Canada’s Population Explodes Surpassing 41 Million

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Canada’s population has surpassed 41 million, but it is not due to new births. Statistics Canada declared that the population rose 0.6% or 242,673 people since last quarter, standing at 41,012.563 as of April 2024. The nation rose by 1.27 from 2022 to 2023 or a 3.2%. . Nearly all population growth (99.3%; 240,955 people) were solely attributed to migrants arriving in Canada.

“In 2023, the vast majority (97.6%) of Canada’s population growth came from international migration (both permanent and temporary immigration) and the remaining portion (2.4%) came from natural increase,” StatCan said in a statement. “This was the second straight year that temporary immigration drove population growth and the third year in a row with a net increase of NPRs (non-permanent residents),” it said. The number of new arrivals is increasing in 2024 at a rapid pace, far too rapid for the economy to maintain.

Now, government agencies claim that Canada’s population requires “temporary immigration” for labor and the population has grown by 100,000 migrants every quarter since Q3 2021. Canada’s unemployment rate rose in April to 6.1% from 6.1% in March, with the rate at only 5.3% in April 2023. The migrants are not filling in-demand labor roles. As with the US and every western country that permitted open borders, these people are living off of the tax payers and not producing anything. Trudeau totes that skilled labor is needed throughout Canada but the people coming in are not filling those roles either.

Trudeau has permitted an influx of migrants throughout the past six years at a pace that has only accelerated. Every recent poll has found that Canadians are concerned about the record number of new arrivals. The government has stated it would begin to cap immigration but that only applies to those entering legally.

Sentiment toward immigration has turned sour. Canadians are worried about inflation and the housing crisis. A Leger poll learned that 75% of Canadians felt that immigration was fueling the housing crisis. The Association for Canadian Studies and the Metropolis Institute surveyed Canadians in January 2023 and 21% reported that there were too many migrants. They conducted the same poll a year later and the number of concerned legal residents more than doubled to 50%. An Abacus Data survey found that 67% of Canadians believed the rate of immigration was far too high. Trudeau’s popularity is declining as Canadian society and culture begin to shift. The US is not the only country relying on an influx of immigrants and war to alter elections.

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Babble On
Babble On
June 24, 2024 9:57 am

Driving has become a huge issue. I constantly tell my friend as he drives us around most of the time to calm down, don’t let the insanity of these idiot drivers get to you etc. on and on. So yesterday, two firetrucks were trying to do a left turn responding to a call, lights and sirens going. All this did was get the usually distracted drivers to look up. The usually late off the light dummies jumped the changing light as the trucks were entering the intersection and forced them to stop. Un fucking real. Then when we caught up to the light jumping, truck stopping idiots, they were now making right turns from the left lanes of traffic totally lost and clueless.

I looked at my buddy who was calm and relaxed, and said “Sorry for trying to tell you to calm down about the bad drivers yesterday….” And then I lost my shit rolled down my window and launched a tirade from the passenger seat.

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
  Babble On
June 24, 2024 2:17 pm

Can you keep your trivial complaints a little shorter in length please? It’s terribly hard to read such a massive post while simultaneously driving down the road…

  Mushroom Cloud
June 24, 2024 4:30 pm

Harder yet to text an answer while driving.

June 24, 2024 12:40 pm

Canada needs to close the door and stop all immigration for at least 10 years. You can’t keep letting in millions of newcomers from mostly sh*t hole countries each year and not expect the price of houses and rent to skyrocket, not to mention overburdening our health care and social services.

But like Biden and the illegals in the US, Trudeau is going to import as many newcomers as it takes to get them to keep voting Liberal. Regular Canadians already hate Trudeau, and Trudeau hates them back. Trudeau was quoted years ago saying:

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them.”

He’s well on his way to doing just that, while Canada turns into a third world sh*t hole, just the countries all these newcomers left.

June 24, 2024 1:14 pm

What a great success story. They have a plan and it is highly successful. Congratulations Canadiens.

June 24, 2024 1:15 pm

They have a plan and are working their plan.

June 24, 2024 3:33 pm

Need to seal every border 100%, all nations on planet earth to keep self sovereignty and preserve all white DNA no mixing of any offspring whatsoever

June 24, 2024 4:27 pm

Just got back from a week long fishing trip way up in northern Ontario Canada Saturday. Didn’t get waited on by one white person, only East Indians, Pakistanies and Arabs. Dock hand told me the government pays them to move to Canada, subsidizes their housing and finds them jobs, then exempts them from taxes.

June 24, 2024 4:53 pm

Yep. My formerly small town suburb in the greater Toronto area has been overrun with browners. The staff in any minimum wage establishment here are all browners. It wasn’t that way even five years ago. We went across to the US last weekend and were struck that all the establishments there were staffed by white or black people, and not a browner to be seen.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 24, 2024 4:36 pm

What a bunch of sissies those Canadians are … hell, here in the United States, we’ve got more illegal aliens than Canada has residents … by at least 35,000,000, including the 20,000,000+ that have invaded since 1.20.2021 …