HUGE DEBATE TAKEAWAY: Biden came off as a pathological liar, a mean-spirited politico, a drug-addled and dementia-ridden incompetent, and a vengeful POTUS imposter…..

Via State of the Nation

…who, as the worst president in U.S. history,
is an extremely dangerous menace to society
and extraordinary threat to the global order. 

Where exactly is the proof?

WATCH THIS: (Scroll to the 4 hour mark where the debate begins)

KEY POINT: You know how the older a person gets, the more their
negative traits become magnified.  And, if they are suffering from
Dementia or Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, those traits are accentuated
to an even greater degree. And when you add the psych meds into the mix, the individual can easily lose it when they’re supposed to keep it together. Well, Joe Biden’s debate performance was a glaring example of both of these very sad predicaments … as the title of this post clearly indicates.

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