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June 29, 2024 3:18 pm
June 29, 2024 8:34 pm

Dr Jill wrote a book before the 2020 election and dedicated it to Edith Wilson. That tells me all I need to know.

June 29, 2024 3:36 pm

Oh how creative. One can grill fish, beef, pork, and chicken w/o cross contamination.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 29, 2024 3:58 pm

Yes, just normal contamination

Pretzel Logic
Pretzel Logic
June 29, 2024 7:01 pm
Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 30, 2024 1:37 am

“Scientists want to kill off one of the most productive fisheries on earth.”

The war on protien food continues.


June 29, 2024 6:07 pm

Looks like it stops racial contamination, too.

June 29, 2024 5:27 pm

” Since the year 1952 the question was asked here, will there be an election?
The answer was no. Up until the year of 1952 had the Christian world fulfilled their duties for both God and My country, had shown the patriotic duty of every American citizen, it would not had to be no in 1952. They failed to do their Christian duty. Yes, you will have the freedom to scratch paper. That’s all it is. You still have the priviledge to mark it,[voteing ballots] but your elections are all taken care of beforehand. In 1956 the votes were long cast before election day. They went through the preliminaries to the action, to blind and fool the public. The only difference was there had been hope of replaceing your President with the Vice-President, but they discovered that they would err very much if they had succeeded with their plans because of the demand of the present mam, but did the people know that he is not at the helm of the ship: he is only a voice. He has never been the same man that he was before September 24 in Denver. He is completely under control.”
She also spoke about how journalists were completely conrtrolled under threat of death even, by the dark powers and could naot speak the truth back in the 1960’s.

Quoted from the Book: ‘Revelations & Messages As given through Mary Ann Van Hoof’.
page 149 written on Friday, December 4,1959

This Woman was scornd by the Church for speaking the truth and silenced as a crazy person. Everything that we now know is happening behind the curtain of deciet from the powers that should not be, she spoke about back then. It has been happening for a long time now. The NWO is the antichrist religion=Satansism and it has taken over our nation and all elections are a fraud.

Eisenhower and vice president Nixon, were elcted in 1952, and again in 1956. That is when the greada treaty was signed with the aliens=the Rothschild illuminati.
That is when the US went from One nation under God, to one nation of child trafficking, and it became the nation of adrenochrome suppliers to the illuminati. The agreement was all about exchanging the scienctific technology of Hitler, and forcing by threats of violence and worse Hitler’s scientists that the Rothschilds illuminati stole from Hitler, to the US,in exchange for child sacrifice, which the illuminat calle “expeirimentation” in the agreement. The beginning of the end of the USA.
Hitler had the advanced technology and spirtituality from the good side, the angelic side.
Germany made the first computers.
The dark side took over the USA, and you have been their puppets ever since, blind fools, thinking you still have a demochracy. You are just for wars, and adrenochrome and you exist just to give power aand wealth to the illuminati=not aliens but not human either=the fallen agaels of Hell.
There will be no good side coming to your rescue until you drive out the devil.
If you retain the devil and his minions the USA will serve as an example of what happens when you serve the devil=revelations began when you did, when eisenhower not a gentile, signed the greada treaty.
It is updarted every few years. Now the technology of hitler, is used in reverse, to do evil instaed of good. Like 5G and soon 6E, it will KILL and destroy all life in the USA.
All your candidtaes are just voices telling you what you want to hear so you will vote for them.The next president has already been chosen and elected by the illuminati=the devil who drinks the blood of Children thanks to Eisenhower.
He was given the choice to serve the devil or to be give technology when you were spiriually ready for it.
When you invite in the devil, and are ruled over by the devil, do not expect that anything good will occur. Quite the contrary, expect disarter and toltal destruction of the US.
Even Gaza and Ukraine aaaaaaaaand all your past wars were for one reason: to steal the wealth and the children, for adrenochrome.
It is what they priize above all else, above gold or money.
Since the print the money out of thin air, they can pay as much as they want for those children. They have destroyed this nation, and if you were truly with God you would never have allowed the demons to advance in power as they have done.
all through history good only happened and progeress depends completely on spirtiutal elevation of your souls. Only when they were cast out, did any progress from God occur in History. When the devil is invited in and worhiped you worship the natichrist not Jesus Christ. You brought on your own destruction.
You should have taken them all down a long time ago.
Instead you are blind fools falling for the devil’s trick and all their lies and con games, like covid, 9-11, the list goes on. Even WAKO was abut shutting up those who found out about the children stacked up in cages on their nearby military bases.

June 29, 2024 6:08 pm

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