A Lot Can Happen in Four Years

Guest Post by Eric Peters

After what we saw during the debate – if you want to call it that – many people are wondering what happened to Joe Biden over the past four years. A better question to ask, perhaps, is what will happen over the next four years?

Or even the next four months.

Dementia (or Alzheimer’s disease, which is a different thing that amounts to the same thing) is an interesting thing if you’ve witnessed its progression. As I have, over the course of the past four years. I refer here not to watching Joe Biden’s cognitive (and physical) decline but rather to the cognitive and physical decline of my mother, who also suffers from either dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Apparently, an accurate diagnosis as to which of the two it is cannot be made while the victim is still living; the brain must be examined post mortem, etc. Not that it matters since the end result is the same.

At any rate, watching Biden decline has been a lot like watching my mom’s decline. They are roughly the same age and – like Biden – just four years ago, she was capable of living independently, didn’t shuffle when she walked and was coherent when she spoke. Fast-forward four years and she is living in what’s politely called a “memory care” facility, which means a place for people who can no longer care for themselves independently.

But it’s more  – and much worse – than just that.

As recently as two years ago, my mom was still able to walk normally. She did not require assistance to get up out of a chair or for someone to hold her by the arm so that she didn’t fall while trying to remain standing up. She still knew I’m her son and we could still communicate. She was still happy to see me when I came to visit her.

Fast forward to now – today – and my mom has no idea what day it is. She cannot say the word “day.” She has no idea who I am – at least as far as I can tell. There is no recognition in her eyes when I go to see her. Just the same vacant, long-distance stare into a fuzzy nothingness we saw during the debate (if you want to call it that) last week.

That’s what’s happened to my mom in less than a year. It got me to to thinking about Biden and what may happen to us in less than a year. My mom must be watched (and cared for) 24 hours a day because left unsupervised, she could very easily hurt herself.

Left unsupervised, what will Biden do?

What we saw during the debate – such as it was – has raised that question even among Biden’s erstwhile supporters. His wife excepted.

They wonder – they worry – what he might do.

The good news – such as it is – is that Biden has caretakers. Most notably the Obamas. But even that has limits when we’re still expected to pretend that Biden is the one making decisions when it’s obvious he can’t complete sentences.

This will not last much longer – because it can’t.

It is possible they’ll be able to keep pretending for the next four months – or at least, long enough to make it to the election, which Biden’s caretakers are still in charge of. After that, nature – and politics – will take their course. No one who has ever known an elderly person already clearly suffering from dementia/Alzheimer’s believes that person will be better or even the same after another year has passed.

How about four more years? By which time, Biden will be 85-years-old. If he makes it that far, which is actuarily unlikely.

It’s all very sad. Or would be, if Biden were like my mom and just another elderly person afflicted by a horrible (and terminal) disease that robs the afflicted person of their dignity before it robs them of their life. But it’s hard to feel sorry for Biden, because his age and cognitive decline do not excuse what he’s done.

And may still do.

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