North Korea Will Send Troops to Ukraine

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


(Vladimir Smirnov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

A week after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un has declared that he will send troops to Ukraine in the Donetsk region. Russia has already received two million rounds of ammunition, ballistic missiles, and rocket launchers from North Korea, but this marks the first time that troops will actively engage in battle.

Furthermore, Ilya Ponomarev, a former Russian member of parliament, stated that North Korea has strengthened Russia’s relationship with China, as China could use North Korea as a middleman to avoid Western sanctions when sending goods or military equipment to Russia. “China is cautious not to fall foul of secondary sanctions by the US, but North Korea is not in danger,” he explained, calling North Korea one of Russia’s “key” partners. “So, there is no problem for the Chinese to assist North Koreans and then North Koreans to make trade with Russia and benefit from this both financially and in terms of military development.”

A spokesperson for the Pentagon said that the troops will be used as cannon fodder in Putin’s “illegal war.” Is war ever legal? NATO is alarmed as the partnership has quickly advanced from pledging an allegiance to assisting one another if attacked to joining the war effort in Ukraine.

North Korea is a small nation whose inhabitants live in utter darkness from the rest of the world. One must question how many troops will defect once arriving in Ukraine, especially once they meet Russian soldiers and learn how much different life is for those living outside of the hermit kingdom. Kim Jong-Un will undoubtedly use the troop’s families as leverage to prevent any defectors, but one must wonder how effective these troops could be against Western-backed forces. North Korea has not fought in a war since the 1950s, and sadly, these troops may very well be positioned as cannon fodder.

Now, North Korea has not declared war on Ukraine. They are allegedly sending troops to assist in the reconstruction efforts in exchange for an annual sum of $115 million. “The goal is to rebuild a city destroyed by fighting,” said the unnamed official, without specifying further on the location.

South Korea certainly sees Russia as a clear enemy and is likely to up its efforts to support Ukraine and NATO. This opens the door for the West to send troops to Ukraine under the same premise of reconstruction. All the chess pieces are aligned and ready, with the Neocons simply waiting for the right moment to strike.

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Biff Tannenbaum
Biff Tannenbaum
June 28, 2024 9:00 am

Juche !

June 28, 2024 10:21 am

Somebody is very, very, stupid.

June 28, 2024 10:36 am

Just one more “unintended consequences” fuck up for O’Biden and his illegitimate regime….

June 28, 2024 10:49 am

I don’t see any reason they wouldn’t be effective, but using gook troops in Europe is like bringing in niggers.

June 28, 2024 1:09 pm

Try using the word negro
Not right to offend blacks
God created all people

June 28, 2024 3:50 pm

Coloreds is good as well, for all BIPOC folk including coloreds of all shades.

June 28, 2024 8:17 pm

Try not being a faggot.

June 29, 2024 4:39 am

Evil as well as stupid.

June 30, 2024 4:34 am

His chosen people suck big time. You need better Gods, and a better plan than the Armageddon and one world government promised by ALL Abrahamic death cults. The script of the same people behind Communism. The same people behind the political establishment on both sides if the Ukraine theater.

June 28, 2024 12:38 pm

The KYIV Post? Really?
Might want something a little more accurate and less inflammatory:

North Korea will send a “large number” of engineering and construction troops to help rebuild Russian-occupied cities in eastern Ukraine, according to reports. 

The soldiers will arrive as early as June and take part in “reconstruction” works largely in the heavily bombed Donetsk region, TV Chosun reported, citing a South Korean government official.

The report stated that the North Korean army has 10 engineering brigades, three out of four of which will be sent to Ukraine in exchange for an annual payment of $115 million (£92 million) from Russia.

“The goal is to rebuild a city destroyed by fighting,” said the unnamed official, without specifying further on the location.

There is currently no indication the soldiers would have combat roles.

June 28, 2024 12:54 pm

That’s the exact same thing as the second link.

June 28, 2024 1:08 pm

My sources in Burma say 200,000 NK imperial commando troops to start in JuLy, then an additional 300,000 come September, this to usher in the final fall of Kiev, burn it to ashes, the new USSR has pledged not to invade Poland unless first provoked includes drones of size

June 28, 2024 3:25 pm

Sources in burma?

Is this before or after they take the bridge on the river kwai?

June 28, 2024 1:14 pm

(War) drums keep sounding rhythm to the brain, the beat goes on….the beat goes on.

June 28, 2024 4:19 pm

Excellent move! Norks care nothing for human life-officially-like China and all the Moslem world. So no loss to them if a bunch get snuffed. Juche says no ambulance or hospital corps, self reliance ya’s know. Great angle to raise a squall against the western murderers! Ukies gonna go berserk if gooks show up and start in with the raypo killo stuff, or even the killo raypo stuff.

Makes the US position even tougher. What with the senile daughter humper in office wandering around looking for a place to crap out the most recent tapioca and ice cream (pretty tasty, you should try it-not the crap part the tapioca and ice cream part. Please!) and too busy trying to keep drawing breath to bother with some shit his people (0bama)started and the bull queer general staff too busy with the trannies and pronouns to field a fighting force the spot’s hard enough. Now kill some gooks what have several thousand artillery tubes directed at our tight ally South Korea? Even using Ukies trigger fingers? No, not too likely. But what then?

Never underestimate Biden’s ability to fuck things up. Or the closet queer Moslem 0bama as well. Hint to Barry- the moslems aren’t going to change the rules against your kind no matter how many miles of their dick you suck.

The current cadre is not the B team, not C squad, not intramural or class club. They’re the AV (audio visual, young ‘uns) kids, theater kids who couldn’t even make that benighted grade. They aren’t the worst of the worst, they’re the worst of ALL THAT is AVAILABLE.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 28, 2024 5:00 pm

For all those Russia-firsters on here: how low has the mighty bear sunk to beg for troops from N. Korea? Good deal though. N. Korea is so poor all the Russians will halve to do to get them to fight is promise to feed them.

  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 4:38 am

The Soviet Union had to bring in Asiatic troops to Eastern Europe following WWII. It was hard for Stalin to get White people to commit mass rape.
Search for Stalin’s Mass Rape of Europe.
Just because Zelensky is a bad guy doesn’t make Putin a good guy. Or even mean both are not in cahoots and working to destroy the Western world.

June 28, 2024 6:12 pm

This is the big one. Get ‘Blast ‘o Butter’ popcorn.

June 28, 2024 8:23 pm

This, rather obviously, gives an opening for China to send troops to Ukraine – in North Korean uniforms.

June 28, 2024 8:40 pm

North Korea isn’t sending anything to Ukraine… now China on the other hand will do anything they can to defeat the U.S.

Kill the Golden Goose™ ?
Kill the Golden Goose™ ?
June 28, 2024 9:51 pm

now China on the other hand will do anything they can to defeat the U.S.”

We See things differently.