This is totally insane!!!

Via State of the Nation

“It’s now verboten for Americans to criticize the
Zionist State of Israel, but Israelis can castigate
and condemn their own leaders all day long
without repercussions.”

Editor’s Note: It does not get any crazier than the relationship between the United States and Israel.

In light of the “new Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”, American elected representatives and government officials cannot criticize Israel or Jewish leaders, but Israeli politicians, military brass and intel officials can tear each other apart all day long…with legislated consequences.

Talk about a thoroughly Zionist Occupied Government holding up in Washington, D.C. , which is holding the American people hostage in order to get every tax dollar and all the military aid available to support all things Israel!!!

Here’s how the Zionist Occupied Government in the USA
enforces its dictates via the “pedogate control mechanism”.

Wait, it gets even crazier!

Not only did the Zionist state of Israel pull off 9/11 (9/11 WAS A “MOSSAD INSIDE JOB”), the same terrorist organization on June 8, 1967 attacked the USS Liberty which was one of the most advanced Belmont-class technical research ships (i.e. an electronic spying ship) in the U.S. Navy.  That ruthless sneak attack ended up killing killing 34 and wounding 172 American servicemen; and it was carried out without any consequences whatsoever to the culpable elements within the Israeli military.

The USS Liberty: A Failed Israeli False
Flag Attack Against the United States

N.B. The following breakdown nicely outlines the metoric breakdown of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Another VERY Bad Day For Bibi!

Custer, WA
June 27, 2024

by Rich Scheck

It’s fascinating to watch the continuing criticism of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s
leadership by high level Israeli military and civilians.

The latest comes from former PM Olmert who joins one of his predecessors,
Ehud Barak, along with those I described above in skewering Bibi.

Besides the fact that I agree with them that his policies are both wrong-headed and
self-serving, the part that strikes me as most interesting is that any similar comments
here in the US will likely be considered illegal for violating the new Anti-Semitism
Awareness Act.

That means that the Bill is either irrational and in violation of the free speech provisions
of the First Amendment or that these top Israelis are “anti-Semitic, self-hating Jews!”

Considering that they may arguably be more patriotic and for a saner version of Israel than
Bibi’s far right junta, the answer should be obvious to even those like Speaker Johnson and
Majority Leader Schumer who felt compelled to invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

Maybe it would be better for all of us if these politicians extended their “awareness” to the role of powerful lobbyists like AIPAC’s influence on elections. We just saw this again in New York where an estimated $15 MILLION dollars was spent to defeat Jamaal Bowman mostly because he defied the accepted posturing towards Bibi and Israel.

It’s beyond tragic for all involved to watch this spectacle play out at such a steep cost in lives, treasure and good will for both Israel and the US.

Can it be true that Phil Giraldi and the many other commentators who populate Judge Nap’s Judging Freedom show are misguided observers despite their impressive credentials?

They uniformly condemn the excesses of the “thugs” Olmert refers to in his Op-Ed who set
in motion the conditions that led to the October 7th attack by Hamas and share his view that Bibi is guilty of “betrayal” to Israel.

This is more than just Monday-morning quarterbacking by those removed from the complexity of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It reflects the somber analysis from the outside that the more emotional insiders listed above who are pushing for an end to Bibi’s reign have described.

With the so-called presidential debate a mere few hours away, it will be interesting to see how these two men deal with the issue of Bibi’s future and the war in Gaza, especially in light of their previous “iron-clad” backing of our “biggest ally in the Middle East!”

For those of us who are tired of foreign entanglements that embody more of a desire for Pax Americana than for truly humanitarian interventions, the prospect that either of these candidates will display an enlightened vision for our future is grim.

I yearn for the day when someone can elevate the conversation and embrace what I want to see as our proper attitude towards the world instead of the imperial overreach America chose to pursue following the end of WW2.

Perhaps then, a bad day for Bibi will be a VERY good day for America!

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