McDonald’s Admits Customers Reject Fake Meat Burgers

Via ZeroHedge

Americans are rejecting a plant-based future full of disgusting and possibly even toxic fake burgers and sausages. Folks simply want organic grass-fed beef (like how some small farmers and the Amish do) and are quickly realizing to stay as far away as possible from factory-farmed-vaccinated cows.

The latest sign that the tide is shifting against billionaires like Bill Gates, who advocate for a reset of the food supply chain by ushering in ‘sustainable’ insect burgers and plant-based meat and also push to ban cow farts, comes from McDonald’s US President Joe Erlinger.

At the WSJ Global Food Forum in Chicago on Wednesday, Erlinger admitted the fast-food chain’s plant-based burger tests across San Francisco and Dallas markets ended in a major failure.

At the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, he said McDonald’s customers aren’t looking for “McPlant or other plant-based proteins from McDonald’s.”

Beyond Meat, which partnered with McDonald’s to sell fake patties, saw its shares drop as much as 5% after the comments hit Bloomberg Terminal. The stock is trading near a record low on dismal fake meat demand.

Just weeks ago, new research was published in The Lancet from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London that showed ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease and early death.

Meanwhile, USDA data shows that ground beef prices at supermarkets average $5.2 per pound. Prices are soaring in response to the nation’s herd size collapsing to multi-decade lows.

It’s refreshing to see McDonald’s customers push back against the plant-based agenda pushed by billionaires like Gates.

Some believe Americans should support their local food supply chains by ditching Walmart or big chain grocery stores and buying meat and produce from local farms.

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