Pentagon Targets New Threat to National Security

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

2023_07_15_16_25_53_military_parade_with_with_pride_flag_LGBTQDeputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks alerted the public to a new threat to national security. No, the threat is not coming from a foreign entity or nation. The threat does not involve terrorism or the rising crime rates across all US cities. Biden’s Pentagon is deeply concerned about policies for nonbinary service members.

“We’ve heard concerns about … policies focused on the needs of nonbinary service members. Please know our commitment is resolute, just as it has been over the past three-and-a-half years, to continue our progress in full alignment with our focus on readiness and our focus on the well-being of our people, on which our readiness depends,” Hicks said. The Pentagon clarified her position to Fox News by stating the highest level of America’s defense intelligence is focused on its “all-volunteer force” to ensure its readiness to mobilize.

Now, the entire transgender agenda has been presented to the public in a way where children and adults who do not identify as their birth gender may become suicidal if we do not show blind compassion. The Pentagon is certainly not concerned about mental health, just look at how they have abandoned American veterans combatting various ailments from the wars the neocons create. I believe the Biden Administration has been obsessed with transgenderism for three reasons.

transgenderaffirmingeducationLGBTQThe first reason is that LGBTQ issues have become the latest trendy topic of divisive politics. We are no longer men and women. Gender must be a wide spectrum with no clear definition. This ties into reason number two where you can simply forget the nuclear family ever existed as the pillar of our culture. Everyone plays the same uniform role in society and there is no need for trust or loyalty to begin in the household. Both parents must work in this economy, as it provides the government with double the taxation. The public schools may indoctrinate and program the children as they see fit. Yet another reason why they are asking kindergarteners to choose their pronouns, read books questioning the nature of “boys” and “girls,” and are implementing laws so that parents cannot know what goes on at school as they work for their paycheck-to-paycheck life.

Requirement_for_Women_to_Register_for_the_Draft_Back_on_the_Table_in_Annual_DefeThe third reason is something sinister that will come about after the next election. There are plans behind the curtain to draft women for the first time in American history. They are already asking women in European countries to sign up for military service. A woman who I know in Germany told me that she knows people up to the age of 59 who have been asked to register for armed services.

We are all “equal” so we should all be willing to die in the next war. The public sector will look after the children while the women are gone. Even Justice Jackson on the Supreme Court, Biden’s only appointee, has refused to define the term “woman” as they are being erased from our society under the guise of equality.  The woke movement is not in favor of a subset pocket of individuals in our society. The government has been bashing these terms into our minds under Biden for a reason.

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Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 27, 2024 7:14 am

Personally I’m all for the nose ring purple hairs going off to the killing fields.

  Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 27, 2024 8:22 am

Ever hear Larry the Cable guy on the Army? We need a regular army to fight, an angry PMS female army to send in every 28 days to wipe out the enemy, and a gay army to send in to clean up the mess. LOL

June 27, 2024 8:47 am

If you are not training the military to kill an enemy then you do not have a military.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 27, 2024 9:01 am

What WE got is a basket full of gay gerbils. Break out the trebuchets!!! We’ll launch at dawn!

Ever been hit in the head with a gay gerbil?

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 27, 2024 5:58 pm

Fuck the criminal state of Shit’srael, deep state asslicker.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 27, 2024 6:06 pm

Aw. Did the bad jew poke you in your star of david?

Try a tube of butt hurt paste, Karen.

June 27, 2024 2:01 pm

All that gender stuff is in the Torah and Talmudic traditions. Any more questions?

June 27, 2024 5:40 pm

They instigate the wickedness so they can justify killing you.

Just like in the bible.

June 27, 2024 2:03 pm

Kathleen Hicks
Former member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And a chew.
Any questions?

June 27, 2024 4:12 pm

Yep, send the liberal women and alphabet soup into combat…the truth about their desire for “equality” (from the vast majority of them) will become evident, real quick.

June 27, 2024 5:38 pm

What did they do?
Install a giant mirror outside the Pentagon so they can see who the true enemies are?

June 28, 2024 2:46 am

So what’s the problem?
All that Diversity will only make the military stronger.

June 28, 2024 11:23 am

The Pentagram no longer fears being destroyed by nukes or bio-weapons…sadly, an epidemic of monkey butt pox in the ranks would wipe out half of our DEI military.