap, but it was gone by next day. No 12 ga. buckshot to be had. Lots of 40 S&W still floating around. Not much rifle ammo around either. No ’06 lots of places before hunting season? WTF? The panic buying continues.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 16, 2020 10:10 pm

Most of the Russian stuff I have used is fine. Minute of steel plate at 200 yards without fail from AK’s. I have never had to try any handgun ammo with the steel cases but would give it a go with moon clips in revolvers.
There are large amounts of surplus M2 Ball for sale but $1.50-$2 a pop for 40-50 year old Greek HXP is only for people close to “Winchester” in their supply. It’s good ammo and if you need enbloc clips for the Garand for $250 on up to infinity you can get a spam can with 192 rounds loaded on enblocs in cloth bandoleers.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 17, 2020 12:26 am

Sold the Garand 40 years ago to finance a bolt gun for hi-power. Wish I still had it.

  Dirtperson Steve
November 17, 2020 7:45 am

All those fed agencies obummer the asshole forced to buy ammo. Well they got it stored somewhere. ripe for the taking when this goes spicy

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 15, 2020 10:25 pm

This article is a recruiting call for the rebellion. Sign me up. Great article, Jim.

November 15, 2020 10:50 pm

“ (paintball tournaments with) politicians, bankers, and oligarchs is a likely next step.”
it would probably be a safe bet to add a bunch of “journalists” to the list.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 1:03 pm

I would love to see every “journalist” right in the middle of saying “no evidence” or “Mostly peaceful” get a shit filled pie right in the face. Humiliation would be quite effective on these fraudulent jerks.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
November 16, 2020 5:41 pm

They might enjoy it.

November 15, 2020 10:59 pm

That’s an upper deck shot , Jim. I like it when you get feisty.

November 15, 2020 11:04 pm

If massive voting fraud on the level of tens of millions of votes via corrupted voting machines can be proven, I will say right now that this will be the event that unleashes our Soviet Union Extinction Level Event. If this fraud is indeed true, I can surmise that our collapse will be well underway by the time the red bud trees are blooming in Eastern Kentucky early next spring.

November 16, 2020 10:47 am

If this fraud is indeed true? BiteMe wasn’t often getting even a dozen people at his rallies. DJT was getting many thousands, impromptu huge car and boat rallies.

November 15, 2020 11:39 pm

Another outstanding piece by James Quinn.

November 15, 2020 11:46 pm

In a league of your own.
We are past the election. biden has started operating as President now, even a Supreme Court ruling will not temper the situation. America has 2 Presidents now and its not the 1st time.

November 16, 2020 11:55 am

The coup instigators have to maintain the illusion that the numbers for Biden are legitimate. Until the election is finalizes, all court cases done and the House signs off, Biden is just an ordinary schmo so don’t buy into the media propaganda. He has no authority to do squat and all the posturing and pretend cabinets etc are smoke and mirrors.

November 16, 2020 10:43 pm

This is not true at all, he is no schmo, he is the tip of the spear for a group that is going for it all, perpetual techno bio lock down of the whole place.
You list a whole bunch of regulations you interpret as law. This is not the case, bidens cabinet is up and running, already negotiating with a host of world leaders on behalf of the US.
Logan Act, it is beyond comical that is what they framed Flynn up with, and now it is on steroids with impunity. A minor sideshow now.
The Global superstructure has declared biden the winner and is at this moment aiding and abetting his transfer of power coordinating with his appointments.
These Countries will openly recognize the biden Presidency in January regardless of the legal outcome of the election, even decided by SC.
It just doesnt matter
Pelosi made it a point to broadcast they are going to have to drag him out of the white house.
Antifa/BLM aint gonna git er done, Trump will retain too much command and control, they need outside help.
It’s being organized now, the final touches.
To come after, peaceful protest turn to burn this motherfucker down, 15 to 20 big cities, operators are standing by.
They just need enough carnage for the “We need the UN” chapter to play out.
Once in, the UN will be in command and we will be rejoicing for The Great Reset.
Free Money! And food, and power, and water, and internet, thank god for The Great Reset.
biden is the chosen temporary President of their America and he is already issuing commands on behalf of his masters, for the next chapters.
Enjoy the show!

November 17, 2020 7:51 am

When fraud is exposed and they try and drag him out and try and have two presidents. Patriots must then do what the constitution compels the citizen militia to do……

November 15, 2020 11:54 pm

comment image

November 16, 2020 5:14 am

Well actually it’s Marxism, but ok.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
November 16, 2020 9:17 am

There all just branches on the same dying tree

November 16, 2020 11:56 am

Marxism IS communism you dolt. Marxism and communism are one and the same, Marxism is the theory and catalyst and communism is Marxism put into practice.

November 17, 2020 6:16 am

Marxism is the bolt and communism is the action.

November 17, 2020 7:06 am

And Socialism, in the guise of guaranteed basic income, is the bullet.

dejoh denny
dejoh denny
November 17, 2020 11:29 am

Fantastic sign frame. done right.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
November 16, 2020 12:07 am

Excellent fire starter Mr. Quinn.
Isn’t it the most incredible thing to OWN interest as a politician in a voting machine company??? Blatant Conflict of Interest puts it mildly.
And all those sorely misguided kids play-acting revolutionaries that’ll end up being killed or injured for life because their countries jobs markets were dissolved by the same pols.
We have truly dumbed down to the point of no return.

November 16, 2020 12:09 am

Another superb article, JQ. But I was thinking, that last quote of Mencken could be what motivates Antifa.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
November 16, 2020 12:31 am

YES. They’ve been mollycoddled, raised to expect BMWs for their first car, never taken to task when wrong and sore at the world’s ills.
Completely devoid of inner strength and hopelessly slogging through life, jobless.

November 17, 2020 2:12 am

I’m presuming they’re being promised/given access to children until proven otherwise.

Rioter who punched out Trump supporter in viral video is registered child sex offender

Seriously, are any of them NOT pedophiles?

November 16, 2020 3:39 am

Thanks, Admin. We have been calling this day for many years now.,

You say: “If you are not armed, it is time to do so. Starve the beast. Do business with locals using cash. Reduce your footprint. Get out of debt. Become anti-fragile. Resist every mandate issued by dictatorial politicians and low IQ government drones. Figure out who you can depend upon and know your enemy. Do not associate with anyone who voted for Harris/Biden. Only tough choices await. The time for slitting throats approaches.”

Might I add get out and away from the big Dem cities, especially those with unfavorable demographics. And do it ASAP if possible.

Starve the beast is becoming perhaps the most critically important act. And I do not mean by not paying taxes, but that, too.

But rather I mean by withholding goods and services. Without those, which largely the deplorables supply as de facto serfs of the big cities, the cities will crumble. Blockade, either actual blockade, or by reducing output, is what will be needed. Deny them food, goods, free travel. Deny them taxes, too. Deny them anything you can think of.

This is turning into a real life Hunger Games. The elite are dominating and abusing the productive.

Those small geographic areas, concentrated on the coasts, full of grotesque masses of humanity cannot exist without the resources and support of the deplorables. Time to deny them support.

Deplorables can survive. City people, not so much. I will again post about my raised garden, and the bounty that can be reaped from a very small amount of space. It is something anyone can do, with a very modest amount of effort for enormous return.

November 17, 2020 12:47 am

YES! This times 1000%.
Cops need to go blue flu, truckers need to stop delivering, preferably leaving their rigs parked on the highways so no one gets through. Farmers need to cut back planting this spring and raise prices wherever possible. The cities are destroying our country. They need to be put into such chaos that the gov’t expends all of its energy trying to control them, leaving few resources left to use on the rest of us.

Imagine the chaos if the millions of us who are done with this broken system picked up a dozen or so items and helpfully put them in places they don’t belong every time we went to a big box enemy’s store. Sounds silly, but it would eat hundreds of man hours of labor putting it all back, not to mention mess up their JIT supply systems and in store order pickup operations. If a store gets looted, they collect on insurance. If they get rearranged lawfully, with nothing taken, there is no payout, the store eats the labor, and time is money. They’ve been backing our enemies for years and have damn near run mom and pop out of town, time for them to get some payback.

Ditch your smart phones. You are literally paying to carry a gov’t spy around with you all day. Get a dumb flip phone. Yo can use a nontracking GPS device, digital camera, etc to fill in for the gadgetry you lose by switching. Clunkier, but a lot more anonymous. If they are going to track you, at least make them work for it.

We need to think of each and every way, no matter how small, to gum up the works, sap them of resources and waste their time and energy.

November 17, 2020 7:22 am

The image of angry shoppers rearranging the produce section is a good one.

Good ideas but as a former farm girl from what is now ‘big corporate farm’ region, I can promise you the farmers are more secure with their government subsidy programs than most realize.

November 17, 2020 7:53 am

Do not forget to poision some food supplies of yours. So when you bug out and the antifa use your home as shelter you leave them a nice present.

November 17, 2020 12:59 pm

Better to burn it to the ground on your way out. I don’t advise doing as you suggested, you’d never be able to live with yourself if a family member, especially a child, got into your trap by mistake.

November 16, 2020 4:55 am

Adios. Last you will ever be heard from.

November 16, 2020 4:58 am

Fucking cowardly assholes. Would love them to say such a thing face to face.

November 16, 2020 5:17 am

Outstanding article!

two small things to fix:
getting her hair done
the chances are statistically impossible, not mathematically impossible. (Also as otherwise Trump would have a slam-dunk case in the courts.)

November 16, 2020 7:11 am

I got it. It was funny. Grammar police need to lighten up.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 8:24 am

Living near Memphrica, I knew exactly what you were sayin.

November 16, 2020 12:57 pm

Sorry, didn’t get it as I don’t know black peoples’ slang.

Just John
Just John
November 16, 2020 5:23 am

Phukin Retard Troll! REALLY???? Is this the best you can do? Probably. If you don’t know what crosshairs feel like on your head, you will before long.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
November 16, 2020 5:27 am

Excellent diatribe Jim, many thanks for all your efforts to expose the truth. From my perch in UK the outcome of the election was predictable given the amount of fraud in open view. This article says it all and supports all you say. I just hope that Trump has the goods to prove it all as it has been speculated that the voting slips have been secretly watermarked. Here’s big data analyzed:

November 16, 2020 6:19 am

Hey turd breath, I hope you are corpulent, because wherever you live that’s what it’ll take to keep you alive once you all get cut off from everything. You had better stock up on lots of water and blankets, too.

very old white guy
very old white guy
November 16, 2020 6:47 am

How the hell do you prove anything in a country where truth no longer exists?

  very old white guy
November 16, 2020 8:18 am

FINALLY someone agrees with me.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 16, 2020 9:39 am

It exists. It just cannot be circulated.

  Iska Waran
November 16, 2020 12:00 pm

The truth is being outed as we speak, despite all the efforts of the MSM and the democrats….

November 17, 2020 12:49 am

It exists. The laws of mathematics and physics can only be denied for so long. Reality bats cleanup on this whole shitshow.

Steve L.
Steve L.
November 17, 2020 7:07 am

Well, actually, the Truth DOES exist! — The Truth exists in the Person of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 16, 2020 10:39 am

The turd always cracks me up.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 16, 2020 5:53 pm

Dominion (voting machines) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.
– The state of Texas rejected the machines.
– Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009
– Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud
– Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.
– Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,
– Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.
– Open society of course is owned by George Soros

– Guess who owns Dominion? Blum Capital Partners, L.P. **
– Guess who is on the board for the company? Richard C. Blum. **
– Richard C. Blum is husband to Dianne Feinstein. ***
– Nancy Pelosi’s husband is also an investor
– An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by the Dominion Voting Systems
– Dominion Voting Systems is literally listed on the Clinton Foundation website.
– “The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology” is the title of the page.

– Georgia Governor Kemp purchased machines after Texas and Florida rejected
– Dominion Voting has a lobbyist name Jared Thomas
– Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015
– You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand the depth
– Debra Katz (Christine Ford’s lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
– Debra Katz (Christine Ford’s lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
– POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
– POGO is the the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein had on Kavanaugh.
– Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud
– Soros owned OneWest Bank.

From here…

Ivar Malmström
Ivar Malmström
  Lee Harvey Griswald
November 17, 2020 4:34 am

Some additional informations:

Smartmatic, Sequoia Voting Systems, Hugo Chavez and Venezuela
New York Times of Oct. 29, 2006

“Never again! …to Smartmatic
By this time, only the truly uninformed would still find Smartmatic’s combination of PCOS/VCM (Precinct Count Optical Scan/Vote Counting Machine) and CCS (canvassing and consolidation system) an acceptable solution to the automation of Philippine elections. We used this solution in the last three National and Local Elections (NLE) and in all three, we experienced “glitches” and lack of transparency that convinced us of the system’s unreliability and its vulnerability to tampering. … ”

November 16, 2020 7:55 am

People have been woofing shit on the internets for years about what they were gonna do. You know who actually does stuff and not just talk? The left.

November 16, 2020 8:11 am

That is because, you know, they don’t have jobs, families and responsibilities. The poor SOBs on the right fund their bullshit by going to work and paying taxes.

And if by “doing stuff” you mean burning shit down, mangling the economy, demolishing every city they run and turning them into third world shitholes, allowing crime to run unchecked, letting govt workers bleed the working class, and making what has hitherto been immoral and illegal legal, then yes, I guess they are doing stuff.

Fucking moron.

November 16, 2020 10:37 am

Call me names. But i am right, arent i? The left can muster thousands in a heartbeat. The right only on occasion. The right has something to lose. The left, everything to gain. So much talk. No action. Thirteen years of talk is my count. Only the reasoning has changed. Having watched alot of tv and movies in my life, i think i am fully on the plot line here. Everything is so fucking contrived, just like 911. You can nakedly see so many plots, but only in hindsight, and you never know what actually happened for sure. Only that you lost. Again. From jfk to rfk, to mlk, the shooting of reagan, the first gulf war, 911, obama, trump and election gate. No matter what happens, you will look back and say wtf, we lost again. Its one of the reasons no one will do anything. The outcome is already known. You lose, and you dont know, nor do you have the power, to stop it.

So tell me, what will you do, and how will it help? If you are wrong, what do you see as potential blowback from your actions?

I can tell you exactly what i intend to do. I intend to avoid the vaccine as long as i can before they force it on me. That is literally the only thing you can do in the face of this tyrany. And its not even meaningful because eventually you are getting it, like it or not. Only question is will it be from the commies or totalitarian right.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
November 16, 2020 12:20 pm

Your base of reasoning is via tv and movies? What did I miss, Apple?!

November 17, 2020 9:45 am

You are wrong. Yes the left has “stepped off thier crack house porches” in AO’s where they are safe to do that due to controlled legal political systems currently in place. I’m still waiting for them to smash up Cour D Alene ID. Restraint is not weakness. Decency is not weakness. IF the gloves come off it will be biblical.

November 16, 2020 8:41 pm

Nice shootin Lloph…

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:49 am

The Right believe in the Rule of Law, and so will only take action when that no longer applies. As that won’t apply when the actions are taken, the actions will be of a more substantial nature than running through the streets and burning down a 7-11. When it comes to that, you will likely be surprised.

  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 10:40 am

Rule of law is long dead brother. See clintons, any antifa footage, epstein etc. If you need more examples or links i can prolly get you a thousand or more if you want. From finnicum to floyd, i got you. From lehman to the vatican and back.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 11:21 am

I know all those already. For citizens, it still applies. So far.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
November 16, 2020 10:35 am

Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled.

November 16, 2020 8:24 am

I have a Jolly Rodger/skull and crossbones flag but need to find this one.

I just find it “visually inspiring”!

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:50 am

Basic black also will work in a pinch.

November 16, 2020 10:20 pm

Release the Kraken on the fuckers!

On The Beach
On The Beach
November 16, 2020 8:42 am

Another liberal troll.

November 16, 2020 9:14 am

And not a single person will go to jail.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:19 am

Holy Shit! I couldn’t finish the article. I had an undeniable urge to go check the armory again. Boy, are we screwed. Keep your powder dry and your head down until you see the whites of their eyes (250yds or so).

  Horseless Headsman
November 17, 2020 6:48 pm

I’m ready!


November 16, 2020 9:26 am

“I do not believe either side will accept the outcome of the election and will treat the victor as illegitimate. Once that mindset gains control, only violent conflict can result.”

This is the ultimate goal of the D Party. Either way this goes they destroy America as it was intended.

November 16, 2020 9:34 am

Great article in clear contrast to Schlichter’s article. From where I’m sitting:

1. Trump hasn’t lost yet. But if he loses he is gone. He, his children and grandchildren will be bankrupted and probably killed.

2. Schlicter’s “vote harder next time” schtick is sickening and pathetic. A substantial portion of the 70 Million now only need direction. I think they are ready to move to real resistance. As the elites begin mop up operations, the outrages are sure to come just as the reactions to those outrages are sure to come.

3. Trump has to know that he must win this or he and his family are likely to be imprisoned and killed. The stage is perfectly set for real fireworks. Let’s play “what if…”

a. What if the US Supreme Court decides that it as an institution will be disempowered with a Biden win? They will be highly motivated to find a way to rule in such ways that ensure a Trump win, including perhaps throwing out late votes, ordering hand counts, or even disqualifying the votes of numerous States.

b. What if the US Supreme Court acknowledges that clear and convincing evidence exists of extensive, result-changing voter fraud, misfeasance, and malfeasance, but then punts by declaring that the Judiciary is not equipped or empowered to solve this type of problem? This will be an open invitation to Trump as head of the Executive Branch to “solve” the problem.

What is clear to me (which isn’t that much) is that what happens now is in the hands of a very small number of people and the 99% of us can only watch. If Trump loses, life as we know and understand it is over. If Trump wins, it is highly likely that life as we know and understand it is over.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 16, 2020 10:39 am

If Trump concedes, he will do it via video conference on his way to Israel with his whole family.

November 17, 2020 1:01 am

Truth is, the only things you might get to keep are the things you’re willing to die for. Same as it ever was. Nobody in power is ever going to benevolently let you be free, that’s something you have to actively and unceasingly demand and take for yourself. We’ve forgotten that in the west, and that’s why we are where we are.
Every time the control freaks raise their heads, they need to be bashed back down, even for the most banal things at the most local level. Instead we’ve let them spout like mushrooms for a century and did mostly nothing in response, placated by easy credit and technological luxuries. It will take a massive effort and a lot of pain to undo what we have so foolishly done as a society, if it can be done at all.

John Galt
John Galt
November 17, 2020 7:57 am

America Fights Back

I do not feel this fight will be long in the tooth for America is in full collapse economically, morally, politically. The political incompetence is truly astounding. If we make it to 2024 elections it will shock me.

Biden is at least a Socialist and at most a Communist. But one if not both is for sure. Harris is full on dictatorial Communist all the way. She thrives on power. Based on this opinion and what the chatter of normal folks escalating I have formed some opinions. I do not condone, agree with, nor advocate any of the following opinions. They are simple observations of history and present and an opinion of what may happen and who or what type of person may be doing the deed and what type of deeds each category of person would be performing.

My opinion of what is to come and what it looks like….and a description of who they resemble and what type of actions they may take. Based on historical studies, current Antifa and other countries like Frances Yellow vest movement. Think Atlas Shrugged on Steroids. Shrugged was more pacifist. This is more actionable outcomes than pacifism like Atlas Shrugged because in her book they were deep into Marxism, already mentally defeated, and completely unarmed living in fear.

First portion is for what I call sheeple. They number in the tens of millions. They refuse to speak up, refuse to march or protest, refuse to even post on Facebook and deep-down you know you are a true coward in all definition of the word. But deep down they also know Marxism infuriates them and they need to ventilate. They will find a way as even a coward can participate.

The Sheeple – 10 million
The Weekend Warrior – 500,000
The Real Radical – 50,000
The True Patriot – 10,000
These are actions taken that feel good without bringing much attention to themselves or getting in trouble, and if caught its really not a big deal. While there may be around ten million that will participate there could be an additional 20 million that participate a few times per year when opportunities arise. Maybe around 1 million that participate full time every day. And 10 million that are the staple and participate in subterfuge often weekly.

They Email every Marxist corporation that supported the left. Telling them they are boycotting not just their company and products but other left leaning ones as well. Furthermore, they inform them they are boycotting Marxism and will spend the bare minimum in Marxist places only as a last resort. Their goal is to starve the State and evil corporations of the needed revenue.

-Bad Reviews
They Provide realistic horrible reviews. Make them credible reviews for products, services, or functionality of any and all products of Marxist corporations, organizations and Charities (including the complicit Catholic Church and other religions)

-Sorry Gotta Go
They Order Large amounts of food through drive thu windows and drive off. Eventually they will stop allowing large orders harming their own customers. They may even wait to make you pay before making your order again harming their service quality. Eventually people used to fast service at drive thrus will shun them. Destroying these marxist corporations business model. Worst case is they spend significant amounts changing the drive through to accept payment as you order before they make the order.

-Buh Bye
Same goes for sit down eateries. They will Go in, sit, order water and a meal, then go to bathroom then leave. The kitchen will waste the food. Once service has eroded and every customer has become a potential “food terrorist” they will treat their own customers like criminals making people avoid eating out. Eventually cooking st home will become trendy again. So will the urge to organic garden and grow your own food. But remember they have nearly outlawed self sustained food crops and proteins. This is when the organic movement to kill Marxist will occur if not sooner. It starts with food freedom.

-No Thank You
They Order online with free shipping and free returns. They Do this often and return the product, Making certain the product is manufactured from a marxist leaning corporation as they sometimes are contractually obligated to eat the cost of opened returns. Either way the seller or manufacturer are marxist and being harmed.

-Unreasonable Expectations
Never be satisfied. Act almost childish in their expectations, just like the left have been for the last 20 years. When they do have no option but to buy from a marxist they Force them to comply with their product guarantees and expectations. Make them honor their warranties. If something breaks under warranty demand to terms of their warranty no matter how small. This is the easiest and fastest way 100m people can destroy a marxist organization with months. Warranty claims will crush them. They will not have enough time to adjust their business.

-See something, Say something
Rat out every Marxist for the smallest of things. Especially a crime no matter how small. Give no benefit of the doubt. Accusing someone of something mostly is free and no blowback. Even if they are detained it wastes their time. Waste their time. It is a time suck on their freedoms. Steal as much freedom and time from Marxist as you camp. Make them pay.

Use subterfuge as much and as often as possible. Destroy peoples reputations as often as they can, And that of Marxist supporting business, they leave bad revues always.

They think of themselves as the “Destroyer”. Just like Marxism destroys everything it touches. It too can be destroyed by using its own techniques against it. Becoming the sand in the gears of Marxism until it slows to a halt and no longer functions at all. Make many series of smaller mistakes when they volunteer. People overlook it as the new kid or an honest mistake. But they know better. It was on purpose. But those mistakes have a high cost and cannot ever be consider criminal or pointed at a specific person but more at the system. Make the system look dysfunctional and broken. Make Marxism look as it really does.

Become the snail. Think of themselves as the worlds speed-bump. They no longer have many freedoms so what is their rush. Take their time in everything they do. Become societies speed bump. Hinder as much progress as possible always anywhere no matter how small. In line at Disney World? Hinder. Ordering food hinder. Delay delay delay. Think every second they are delaying is a cost to the Marxist system of profit. It pisses people off to not return as customers because the lines move too slow. It slows revenue etc etc etc.

-John Galting
If they have expertise in something they will, John Galt the system. They Withhold it from being utilized. If they are on assignment of a work project and will not directly benefit, because everything is socialized for the common benefit, then they do not provide a good solution to a problem. They withhold their expertise allowing failure. They May provide 4D chess solutions. Ones that look really plausible and credible on the initial front end but the end result will be disaster. That’s the one they provide! They Never assist the Marxist.

-Take Offense To everything
Every word offends them. Every action offends their own set of morals. Demand they cower to their every request. Give nothing. They didn’t for the last 80 years. Give them the same hell, using their exact same tactics. Sweet revenge as they see it.

-Cleanup on aisle two
Every grocery shopping trip will include taking the most expensive cuts of meats and other perishable items and hiding them all over the store. It rots and brings flies and rats. Leaves a bad smell in the store for months. Seafood works exceptionally well. A P38 can opener and can of tuna with a pinprick hole hidden between the shelves will do wonders for months. The smell will scare off customers. It also costs them tons of money. They will “accidentally” drop that $29 bottle of pure real Canadian Imported Maple Syrup and watch it go splat. They hate Canada. They are Socialist anyways. That $35 Manuka Honey jar. Oops, sorry. When they use their little handicapped scooter they make sure to really use it good. Ride it hard and hang it up wet. If they can press hard on buttons and wear wiring down they will do it. No overt act of vandalism just heavy brute use. Then, of course, they complain about it being to slow, old or dirty. Make the store spend some employee wages and time assessing it. Cost them as much as possible.

-Online Bandit Strikes again
These Marxist Charities love free stuff. They have gained efficiency lately and now set appointments to gather your free quality items. I use the word quality because they sure have gotten picky with what they want. They no longer will act like a free dump run after you clean the basement. They no longer have their free dump sites either. When These sheeple will Sell that nasty broken item as if it were the nicest best thing since sliced bread. When they show up they may not take it but they demand they take it because they held it for them. If one charity refused to take it then they call another. Also, they lie about certain items. Then when they show up they say it was all on the front porch and some guys and a white truck came and took it all. But they also have these other items…..they demand the charity take them as their friends took the first load therefore they must finish the job and take the second load. They will Be a jerk. Demanding. Remember they are destroying Marxism. Just like these same tactic destroyed Freedom.

At this point I think it lays a good foundation. Of what to expect.
Approx number 500,000 will participate ongoing. These number will fluctuate and grow and shrink every march or protest.

The weekend warrior is someone who will take some actions when convenient. They are willing to coordinate with others and march and protest as long as it fits into their schedules so to speak. These are people that had had enough and willing to take action and deal with some minor repercussions. Mostly they are business owners who cannot be fired, retired or secure enough where social doxxing can occur without harming them or harming them not enough to scare them away from action. These people have learned to thrive on the negative attention with the chaos they create. Just like BLM and Antifa did before they became violent. Think of the screaming feminist movement for the right to kill their babies in their bodies. They were radical nuts.

-They coordinate marches and protest
-They seek out contributions
-They won’t back down when confronted but also know the law is looking for any reason to arrest them even if they become the victim. They play smart but hard
-They stick to a boycott and organize them
-They keep track and are organized
-When they get angry with their food service they fling it all over the floor and walk out like a spoiled brag. Like Antifa does today….
-They make a scene but leave before cops show up and make as much of a mess as possible as they leave. Enough to cause a time suck but really not enough to warrant cops hunting them down or the corp suing them. Just like Antifa today
-They order pizza or other food at a restaurant and demand not to pay because of poor quality. They will settle for 50% discount or a new meal cooked to their like. Of course they already ate half of the “bad” meal. They still demand a whole new serving. They won’t stop until their demands are met and yes they are more than willing to make a scene and then stare down others staring at them. They will confront them too. They act like spoiled brats and happy if you film them. They do not care. They always get what they want.
-When they buy large items like mattresses or Refrigerators etc. they always complain about some superficial scratch or problem and demand no,less than 20% off. They already haggled the manager for discount when they bought it from Marxist corp. now they want Marxist corp to lose even more money by becoming the incessant insatiable customer. And they always win.
-When they have services from Marxist or corps they are never satisfied and always get significant amounts knocked off. They use all these savings to perform the good works like advertising the next protest meeting etc.

The weekend warrior is a mentality of open and aggressive tactics with no shame. The may find and coordinate opportunities for the Real Radical to scale up the level of attacks.
Approx 50,000
These will be dedicated and number will grow very large with one timers off and on. As they gain traction more one timers or “few” timers will participate. People inherently like destruction. Especially if they can get away with it. Numbers could grow on any given week or march to 500,000

The real radical is someone willing to look at their life and say I refuse to live this way. They may have had everything taken away by thenMarxist and look for sweet revenge on all Marxist. Even their neighbor. They probably won’t go so far as harming kids but have no issue running from a real fight where people get hurt, injured , even maimed.

-They are the ones keying cars in parking lots
-They break things our of spite to cost the Marxist money
-They salt yards and flower gardens and break things
-While they take a lot of action to make sure they do not get caught and pre plan serious things the goal is to live another day to continue to fight. They want to avoid arrest but if it happens it probably would not be their first time and they know the ropes.
-They flatten tires
-Throw bricks through windows
-They steal
-When confronted they will harm you and flee before getting arrested. They are ok with being called cowards because they know words do not harm them and they are free, unattested, to act again.
-They always carry roofing nails. The ones with square bottom and place under a marxist tires
-They drop handfuls in parking lots of Marxist employee parking
-They place super glue in parking meters halting revenue and causing massive ticketing upsetting the citizens against the govt.
They superglue elevator buttons and hotel doors.
-At night they find the State construction equipment and destroy it or the wiring or hydraulic lines. This delays construction and cost the State millions.
-They slingshot marbles off buildings onto State employee cars. Just enough damage to make the cars look bad but maybe not have an insurance claim. Marxist should not have nice things remember.
-They mess with State and DOT road closures and force people to not use working roads and waste time getting rerouted. Again slowing progress.
-They will resist arrest
-They ride around with bricks and toss them out the window at cars in neighborhoods known to be Marxist lovers
-They salt the yards or Marxist
-They will take our every camera they see or come across. Cameras are their biggest enemy. There will be no street cameras.
-They carry a small modeling hammer always and pop the cameras on every ring doorbell and every car they walk by. Every cars backup camera will be smashed. They can be used and hacked even while people are driving as a surveillance tool by the NSA. Every camera is their enemy.
-They sugar the gas tanks of cars, car lots, and especially govt vehicles but the prize is the muni vehicle likes busses. They know the poor have much less patience than the rich.
-They work in coordination of supplying and assisting the True Patriot.
-They want colleges and kids to fear going back. Making the college suffer when parents decide to not enroll and let their kids take a year or two off until this is over. Many colleges will fail and their trust funds crashed in the market. They won’t have enough money left to remove any more statues or rename buildings.

These people do little things that cause a lot of inconvenience. They are willing and capable of doing severe damage and bigger things. They are also brave enough to physically fight and resist arrest.
10,000 small but deadly
This group are dedicated. Made of of the hardest of hardcore patriot. Most if not all are top shape former military defending their oath. These numbers will grow upwards of 50,000 as things slide downhill and continue to grow. Their buddies will join first. Then friends. Once the USA is in full decline the Real Radicals will step up to the Patriot level and the weekend warrior to the real radical level. Tens Millions of Sheeple will be added and many will. Ove into the weekend warrior group.

The next type of person is going to be a hard read. It consist of studying historical facts of patriots, guerrillas, clandestine ops, and revolutionaries. The tactics here are a combination of historical and modern resistance and attack. This is not for the weak of heart to understand how bad things can get. War is nasty, dirty, and final. These people are willing to risk it all. They are fighting for a higher cause and that is why their own govt deems them the same threat of a Muslim Terrorist or religious fanatics. Because they fight to the end for the cause. The ends justifies all means. Many will read the next few paragraphs and think they can be stopped. And they could if it were only happening in one or two cities. They govt has enough resources to apply their resources to 4-5 cities at max. That is it. But when hundreds of cities all over the country have thousands of these Patriots causing mayhem there is no stopping them. They will and can bring a city to its knees within 30 days easily. If Nato is called in their will be serious blood shed. If Nato is using domestic clandestine uniforms the outcome will be horrible for law enforcement and the military. They will get gutted all the same but with no remorse.

-They are willing to kill. Almost indiscriminately if or when needed to avoid capture. They probably won’t kill indiscriminately as part of their plans. They are not citizen terrorist. They want to kill Marxism.
-They will take down large power towers many miles from a city to darken the city and chaos massive chaos

-They will snipe tires of food trucks or steal food trucks at rest stops. They will steal the items or burn it. They goal is to starve the city and make them urban jungles.
-They prefer to do things that truly harm Marxism at the Govt and Corp level so the media will not use the narrative that patriot terrorist cause the problem and not Marxism. But they also know they will be blamed even if they were watching the NFL and eating BBQ like they used to so.
-They do their best to avoid outright believable stories the media can use as a narrative negative to the Patriot movement.
-They are feared for sure. They will kill Marxist.
-They will burn down entire buildings using drones or other means in an effort to not get caught or make it look as natural as possible. Anything to harm Marxism.

-They will destroy the television and internet hubs and power stations and sub stations. Especially those connecting the city.
-They will hack websites and sabotage govt, campaigns, charities, corporations and logistics. Serious hacks that cause mayhem and million of dollars in damage.
-They will set of all sorts of nasty email viruses wrecking computers and banks and financial companies.
-They will mess with traffic light equipment and computers to immobilize cities. Bringing them to a standstill.
-They rip up train tracks or blow them up scaring the citizens from using the public services so the State maintains the service but gets no revenue. (A current Antifa Tactic that nobody is doing anything about )
-They want high cost infrastructure to remain to be maintained by the State but create fear so people will not use services frustrating them. Sure many people will blame the Patriots but the media was going to blame them anyways. Eventually, reality cannot be ignored and people will see why Patriots are doing what they are doing. Right or wrong. This is the same mentality of Antifa today.

-They will sabotage gas stations and pumps so gas is hard to find. Coordinated efforts to make fueling stations on the city edge a scary place to stop. People will use inner city or rural. It will cause fear of getting out of the city as they will also make inner city stations dangerous places to shop and fill up. Limiting the amount they can purchase. They will also make rural stations comply with not allowing city folk to buy gas. Effectively making it known if you leave the city you may not get gas. Their goal is to corral the Marxist in the city and starve them until they eat each other. Where crime is rampant. I til it becomes an eat or be eaten scenario.
-They lie in wait as the day comes for the purge when the great exodus from the cities begins. The constant stream from the cities feeds them revenue. They highjack most cars and destroy them forcing the inhabitants to walk back to the city. Their tactic is to leave a few gallons of gas in some cars and make people drive others back to the city backed in like sardines. They will have no choice but to return to the city.

-They will sabotage the water and sewage supply lines.
-They will sabotage the municipality vehicles, garbage trucks etc also
-They will be highly coordinated to spread out the police and national guard as they create coordinated chaos
-They do not fear the reaper in the sky. They know if the govt starts sniping or using reaper drones to kill them all it will take is one mistake and citizens will be angered when a mother and child is killed in an accidental strike. They will try and coordinate this to happen of course.
-They know they are being surveilled and tracked and monitored. They also know how to shake off that trail. Easily.
-Rainy cloudy days are their best friends. It severely limits big brother from their tech defenses. When it rains it burns is their motto. They cause the most chaos and coordinated attacks when it rains. They will become better meteorologist than the news because they news will only provide inaccurate info in order not to help the Patriots. They are expect in psyops and disinformation spotting. They are hard to be fooled. Most are ex military and many are high IQ.

-Many if these people are also the most unassuming people. Many times Patriots that do get caught will be white collar, upstanding citizens. Many will be doing things in broad daylight that would be incredulous to most people. Like literal assassinations and other serious things. These are the Tom Cruises of the Patriots. Unassuming and professionals. Nobody would even know the Manager that makes six figures was also building s bomb to blow up his company or allow other Patriots inside info.
-They are masters of disguise also
-They will destroy bridges, very strategically and on purpose
-They will,snipe people as often as they can and if they have a high probability of not getting caught. It will not be random but high value targets. The Marxist leadership will have less freedom than a criminal in solitary. Leadership will fear even going outside. Or driving. They will never play a round of golf. All it takes is a few heads exploding on a golf course or at a red light.

-They will target the public when needed to place fear. To get the public scared to utilize services or functions, And not support concerts by Marxist loving Hollywood entertainers etc.
-They want the public also in fear and to have kittle to no freedoms. They want them to see the Marxist system they voted for and what it caused. They were going to be blamed no matter so at least the public is now really locked down is their attitude.

-Imagine the chaos of poisoned fruit at the grocery store. The grocery stores business model is to have a lot of their inventory out in the retail area. Not in the warehouse. A few pre planned salmonella outbreaks with warning so everyone knows it was a planned attack will cause havoc on the business model due to warehouse space or coordinated lines to buy produce. Again a major inconvenience. A major crime no doubt but they Patriot is committed. They also know some people could die and willing to accept that fact. They also know the govt will lie anyways and tell people that many died even if nobody died. They feel they were going to be blamed regardless.
-They will coordinate attacks on Army Depots and gain access to weaponry and sophisticated systems.
-They are as efficient if not more so than the army. Many are seasoned warriors of some sort whereas most of todays military are there for citizenship, amnesty, college or punishment. They are not loyal to their govt. Hell most were marching with BLM and Antifa when Biden was put in place. They hate America. Deep down many like what the Patriots are doing because the same tactics were used but not as effectively.
-In many cases Patriots are very strategic and allow highjacked trucks, prisoners of military units much respect and no harm. They try and win their minds with leniency. They will only harm them if harmed. This allows for the future highjacks to take place with little harm. People would rather know if surrounded by patriots it is not a death sentence but certain life if you comply. Truckers will gladly hand over their 18 wheelers and even accept a ride into town to call the cops. After a coffee of course…..Military may aim wide and mis a lot when firing at Patriots. They also know if captured they do not want Patriots taking revenge. They know the code. Harm them, get harmed back.

The worst the govt could do is Bring in foreign mercenaries or NATO etc and clothe them in domestic military uniforms. Once it is found out these people are not American the Patriot will see it as an invasion and all niceties are wiped. Every military uniform and every law enforcement uniform just became the next high powered rifles target. Calling in help and keeping the Nato blue helmets will make the Patriots jump with glee. For now they will get to show their real power and the mayhem and harm and nastiness they are truly capable of without remorse. The citizens will see the Patriots as barbarians but diplomatic enough to allow previous American military prisoners to leave unharmed. The govt will use Nato as a diversion to weaken the Patriots and spread them thin also. But Nato will not have the heart to battle these Patriots. Many will desert. Protest will erupt in other countries in an effort to not send their boys to certain death in America. American Patriots are feared more than its military all over the world. They will not be kind to foreign solders. They will kill them horrifically to make a statement. Many statements. They see a white man, in a Blue Helmet, laden with red blood, as Patriotic. They will seize uniforms and use them to wreck havoc as disguised. It will be horrific. And this marks the end of the end of Marxism. The people will have had enough. The economy in shambles. The cities dark and starving. Bloodshed everywhere. Patriots will have won by a scorched earth campaign. But they won. Unsure if statues will be erected. They may even have a legacy worse than the returning Vietnam soldiers. They won’t care. They won. America is a Republic again. This is what they envision. Fear them.

I see many things happening and some of these may be far fetched but plausible and historically accurate. It will be interesting for sure….

  John Galt
November 17, 2020 12:30 pm

Haven’t read it all, yet. but couldn’t wait to say WOWSA!

Not jack london
Not jack london
  John Galt
November 18, 2020 7:05 am

Sounds like Tom Chittom has risen from the dead and Matt Bracken gave an assist. John Galt only needs an editor.
Would like to see this posting archived before it goes down memory hole. A running blog with comment thread would be awesome.
How much longer before Galt commits suicide or is killed by the FBI while resisting apprehension with a thoughtfully planted gun. Short term solution as opposed to a FEMA re-education camp or water boarding in Gitmo to reveal the names of similar bad thinkers.

John Galt
John Galt
  Not jack london
November 18, 2020 6:33 pm

Or……it is a mashup of a few chapters from an unpublished book by an author that is already published….fiction based on on historical facts… editor already hates me. Jus sayin

November 16, 2020 9:41 am

I keep hoping this will be exposed and arrests will finally be made but, … it’s been over three years of waiting and still not one of the perps has been even inconvenienced. Great article, and we can keep praying, but the candle is almost burnt out.

November 16, 2020 9:47 am


Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 9:53 am

Making the list is an important part of Christmas!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 10:39 am

It’s the anticipation that makes it feel so good.

  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 8:46 pm

That is serious holiday spirit, I am impressed!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 16, 2020 10:32 am

He’ll never be president.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 10:36 am

Years from now we may remember this post by Admin. As the Bob Dylan song says, “It ain’t dark yet, but its getting there.” Indeed it is. It is surprising how many people go about their lives in a fog, never imagining anything can bring catastrophe down on them. The German Jews are the proverbial group that should have seen it coming. In fact, a very large percentage did, took their losses, and got the hell out of Dodge. But what of the smug and contented upper and middle classes of Europe in June 1914? The truth is, men with vision had already forecast a terrible war because they had seen and analyzed those factors leading up to it. Most of the people, though, hardly gave it a thought. Many of them would be dead before another year passed.
Astute observers of the 2020 election understand that this undisguised banana republic-type coup is the Rubicon for the American Republic. There is no going back now. The road ahead is wide and it leads to civil war, a total breakdown of our institutions and financial system, disasters in the foreign field, the break up of the United Sates, or all of these together.
If you chance to meet some drooling nitwit who does not understand what has happened (as opposed to the domestic enemies, who understand only too well what they have done) just pass them by. Anybody who at this point still can burble out Lee Greenwood’s pathetic, skin-crawling patriotic nonsense (“I’m an American, where at least I know I’m free…..”, pass the vomit bag, please!) will not wake up until he is butt-stroked across the face by an ATF agent there to steal his Gran Pappy’s shot gun.
This is not the place to go over the sad history of Communist subversion in the United States since the 1920’s (it is well-documented if you care to look for the relevant books) but the fact is a hundred years of tireless work by foreigners and gullible Americans taken in by their witches brew of hate, lies, and evil, has brought us to this point.
Donald Trump, bless his con man’s soul, is a New Yorker. Behind the bluster and bullshit was a man who finally realized that if something was not done the country was finished. He tried but was so ignorant of the depth and power of the traitor class that he allowed himself to be surrounded by enemies. 2020 was the result.
Many of our readers despise Trump. I get it. But I also know that Trump accomplished an astonishing amount of good in the short time he had (I assume the coup will be successful; we still have a few days left to provide incontrovertible evidence of massive vote fraud and treason).
Few Americans knew about these changes he made because many were in vitally important but obscure areas of immigration, foreign policy, intelligence, and the military. Biden will hasten to reverse them as many took aim directly at the Deep State.
All of you must make plans to confront what is coming. Some people with the means will seek a refuge in some other country. The truth is, I have that option and if it comes to all out war I intend to make sure my wife sits it out. My kids are grown and have to make their own calls.
The first thing we all must do is get the America we love out of our heads. It no longer exists except in our memories and, hopefully, in what wisdom we can pass down to our children and grand-children. That America is gone forever. It is not coming back.
You must then be honest with yourself. In any war like the one that is coming, only a small percentage of the population actually fights. This makes sense. Active combat is a young man’s game. That said, there are critical roles for others: home guard units, communications, supply, organizing clandestine cells behind enemy lines, medical care (yes, bullets fly both ways), intelligence, public information and propaganda, arms production, mobilizing the public. You may too old to invade Oregon to sort out the hipsters, “Progressives”, and Antifa types – leave that to others – but you sure as hell can do your bit by rooting out these types closer to home and bringing them to justice. If you have almost any special skills you will be needed and a place will be found for those who just want to do their part. Now, are you prepared to do anything at all, at the risk of death or imprisonment? Remember. This will be a messy affair and the hirelings of the domestic enemy will likely control large areas inhabited by patriots, at least in the initial stages.
Much of the population will try to sit it out. Good luck to you. Before adopting that “safe” position, you might want to study the history of the Civil War in Missouri. “Neutrals” fared no better than those who chose sides.
Nobody can predict when the final explosion will come or how. There will be false starts, lone wolf incidents, flare ups, before the big one comes along.
Many people worry about the black community. Don’t. They are far more shrewd than you think. They have no intention of being used as cannon fodder for the likes of Biden, AOC, Bill Gates, Fauci, or George Soros. Leave them alone, treat them with respect, and they will sit this out. There will be criminal gangs and outbreaks of violence but that can be dealt with quickly.
When the day finally arrives, make up your mind. If you choose to fight, if you think what is left of America is worth saving, draw the sword and throw away the scabbard. There will not be any honorable ending to this one, no Lee and Grant at a tea table. And there will not be any reconciliation, either. If we win, every last one of the bastards who brought this on will pay for it with their lives or, at a minimum, prison and exile. If we lose, you will not even have the last two choices.
Keep your mouth shut, trust nobody who has not been vetted and tested, strike hard and strike fast, don’t waste your time and lives on secondary objectives – hit where it hurts, no mercy for traitors (such as those “Republicans” calling on Trump to concede; remember them well), if the enemy tries to extend his hand, cut it off – it is a snare, the only acceptable end is total victory. Anything else is an insult to our ancestors and a threat to future generations.
Now all we do is wait. Trust me, the spark will come, and sooner than you think. Men and women will rise to lead our people. They always have. Be ready to answer the call.

  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 10:56 am

Sage,am with you but feel we must fight to bring back the republic,it can be done.

We can have a even better country then what we grew up with and the republic that was stolen from us before we were born.

That said,whether it will or not will depend on literally millions of citizens willing to fight for it by all means necc.(in mine craft of course!).

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 10:56 am

Nice essay, Sage. I think there are millions out here in flyover country who have been waiting on the leaders to emerge to start things up, but never considered that they may not come out until the action starts. I see this as a time for me to pass something on to my grandkids and I have confidence that good will overcome evil. I continue to pray for a peaceful solution, but I don’t think the other side will ever accept anything other than total domination.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 11:50 am

Us old white guys can’t storm the walls, but I’m a pretty good shot at distances, as I expect many here are. I’ll find some way to contribute. Count on it.

  Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 12:38 pm

Horse,so many ways to contribute that don’t involve being a spec ops type.

Food/shelter/med/info. gathering a start!

A nice table back 8′ from a window with a far reaching tool,you get the idea!

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 16, 2020 1:53 pm

Got all that and more. Been a prepper for 40 years.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 1:08 pm


“Donald Trump, bless his con man’s soul, is a New Yorker. Behind the bluster and bullshit was a man who finally realized that if something was not done the country was finished. He tried but was so ignorant of the depth and power of the traitor class that he allowed himself to be surrounded by enemies. 2020 was the result.”

You write some nice essays, makes a man wanta jump on that Trump Train and stoke the furnace till his bloody palms sticks flesh to the T-handle of the scoop…..

But I ain’t buyin’ what you’re sellin’ bought Trump. Your premise above seems to paint him as a billion dollar doofus. Smart enough to suddenly wake to oligarchy, but too blind to know the players?

We voted for him twice, because the Lord works in mysterious ways for the short version.

No, I don’t have two nickels to rub together, but I have seen the direction for twenty years-seems long overdue to me.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——=== .doesn't really matter whether or not one believes it, because the people BEHIND it, do…

  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 2:25 pm

Lest we forget: the country was (and remains) on the precipice
for some time. The country has been looted, jobs lost, immigration
up, race strife supported and etc. Then along came Trump and many
hoped we could recover somehow. The deep state voting machines
fiasco, the covid fiasco, mail-in votes fiasco have sought to undo
Trump and his people. Initially it was thought Trump was going to
provide the USA a “softer landing” but Rona gave it to us with a bang.
Cases, don’t you know. Good luck to all.

  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 9:33 pm

AWESOME! You could expand that SS just a bit into a great post for TBP… Chip

  Southern Sage
November 16, 2020 10:47 pm

Hoist the flag!

November 16, 2020 11:03 am

This Is The Most Corrupt Election In American History

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago.

Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data. It’s never been wrong…”

“Besides 2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most corrupt election in American history. I published this out at least two years ago. People have to understand, this isn’t my opinion. This has gone far beyond anything I would have anticipated. This fraud is just off the charts. This is the Left, and they are so desperate to take over the United States.”

How bad was it in terms of fraudulent votes, including votes taken from President Trump and votes given to Joe Biden?

The cheating is in the millions, definitely millions, and perhaps as much as 38 million. This is some of the information I am getting from behind the curtain.”

Martin Armstrong also warns, “They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme Court—period. This is outrageous what they are doing… “This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, Their idea is to strip everybody of all property—period. That’s communism.
Then you are going to give guaranteed basic income. If you don’t do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended. Then how are you going to eat? This is what they are doing. . . . In communism, they take all assets away from everybody.”

Armstrong also says, “They are using CV19 and climate change to set an agenda for control.” “We are getting into a situation where it is a war against us…”

” I hope Trump wins because . . . he’s our last defense against these people, and that’s why they have been trying to steal this election. . . . They are promoting this great reset–and it’s communism. These people think this is good for the climate, but they are going to find out they are selling out, not just themselves, but their families and all posterity.”

November 16, 2020 9:43 pm

USA Watchdog dot com… Chip

November 17, 2020 8:43 am

Martin Armstrong now predicts civil war is inevitable. This is a guy that i really respect and that scares me truly…..

November 17, 2020 12:32 pm

CIVIL WAR HAS BEEN PART OF THE PLAN. And the remedy, is just say NO. But that isn’t going to happen because the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE are BRAIN DAMAGED.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
November 19, 2020 10:03 pm

Well, he was all in on the Corona Hoax at the beginning, just sayin…….

Sig Sour
Sig Sour
November 18, 2020 1:22 pm


you spew this spam on the thread? Martin Armstrong’s computers are as phony as the evidence of voter fraud. You must be a Dimocrat if you belive that stuff, boy.

“Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago.

Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data. It’s never been wrong…”

November 16, 2020 11:24 am

I love this because it is a true account.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
November 16, 2020 11:39 am

An interesting article on Hunter Bidet … with links to some other ‘interesting’ folks — including Megan Markle —

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  anthony aaron
November 16, 2020 1:44 pm

A A – Shortly after Creepy, Corrupt, Senile, Pedophile Old Joe takes the oath of office, a close advisor (Podesta, maybe) will whisper in his ear that Hunter’s laptop is about to become an issue, but if he steps down (for health reasons, of course), he will be regarded as a hero and the laptop will be deep sixed. This same info will be given to Dr. Jill, so she understands the seriousness of the situation.

Nice, neat and no bloodshed for the Bidens. Kumswallowlot will ascend and the chaos will begin in earnest.

  TN Patriot
November 17, 2020 8:44 am

We will be ruled by a Blowjob Queen for sure

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