HUGE DEBATE TAKEAWAY: Biden came off as a pathological liar, a mean-spirited politico, a drug-addled and dementia-ridden incompetent, and a vengeful POTUS imposter…..

Via State of the Nation

…who, as the worst president in U.S. history,
is an extremely dangerous menace to society
and extraordinary threat to the global order. 

Where exactly is the proof?

WATCH THIS: (Scroll to the 4 hour mark where the debate begins)

KEY POINT: You know how the older a person gets, the more their
negative traits become magnified.  And, if they are suffering from
Dementia or Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, those traits are accentuated
to an even greater degree. And when you add the psych meds into the mix, the individual can easily lose it when they’re supposed to keep it together. Well, Joe Biden’s debate performance was a glaring example of both of these very sad predicaments … as the title of this post clearly indicates.

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June 28, 2024 6:15 am

Why is this headline so complimentary to Joe Biden? It points out all of Biden’s good points!

June 28, 2024 6:21 am

The fact that the Democrat party would not let anyone primary against Brandon tells it all. They know he’s toast and they will replace him with one of their choosing, my guess is HRC. This shows how much respect the DNC has for its own voters, as in none.

June 28, 2024 6:32 am


June 28, 2024 6:36 am

I wonder how many will finally see the dementia?

June 28, 2024 7:07 am

The willfully ignorant certainly will NOT.

June 28, 2024 6:57 am

To washed up grifters is the the best leadership America can afford? I want a refund.

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
June 28, 2024 7:28 am

Cringe/Collapse 2024

June 28, 2024 7:28 am

This shit is all scripted and preplanned. It’s a huge production and Trump and Biden have been rehearsing their scripts/lines for weeks most likely. The reason there was no live audience is because they were probably reading teleprompters. Everyone knows the outcome, this was designed to make Biden look pathetic which it did. Trump, Biden, the Clinton’s etc. All longtime friends and cronies. Of course the masses of mouth breathers will fall for the show.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2024 7:48 am


June 28, 2024 8:22 am
Steve Z.
Steve Z.
June 28, 2024 10:04 am

They obviously had Dopey Joe jacked on something. I’ve never seen the whites of his eyes more! Usually, all you see are slits. A few times it looked like his eyeballs were going to pop out of their sockets. He rarely blinked…..He definitely had some type of puppy uppers on board.

The intellectual level of the whole event was on par with an 8th grade education.

What a country….

  Steve Z.
June 28, 2024 6:22 pm

could be CGI in combo with body double or deep fake whatever. that cocksucker ain’t human.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 28, 2024 11:01 am

Trump and Biden should have a golf-off.

June 28, 2024 11:02 am

After the debate CNN made Trump as the pathological liar!!

June 28, 2024 1:38 pm

Many people are claiming that Biden is actually a robot=one being operated by Obama.
The high freemasons know that Obama is actually a robot=clone combo, made in a lab in Findland, who is above the illuminati who are Luciferians, because he was created in that lab to serve as a robot replacement for Lucifer.
It would be logical to believe that Biden is a clone robot replacement for Obama.
It sounds insane but we are dealing with a world of dualities, darkness and light.
Good and evil. Insanity and sanity.
The high freemasons all know that The rothschilds and extended family are in fact non human entities, from Hell=the once angels of God who are now demonic fallen angels exilied from Heaven and God forever.
The same is true of ths earth, some are former humans who sold their souls, and joined the fallen angle sof Hell, leaving Gd forever.
We know that they work for the one goal to take as many souls from God as possible.
Ther is an antichrist group on earth that presents itself as dfferent wealthy and prestegious organizations pretending to do good, when in fact they commit the most horrific evils in secret and use everything formerly good and trusted as a weapon against us, liek pedos tricking a child with a puppy or candy into their sadistic torture and death. They are no different. They are not humanitarians but destroyers of life who think themselves superior to humans.
Our nation, the US was founded on thepriciple of all men being equal. They pretend to be about diversity, but make it unequal, that some are more superior or destrving than others, like the pigs in Animal farm=we are more equal. They don’t eat bugs or pay to save the earth from destruction. In fact it is the very industries that these pigs own that make them their money that have and continue to destroy the earth the enviornment and humn lives and create porverty, by using humans as slave labor, as low wage labir and giving themselves all the profits of the labor that produces their wealth.
All of them are completely insane non-functioning lunatics who are rutienly tortured from Birth by their own parents and their religion of Satansim being part of satansic rituals that make them insane and possessed by demons with multiple personalities. They are not fit to rule, they are only fit for mental asylums as the terminally insane. Incurable mental cases.
After ww2, they stole all the God given technology from Hitler, that He used for good to save Germany and eventually the world. They stole all of it and calimed it as their own pretending to be aliens and had eisenhower sign the Greada Treaty con game with Aliens=the illuminati bankers=Rothschilds=Moloch, their Pindar.
In exchange for the children the CIA was formed to traffick, and killed JFK to keep it going. The German scientists were forced by threat of death or violence, to participate in moving that technology to the US, Russia, China and Israel, all the nations run by and owned by Rothschild, all stolen.
They steal everything they own. They have never earned one honest dollar any of them, they are exploiters, and blackmailers and extortionists and they are the ones who purchase all the children for blood ritual slaughter and adrenochrome.
The ones beneath them are forced to provide thee children in order to be wealthy and be placed in positions of power.
They are a religion, the religion that is against God, a religion that causes devolution lower of humans into demons like they are. A religion that seeks to bring as many humans to Hell to become demons and serve Lucifer for eternity. To get humans to destroy their own souls ad lose their birthright=eternal heaven with God and thee angels evolution higher. Everything they do is for that purpose only especially war. In wars more souls go to Hell than at any other time.
They are the antichrist and practice the antichrist religion, and they psoe as GMOs, and pretend they are doing good when they can not and would not ever do any good since they are all totally controlled by the god who does not allow any under him to have any free will=Lucifer. The very exact opposite of Jesus Christ. The exact opposite of the Catholic church teachings and magisterium, thee one Jeus gave us as the road map the narrow road map that leads to Hell. These monsters demons of the NWO have only one road map for you all: the wide raod that leads to eternal Hell.
It looks pleasent until you come to thee end, then drop into the flames.
These crazy satanists have the USA and all the west on that wide road right now and the end is coming when ww3 begins.
Read revelations, we are there now. Forget the old testement, it is not of God, it is the reason Jesus came to give us the new testement, and set us on the correct path.
Save your souls, they are taking from us all our weapons to use against them.
They will take Jesus away and replace hHim with robot messsiah fro Hell.
We have the wepons that are the opposite of the weapons they use against us now=PEACE, is the weapon against War. Love is the weapon against Hate=anger and sadism=punsihement, we have mercy and forgiveness and joy and TRUTH to use aginst them. They want to take away those weapons prayer is our greatest weapon, they will destroy that power and weapon with the WHO=vaccines, and the nark of the beast technology. What God gave Hilter to use for good, the evil illuminati and fremasons are turning it reversed into something evil to destroy life, not to make life better. They have no power to make life better. Only God has that power if we pray for it.
Stop the devil fight the devil, overcome evil with GOOD.
That is why you are here. This is now Armegeddon the final battle for your souls.

June 28, 2024 3:49 pm

O Rly!?

June 28, 2024 9:09 pm
