The 10 Billion Euro Paris Olympics Disaster

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The French are outraged by the amount of money their government has spent on the 2024 Paris Olympics. The government has already spent 9 billion euros on the games, but costs continue to grow daily, and it is now estimated that it will cost France at least 10 billion euros to host the games. There have been countless mishaps when building arenas that have multiplied costs. Parisians know that their city cannot hold the estimated 15 million visitors. Macron believes he is royalty, and hosting the Olympics has always been about boasting rights as it never results in a profit for the hosting country.

Emmanuel Macron had the audacity to announce that open water games would be held in the Seine River, which is brown, unsanitary, and completely contaminated by sewage. Macron said that he and the mayor of Paris would take a swim in the Seine on June 23 to show the world that it is not a floating water of waste. Creative protestors, the French decided to show their disgust by collectively pooping in the river on the day the president was set to swim. Websites were constructed to tell people in neighboring cities precisely when to poop in the river so that it would reach Macron in time for his swim. The river was still utterly polluted on June 23, and Macron conveniently announced that he would delay his swim until after the July election.

There is no plan B for hosting the outdoor swimming events and this puts the world’s top athletes at risk as entering those waters is a complete health hazard. There have been countless failures so far and the budget for these games is outrageous. The government spent 188 million euros building the new Olympic Aquatics Centre in the Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris when the budget was only 70 million euros. The most appalling aspect is that even after spending far beyond the budget, there was a miscalculation in building the venue and it is too small to host most of the swimming events. This has not prevented politicians from using the wasted tax money as a photo opportunity.

The initial budget for the Olympics was proposed in 2017, and yes inflationary issues are partly to blame for the obscene faults in the budget. Yet every Olympic committee is raising its costs. The Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, for example said they need to raise costs by at least 10% for the Olympic Village and security.

The final cost of the Olympic games will not be known until 2025. It is simply propaganda to believe that the Olympic games will benefit the people of France in any way, as the costs involved will exceed revenue. Macron, per usual, is only interested in promoting his own image and legacy and has no regard for the welfare of his own people.

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