THIS DAY IN HISTORY – 98 people die in Surfside condo collapse – 2021

Early in the morning on June 24, 2021, 98 people die when a 12-story, beachfront condominium building collapses in Surfside, Florida, near Miami. The disaster is one of the worst of its kind in U.S. history.

Responders pulled dozens of survivors from the 40-year-old Champlain Towers South building the day of the collapse. But searches by rescuers in the ensuing days discovered no other survivors.

“The building is literally pancaked,” Surfside mayor Charles Burkett told reporters. Workers eventually cleared 14,000 pounds of concrete and rubble from the site.

The collapse began seven minutes before the residential tower fell, when the ground-floor parking area and a pool deck caved in, the Miami Herald reported.

An investigation by the newspaper uncovered design failures, shoddy construction, structural damage and neglect that led to the deadly chain reaction.

Engineers believed the cause of the collapse was a structural column or concrete slab giving way.

In wake of the collapse, Miami-Dade County inspected more than 500 similar buildings to identify obvious structural concerns.

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 24, 2024 9:49 am

Unskilled laborers doing skilled labor. you’re gonna see a lot more of this crap unfortunately.

June 24, 2024 10:28 am

Rumor is that John McAfee, the anti-virus software guy had his info on the gov kept there in his condo. so they had to “pull it”.

June 24, 2024 11:44 am

To long-time Floridians this stood out – a 12 story beach condo pancaking and killing almost a 100 people and not because of a hurricane?

Beach condos all over the place lining miles of storm-weathered coastlines – some for decades – and this happens? in the middle of the night? killing people in their beds?

For a glimpsing moment, our minds raced back to the unimaginable that happened 20 years prior on 9-11. A lot of similarities. That same kind of vibe and that same kind of official yada yada narrative.

And then to add to that vibe – just when we’re getting ready to dismiss it – the Israeli Defense Forces come to town. to a hero’s welcome. to help in search and rescue.
In Florida at a pancaked condo. Searching and rescuing.

To the family and friends of the deceased on this day my sincere condolences to you.
The tragic loss of something we love is the hardest thing we deal with on this plateau.

To everybody else, if I’ve learned anything since the 2020 Steal and the ensuing vaxx genocide perpetrated on the people it’s that everything is suspect now.