Did MOSSAD just assassinate Rep. Thomas Massie’s wife because…..

Via State of the Nation

…he’s the only member of Congress who does not
have an “AIPAC babysitter” … … … and because
he just did an interview with Tucker blowing the
lid off Israel’s complete command and control
over the both the House and Senate?! 

READ HERE: Imagine you speak out against Israel, then suddenly your wife dies, and then Jews start telling you to reconsider your stance on Israel. Well, that just happened to Rep. Thomas Massie.

Submitted by The Conspiracy Realist

First read this:

Rep. Thomas Massie tells Tucker Carlson every GOP
member of Congress has an ‘AIPAC babysitter’

That extraordinarily revealing yet fateful interview between Thomas Massie and Tucker Carlson took place on June 7, 2024.

Within 3 weeks, Rhonda Massie, the wife of U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, is dead.

As of today, Rep. Massie has not disclosed any relevant information regarding the death of his high school sweetheart, “love of his life” and beloved wife.

Just as Israel’s very public and brutal assassination of
President John F. Kennedy was quite purposefully conducted in
that manner as a warning to every other head of state never to even think
about leaving the New World Order reservation, was this deliberately timed
Massie hit carried out as a “Sword of Damocles” hanging over the
head of every single member of the U.S Congress?

There is no question about one thing, Thomas Massie has prove to be — BY FAR– the most consistently courageous truth speaker in the entire Congress.

You name the flagrant governmental crime and/or corruption, he’s exposed it over the years, yet in a way that is unusually non-threatening and unassuming.  And that scares The Power That Be.

And by the way, the guy’s no dummy so when he does speak truth to power, people listen; and the most powerful become afraid.

Massie earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and a master of science degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).[7] He participated in the MIT Solar Car Club, which took second place behind a Swiss team in the Solar and Electric 500 at the Phoenix International Raceway in 1991.[citation needed]

In 1992, Massie won MIT’s then-named 2.70 (“Introduction to Design and Manufacturing”, now named 2.007) Design Competition.[8]

Perhaps Massie sealed his fate when he took this extremely dangerous position for any member of Congress:

In March 2014, Massie voted against a bill to name Israel an American strategic partner. Massie voted no because the bill would have subsidized green energy companies in Israel. He said he would not support subsidies for American green energy companies, let alone foreign ones.[44] The bill passed by a margin of 410–1.[46]

Massie was often either the lone dissent in various congressional votes or on the side of exceedingly lopsided votes.

Massie broke from the majority of his party by opposing the reelection of Speaker of the House John Boehner, instead casting his vote for Justin Amash of Michigan.[43] In May 2013, he voted against the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which passed 390–3.[44] In December 2013, he was the only congressman to vote against the Undetectable Firearms Act.[45]

However, these are the congressional votes cast by Massie that really put him on the wrong side if Israel.

In May 2022, Massie was the only member of the House of Representatives to vote against a non-binding resolution denouncing antisemitism. Massie tweeted that he voted against the bill because it promoted censorship.[75]

In July 2019, Massie was the only Republican among 17 members of Congress to vote against a House resolution opposing efforts to boycott Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.[67][68]

In July 2020, he argued against face mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations.[85] He faced allegations of antisemitism after comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust (he later deleted the tweet).[86][87]

KEY POINT: Now many will argue that, if this was really a typical MOSSAD assassination “message” to the rest of Congress to remain faithful to the Zionist State of Israel, then the assassins would have simply liquidated Massie himself.  There are actually several rational responses to that rebuttal, but the most obvious is this: No one—EVER—leaves this Earth realm of existence before their appointed time.  And not even the all-powerful MOSSAD can change that death date.  Which means that Satan is merely a god wannabe.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Many are justifiably asking about the Covid vaccination status of Rhonda Howard Massie.  It’s almost certain that she was not vaccinated for COVID-19 since husband Thomas was a virulent opponent of the extremely dangerous and often deadly Covid injections. See:Rep. Thomas Massie was a rabidly anti-Covid vaccine advocate in the U.S. Congress”

“Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from northern Kentucky, tweeted Thursday that he is not vaccinated…..”  (AP NEWS Source)

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