“There were no laws in Oceania”—just as NO LAWS were broken by Assange (or Alex Jones, or Trump); and there were NO LAWS making us get masked, or stand 6 feet apart, or (worst of all) get “vaccinated”

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

The targeted are “guilty”—but of what? The government, & “our free press”/Big Tech have SAID they’re “guilty,” so they are; and there were/are NO LAWS that pushed the lethal “COVID measures”

NO LAWS dictated the torments of the last four years. just as Julian Assange was kidnapped, held and variously tortured over years on no legal basis whatsoever. Likewise, Alex Jones is now being broken on no legal grounds—like Trump, who’s “guilty” (of what, exactly?) by mere state/corporate/“liberal” fiat. (One could say the same of Nixon’s “guilt” in Watergate—and I say that as one who sees that president as deeply criminal for other reasons, for which he was not impeached.) And, just as Jones “defamed” no one, Dr. Simone Gold did time after “January 6” for no legal reason (she having “trepassed,” peacefully, on public property).

And those are but a few of the American examples of such Oceanic lawlessness. On the basis of what LAW, specifically, has Reiner Fuellmich been kidnapped, jailed and tried (his legs in shackles in the courtroom)? If he did actually embezzle funds (doubtful), such treatment is completely out of whack with the alleged crime. And on the basis of what LAWS have excellent doctors like Meryl Nass been delicensed, and Sheri Tenpenny threatened with the same, and many academics (like myself) investigated, or, like ethics professors (!) Julie Ponesse at Western University in Canada, forced out of the faculty, for not obeying … what?

With this review I’ve only scratched the surface of the lawlessness that now prevails throughout what we once called “the free world,” just as it does in George Orwell’s imaginary dystopia.

Celia Farber’s exemplary takedown of the “case” against Assange:

The Truth Barrier
My 2017 Exposé Of Precisely What Happened Between Julian Assange And Two Swedish Women Published In “The Indicter”– The True Unbelievable Story Has Elements Of Absurdity, Dystopia, and HIV Panic

Note: This is the first article, in the history of TTB on Substack (3.5 years) that I am publishing exclusively for paying subscribers. Going forward, some articles, (not those pertaining to Covid) will be behind a paywall. I’m working with Tom Kudla… Read more

From John Kirby and Libby Handros (makers of the Perspectives on the Pandemic series), a new video on the utter LAWLESSNESS of all the “COVID measures,” as the “fusion centers” set up lawlessly to fight “terrorism” after 9/11 were then deployed to get the state-and-corporations ALL forcing our “compliance” with the lawless “mandates” that have had millions smothering themselves, shunning one another, and rolling up our sleeves to get injected with the DoD/CDC’s (illegal) bioweapon.



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