BRITAIN IN DECLINE – PRE-ELECTION SPECIAL – Elite – Digital ID – Assange – Homeless – London – Services Inflation – Nil Growth – MSM Demise – Fake Meat – Sewage – Letter from Great Britain [06-29-24]

“If liberty means anything, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” [George Orwell]. Attacks on our freedoms fail any political candidate’s solution

  • Magnify with the illusion of being bigger than you actually are (Boris Johnson)
  • Scream and shout to scare it off (Liz Truss)
  • Roll over and play dead (Rishi Sunak)

This election will be one for the history books with so many contentitous issues and the two major parties addressing them in similar ways.  There is little differentiation between them thus Britain could be described as embodying a ‘Uniparty’ ruling elite.

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Earlier this year, the Guardian quoted Conservative MP, Danny Kruger saying the country was in a worse state than it was in 2010 when the party first came to power.  Rishi Sunak’s re-election chances are dim-to-none, with only five days to go. A YouGov survey one month ago found that 73% of Brits believed that the country was much worse now than 14 years ago when David Cameron became PM.  Almost half of the public (46%) said that most things in Britain are now “much worse”, only 11% considered them to be about the same and a paltry 8% believed the country was better off.

With almost 8 million waiting for NHS treatment, the public say that the NHS is worse now than it was in 2010 at 84%, (not to mention the dentists) with the immigration system and economy coming joint-third, at 78%.  On these three primary issues: cost of living, the NHS, and immigration even a majority of those who intend to vote Conservative say things are worse now than they were in 2010 (61-68%). Those who backed the party in 2019 are now overwhelmingly negative at 75-79%.

Across 19 different significant policies, most Britons said things are now worse than they were in 2010. Topping the list is the cost of living, which 85% of Britons say is now worse, including 59% who say it is “much worse”. Aside from the recent period of high inflation, this also follows more than a decade of stagnating wages.  The cost of living, NHS, and immigration top the multitude of ways in which the public think things are worse than they were 14 years ago.

In addition, Britain’s ‘Misery Index’ is forecast to rise later this year and through 2025, giving the new government an early headache.  Unemployment is set to increase further, puncturing the boost from inflation having fallen back to normal levels.

That means the Misery Index, initiated in the 1970s to capture the combined impact of unemployment and inflation, is likely to worsen over the next 18 months.  Britain’s unemployment rate has already risen to its highest level in two and a half years, at 4.4% in the February-April quarter.  It is forecast to keep rising; the Bank of England estimates it will average 4.6% in the second quarter of 2025, and rise further to 4.8% in 2026 and 2027.  Bloomberg has calculated that this will increase the Misery Index to circa 7.5 points over the coming 18 months from six points today.

Sunak has given up, going early to end it all, and to avoid the tough leadership qualities of a wartime PM – he is no Winston Churchill – merely  a gentle, cosseted opportunist who found himself thust into the political battlespace during a time of an engineered scamdemic which cost the nation almost a trillion pounds.

Sunak has tripped into several bear traps in recent weeks, standing on multiple rakes whilst his colleagues pulled at his threadbare facade. It’s cruel to laugh, but much schadenfreude is to be found in watching him trip over his laces.  Here is why no policitian can possibly rectify the descent of Britain into an economic abyss:

While Sunak retreats to his former golden American goose in finance or banking suffering Britain will be left with the worst of all worlds, as Labour takes the reigns of power prolonging the agony for a minimum of another five years. This of course will end with the fulfilment of the UN Agenda 2030; what better leader to have in place than a WEF acolyte and Knight of the Realm, Kier Starmer? Sources

IT’S FOREGONE THAT KIER STARMER WILL BE PM NEXT WEEK – THIS IS WHAT TO EXPECT: Starmerism means the wholesale transfer of power from Parliament to unelected WEF Bureauprats, NGOs, Civil Serpents, Adjudicates, and Quangocrats” (collectively known as ‘The Establishment Blob’).

Keir Starmer is not a politician by training or inclination. He was drafted into civilian office late in life and took a Junoesque place on the front benches with Jeremy Corbyn.  Starmer is part of a long tradition when political systems in trouble often loose faith in their leaders, and turned instead to a recognised outsider who appeared to stand above the warring factions.

These people are not ‘political’ because the body politic had failed. These are figures of unity and command. The ancient Field Marshal MacMahon; the senile Field Marshal Hindenburg; the policeman Starmer; the police spy Sue Gray are harder, simpler people for a simpler Police State, often emerging in extremis finally as Martial Law. The year 2020 saw Britain in this ‘State of Fear’ which, but for the bumbling, criminal buffoon Johnson, [Tucker Carlson’s words, not mine], it would have remained in place today.

To quote,  J. Sorel: “What we’re faced with in 2024 is a stodgy public moralism that owes much more to Ant & Dec than to Michel Pablo. And more than anything else, it’s a public doctrine that was put in genuine danger from 2016-20, placing it under a psychological state of siege from which it has yet to emerge, and which Starmer’s victory will do nothing to allay.”

THE BLOB’ will remain in control.  For example, Starmer’s “’Great British Energy’, like NHS England (created by the Coalition’s health reforms), will simply take over this area of policy. It will be able to ignore direct orders from ministers, just as NHS England ignored Brandon Lewis’s order to stop hiring DEI consultants.”

J. Sorel continues:  “Starmerism will finally banish the spectre of Civil Service reform, so long mooted. Instead, the Civil Service will carry out its own reform of the executive – or, as Sue Gray put it, moulding Downing Street ‘into [Whitehall’s] way of working’.  The Head of the Department of the Civil Service will be empowered to “ensure that policies and budgets take delivery considerations into account”, in other words, the formal right to torpedo the policies of the elected government on entirely subjective grounds of ‘workability’. (See this article for a much more detailed description of the Institute of Government’s proposals)”

“Parliament and ministers will be policed by a new overarching ‘Ethics and Integrity Commission’ with its own independent chair; its brief, will in all likelihood, be to enforce the vague and genuinely risible Nolan Principles. As they have done for the previous three years, these processes will simply be used as a way to wear down, harry, and expel political opponents. In the face of constant frivolous investigations, parliamentary privilege will cease to exist in any meaningful form, as will effective cabinet government. Tellingly, the only department that will not have a corresponding select committee to monitor its “standards and ethics” will be the new ‘Department of the Civil Service’.”

“One canary in the coal mine will be GB News, which will come under relentless attack from an empowered Ofcom. And the Sun newspaper is likely to see its demise when future historians will find it strange that Britain’s governing class could not even suffer the existence of such a proletarian rag.” Sources


Britain is in the grip of a ‘New Elite’, which has been rapidly losing touch with the rest of the country, setting the stage for a looming backlash among the masses. This synopsis is taken from Matt Goodwin’s Substack (Paywall) and is drawn from material in his new book, ‘Values Voice and Virtue’, which was released in 2023 and is available here.

“Britain has always had an out-of-touch elite, of course. Henry Fairlie first talked about “The Establishment” in the 1950s, an Old Boys network of wealthy, right-leaning elites in the City who fill the Tory donor class and private members’ clubs on Pall Mall.  The old elite clearly still exist. It continues to wield enormous power over politics and the economy. But today, in Britain, as in many other Western countries, the axis of power is now rapidly tilting toward a new ruling class and one that overlaps with the old elite but is distinct from it in important, under-appreciated ways.

Whereas the old elite was mainly defined by its wealth, inherited titles, estates, “small c” cultural values and, often though not always its lack of university education, the members of the new middle-class professional elite are defined by different things.

They were swept forward, mainly by the rapid expansion of the universities, by their elite education at one of the most prestigious Oxbridge or Russell Group universities which, like them, have swung sharply leftwards over the past half century.

Whereas back in the 1960s left-wing academics outnumbered right-wing academics by a ratio of three to one, today it’s closer to eight to one, a symbol of how both the universities, and the graduates they produce, have increasingly swung left.

Unlike the right-leaning old middle-class and the Tory elite, over the last ten years the new middle-class graduate elite has shifted behind the Labour Party and other liberal left parties, such as the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish National Party, or the Greens.

In fact, had Britain’s graduate class been eligible to vote at the last election, in 2019, then Jeremy Corbyn would currently be prime minister. And this shift is now being compounded by generational change; ask Millennial graduates how they voted at the last election and only one in five will say the Tories. [NB, Matt saw this a year ago!]

The rise of the new elite, then, reflects the rise of a powerful new ‘education divide’ in Britain, a deep-rooted rift which is now pushing the elite graduate minority and the non-graduate majority firmly apart economically, politically, culturally, and geographically.

Increasingly, over the last decade, this has been driving what Michael Sandel calls the ‘politics of humiliation’, a palpable sense among millions of ordinary voters that they are now being cut adrift by a highly educated elite which not only hoovered up the economic gains but often rigged the system to favour their own group over others.

Whether reflected in the new elite bribing their way into America’s prestigious Ivy League colleges, the finding in Britain that it was mainly the children of the new elite who benefitted from the expansion of universities, or the repeated failure of the elite universities to devote anywhere near as much effort to helping children from the white working-class as they commit to those from minority backgrounds (as recently symbolised by Cambridge ignoring left-behind white kids altogether), this sense that the deck has been rigged for the new elite has pushed many into populism. (Follow the money)

It’s in Britain’s declining towns, rural areas and coastal communities, the areas filled with workers, non-graduates and pensioners, which the new elite deride as “Little England”, or “going nowhere”, is where the backlash against them is strongest.  And today, it’s this deep and growing rift between the elite graduate class and everybody else that is giving rise to three new fault lines which have been reshaping our politics and country over the past decade and will almost certainly drive more unrest in the years ahead unless we can find a way of peacefully resolving them. Source

Matt Goodwin
Rise of the New Elite
This is essay is drawn from material in my new book, Values Voice and Virtue, which was released last Thursday and is available here. Britain is in the grip of a new elite, which has been rapidly losing touch with the rest of the country, setting the stage for a looming backlash among the masses…
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STOP PRESS – UK DIGITAL ID – Now it Starts – Look Out Below!

HMG is to mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society.  The British government (HMG) has announced plans to require all residents in the UK to enroll in Bill Gates’ Digital ID system if they wish to continue participating in society. I call this Britain’s ‘Digital Stockade’.

The Gates Foundation welcomed the news by pumping $4 million into the digital public infrastructure (DPI) scheme, which will oversee the practical implementation of mandatory IDs. The Gates-funded AI and data science research group, the ‘Alan Turing Institute’, has been tasked with ensuring a “responsible” implementation of Gates’ ID system. Source


After pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information, the Wikileaks founder will be sentenced to time served, 62 months, all of which he has already spent in a British prison.  He will then be allowed to return to Australia, his home country, according to a letter from the justice department.

Releasing a clip, the organisation said: “After more than five years in a 2×3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.”  Many press freedom advocates have argued that criminally charging Julian Assange threatened free speech.

He must have supernatural powers to survive such torture at the hands of the British Establishment; evil and juridical corruption doesn’t describe it.  Julian sacrificed himself for all humanity, speaking truth to power, and suffered the consequences.  In my world he stands alongside Mandela, Ghandi, Ché Guevara, et al and so many other heros throughout history. NEVER GIVE UP! Source

FUN TIDBIT – Here’s a laugh to offset the inevitable British Doom & Gloom

THOUGHT FOR WEEKIS HOMELESSNESS a choice by those wishing freedom?

I have firsthand experience of the homeless having worked at the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) in Britain for over 10 years (  I spent many evenings on the streets of Bath City (UK) in the 1990s and interviewed many homeless people, living rough, and their feedback was generally that they chose this option because they wanted to remain a free person and were not prepared to pander to the authorities in order to secure a poverty-level subsistence; they chose freedom even if it meant that they would sleep rough.  It told me much about the human spirit in adversity.

What many of these well-meaning saviours (aka, ‘Do-Gooders’) fail to recognise is that there is a difference between ‘helping’ and ‘rescuing’.  These homeless people do not want to be rescued, they have already rejected the state option – they wanted a leg up – hope and a vision for a future. Sadly I couldn’t give them that at the time.  This video will shock you about homelessness in Britain 2024

There’s no stopping the inexorable downtrend to Britain’s final demise. “If You Thought Oxford Had Declined…Take a Trip to Gloucester!”

Homelessness in Britain is reaching endemic proportions, with new research by Centrepoint finding that as many as 122,000 young people aged 16-24 presented to their local authority as homeless or at risk of homelessness in the past year. This follows a 40% increase in youth homelessness over the previous five years, with this trend only expected to continue as the government pushes ahead with its planned cuts to universal credit.

“The problem is worse than it was a decade ago and it’s actually worse than it was two years ago,” said Seyi Obakin, the chief executive of Centrepoint. “It is heart-breaking to see the range of complex issues that young people are presenting with is also getting wider.”

This is how I see the UK after three years living in China (I went home to UK and was disgusted.) [With Harvey in China]

BREAKING NEWS:  Don’t forget to follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

HOW IS LONDON DOING AS THE ‘CENTRE  OF EVERYTHING’?  James May has some observations

[Shared by James May on Twitter.]  “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,” [Samuel Johnson].  “I am tired of London, but it is because I am tired of the political leaders who have ruined London.  I’ve popped in and out of London all my life and lived in it too. These days, I live in the outskirts, somewhere as leafy as I can manage while regrettably still officially in a ‘zone’.

For some years now, I have been falling out of love with London. I used to tell anyone, especially Americans or the French, that it was the best city in the world. But pride comes before a fall. ‘Tired of London’ doesn’t do justice to the lump in my throat when I travel into town now.  Obviously, you have to be a certain age to remember when the BT Tower was the tallest building in London and, yes, I remember.

Everything seemed bigger then, and not just because I was a child; the grand buildings were not yet dwarfed, they had space to be majestic. These days, skyscrapers extrude the once beautifully dignified skyline of the capital like dark teeth. The City of London, Canary Wharf, and Vauxhall have fallen into the maws of beasts…” When a woman is tired of London? Laura sympathised with Mr. May

The Free Mind
When a woman is tired of London
Laura Dodsworth’s The Free Mind goes to over 14,000 subscribers in 109 countries each week. Please become a paid supporter to access every article and support independent writing. ‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,’ said Samuel Johnson…
Read more

INFLATION MONITOR – Britain’s economy has changed but ‘growth’ remains elusive and any politician who claims that ‘growth’ will save Britain is lying to you!

This month’s fall in inflation, to the BoE’s 2% target, gives its monetary policy committee (MPC) good reason to consider cutting rates and take pressure off borrowers.  However, policymakers will have noted, glumly, that inflation in the services sector is running much hotter, with prices up 5.7% in the last 12 months.  Conservatives were disappointed that the Bank left rates on hold again. BOOM recently explained this phenomenon at: Focus on Services Inflation.

Sanjay Raja, Deutsche Bank’s chief UK economist, says: “While calls for an imminent rate cut will grow, given headline CPI’s descent to 2%, there’s likely to be growing concerns around the stickiness surrounding services inflation.”  Services inflation remains too high, near 6%, for the BoE to cut rates as services make up around 80% of the British economy.  The cost of gas, electricity and garden furniture has fallen but cocoa and vets’ services are more expensive.  The Labour Party says pressure on family finances remains acute.


Britain’s politicians are in ‘blind election mode’ and will shout any lie to keep their seats. These happy morons have been spouting ‘GROWTH’ in Britain for 25 years as the only way to block the decline and restore living standards to those of yesteryear.

They have no idea that the Great British Public has sussed them when they are obfuscating and blatantly lying at every opportunity. Joe Public is sick to the back teeth with all this meaningless theatre and is now demanding honesty, integrity, authenticity, and genuineness from the ruling class. What are the chances?

Britain has trailed all other major advanced economies for investment in 24 of the last 30 years, with dire consequences for productivity and living standards, new analysis shows.  The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) estimated the UK would have received an extra £1.9 trillion in real terms had investment from private firms and the government stayed at the G7 average in the last three decades. Instead, the last time UK investment matched G7 levels was in 1990, with Britain at the bottom of the league table for a third successive year in 2022.

The findings underscore the challenges awaiting the next government after next week’s general election. Both the Conservatives and opposition Labour Party have committed to lifting Britain’s underlying growth rate.  “Britain’s dire productivity performance is the single biggest driver of dire living standards,” said George Dibb, associate director for economic policy at IPPR. “Without resources flowing into new investment, it’s hard to see how economic performance can improve.”

The task of delivering on their economic promises is likely to fall to Labour, which has a commanding lead over the Tories in opinion polls thus far. If elected, leader Sir Keir Starmer and his team will be under pressure to fix the “productivity puzzle” that has long dogged the economy since the financial crisis in 2008. Source

  • Britain’s public finances are in a mess. Difficult decisions loom after the election. But the public is being blindsided about what might happen say the ‘Institute of Fiscal Studies’ (IFS).  The IFS analysis is relatively simple. Debt as a share of national income is at its highest level since the early 1960s. Taxes are close to the record level reached in the aftermath of WW2. Spending has increased by more in the past five years than ever before under a Conservative government.


MORE PEOPLE ARE TURNING AWAY FROM THE MSM ‘NEWS’, describing it as depressing, relentless and boring, a global study suggests. Only 29% of people worldwide said they sometimes or often actively read the news, according to the report by Oxford University’s Reuters Institute.  Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East may have contributed to a desire to switch off the news, the report’s authors said that news avoidance is now at record high levels.

In Britain interest in news has almost halved since 2015.  “The news agenda has obviously been particularly difficult in recent years,” the report’s lead author Nic Newman told BBC News.  It’s a natural reaction for people to turn away from the news, whether it’s to protect their mental health or simply wanting to get on with the rest of their lives.

The Brit’s trust in news remains around 15% lower than in 2016. Trust in government and their lying institutions is being lost at a furious rate as the truth gradually seeps out into the mainstream.  The People are waking up and realising that they have been fooled, especially since 2020, when the ruling elite revealed their hand.  If you can’t identify the patsy… it’s YOUSources


Britain is being tricked into becoming vegetarian.  Quorn’s CEO announced that pork sausages will be blended with fake meat in NHS hospitals by the end of the year, in a bid to tackle climate change. But the hybrid bangers, which are partly made from mycoproteins (fermented fungi spores), will not be badged up as such, which means the NHS is effectively slashing the meat content from menus without warning. Source


Could this be a warning of things to come?  If so, it could be that some parts of Western Europe, including Britain, could be about to see a rapid rise in E. coli and cryptosporidosis, which also involves contaminated water, salads, and factory sandwiches. Sources



  • BOOM’s Weekly Global Review Tuesday, July 2, 2024
  • Letter from Great Britain – ELECTION DAY SPECIAL – Thursday, July 4, 2024
  • The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – OPERATION PRISON CAMP – Saturday, July 6, 2024

REFERENCE – My Books: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll:   including regular updates.



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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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