The Endgame

Guest Post by Geert Vanden Bossche

The Outcome of Vaccine-Associated Viral Phenotype Selection Will Overrule the Effect of Vaccine-Associated Human Genome Editing.

I regularly read the contributions of Julian Gillespie, who, along with his colleagues, tirelessly battles the Australian judicial system, regulatory authorities, and especially Moderna and Pfizer. They legitimately argue that these companies circumvented applicable laws by not seeking approval for their mRNA-based Covid-19 (C-19) vaccines under the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) statutes. This particularly applies to the mRNA vaccines, as they are heavily contaminated with bacterial DNA from the manufacturing process  (Australian DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans (

Those who make the effort to examine the remarkable evidence presented by Julian and his team regarding the safety concerns of the mRNA C-19 vaccines and the widespread fraud by the despicable lobby of governmental agencies and Big Pharma primarily ask one major question:

To what extent could the integration of bacterial DNA, heavily contaminating Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, cause changes or damage to the genome of C-19 vaccinated individuals? Could such integration into germ cells potentially even lead to these changes being passed on to future generations?

There is growing evidence that this kind of insertional mutagenesis could, for example, lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inhibition of tumor suppressor genes, effects that primarily manifest in the medium to long term. How will highly C-19 vaccinated countries fare if it turns out that the mRNA-based C-19 vaccines have caused genetic impairments in millions? Will such societies remain viable and still be capable of producing healthy offspring?

The reckless and insane genetic manipulation of large segments of the human population threatens to cause a protracted, complex health catastrophe in highly C-19 vaccinated countries. Amidst these legitimate concerns and increasing outcries, many overlook that mass C-19 vaccination and subsequent vaccine-breakthrough infections have simultaneously but differently induced unintended yet targeted genetic selection of Sars-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants by causing highly C-19 vaccinated populations to exert immune pressure on the virus without preventing its spread. This has led to significant viral immune escape. This means that among the many spontaneous viral mutants, phenotypes have been selected that enjoy a competitive advantage in this hostile immune context, thereby dominating the original virus and less adapted variants.

It’s important to note that depending on the strength of the collective immune pressure exerted by highly C-19 vaccinated populations, viral genotypes/variants with quite remarkable changes in their phenotypic characteristics may be selected (e.g., Omicron, BA.2.86/JN.1). As the replication cycle of SC-2 takes only about 10 hours, such new phenotypes can also increase their prevalence very rapidly. The combination of both factors therefore leads to drastic and acute changes in the viral population, contrasting with the mid to long-term changes in genetically manipulated (i.e., mRNA-vaccinated) individuals.

I believe it is evident that the global impact of the large-scale C-19 vaccination program on the virus’s virulence will manifest much sooner than the detrimental impact of the DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines on the population’s health status (including reproductive health).

I’ve repeatedly emphasized that mRNA vaccines not only promote viral immune escape but also cause immune refocusing ( This phenomenon involves the immune response increasingly targeting conserved spike-associated epitopes of the virus, often containing self-mimicking motifs.

Immune refocusing can slow the spread of the virus by delaying viral immune escape, benefiting the training of innate cell-mediated immunity in the unvaccinated. However, immune refocusing comes at the expense of the vaccinated population’s health, leading to autoimmune diseases, cancers, and eventually more cases of long COVID. The combination of long COVID and the harmful genetic effects of the widespread, reckless use of mRNA-based C-19 vaccines that are heavily contaminated with bacterial DNA contributes to the excess deaths and diminishes the productivity and survival chances of highly C-19 vaccinated populations.

However, as the effects of immune derailment and genetic editing are likely to primarily result in premature death in the medium to long term, the current population-level immune pressure on viral transmissibility is currently only slightly reduced, allowing SC-2 to continue its catastrophic immune escape. This will eventually cause the virus to evolve into a form so adapted to the ongoing suboptimal immune pressure that it can spread unchecked within the host itself. Given the rapid selection of mutated viral genotypes/variants and the virus’s quick replication, such evolution could happen overnight. For highly C-19 vaccinated populations, it has now merely become  a matter of exerting sufficient collective immune pressure on viral intra-host transmissibility to enable the selection and dominant propagation of a new coronavirus that can spread unchecked within the fully vaccinated host (i.e., HI-VI-CRON1).

There is no doubt that SC-2’s ability to spread from host to host is now close to reaching its maximum capacity in highly C-19 vaccinated populations. Consequently, it is clear that Nature is highly unlikely to deal with countless long-term health damages caused by the C-19 mass vaccination program, especially if conducted with mRNA-based vaccines. Nature will put a stop to this by intervening in a way to ensure that only the portion of the population whose health and immune protective capacity have not been compromised by the C-19 vaccines or severe C-19 disease following natural infection survives and reproduces. This implies that the part of the population that exclusively relies on obsolete antibodies from previous C-19 vaccination or SC-2 infection cannot contribute to restoring a healthy human population. This deficiency relates to a large group of C-19 vaccinated individuals and therefore also involves numerous individuals whose genomes may have been genetically modified due to mRNA vaccination.


Because of all of the above, it must be stressed that the final outcome and health impact of this large-scale gain-of-function experiment on the very human species will be determined by the evolutionary dynamics of the virus, which is currently struggling to survive due to large-scale immune pressure on its transmissibility, rather than by vaccine-associated genetic or immune-mediated diseases.

1 HI-VI-CRON refers to a new coronavirus that supplants the Omicron family and is highly virulent in C-19 vaccinees

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Meme's Café
Meme's Café
June 22, 2024 8:03 pm

So they now admit the pokemon was not RNA but bacterial DNA?

Quite a huge ahift.

  Meme's Café
June 22, 2024 9:28 pm

No. It was admitted that the injections were heavily contaminated with DNA fragments of the bacteria that were used to produce the mRNA.
I however think that to be a limited hangout inasmuch as those injections didn’t contain mRNA in the first place, To my knowledge no researcher who looked has ever found any mRNA. Furthermore, the supposed spike protein doesn’t exist because virus’ don’t exist either therefore negating any need for mRNA.

June 22, 2024 9:55 pm

pf, jj, ast, & mdrna were all marketing or should that be armketing.

will we know who was behind the real r&d and manufacturing ?


Known Associate
Known Associate
June 23, 2024 6:04 pm


June 22, 2024 10:10 pm

mRNA stands for messenger RNA, but what was used is modified RNA. They are not the same. The presence of DNA can only be explained by malice or criminal negligence.

  Meme's Café
June 23, 2024 2:03 am

you still believe, after all their lies have been exposed you still believe their BS
NO mRNA has been found in any ‘vaxxines’ fuck sake give it up, you were lied
to none of it was true

Meme's Café
Meme's Café
June 23, 2024 6:53 pm


June 22, 2024 8:07 pm

365 CE The Bible
2024 CE The Science

Which has caused more deaths?

June 22, 2024 8:14 pm

Anno Domini, retard, Anno Domini.

June 22, 2024 9:38 pm

So important it took them hundreds of years to invent.

June 23, 2024 8:12 am

So important it took you thirty seconds to think the whole thing through.

June 23, 2024 9:26 am

Current Era retard Current Era

June 23, 2024 9:38 am

Counting from when? Why?

Meme's Café
Meme's Café
June 23, 2024 6:54 pm

Anno Domini

The year they decided to dominate the European slaves with a brand new creation…the Jesus’ fishies?
365 AD [CE for non retards]

June 23, 2024 11:23 am

Bible, because the symbols are used elsewhere as well. For example, God is Yahweh in the Bible, but he is twilight (Adam and Eve) in other places. Adam is Enki from ancient Sumeria (morning), and they called him the ‘Great One’, as in ‘One Health’ at the WHO (Eve is Gaia at the UN). As twilight, Adam and Eve give birth to the day, which has been known by a hundred names over the centuries, racking up bodies with each one: Jesus, Iasus, Zeus, Horace, take your pick because that is the game.

The truly sad part is why all of these people died. It’s the sun. The characters are just different parts of the day, directions, constellations etc..
Adam (dawn) turns into sunrise (phoenix), which is lost to the day (jesus), which is then consumed by evening (Eve/Death) and turns to the dark side, like Anakin Skywalker, so people must die, it’s the only way. No wait, there’s ‘a new hope’ (dawn), and the cycle goes on and on ever changing with the equinoxes, of which Adam happens to be the new one, Aquarius, so we get ‘One’ this and ‘One’ that, it’s so crazy people must die, it’s the only way.

The answer is easily the Bible, and all of it’s aliases, such as the Enuma Elis.

June 22, 2024 8:16 pm

Except there are no such thing as “viruses.”

June 22, 2024 9:30 pm

There is growing evidence that this kind of insertional mutagenesis could, for example, lead to the activation of oncogenes

these GVB articles are like reading martian

June 23, 2024 1:45 am

Not really.
Basically says the mutations can cause cancer.

June 22, 2024 11:23 pm

SCI (NYSE ticker symbol) is the largest provider of funeral and cremation services in the world. Their stock is a good “long” bet.

Jack Russell
Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 12:33 am

My friend’s son died today at around 27 years old. Got cancer in the nose shortly after the jab. He was to be a commercial pilot soon. RIP A.M. The Greek word for sorcery is Pharmacia. This is mentioned in the Bible.

  Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 7:26 am


Jack Russell
Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 9:11 am

Thanks. Spell checker wrong.

  Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 10:11 am
Don K
Don K
  Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 3:35 pm

But like all tools they can be used for good and bad. Doesnt mean all medicines are sorcery.This one is though bad that is

Meme's Café
Meme's Café
  Jack Russell
June 23, 2024 6:56 pm

How many nose swabs did he take?

Reader mostly
Reader mostly
June 23, 2024 4:05 am

I use a voodoo doctor on tv. $19.95 cures anything, but I just get the love potion.
Isn’t medical misadventure one of the top killers?

June 23, 2024 9:28 am

Could Microwave Irradiation Cause Misfolding of Peptides?

Martin Gladovic,† Chris Oostenbrink,‡ and Urban Bren*†§

Microwaves have been experimentally shown to affect the folding dynamics of peptides and proteins. Using molecular dynamics, we performed all-atom simulations of a model β-peptide in aqueous solution where individual degrees of freedom of solvent molecules were decoupled to allow for investigation at non-equilibrium microwave-irradiated conditions. An elevated rotational temperature of the water medium was found to significantly affect the conformation of the peptide due to the weakened hydrogen-bonding interactions with the surrounding solvent molecules. Cluster analysis revealed that microwave irradiation can indeed act as a promoter in the formation of new misfolded peptide structures of the hairpin type, which are generally associated with the onset of several neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases as well as certain cancer types such as amyloidosis.

June 23, 2024 10:05 am

I encourage you to watch this video. She outlines WBAN, wireless body area networks etc. using their own white papers. This one is just an outline but there are other deeper dives. Sensors, what is old fashionedly called chips.

June 23, 2024 10:06 am

add http: to the following


June 23, 2024 10:25 am

Why do they keep calling it gain-of-function? Born from decades of research into Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis is more like it.
It’s picornaviruses (like in the patents), and people who took the shot absolutely need to get legal assurances from patenting humans.
Conveyance of known risks was a requirement for all emergency use cases, including covid, and this was not performed for either test packets or patents. Liability was assumed due to disregard of Item II in the EUA; they are liable by law.

June 23, 2024 10:56 am

I hate the vaxx and want to see Fauci hanged, but this guy has been saying this for 2 years now. He said that the great die-off was 99% going to happen by the end of June. One week left!

Known Associate
Known Associate
June 23, 2024 7:30 pm

Are we ignoring the tendency of viruses in general to “down-mutate” in lethality in order to avoid killing the host population? At the same time, they tend to “up-mutate” in terms of transmissibility, which ought to promote herd immunity.

These are natural attributes of wild viruses. We don’t know if the bioengineering of the CV-19 overrides these natural tendencies.