The Western Mainstream Press – Just Want War

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

It is interesting how little intelligence exists in the mainstream media. There are just no independent thinkers and certainly no investigative journalists left. Mainstream has chased them all out. Or is it that they are just taking orders like the Nazis insisted at Nuremberg? All you have to do is look at the press reporting in 2014. It was the UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland and her Neocons, who then directed them to attack the Donbas to draw in Putin.

Here, the Associated Press states at the beginning, “Ukraine’s acting President,” meaning unelected since the Ukrainian people NEVER voted for war. Ukraine had just gone through a revolution, but when the Donbas wanted to split from the Ukrainians because they hated Russians who had lived in the Donbas and Crimea for hundreds of years. The media never looked at the facts or the truth and has constantly promoted World War III.

May 2 2014 Odessa Trade Unions HouseThe very next month, in May 2014, the Ukrainians began to attack Russians on the street, beating them and killing them. They wanted all Russians dead, and the Western Press turned a blind eye.  The hatred in Ukraine of non-Ukrainians goes back to the ethnic cleansing they engaged in when they were Nazis. They hate Russians, along with all other minorities they hate and do not trust. Make no mistake about it: if Russia loses, the Ukrainians will massacre all Russians in the Donbas territory, and the Western Press will never report anything. The West ignores the fact that the Ukrainians carried out a massacre of ethnic Russians who lived in Odessa as soon as their 2014 Revolution, and that is what started this entire civil war that the Western Press will not address.

Odessa Massacre May 2014The 2014 Odessa Massacre of Russian-speaking civilians where killed by the Ukrainians on the streets. When the civilians fled for safety into the Trade Union Building, the nationalist Ukrainians burned them alive. That was the turning point. It revealed that the Donbas had to separate, for the Ukrainian hatred of Russians was out to annihilate every last one of them – not their submission to Kiev. Victoria Nuland told them to call it an anti-terrorist action because they sought a democratic solution to vote for their freedom.

This 2014 Odessa Massacre is ignored by the Western Press because they are too busy promoting World War III. For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians was carried out and even filmed by numerous people. The West was silent and cheered the deaths of Russian civilians. This has been documented in extraordinary detail, and the Ukrainians did not even fear any negative consequences in world opinion.

2019 Zelensky win Russia HopefulZelensky ran promising PEACE. That is what the average Ukrainian wanted. Ukraine is the plaything of Neocons, and they do not care if every Ukrainian dies as long as they take at least one Russian with them.

Ukraine_Crucifies_Man_Burns_Christian_Icons2022_05_22_15_01_49_Ukraine_Crucifies_Russian Soldier







I have videos that are too horrible even to post that were captured from Ukrainians who filmed their war crimes. They were crucifying Rusdian and burning them alive.


Ukrainian organs_harvested od children


I have refrained from reporting what many are starting to document. Ukrainian Neo Nazis are harvesting organs from Russian children in the Donbas and have been selling them even into Israel. This is starting to come from many sources.


Ukraine 1.1 Million Dead

The real number of deaths from UKRAINIAN sources is 1.1 million, I am told, and AGAIN, this comes from Ukraine – not Russia! In fact, a local TV news operation reported the real number, and Zelensky again made them take it down as he did with the head of the EU. They suddenly reported it was a typo. The Neocons are completely destroying Ukraine, and they have ZERO regard for Ukrainian lives as they will with Americans or Europeans.

2023_03_01_Kiev_s_troops_have_big_Nazi_problem_ex_US_soldier_who_escaped_UkraineAnyone who dares to criticize Ukraine is called a Putin supporter. This is their standard tactic so that they can do as they like, paint Russia as evil, and lead the world into complete destruction. Everything we have achieved since World War II will be lost – PERIOD! People have to start demanding their stupid world leaders stop supporting this insanity and HONOR the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine was NEVER a nation. The People in the Donbas and Crimea are Russian, and they have always been Russians.

The American Neocons control the media as well as NATO. When Ukrainians vote to separate from Russia, that is legitimate. But if Russians vote to separate from Ukrainians, it is rigged by Putin. I’m sure the Russians in the Donbas want to live under Zelensky. The only way Russia loses is for Ukraine to exterminate every Russian in the Donbas. This goes back to the ethnic cleansing under the Nazis.

So, when you pay your taxes, you might as well cut out the middleman and send the check to Zelensky.
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June 23, 2024 7:51 am
June 23, 2024 9:12 am

Beginning to think more and more that the NAtionalist ZIonist is the military wing of the Name Stealers!…..that’s why the silence!…”harvesting and selling organs of children to Israel even”?…..nope it’s a PIPELINE!…..

June 23, 2024 10:06 am

comment image

June 23, 2024 10:33 am

And still, Christians enlist, Hollyweird war porn, applaud vets . . . and misinterpret Romans 13:

“My fellow Christians have argued that the state’s authority is divinely given. They cite Christ’s injunction “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” and St. Paul’s words “The powers that be are ordained of God.” But Christ didn’t say which things — if any — belong to Caesar; his ambiguous words are far from a command to give Caesar whatever he claims. And it’s notable that Christ never told his disciples either to establish a state or to engage in politics. They were to preach the Gospel and, if rejected, to move on. He seems never to have imagined the state as something they could or should enlist on their side.” ~ Joe Sobran (Read rest:

June 24, 2024 8:09 am

Exactly,Jesus was being rhetorical….
it was only GOD that Jesus was concerned with……Caesar gave you(the individual) NOTHING…..while GOD gave you EVERYTHING!…..therefore you OWE Caesar NOTHING!!……Jesus DID define it!……

June 23, 2024 12:09 pm

Let’s see, the Ukies have been losing at least 1000 a day since November 2023, so the total death toll is at least 1,300,000. When they run out of Ukrainian men, that’s when they’ll send American men.

It will be interesting to see how America reacts to The Draft they’re planning. Hopefully the day will come when the bullet box supersedes the ballot box and jury box. Nothing like death to permanently remove those who have irreversibly stained this country with their very existence.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 24, 2024 12:26 am

Any American that kneels to this insanity deserves their fate.

A real American will tell the globalist shitstains, “AMERICA FIRST!:
And refuse it all. Our counrty is under attack from within.

  Colorado Artist
June 24, 2024 8:20 am

If one refuses to adopt the ideas/ideals that made this country great,how can you DARE call yourself an AMERICAN!!…..
Having merely the luck of the draw on birth location,doesn’t make one an American!

June 24, 2024 5:46 am

Killing White people on both sides is a mainstay part of the plan. After Ukraine Putin will be spoon fed more of Europe. His issue being White nationalism, as much as it is Biden’s main issue. Do any among us think Jew Zelensky is not happy to send Ukraine’s young White Nationalists to die fighting Russia’s White Nationalists? Easy to see how Conservatives get strung along following the pseudo religious end times script of the tribe.

June 24, 2024 5:42 am

Don’t call it the Western press. It’s the Jewish press and the Jewish banking system the world over.