Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?

Depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many people today, because they no longer have the cultural knowledge gained from familiarity with their classic literature and religion which teaches how to deal with the challenges of life and how to grapple with inner demons. This knowledge has been lost. It has been excised from education as outdated, racist, not inclusive, judgmental, and white.

Hanne Herland reminds us of the importance of culture to survival and a moral life. She gives us hope for our revival by pointing out that Russia is again Christian despite decades of enforced communist atheism, which was also enforced on Americans by liberals and Jews. For example, no prayers in school, no Christian symbols in public places. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/how-atheist-marxism-created-religious-revival-in-russia-wnd/

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, was a hero in America as a Soviet dissident until his speech at Harvard University at which he said that “men have forgotten God,” and that this forgetfulness is the explanation for the numerous crises and social and personal maladies of our time.

Instantly, Solzhenitsyn became person non grata.

If you are a Christian, a real one and not a worshipper of Israel, you can understand what has happened to us in terms of Satan squeezing the good out of Western civilization and replacing it with evil.

When I challenge this thought, I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians.

It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war.

It is Washington and its EU Empire.

If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world.

Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.They do not understand that they are confronting evil with whom no negotiations are possible.

This means that the halting, hesitant, insufficient responses of Russia, China, and Iran to evil are too weak to be effective.

The liberals, the left-wing, the Woke are the ones who destroyed the cultural knowledge of the West, thereby depriving the people of the ability to confront evil. For the liberal-left-Woke destroyers of civilization, spiritual evil is incomprehensible. For them the only evils are Trump, “white racism” and “Putin’s aggression.”

In the liberal-left-Woke matrix there are no other evils.

The West no longer rests on a Western culture. It rests on sexual perversion and the promotion by governments, corporations, and universities of transgenderism and critical race theory. Western nations have been replaced with Sodom and Gomorrahs and towers of babel. Enemies are necessary to justify the US military/security complex’s massive budget and power. The more enemies the larger the budget and power.

There is not much more hope in American conservatives than there is in the liberal-left-Woke contingent. Conservatives confuse their country with the government. As Albert Jay Nock and Thomas Jefferson clearly explained, the two are entirely different. But it is an important distinction that is over the heads of many conservatives.

Solzhenitsyn told us that when respect for religion, traditional values, family, and religious faith are stripped from a society, society has been disarmed and no protection remains against the triumph of evil. As the liberal-left-Woke contingent has stripped away these protections, evil is now the dominant power in the Western World.

Russia, China and Iran do not confront Western governments capable of reason. They confront unbridled evil.

Putin puzzles why the West is so unreasonable. The answer is that evil is unreasonable. You cannot make a deal with it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 24, 2024 7:04 am

Maybe people should stop outsourcing every aspect of their lives to specialists.

Grow your own food, raise your own children, work next to your friends and neighbors, and learn from your Creator by spending your time in the midst of His creation.

I’ve had my coffee and said my piece, time to take my own advice.

Have a great day everyone, what you do with it is up to you.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 24, 2024 7:28 am

Did you grow the coffee yourself, or did you outsource it?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 24, 2024 12:26 pm

Guess who has no friends and never goes outside?

June 24, 2024 1:17 pm

How much of your food do you grow?

June 24, 2024 9:35 pm

Is what HSF said wrong? No.

June 25, 2024 6:46 am

Quite a bit.

I get it, when you do nothing for yourself and someone gives you advice that you either can’t or won’t take- advice that will absolutely make your life better- you want to try and deflect.

Do I mine the iron ore and smelt the raw ingots of pig iron that I then forge it into tools?

No. You got me, I’m not a purist. I use all sorts of things I do not myself make. And if that was what you got from my comment, you’re not really here to hunt bear, as they say.

I raised my children with my wife, taught them ourselves, right here on our own property and they’ve turned out quite well for the experience. We have raised flocks and herds, tend our orchards and vineyards, fields and gardens, pastures and paddocks. We’ve built barns and a greenhouse, started up and successfully operated closed system aquaculture with zero help or input, recovered from a massive fire and serious injuries, taught ourselves to slaughter and butcher and make our own sausages, prosciutto and smoked meats and fish. We pickle and sun dry, harvest and preserve, plant and prune, germinate and incubate. We do in fact work with friends and neighbors and have for years opened our place up to anyone who was interested in coming up to see for themselves how we were able to go from being your typical suburban family with no real skills other than as consumers and money earners into a fairly self-reliant and resourceful family that produces far more than we consume.

If that doesn’t cut it because I don’t grow my own coffee beans, you got me.

When people make those kinds of comments it makes me want to do even more and to recognize that there’s one another thing I could probably live without and do just fine. But it’s also kind of silly because it isn’t really a response to all the other points I made that any reasonable and rational person understands is probably very good advice that comes from experience.

Take it/don’t take it, same/same.

Time to get back out to the garden. No coffee this morning.

June 24, 2024 7:15 am

Hardly new, Marx and Hitler both came from the West.

June 24, 2024 11:18 am

One was a Commie Jew. The other came from the diametric response to Communist terrorism. Bypassing central banking and exercising National sovereignty, going so far as to reclaim lands illegally stolen in the Versailles illegal Treaty. And therefore falsely accused of genocide and tanking down by central banking controlled Communism and central banking controlled Capitalism. A true genocide visited Germany and much of Eastern Europe. NOT by the National Socialists. If I’m lying could someone please direct us to a National Socialist gas chamber which would facilitate human euthanasia?

June 24, 2024 12:37 pm

We have been lied to about WWII. We were told that Hitler convinced the Germans to fight against the entire world to take it over. That is a stupid story. I think the war was really a fight between Gentiles and Jews, between nationalism and communism, or globalism.

The Real History of WWII?

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
June 24, 2024 1:03 pm

That, and stopped the exploitation of the German worker by the international corporations.

June 24, 2024 7:21 am

Sometimes PCR is on point and then says something really off the wall that just undermines his whole essay–
Conservatives confuse their country with the government. ” What an odd statement. Every conservative I know wants less government, more liberty and individuality. My Christian friends tolerate government and are “Christ first” in their thinking and charities.

I am conservative and a constitutionalist– the same constitution that was written to protect us and our God-given rights and our country from government. Conservatives do not love government schmuck.

June 24, 2024 11:27 am

Depends on definitions. There are tens of millions of people out there calling themselves conservatives who worship government; often without having the self awareness to realize that’s what they’re doing.

June 24, 2024 9:46 am

“I have never
seen a level of censorship like this.”

The censorship is by the news media, and (((those))) who own it.

June 24, 2024 1:16 pm

Of course you can find it, it’s less hidden then Chomsky getting money from Jeffrey Epstein.

And anyone can go look up Russian media not aimed at Western audiences instead of relying on middlemen. Plenty of the bloggers can’t read Russian either.

June 24, 2024 2:29 pm

Yet another reason not to join the military. It’s not ‘your’ country anyway. By withholding the posturing, expression and language of another country and its leadership pontificated by the U.S. as defiant then the people would need to know the issues and historical background and arguments of both sides to make a decision for themselves in whom they want to give credence to. This is a matter of dissembling and maneuvering; the dealings of the elites that the masses are not privy to. The fact that the people are not in control of these military and international dealings needs to be a matter of national discourse.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 24, 2024 9:46 am

No shit, Sherlock! What was your FIRST clue?

June 24, 2024 10:30 am

It’s the chews.

June 24, 2024 12:40 pm
Anarcho libertarian
Anarcho libertarian
June 24, 2024 11:28 am

Christians have done NOTHING to help stem the flow of losses of liberty. Most of them CHEERED on the covid narrative. They are for the most part, worthless.

  Anarcho libertarian
June 24, 2024 11:48 am

Can’t disagree with that.

  Anarcho libertarian
June 24, 2024 1:14 pm

They are fooled by false doctrines, led by false teachers. They are as Christian as the pope, pedojoe or oprah.
These people, like the churches they go to, are basically just an image of the real thing, a front, fakery, mirage.
based on this assertion I would say Christians did not cheer anything on

Mad Celt
Mad Celt
June 24, 2024 1:17 pm

Evil has always been the dominate power. It’s the degree of it that matters.

June 24, 2024 1:42 pm

The liberals, the left-wing, the Woke are the ones who destroyed the cultural knowledge of the West, thereby depriving the people of the ability to confront evil.”

This attribution is too one-sided to be taken seriously. The churches (church system) have been inherently negligible in equipping congregants with regard to intellectual edification and cultural strategies in occupying all sectors of society, with most denominations seemingly purposed to steer the congregations and larger public away from being a self-managing society to one being led by dictates according to established hierarchical authorities, largely manifested through obscured Freemasonry. They have the highest reported divorce rates in the country. Are the liberals responsible for that? They stand and partner with abortion clinics and openly support abortion for women in lower economic brackets as the compassionate thing to do. Most of their attendees are living in poverty or below the poverty line. They are unable to control the narrative as to what defines gender, in effecting living wages, shaping educational curriculum, or influencing the arts. Conservatives and what defines cultural Christianity has effectively no influence in society and has managed to have no jurisdiction in any of its realms. How is it that the political left has managed all of this and the Christians are left dumbfounded?

June 24, 2024 2:26 pm

This was all by design. The evil trifecta of globalism/communism/climate change has played a long game.
It took them a century to erode our moral compass, destroy the nuclear family, and infect our children with their evil ideologies, but their slow advance has finally paid off.

We’ve learned nothing from the lessons of Israel. They were warned time and again by God and prophets that if they became secular and abandoned God, their country would be destroyed and their people scattered.

I think it’s either the end times, or Dark Age 2.0

Reader mostly
Reader mostly
June 24, 2024 3:58 pm

“Evil” implies intelligence.
Hehe, I see little evidence.

June 24, 2024 7:06 pm

I think Putin DOES understand and has said as much….to the writers point,which is true I see no defenders of Christianity here..(ok a few)….if requires RESPONSIBILITY……..
but look at us as a supposed modern society..
obesity and sloth
(yes I left out many more)
all these things are now deemed normal in society,even celebrated as somehow being GOOD for us all!……when you are desiccated of all that is good about being human…..you will not like what remains…..