Real Estate vs Supply & Demand

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The only good news for real estate is that smart money is starting to look at mortgages as an alternative to unsecured government debt. If you were thinking of buying a new house right now, lock in the interest rate, for with war on the horizon, long-term rates will rise. That does not mean we have a Real Estate Crash like the 1930s. This one is different from anything in the past, and it is certainly not the contrived version of the Mortgage Back Securities of the 2007-2009 Great Recession.

Housing starts and new building permits crashed with the Economic Confidence Model as if they fell off the cliff in May, where new starts dropped 5.5%, and new permits fell 3.8%. Both seem to have responded to the Economic Confidence Model right on time. This means that over the course of the next quarter, this combination of trends in both areas suggests that the new supply for housing will shrink. This is perhaps the FIRST time we have witnessed these trends turn with the ECM. Typically, they lag, creating the oversupply that accelerates the decline in prices thereafter. Here, the supply side will tighten, which will help to insulate the decline in prices, at least in the Red states.

Supply DemandLaw JohnJohn Law (1671-1729) observed supply and demand by trading on the Amsterdam exchange during the 16th century. He is the author of that theory. Typically, we have an oversupply at these turns, which leads to the prices crashing. In this case, the supply side is NOT in an oversupply situation on a broad level. The big institutions have been buying residential properties in the national market in a way we have never before seen engaging in renting and even house-flipping.

Bryan CrossOfGoldOf course, the Democrats reject everything related to economics and see the economy as their plaything. The socialists follow Marx, who effectively rejected the supply-and-demand theory, preferring to assume that they can manipulate society to achieve their personal political goals. The Democrats/Socialists have never accepted supply and demand, which has led to major economic upheavals since the 19th century, and the Silver Democrats rejected the Gold Standard. That was made famous by William Jennings Bryan’s (1860-1925) speech that the government would not crucify making on a cross of gold.

The Migrant Crisis has also contributed to preventing the collapse in demand, as we saw during the 29007-2009 Mortgage-Backed Crisis. Insurance companies are exploiting the situation by using climate change to attribute greater risks, and people are seeing prices double and, in some places, triple. This is also making it unaffordable for those who need a mortgage. The high-end properties that do not require mortgages are free to self-insure rather than contribute to the insurance scam that always takes place.

Prices will decline in the Blue States because we also face complete fiscal mismanagement from the Democrats at every possible level. The Biden Administration is planning a Tax Armageddon after the election, which will impact real estate on a major level. The Biden Administration is lying again about what they will do with this coming tax on UNREALIZED gains. They can argue that they are only going after the rich, but that is discrimination and violates the Equal Protection Clause. Once they get that through, it will come down to everyone, and they will be taking estates of $5 million or more. The Supreme Court will bless Janet Yellen and take the position that the government can do whatever it wants with regard to taxation. This recent ruling on overseas profits confirms that taxation has NOTHING to do with paying your fair share for serviced tendered. You are an economic slave, and whatever you earn anywhere in the world belongs to the government even when you receive ZERO services in return. You are an American, and thus, you are a slave that they can do with as they please.

1913 Income TaxWhen they passed the Income Tax, they swore the average person would never pay if they failed to file an income tax form; that is the crime – not failure to pay. Once they tax UNREALIZED gains so they can fund their endless wars to spread American Imperialism to the world by the Neocons, there will be nothing left. They can say your home that you paid $100,000 is now $1 million, and you will owe 25% of the 900K profit, so you will be billed for $225,000 plus interest and penalties for every day you do not pay. Your house will then crash to $300,000; you will NOT get a refund; you will just not be charged again until it exceeds $1 million – NO REFUNDS!

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June 26, 2024 7:11 am

From economic slave powering the global System of the Breast to having your brain directly wired into the evil source of all chaos is only a short hop. The Matrix is real…reeeeee

During their short lives, the mini-brains are literally trained to perform certain tasks using a reward and punishment system

Researchers do this by training the organoids through a reward system. The organoids are rewarded with dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure (and addiction).

Meanwhile, as “punishment,” the organoids are exposed to chaotic stimuli, such as irregular electrical activity.

If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure.
If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of “irregular electrical activity”.
In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey.

June 26, 2024 10:47 am

So they’re using women?

June 26, 2024 10:50 am

What is this”global system of the breast” you mention?

June 26, 2024 12:13 pm

It is the Babylonian beast system that has ruled the world since its namesake existed. The beast in the Revelation given to John the Apostle of Jesus Christ is referring to it.

Political Mountaineer
Political Mountaineer
June 26, 2024 12:30 pm

You do realize the beast system assembled the bible, right?

  Political Mountaineer
June 26, 2024 5:59 pm

All scripture is God-breathed. To those who are being saved, this is self-evident. To those who are perishing, it is foolishness.

June 26, 2024 11:32 pm

So, the beatings will continue until morale improves, got it.

June 26, 2024 8:29 am

If they pass a wholesale tax on all unrealized gains and the people don’t revolt, we are truly a slave class

June 26, 2024 8:59 am

They didn’t lie. If you make $3000 dollars a year, you don’t pay income tax. However, in ST. Louis you must pay city income tax on those earnings.

June 26, 2024 9:41 am

Who are you talking to, Martin? How about addressing the manipulation required by investment companies to suck up everything and monetize it, including the air we need to breathe? It ain’t just happening. Describing it is just telling us what we already know.

Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup

June 26, 2024 12:11 pm

I tune out when blame is thrown in the direction of the fake and gay political parties.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 26, 2024 8:46 pm


“The Political Parties” are the cause of all of this.

We The People aren’t. Our votes have been stolen and manipulated for at least 100 years. We are just now finding out how completely corrupt our government truly is.

THAT is the great contribution of DJT as president.

Without him, most peope would have no idea.

  Colorado Artist
June 26, 2024 11:14 pm

I don’t think they are the cause, but the tool.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 26, 2024 1:24 pm

The reason the Blackrock scumbags and others have turned to real estate is pure Austrian economics. The Flucht in die sachwerte, or “escape to things of value.”
THEY ARE TELLING US by their actions that the fiat Dollar and government paper is going down and they are seeking out a safe haven which apparently is the tangible asset of real estate.
Now, my question for them is just what are the peons going to use to pay them the rent with if the Dollar goes the way of the Zimbuck?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer

Please tell me that you don’t think they don’t have that all figured out. It’s WHY they aren’t telling us! THEY KNOW damned well what they’re about to do to the world and their lives wouldn’t be worth spit if we found out before they could pull it off..

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 26, 2024 4:31 pm

It’s pretty fucking obvious they’re jacking up demand by leaving our borders wide open. This is what it looks like when elephants fight over peanuts!

The party is almost over.

June 26, 2024 5:13 pm

I believe the General Welfare Clause = Checkmate on wants to do.