Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies In The Next Few Years

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

In 2020 at the onset of the covid pandemic scare and right before the lockdowns I’ll never forget going on a grocery run on a Friday afternoon only to find near empty roads and near empty stores. The few other people shopping had a glassy stare in their eyes, like they were dazed or shell-shocked. For me and those I know that prep, it was just another day; for those that hadn’t prepped it was a nightmare of uncertainty.

In Montana we didn’t pay much heed to the lockdowns after the first month.  In three months everything was basically back to normal except for the mask mandates which most people ignored. With more data available on the virus it was clear that the chance of death was greatly exaggerated. What scared us far more was the pervasive talk of vaccine passports in 2021. The proposed state and federal restrictions on people that refused to take the jab were familiar – This was the beginning of full blown tyranny unless we stood firm.

In the meantime there was a public rush to buy up as many necessities as they could afford. And of course, the covid stimulus measures helped to trigger a stagflationary crisis that had already been building in the US for many years.

In the face of so many potential threats, preppers were still well protected. If vaccine passports became the norm and access to public places was blocked then we had food storage to get us through for a long time to come. If the buying panic and inflation led to a supply chain disaster then we were ready, along with the guns and ammo and training needed to keep what we had. If a fight was coming then we had the means to defend ourselves.

I have long been convinced that it was the prepper factor that caused the government to rethink their strategy of perpetual medical lockdowns and give up on vaccine passports. Recent surveys show that over 30% of the adult population of the US is involved in prepping.  We’re an unknown element, something they can’t predict, a possible monkey-wrench in the gears of the machine.

With our own supplies we are not dependent on the system to keep us alive, and the harder they push the more we are compelled to organize into an even greater obstacle. Just as NATO sanctions have pushed Russia, China and the BRICS closer together, openly authoritarian policies in the west during covid have pushed liberty movement people together. The establishment backed away because they had to.

That’s why I have to laugh whenever I see some idiot online say: “What’s the point of prepping when nothing ever happens?”

These people must have been living under a rock since 2020.

We just dodged one of the biggest Orwellian bullets in our nation’s history with the defeat of the pandemic mandates. Or, maybe they don’t realize that the pandemic was just the beginning.

If that’s the case then it pains me to remind everyone that nothing has fundamentally changed. Yes, we beat back the mandates but all the same elites are still in power, all the same globalist institutions that exploited covid to create a panic still exist, and the event has acted as a domino in a chain leading to other crises. Here’s just a few reasons why you’re definitely going to need your survival preps in the next few years…

The Stagflation Crisis That Wouldn’t Die

The stagflationary problem is persistent despite all the media claims that it’s under control. Readers familiar with my economic analysis know that I predicted stagflation several years ago as the inevitable outcome of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing and near-zero interest rates (See my article published in 2018 titled ‘Stagflationary Crisis: Understanding The Cause Of America’s Ongoing Collapse’ for reference). I also predicted the Catch-22 problem of rate hikes vs inflation and debt (read my my article from 2021 titled ‘The Fed’s Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error’). And when I said a couple years ago that the Fed wasn’t going to return to rate cuts for some time, I was right about that too.

Given this track record, trust me when I say that stagflation is here to stay. Any move to cut rates will automatically trigger an even worse resurgence of inflation and the fed will be forced to hike once again. And, high interest rates will continue to create a national debt crisis as debt payments skyrocket.

In other words, the economic situation is getting exponentially worse with each passing year. The US National debt was $28 trillion in 2021; by the end of 2024 it will be well over $35 trillion.  That’s $7 trillion added in four-years time.  There is already breakage in the system, but that’s nothing compared to what we face in the next four years. Any preparedness items you buy today should be considered an investment, because there’s no doubt all of those items will be far more expensive or harder to find in the future.

Political Riots Are Assured

Recent campus protests over Gaza (and the riots in France over gains by conservatives in government) have reminded people that they shouldn’t get too comfortable with the fading influence of BLM. The same leftists that rode the wave of racial division back in 2020 are going out and finding new causes to co-opt. They’re looking for any excuse to riot, even if it has nothing to do with them personally.

With the 2024 election incoming we all know civil unrest will be the norm once again no matter who ends up in the White House. With riots follow the threat of looting, property destruction, political violence and even martial law. Then there is the public reaction to those circumstances, including the possibility of civil war. Don’t assume the country will calm down after the election. In fact, assume the opposite.

The War In Ukraine Is About To Become A World War

Again, I have mentioned in multiple articles the danger of western involvement in the war in Ukraine including the danger of a wider world war should NATO directly enter the fray. As I write this, France is pressing for “military advisers” to go to Ukraine to train recruits, which is exactly what the US did in Vietnam right before we officially went to war.

Multiple NATO countries have also given Ukraine the green light to use long range NATO missiles against targets deep in Russia. If you are an avid student of history you know as I do that this only goes one way.

That’s probably why officials in the US and in Europe are suddenly talking about draft procedures and forced conscription laws in order to shore up their ranks. How many people will actually submit to a draft? I don’t know, but I do know this is not the kind of talk that governments engage in when their goal is diplomacy. It’s the kind of talk they engage in when they’re getting ready to antagonize the enemy.

A larger war with Russia comes with a host of difficulties that would take me too many pages to cover here. To summarize, war with Russia means war with China, war with North Korea, war with Iran and most of the Middle East, tragic supply chain disruptions, the end of the dollar’s world reserve status and a good chance of a limited (false flag) or regional nuclear exchange.

I have serious doubts that global nuclear war is on the table because the establishment has nothing to gain and everything to lose from it. However, a war between East and West is more than enough to cause absolute havoc in every nation on the planet.

The War Over Gaza Is Quickly Leading To A War For The Middle East

I’m not going to cheer for either side in this conflict. My concern is America and Americans. That said, it’s clear that actions on both sides are forcing the war to expand well beyond Gaza. Recent Israeli strikes on Syria and scuffles with Egyptian troops are concerning. Lebanon is highly involved and Iran has already traded missiles with Israel. Israel has stated their offensive will continue through at least the end of 2024, and now they may be shifting to all out war on Lebanon.

In terms of how this all affects the US or Europe, the immediate consequence will be a shut down of oil traffic through the Strait of Hormuz and the Red Sea. That’s 30% or more of the world’s oil trade slowed down or eliminated. Energy prices will explode along with prices on everything else. The price of all the goods you buy daily is affected by the price of oil.

Agriculture, for example, relies heavily on fuel and oil based fertilizers. This means high oil prices will trigger high food prices, and food supplies will be key in the next few years.

Prepping Isn’t A Hobby, It’s A Duty

Frankly, preparedness should be a social mainstay – An integral part of American life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a duty. The more prepared people there are the safer every American will be. Most prepared people don’t panic because there’s no need. And people who don’t panic are less likely to harm others out of fear and desperation.

Think of food storage like a big battery. A battery is energy storage for later when you need it. Think about how much time and work and energy goes into growing just one month of food for your family. Isn’t it far better to store all that work in long term foods so that you don’t have to worry about it later during the worst of conditions? Every bucket of stored food is a battery that saves you precious time and labor.

Growing food and living sustainably is great in peacetime or in the middle of a large, well organized community. Growing food at the onset of a national crisis in a place where too many people are unprepared is almost impossible. If a breakdown occurs then your best bet is to hunker down, work with family, friends and neighbors, and live on your preps until there is a large enough community in place to securely restart agriculture again.

There are too many variables right now around the world that can cause catastrophe, and even events on the other side of the globe can cause serious problems for you at home. I see very little chance of the situation improving in the next few years and a very high chance of things spiraling out of control. Take your prepping seriously, even when oblivious naysayers claim “nothing’s going to happen.” Those will be the same people crying for help before long, and you don’t want to share their fate.

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June 29, 2024 10:03 am

There was no virus Brandon. I know a few fairly wealthy people living in gated communities in golf courses or on the beach. Most all of them have showroom homes. No clutter just staged perfectly with great furniture etc. No more than a few days worth of food, no tools no guns. Its incredible that they have so much faith in the system. One guy who I am familiar with enough to discuss money I told him that if the shit hits the fan he can’t go to his local branch and get his million dollars out. He has an old goose gun and no PMs. He does have some high dollar bottles of booze and fine cigars.

June 29, 2024 11:11 am

Virology’s Magic Trick


CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus




The virus that isn’t there has a hypnotic effect

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 29, 2024 11:55 am

He is an example of why I urge everyone to keep a lot of buckshot on hand. Buckshot turns the old goose gun into a viable weapon in that 0-100 yard category where most urban fighting would occur. Half the people in every neighborhood have no deer rifle or MSR but they have Dad’s old double barrel or pump. A 250 rd. case of buck can arm 25 people with enough firepower to defend their homes and pot a few bad guys, taking their weapons. Confronted with a few rounds of buck at every turn will cause all but the dumbest to look elsewhere.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut

Buckshot within it’s effective range is seriously scary.
A 12 gauge 3 1/2 shell with 10-15 30 caliber lead balls going down range per shot can really f*ck up a lot of folks in a hurry.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  Eyes Wide Shut
June 29, 2024 8:52 pm

Bouncing #1 or #4 off of pavement into a crowd of terrorist rioters would pay big benefits. A 3″ has 21 #1. A 3″ #4 has over 30. I’ve tested 10 gauge 31/2″ plated BB at a 100 yards and it will penetrate and deform when it hits a target at that range. BB is close to 18 caliber. 3 1/2″ 10 gauge OO has 18 pellets. There are nasty shotgun tricks you can play in an alley with a cement driveway and brick or concrete walls lining it.
The shotgun is the most versatile weapon out there. Anything from trap loads with #8 or #9. Various hunting loads. Combat loads. Deer slugs for penetration and anti-materiel use. Slugs to shoot a Grizzly. Sabot rounds that allow huge several hundred grain .45 and .50 caliber rifle bullets to be fired as well. Downside? The ammo is very heavy if you are a ground pounder.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut

And a relatively short range weapon.
Great for close quarter battles.
1 1/2 oz .70 caliber deer slugs are serious fight stoppers.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Eyes Wide Shut
June 30, 2024 11:48 pm

Unless you are heavily armed, trained well with all your weapons, can reliably put bullets or arrows on target from all ranges in stressful situations and most importantly are prepared to kill any and all people who threaten you, (A very difficult mental hurdle) then all the survival supplies on earth are worthless.

Prepare to become a merciless killer to protect yourself and your own. If you don’t, you will be cut down like grass by creatures who have no remorse for what they will take from you. Least of all your life.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 12:14 pm

“Most all of them have showroom homes. No clutter just staged perfectly with great furniture etc. ”

The furniture likely is never sat on unless some dignitary, perhaps Netanyahu, is invited.

Se if you can hijack the security code to get in the place with the booze and get loaded and forget it all for a short period of time.

  Jake Legg
June 30, 2024 4:22 pm

Don’t forget the cigars!!

June 29, 2024 10:05 am

We’re currently running yet another big batch in the Freeze Dryer, much like for the last three months I’ve been home. We only shut it down long enough to defrost it and change the oil in the vacuum pump, and then on to the next batch. Todays run is 15 dozen raw scrambled eggs. Next up is another roughly 4 gallons of beef stew, which I already have in trays and am pre-freezing to cut down the runtime in the unit.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 12:16 pm

Where did you say you lived?

  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 4:17 pm

Good Luck with that 😉!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 10:23 am

During the growing season, if it isn’t raining, I plant something. Every day. Most gardeners have a strict schedule; this goes in at this time of the season, that goes in at this time, etc. Since no one ever knows what the season will be like, I plant as long as I have seeds so that my squash doesn’t run out halfway through the season or if the lettuce bolts due to a heat snap, newly emerging greens are ready to take their place. I also plant way more than we need because worst case scenario we have a surplus I can feed to the hogs or give away to the neighbors.

If you aren’t thinking about food all the time, you aren’t fully aware of just how precarious the situation is right now. It always is, but now it’s far more pronounced because of the way the systems are designed and they aren’t set up for the benefit of the public, but to control them.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 11:57 am

And if it’s not raining, I am weeding. I suspect it is the work involved that stops some folks from saving themselves by growing gardens. A good garden requires commitment.

And when I’m weeding, I’m thinking how weeds are like communists, they ROB the good crops of water and nutrients and if not pulled out by the roots they take over.

June 29, 2024 3:33 pm

Cover your garden with mulch. I watched a documentary about a fellow out west who gardens in this manner very successfully. Sorry but I cant recall his name, but when he said that in nature the only place that you really ever find exposed soil is where man has interfeared with it, I was interested. I decided to try it out and bought a PTO woodchipper. His method works, what few weeds get hold are easily pulled out by hand, without tool. Hardly any need to water once plants are established. I have a very large garden that I covered, as well as other areas too. However, I do have a substantial bush area also. One can get free mulch from arborists and perhaps their city/town.

June 29, 2024 3:35 pm

June 29, 2024 4:11 pm

Yes you are right about mulch for our regular garden area and it’s just by hand weeding. Since we get around 70+ inches of annual rain (PNW) we also have 6 big raised beds made from river rock to warm soil earlier but don’t mulch them got the biointensive thing going there.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 12:08 pm

Now we have to deal with morons and their evil puppet masters telling us farming has to be stopped because of pollution.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 12:31 pm

Funny. Just this morning I came inside from watering the veggies, I said to my husband: “You know, I think I figured out the secret to an abundant vegetable harvest: You have to always put more seeds or plants out. All the time. Never have an unused area in your garden”. We harvested a 2×2 feet patch of radishes yesterday, so I took some votes this morning of what should go in its place. The majority voted for a combination of beets and turnips. So that’s what I will do later today, even though I am not a fan of beets.

Oh, and our daughter now proclaimed that she wants to be a chef when she grows up. She is tinkering in the kitchen all day long now. I told her that it is a great combination, since our youngest son wants to be a “scientist-farmer”, as he calls it.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
June 29, 2024 12:32 pm

I also decided to just use up all of our old seeds this year. I am sewing those that I bought from 2016-2022. They still sprout at an impressive rate, maybe 25-50%.

  Svarga Loka
June 29, 2024 12:57 pm


Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 2:38 pm

I knew a woman that sewed seeds for necklaces. Seeds instead of beads. Ease up.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  Svarga Loka
June 29, 2024 4:55 pm

Your son, and your whole family might be interested in a “Farm Bot.” Really neat idea that allows year-round farming in a basement or garage, etc.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  hardscrabble farmer
July 1, 2024 12:09 am

I grow a modest garden every year, and I dont can any of it but I know how.
My wife and family eat it as it becomes edible.
I gather wild food all spring and summer, asparagus, oyster mushrooms, morels,
several “weeds” that are delicious and nutritious. In late summer, I hunt blue grouse, teal, squirell, and gather the best mushrooms on earth. Cep, chanterelle, lactarius, horse and meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campetris and averensis) and wine caps for pickling.(Stropharia rugosoannulata) Fall is when the meat larder gets (hopefully) filled. Elk, deer and antelope, pheasnat, quail, and rabbit. I don’t rifle hunt anymore for sport because I took up the much more satisfying bow 30 years ago, but should need to eat, The birds and bunnies get the shotguns. I have rifles for every game there is and can use them effectively. Point being, anyone with any of our ancient and hallowed hunting heritage shouls be
able to provide with knowledge and practice of the skills that made us top predators for at least 50,000 years. If you have forgotten this legacy of your ancestors, these skills can be recovered……

BTW, Fine rifles and even better shotguns make the hunt a much better experience. Every man who hunts should have at least one very fine gun.
Better to have several. Cost is irrelevant. These works of art never lose value and last for generations on end. If you hunt, treat yourself and your ancestors to at least one work of art.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 29, 2024 11:44 am

The comment about the leftist filth looking for trouble was a bit low key compared to the continued threat. This morning in Germany, 1,000 Antifa terrorists surrounded a hotel or building where the AfD-Alternative for Germany Party was having some confab. AfD is the German populist nationalist party. Same shit going on in England where the national populist Nigel Farage has the City of London neighborhood shitting itself over the idea of a Trumpish Brit tearing their Deep State cabal to shreds.
Bannon’s populist movement is international and showing strength all across Europe. Castration of Brussels, Davos, and the City of London is the goal. Expect to see ally Farage campaigning for Trump here, even if he becomes Prime Minister which scares the evil fuqueres to their core.


This Bolshevik movement is international, likely funded by Soros. When the SHTF all the Commies will rise worldwide to burn and loot, military in the streets, curfews and lockdowns will be the norm. Large Communist/Antifa riots will be permitted…which explains why we aren’t permitted full auto weapons for defense.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 29, 2024 5:01 pm

When or if that happens, anybody standing between us and the commies will automatically be on the menu along with the commies. Then you’ll have all the heavy weapons you want just laying there.

June 29, 2024 11:55 am

Added 2 more 15 pound propane bottles to supplies yesterday………have 90 pounds total.
150 gallons gasoline total.
Never stop prepping !

June 29, 2024 12:33 pm

Agree Zappa,tis a ongoing program and a rotation/use of older stock,along with learning/practicing skills.

I will say it yet again,to folks new to prepping get on it,you can do this til the day comes you can’t,preps can be for a personal crisis,not just SHTF.Folks here and other sites willing to help with ideas/advice ect.,so get on it!

I feel may have posted these lines before but……,they are lines worth taking heed of!

And as always,Prepper Cat is with you!

comment image

June 29, 2024 1:40 pm

Have enough propane, canning jars, lids, rings, and multiple pressure canners on hand now to save what you have in your freezer.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 2:58 pm

I have four 20 and three 30 gallon (lb) propane tanks for use with a space heater I rarely use plus a 330 gal tank for the WH generator. The 330 is at 35% capacity so will handle a normal every two year 100 gallon minimum delivery.

Checked with my propane provider today and for Texas , Jun 29, 2024, $2.84 per gallon. $284 bites yet better to bite the bullet today than wait until fall.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 12:09 pm

The only problem with the prophesy in the article is that Mr. Trump is going to save US! Who would think otherwise?

Readers familiar with my economic analysis know that I predicted stagflation several years ago as the inevitable outcome of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing and near-zero interest rates (See my article published in 2018 titled…”

Hum, 2018.

June 29, 2024 12:58 pm

Right now my wife and 91 year old Father in law are canning red beets as I type this, best crop of them I ever produced. She just finished canning all the bush beans I had hauled in. This will be an ongoing project all summer and fall. We have a huge back stock of canned food and all canning supplies, at least three years’ worth. But much, much more.

Six boxes of tomatoes are on the floor, okra is coming in daily, and all types of peppers. carrots, and radishes are flush. Onions will soon be tied into pantry hose and hung from in basement root cellar ceiling. Cucumbers are coming in steady, and sweet potatoes (the highest calorie count veggie) are growing. Looking forward to the egg plants, brussel sprouts, and cantaloupes coming up.

Note: store sweet potatoes in unsealed boxes (just inter lock the flaps) in a cool dark place wrapped in newspaper with a couple of apples at the bottom, and the gas from the decaying apples will stop the sweet potatoes from budding and preserve them for up to eight months. I replace the apples about four months in.

Finally our 85 fruit and nut tree orchard (started in 2013 with yearly plantings) has reached a massive ongoing maturity with most trees. Along with a wonderful wet spring (although June has been too dry both wells are taking up most of – but not all- of the slack) this looks like it will be the best orchard harvest to date.

Mulberries (the first to come out) are gone now but were delicious, Bartlett & Chinese pears are super flush. Both the large mature Barletts have branches hanging down to the ground filled with bounty. Peaches, plums, apples, and kiwis, will soon be ready.

Figs, blueberries, and blackberries are coming in now with daily pickings. My favorite fruit persimmons will come in last, usually early to mid-November.

Four Chinese chestnut trees will produce a couple of shoe boxes full of chestnuts in the fall. Three pecan trees are probably a year or two away from their first crop, as are our two hazelnut bush/trees and deuce pomegranate trees.

A mild but late frost killed all the blooms on our two Paw Paw trees…but all the others were OK…but no Paw Paw fruit this harvest.

We have six 10 to 14 pound catfish in the freezer from the pond and I feed all the bass, perch, bluegill, and catfish three times a week. Have a throwing net for post SHTF use.

Two grape arbors are flush and we will can at least 50 jars of jam at harvest…and have plenty left over for the 12 chickens who love them.

As far as SHTF food I believe in plenty of the 3 ‘inexpensive’ basics that will supply your body all the nutrition you need:

1.     Rice
2.     Beans
3.     Canned fish

On a tight budget remember the above.

I bought my first freeze dried buckets (I have a freezer dryer) from Mormons the last year of the Peanut Farmer’s disaster term (1979 I was 29) and ate it all in the late 90’s…so prepping with me has been a way of life…but once I went rural in 2012 after the Petulant One was re-selected, and it was obvious The Cloward-Piven Theory would soon be our reality …I went rural and got super daily serious about making my stand.

Just signed with a solar company after significant research…will be off the grid by mid-September. Both houses have full size Generac generators and the solar system will be tied into the Generac in the main house. Have 1,700 gallons of propane tanks in-between the two houses. 

I am prepping in all ways for most of my immediate family to hopefully make it to my two house (also have a one room man cave little house with heat, AC, bar and fridge/bed) 14 acre farm/compound just before or right after TSHTF. Making a home for my immediate blood line tribe, and have a neighbor/friend outer tribe close by. There could be at least five well armed men and two teen aged boys, four women, and five teenage girls. Considering getting large camper(s) for overflow, and extra bedrooms/privacy (waiting to buy one or two for pennies on the dollar once the collapse hits).

We are mostly de banked and de dollared…the human demons currently running most of the power centers can take their Great Reset and their Great Taking and shove both where the sun don’t shine.

My best to you all who will make your stand and have the wisdom to prepare in all ways…never ever comply, be part of the remnant and stand your ground.

God is in control and He is the only one I fear, worship or will obey.

June 29, 2024 1:05 pm

You have accomplished what most will regret they did not. How far are you from a town/city? Hungry people will strip that orchard if you are close enough from dense population.

June 29, 2024 1:44 pm

I’m thinking they just might get shot first.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 3:11 pm

I think mark is ammoed up. Could be a challenge however especially if government launches drone projectiles his way. I certainly pray government does not but for now I don’t know the peeps themselves have the means to thwart such attacks. Maybe Colorado has something up his sleeve. Share?

  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 5:42 pm

Everyone I know in my inner circle/tribe is ammoed up.

If and when they get to the local yokel level and they send enough men and material at me I have no illusions.

But I’m 74, in robust health, don’t weigh much more then I did 55 years ago…started my manhood as a grunt in war…and maybe that is how I will end it. Shoot, Shot, Shit…maybe they will save me the hospital/hospice whimper and I can go home with a burst of righteous fire???

I will not be getting on any bus, using CBDCs, and before I take any needles or marks I will give a good account of myself. If it comes to that all I want to be is expensive.

I’m not looking forward to the first death, but I’m not worried about or going to experience the second one…and I know where my home is after the first.

June 29, 2024 3:18 pm


Multiple treeline hidden positions…with deep woods paths in between ring the orchard.

Have two super deep out houses…and 15 bags of lime.

There are two small towns 2 miles out that are only separated by a lake. There will be many there and in some trailer parks scattered around who we will be forced to deal with violently once they run out of food etc. I have no illusions about that.

There are many ahhhh surprises long in place in outer and inner interlocking positions on my double gated compound…I have 10 high end cameras and double high nailed together Railroad ties ringing the one road into my place. No normal vehicles can drive in.,..they have to pass two gates…also have ties positioned with spikes to further block the road to the second gate.

I have the ability/experience to scout (we called it snoop’in and poop’on in Nam) see and shoot at night, as it won’t be my first rodeo doing both. I have the will and the gear to sleep protected outside at night while being hidden…in multiple locations, as could other tribe men. In a SHTF Mad mark reality you cannot defend your home/farm/compound from inside a house. I will meet the enemy on ground of my choosing…with pre positioned supplies, and they will not see me/us.

Also have 30 Walkie Talkies for the inside, and neighbor/local tribe members.

The big threat from the 60% black small blue bubble about 20 miles away is where the immediate ‘golden horde’ will wander out of after they destroy and loot that lost liberal bubble. In our favor is a massive lake system in-between and only one bridge to block. There has been much discussion about that among us ahhhhh concerned citizens. A dozen well-armed men could easily road block it come EBT shut down mayhem threats from the restless and starving natives, and force them into other directions…around us.

One of my best buddies is high up in the Sheriff’s department so I know their posture, and will know it post SHTF…lots of Good Ole Boys. In one of the small towns is an engineer company of National Guard, close friend’s son is a E-6…I will get more intel, lots of Good Ole Boys there too.

Everyone living around me is armed…most of the houses around me are on from 10 to 34 acres, and all of us practice shooting. One neighbor has state of the art super expensive night vision scopes and picks off foxes and coyotes at will at night. He and his son will cover the right flank of my farm…and I can cover him and be at his house in 10 minutes and he at mine. That goes the same for two other neighbors. We we all have radios.

It has been a rare month for many years I haven’t bought ammo.

I have a deep EMP room with insulated faday steel cans …and much, much more.

I read ‘One Second After’ when it first came out.

I will walk my posts from flank to flank…and take no shit from any rank.

June 29, 2024 3:50 pm

Don’t you find it interesting that people are telling me that you are armed? There is no 85 tree orchard/nut grove 100% safe from the scarecrows without a 24/7 guard or a pack of nasty guard dogs. You cannot patrol 24/7 by yourself . Neighbors may be your worse perps in a prolonged period of unrest and shortage. That said, you have done more than 99% of Americans.

June 29, 2024 5:44 pm

I have also used a nail gun to store dozens of large pieces of plywood filled with punji nails left over from when the big house was built in 2020 that are now flipped over (nail side down) in the woods and covered in tarps that surround the orchard and my houses…ready to deploy.

Once the Mad mark games begin they will be uncovered, flipped over, and scattered on the houses and orchard approaches and around the prime fruited trees. I have mountains of pine straw to make them invisible at night.

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Sudden pain filled howling screams in the night will not be unexplainable.

I also expect to have enough tribal men for three shifts of armed coverage.

After Nam I taught a class on NVA and Viet Cong Bobby Traps…I kept the manual…it can get a lot worse than the above…a lot.

Toe poppers and punji pits are easy to make to cover all approaches.
Desperate times will make for desperate measures…we will see.

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Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 3:07 pm

God is in control and He is the only one I fear, worship or will obey.”

Absolutely TRUE. And while man’s feeble mind may not be able to accept why in a secular , humanist world Joe Biden or Donald Trump for that matter could be “president”…you said it.

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 3:33 pm

I sure wish Polar brand “naturally” smoked kipper snacks had not gone up so much in price. They are good preppers.

For a long time it seems as I “forget” , I paid $1.34 per 3.53oz can. Now $1.92 per can. Product of Germany so I do feel less likely to be poisoned than some fish from China but who knows for certain?

  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 3:47 pm

Scientists Want to Pour 60,000 Gallons of Sodium Hydroxide Into Ocean Off Cape Cod to Test Carbon Dioxide Removal

THIS IS A TEST , THIS IS ONLY A TEST ( trust da science. )

This is not to kill ocean food supply.

Scientists Want to Pour 60,000 Gallons of Sodium Hydroxide Into Ocean Off Cape Cod to Test Carbon Dioxide Removal • Children’s Health Defense

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 3:50 pm

Some folks will have a problem “accepting” Romans 13. Not sure what the Hindus, Buddhists or other “religions” say about government authority.

Romans 13 does not mean a person simply lays down. In the case of government actually violating God’s law by forcing Christian places of worship to shutdown that is a totally different example of authoritarian abuse and to be fought against to the death if necessary.

Tickles me how when Trump was Selected some evangelicals would remind the peeps of Romans 13 yet not even a squeak when Joe was Selected. No surprise hypocrisy. That happens every time some bone head republican is Selected.

  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 5:57 pm

Jake I left a church with three other families during the height of the Covid Con overreach over Romans 13. We formed a home church and met with a few other people maskless and unbowed the entire time. That stand together was the start of our Tribe forming, and with our children and their families and our grandchildren we are all getting ready for whatever is coming. They weren’t as serious of a Prepper as I was, but that has long changed.

I was late to the Trump train, and barely made it on as the caboose went flying past me in 2016. I jumped off it the day he announced Warp Speed. I warned a close friend and former Tea Party buddy not to go to DC on Jan 6th it was a TRAP.
He is ever grateful he listened.

I am surrounded by wonderful Christians but many are Christian Zionists and don’t even know it!

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 9:01 pm

It was astonishing the number of churches that simply closed their doors here. Ours never closed but many stayed home. Our pastor and elders said wear a mask if you wish , and most did not, and we spread out with the additional room. Small group to begin with. Likely people in the area were meeting in homes but the doors were shut cold on churches by their own leaders “advice”. Sunday morning were quite a difference what one would normally see as in no vehicles and no one at these churches.

Anyway, 1 Peter 2:13-17 could be a hard one for Christians too. When “they” tell me I cannot worship in any place I so desire is when God’s law is being violated and a whole different game.

Christian Zionists…no thanks. I probably sit among some but praise the Lord goofball politics is not discussed in the pews. Anytime you heard someone raise a prayer request for “Israel” , so be it their ignorance yet raises a red flag.

  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 11:39 pm

I was and remain astonished and the number of people, in the church and outside of it, who went hook, line, and sinker for the whole mass genocide and all its window dressings.

I went full open carry every where I could and wore many hats and t-shirts leaving no question where I stood.

I took on the pastor and he told me not to come back without a mask on e-mail and I never did…the church was severely divided and 18 months later what was left kicked him out.

They have invited me back three times but I have a rock solid church home of the like minded.

I am a Historic Prophecy believer in a church filled with mostly Futurists, but I’m careful and don’t cause divisions. Many/most who are Zionists are clueless about what that actually means.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 6:27 pm

Great post, wish it was longer, I was really getting into it.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2024 11:02 pm

Thanks Marc…here are some more defensive passive counter tactics to expose, wound, and discourage the EBT and other potential Zombie Golden Horde invaders.

My house is surrounded by thick woods on three sides. I have two rolls of barbed wire that once TSHTF will be cut and run tight (nailed in with U nails & wrapped around at multiple levels in between selected trees…making stretches of the woods impassable for armatures without wire cutters) forcing invaders onto certain open paths…those paths is where you put nail punji boards and or punji pits, tangle foot razor wire (they will slice themselves up getting it off) and or foot poppers.

Mark all bobby traps from the house side with white thumb tacks that glow in flashlight light on trees on both sides of the bobby trap. The white thumb tack are visible in daylight. Always put the glowing/visible thumb tacks at the exact same height for easy spotting.

Putting punji plywood boards with pine straw camo on top under windows could discourage all the suddenly screaming impaled sneaker wearing window burglars Those Jordon’s will offer no protection…and the blood soaked resale value will plummet.

I had pre dug scooped out interconnected chest deep fighting holes dug (when the land was cleared for the house to be built and the heavy equipment was there in 2020) around three sides of my house that is in deep woods, and recessed in all tree lines. I cleared paths in-between them as underbrush could be thick and impassable in sections) allowing anyone to dash from one fighting hole to the other. All would have interlocking fire if all were manned or even womened. (My 69 year old petite wife shoots a mean 20 gauge with a pistol grip…who knows?)

Post TSHTF I will have air tight water proof plastic tubs that will contain water, ammo, caffeine pills, energy bars, one one handed tourniquet, and one cameo water proof tarp or poncho to be placed in each fighting hole. In the winter I will have one sleeping bag. I have 11 positions. (I need four more sleeping bags, it’s on the ever evolving list.) All 11 tree line hidden positions covering the two houses and the road in will have fishing line with empty Yoohoo cans (my only addiction) filled with pebbles and small rocks strung out in areas behind the fighting holes to alert any occupants of flankers coming in behind them. It worked in Nam!

I have a jar full of ball bearings. They will be placed on the front and back porches, and collected every morning. Anyone coming up to the doors at night with no light will go for a wild ride and a hard fall.

I have Pepper the Wonder (male) Long Hair Dachshund who can hear a mouse fart and will let you know.

I built into the house a secret exit hatch allowing me to slip out the side very quietly and come around to the front or back to deal with whoever I have to…hopefully they are limping…or suffering from a bad slip and fall allowing me the COUP DE GRÂCE.

There is MOUR…but I need to answer HR and Jake and get some zzzzzz buddy…

June 30, 2024 7:37 am

Way to make us all feel oh so inadequate there mark! In a good way…

June 30, 2024 10:02 am

Putting punji plywood boards with pine straw camo on top under windows

add carpet tack strip on the ledge of window outside fro the double wammy on the messed up hands and feet, liquid nails to apply. You can also add razor blades reversed on fence for the exit, so now they have messed up feet, hands and then the death blow all to their own doing.

June 30, 2024 1:42 pm

I like it!

Consider it added to my post SHTF passive anti Zombie practical and tactical self defense deployment!

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 29, 2024 9:08 pm

Mark, be darn careful about the installers of the solar. If a crew shows up and it is comprised of Jose, JosB and JosC you may have problems. The big solar outfit around here does not do their own installation and farms it out. When we got our one big snow last year, where the snow was like six or eight inches deep on all the roofs and stayed there for a week or more, all of a sudden every house with solar had Service Master disaster cleanup crews at their houses for a week. They had to come back a time or two for several. My next door neighbor had them practically living there. Finally, a couple of weeks ago work crews came and gutted her house. Reframed the inside walls, dry wall, cabinets, everything upstairs and downstairs. I asked one of the construction guys what happened and he said he didn’t know how, but there was water damage everywhere.
My electrician told me the solar installers drilled through roofs all over the two county area he works in and this was very widespread. He said he would only put out a ground array were he doing it for himself.


Thanks HR, I found none of that in my wide and deep due diligence with this company. They are one of the top 5 Solar Companies in my state NC.

Our Solar Company
– 17 Year History
– 18,000+ residential installs
– 5th largest dealer in the USA
– 25 Year Service to maintain, repair, and upgrade system
No contracting or subcontracting
– Highest quality products
– American made Solar System
– Premium Certified Installer of Tesla
No Chinese equipment was critical for me most of theirs comes out of Texas.

(Rumors there are kill switch chips in the Chicom panels, don’t know it that is true, but I buy American when ever possible.)

If anyone is interested here is the cost/math to buy a system to run the entire house.

Cost: $45,612

1.      Veteran discount: $3,500.00

Cost: $42,112

2.      Federal Tax Credit: $12, 634

3.     Duke Energy NC Rebate in a direct cash check to me (outside the
Solar Company) from Duke for the first 6,000 customers going Solar

4.      Veteran cash rebate from the Solar Company once installed; $500.00

5.      First year’s electrical savings: $1,200. (I should be able to sell some
power back to Duke.)

Here is the kicker, if your credit score qualifies (ours did) they offered an 18 month, no interest delay in paying one penny. Or you can make monthly payments of any amounts you want for the 18 months with zero interest charged. We took this and will pay it all off in 18 $234.00 payments…plenty of budget room to do that.

After the 18 months any unpaid balance starts with a 19% interest rate spread out for 84 payments.

After we collect all of the above total out of pocket to us is: $23,778.80

Another plus is the system will be fully integrated with our full house Generac generator that we have an underground 1,000 gallon propane tank for and both solar and the Generac will power in tandem together if the grid goes down in an endless power loop.

Have to take 23 giant 90 foot pines down, but I have a neighbor who owns a tree cutting business (great guy) and he is going to take them all down for $100 a tree. So I do have that outlay…but I also get rid of the hurricane threat as well so that is a twofer. I was going to take them down anyway.

I asked them if they could put up BLUE panels, but they said no…whata ya gonna DEW…

dave in pa.
dave in pa.
June 29, 2024 1:53 pm

you going to want some distance between you and the nearest large city/town.
think of a mob of starving folks looking for food to eat. and cops collecting your stuff for the “good of all ” kind of crap to happen. might be a good idea to get some clothes that are a bit too big so it doesn’t look like you eating everyday. might help, might not too.
anyway, never let others know what you have. I have seen people kill over c-rations a long time ago and never forgotten it. and then you have to worry about the illegals that came here in the last 3-4 years. they are another problem most people will not be able to handle. life is very cheap where they come from. and most will kill you for what you have in your pockets if they could get away with it. what happens when they turn off the money card? yeah. all hell will break loose. better plan on that happening.
smaller town and farming areas might be you best bet in the long run. make friends as you can. join the local sportsman’s club and church make friends, you going to need them. start small, but feel people out about how things are going. either way, it going to be a rough couple of years to get thru once it happens

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 2:25 pm

Probably a good idea to CONTINUE to hoard any number of items including food. Seeing the stats in the article about national debt etc. I’m compelled to remind of the results of the 2016-2020 administration. If anyone thinks 2016-2020 is not part of what ails US today, please make an appointment with a counselor at the very least.

“The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020.
The national debt reached another high of $28 trillion less than two months after President Trump left office.”

IPresident Trump’s Impact on the National Debt


Jake Legg
Jake Legg
  Jake Legg
June 29, 2024 2:30 pm

Fair and Balanced like FAUX:

“In December 2021, Congress then increased the debt limit by $2.5 trillion, to almost $31.4 trillion, as debt rose again under President Joe Biden.”

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 12:25 pm

Do you have ANY idea how many friends I’ve seen put in the grave who never had the opportunity to actually use those preps? How might their lives have been improved by directing those thousands of dollars elsewhere?

People like to pretend to themselves that this is a game and that whoever dies with the most toys wins, but the truth is this: There are no pockets in funeral shrouds and there ain’t no luggage racks on hearses. You ain’t taking NOTHING out of this world but the wrinkled old ass you were issued when you got here!