Russia strikes Ukrainian airfields set to house Western-supplied jets

Via RT

Kiev’s backers have promised to provide as many as 60 US-designed F-16 fighters, but none have been delivered yet

Russian forces have struck Ukrainian airbases that were set to house Western-supplied fighter jets, including US-designed F-16s, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has reported.

The Russian military launched a group strike on Thursday morning, employing long-range sea-based weapons, the Kinzhal hypersonic missile, and unmanned aerial vehicles to attack the “airfield infrastructure of Ukraine, planned to accommodate aircraft from Western countries,” the ministry said in a statement.

“The goal of the strike has been achieved. All designated targets have been hit,” it added, without specifying the number or location of the airfields that were struck.

The report comes as Kiev’s Western backers, including the US, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands, have pledged to provide Ukraine with as many as 60 F-16s by the end of the year. However, none of the jets have yet been supplied.

Deliveries have apparently been held up because Ukrainian pilots are still only learning to operate the jets. Once they have completed their training by the end of the year, there will still only be a “handful” of pilots, according to recent media reports, which have also noted that Ukraine doesn’t have enough maintenance crews to service the jets.

Given that Kiev would not have sufficient pilots to operate all 60 of the donated F-16s, the chief of aviation of Ukraine’s Air Force Command, Sergey Golubtsov, suggested earlier this month that some of the jets could be stationed at bases in neighboring NATO countries.

However, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan emphasized last week that the plan is “to put the F-16s in Ukraine,” stressing that under a recently signed ten-year security agreement between Washington and Kiev, the warplanes would have to be based in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Moscow has repeatedly warned that any Western weapons delivered to Ukraine will be considered “legitimate targets” for strikes by Russian forces, including foreign-supplied fighter jets and the bases that house them.

Russian State Duma Defense Committee chairman Andrey Kartapolov has also stressed that if any Western-supplied F-16s are used by Kiev in combat operations while stationed at NATO airfields, then these facilities would also become legitimate targets for Moscow.

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I noticed
I noticed
June 27, 2024 2:39 pm

Russia arming Cuba and Venezuela with such weapons is a reasonable analog to the USA giving weapons to Ukraine.

  I noticed
June 27, 2024 3:28 pm

comment image

June 27, 2024 4:17 pm

Considering that the US enabled the Ukies to bomb a beach full of civilians on a holiday, regardless of whether that was the actual target, I wouldn’t be going to Cocoa or Ormond Beach or Daytona this fourth of July Holiday. Definitely not the National seashore by the Kennedy Space force base.

June 27, 2024 7:24 pm

What would their response be?

Blame whitey.

June 27, 2024 7:56 pm

Across all of Eurasia, let Freedom ring!

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 28, 2024 12:32 am


Russia sees their Ukraine mission as existential.
Our POS grifters see their mission as keeping the
money laundering operation viable.
In the end, who is more motivated to win at all cost?

  Colorado Artist
June 28, 2024 5:09 am

Who does Jewish central banking have a bigger issue with? The Caucasian people of the West. This has been going on 4000 years before the Khazar story. Time to get up to speed.

June 28, 2024 7:55 am

Yes it is,the sad part is people do not realise that we are in the midst of a BOLSHEVICK revolution in this country!!….the history is latent and nobody knows!… GLOBALISM=
GLOBAL COMMUNISM!….the Name Stealers are instituting their own final solution as we speak…..they, along with their god the DEVIL have been moving toward this goal for 4 millenia…….but their time is short but,you want to be on the winning side with….

June 28, 2024 5:08 am

Both sides are under sway of Jewish central banking. Where’s the freedom part?

Suitable Revenge
Suitable Revenge
  I noticed
June 27, 2024 6:49 pm

No it’s not. Neither are in a “hot war” with the US.
The weapons must be supplied to some country/ entity actually involved in fight with the US.

The nearest equivalent would be the US occupation of Syria and Iraq, plus the new war with the Houthis of Yemen.

Advanced long range air-defence missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missiles, plus ship-launched torpedo’s would decimate a maritime power such as the US, and also he UK.

It’s coming. The US and UK helped Ukraine sink several Russian capital ships in the Black Sea, including the Black Sea fleet flag ship. An entire carrier group with air wing would be suitable revenge.

  I noticed
June 28, 2024 5:05 am

Putin is in on it destroying the West right along with Biden and Zelensky. Biden has announced military shipments to Ukraine, making it convenient for Putin’s forces to destroy. The shipments that were not diverted elsewhere anyway. Biden’s sanctions have weakened the West, to the benefit of the ruble. Bidens economic policies and sanctions have jump started a faltering ruble to enable Putin with the economic solvency to wage war. The political puppets and central banking on both sides work to destroy the West. Choosing either side makes one complicit and guilty of dangerous stupidity.

June 28, 2024 5:07 am

Furthermore the political establishment on both sides of the staged for primetime military event in Ukraine is a culling of White Nationalists on both sides. That’s who the war is really against, White people.

June 27, 2024 2:47 pm

The new Ukrainian National Anthem:

June 27, 2024 4:21 pm

And the new FUSA one.
Let’s Go Brandon,

June 27, 2024 2:57 pm

Well, duh… What was the NATO brain trust expecting here? We’ve been reading for several years, maybe a decade, that the US is the only true contributing member of NATO military weapons. The armory that NATO actually had in Europe has been depleted for at least an entire year, wasted in a futile attempt to make even the most basic showing against the Russian Federation.

Providing the Ukraine armed forces, such as they are, with F-16s is just an attempt to gaslight the people of NATO countries with this ploy. F-16s aren’t a first team asset for an air war, being too delicate for takeoff on airstrips that aren’t meticulously groomed to remove small foreign objects that an F-16 can vacuum up into the engine intakes, and that isn’t the least of the maintenance requirements for that fighter jet.

Maintenance is only one facet of what is needed to get the jets in the air against an enemy force. Training pilots is a big hurdle and arming the jets with ordnance is yet another. The supply chain for this phase of rearming Ukraine’s air force doesn’t even exist anymore. Obviously, Biden’s neocon handlers are as demented as Biden himself is.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 27, 2024 3:44 pm

For the price of one F-35 we could probably send them a couple of hundred or more Piper Enforcers which are pretty much modern P-51 Mustangs. Or 50 A-4 Skyhawks with the optional engine. People could be trained on those fairly quickly and they would be good for ground support. Nobody is going to survive against 5th generation MiGs so why even pretend.
Also saw an article today somewhere about how there is no pilot serving in US today who has ever faced a peer Air Force or peer or superior airframes. A new Chuck Yeager or Chappie James might be out there but they are still to be tested.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran

Better yet, we could just tell the Ukrainians to withdraw from the territories Russia has annexed (where nobody even speaks Ukrainian), give up on joining NATO and live in peace in what’s left of the Ukraine before they lose even more of it.

  Iska Waran
June 28, 2024 12:17 am

Who’s this ‘we’?


They’re all busy spraying the skies.


Also saw an article today somewhere about how there is no pilot serving in US today who has ever faced a peer Air Force or peer or superior airframes.

The Last Wunderwaffe

comment image

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 27, 2024 9:04 pm

That is the article.

June 28, 2024 12:18 am

metatron is a jewish angel
just sayin

Slippery Bob
Slippery Bob
June 28, 2024 2:34 pm

The pilot experience is irrelevant really, as no serving pilots in any of the peer Air forces has ever faced a peer Air Force or peer or superior airframes, either. Russia does have the home turf advantage, though I would expect NATO sorties to be flown from NATO bases in Europe, with comparable logistical infrastructure and air defences. I rate the referenced article as mindless propaganda. I guess if we’re arguing the odds of who will win, we’re not arguing about whether we should really be going to war.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost

There are only a handful of 5th gen MIGs, which are kept far from the battle space. Ukranians supposedly destroyed one recently in a drone strike, so subtract one. Not that i’m in favor of US support of this farce, but sending old F-16s appear to be way to look like we are lending support without really doing so.

June 27, 2024 4:07 pm

They don’t have the ground crews to keep them in the air, no surprise there.
Even of they are supplied with spare parts I doubt that they have the ability to properly inventory the parts so they can be available when needed either.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they sent their qualified airplane mechanics and store room clerks to die in some trench on the the front lines, they’re just that stupid.
Unless the planes are serviced in a NATO base, then do touch and go sorties via a Ukrainian Air field, as a pretend that that’s their home base, those planes won’t do any better than the M1 Abrams tanks. But if they do that those NATO bases are fair game as far as Putin is concerned, he’s as much as said so.

June 28, 2024 12:17 am

 being too delicate for takeoff on airstrips that aren’t meticulously groomed to remove small foreign objects that an F-16 can vacuum up into the engine intakes,”

Let’s just assume that is true and not just the propaganda cope of the day. You really think NATO won’t send equipment to sweep runways? Engineers to build new runways? Ukraine has international airports, were those planes sucking up debris regularly?

The only real question I see is whether the planes have any use at this stagnant stage of the war.

June 27, 2024 3:28 pm

On what hit Viktor Orban’s motorcade in Germany, and why it matters urgently

June 27, 2024 5:11 pm

It’s an excellent way of disposing of surplus F-16’s. Sixty will become zero inside of a week after delivery.

Slippery Bob
Slippery Bob
June 28, 2024 2:42 pm

I suspect that’s why the US National Security Adviser quoted in the article is insistent that the F-16’s all be stationed within Ukraine.

"all 60 of the donated F-16s,"
"all 60 of the donated F-16s,"
June 27, 2024 5:43 pm

From the john mccain series.

NON-flight enabled.

June 27, 2024 7:39 pm

I wonder if the Russians will be cheering on as they blow these F-16’s out of the sky like they have been destroying the M1 Abrams on the ground? They’ll be asking Joebama Binbiden and NATO to send more planes so they can hone their skills at knocking them down.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 28, 2024 12:25 am

Americans getting involved in a fight between Russia and the Ukraine is like Russians taking sides in a border dispute between Virginia and West Virginia. What part of nunya bidness do you not understand?

  Iska Waran
June 28, 2024 1:05 am

More like a fight between US and Texas. Which frankly, would make perfect sense for foreign countries to get involved with and egg on. Nunya has never been in the geopolitics bidness.

  Iska Waran
June 28, 2024 5:13 am

It’s allowing the foreign and hostile tribe of worldwide Judea/Israel to play the people of the West against one another once again.

June 28, 2024 1:41 am

It’s a Racket thing going on—a lot of people with no souls that will do anything for profit.