A Leader Emerges. Will the People Support Him?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Christian Evangelical Chuck Baldwin is the kind of leader America needs. He is intelligent, has integrity, and understands that good is in a battle with evil. A leader with these qualities is far more likely to have God on his side than a regime that enables genocide and foments wars and wrongful prosecutions.

Possibly evil has too much of a hold on America and her empire for such a person to rise to leadership. In our days when the US government actively supports sexual perversion both at home and abroad, the demonization of white Americans, war, and the self-serving narratives of the ruling elites, a real leader becomes an enemy to be ignored or demonized.

You can meet Chuck Baldwin via the URL below. I will say that there is one point about which he might be overly optimistic. He writes that if Israel ignores the UN Security Council resolution supported by the Biden regime, Israel will lose the US and her protection. How can Netanyahu lose the US government’s protection when the US House and Senate voted almost unanimously to have Netanyahu address on July 24, for the fourth time, the US Congress? This is Congress showing unconditional support for Israel no matter what. How can Israel lose the support of an American government and media and universities that Israel owns? In America money is all that speaks, never principle.


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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 22, 2024 9:09 am

Uh huh. I see.

I guess the real question is: knowing what you did failed, will you persist in trying to make it work, or will you get with a viable program?

Moot point. There IS NO viable solution to this problem. It isn’t political. It’s spiritual.

I guess I can understand trying something different, but that square peg ain’t never goin’ in that round hole.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 23, 2024 5:27 am

The spiritual is worth little if we fail to make those spiritual sentiments for a better world tangible by acting upon them. If we believe the divine is on our side, or at least the better part of it, our words and actions should reflect our beliefs. Beyond praying to the God of the people with end times plan and waiting for Armageddon to save us. Quoting the scriptures, and waiting for Jesus has muddled minds, dampened spirits, and tainted souls. Consider the source and their history.

June 22, 2024 9:39 am

Me too, because I don’t believe in voting for the “lesser of two evils” anymore.

Don K
Don K
June 22, 2024 9:44 am

Me too!

June 22, 2024 7:05 am

PCR is right. The only way Israel loses Uncle Schlomo support is if Uncle Schlomo is no more. Chuck maybe slightly delusional.

June 22, 2024 8:26 am

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 22, 2024 9:04 am

NEVER trust a Baldwin…ANY Baldwin.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 22, 2024 11:43 am

Just say what you really mean: “Never trust a non-kikesucker, especially an anti-kikesucker”.

That’s what you really mean, ain’t it? Kikesucker.

June 22, 2024 9:09 am

I would rather have someone who was not divisive by default.
Claiming “I am a Christian” immediately makes one divided against those who claim another banner of manmade division.

Claiming to be human first?
Claiming the right to exist simply because we do what is right?

The cycles of life do not belong to the manmade explanations.
And ALL explanations are man devised.

June 22, 2024 9:30 am

Nope, lost me at religous. The religions are knee deep in everything, including slavery. My family still has our 1601 name receipt, we’re white, and ownership went to the church.
Add that to the fact that the religions are all fake and based off of the sun, and there’s literally no way this guy should be leading anything.
Adam and Eve are Twighlight, morning and evening, and they give birth to the day, Jesus. You can also see it as Orthodox Catholic, Christian and Jesuit.
Adam happens to be the Sumerian Enki, his constellation is Aquarius (new age), and he is called the “Great One”, as in “One” Health. Wifey, Eve, is the Sumerian Ki/Damkina (Gaia), as in the UN’s ‘new’ religion.
The church doesn’t come clean on any of this, instead demanding tythe and personal sacrifices. The church is far from innocent.

Don K
Don K
June 22, 2024 9:56 am

Churchianity is not Christianity. Just as in the last days before first century Jerusalem (The Whore of
Babylon) was destroyed, organized religion today doesnt have many true believers.
Like the remnent of Judaism, true believers today are protected by God.

The bible is clear most of the jews, in first centrury, were not jews but members of the synagogue of satan.

All your sumerian gods were killed by The God Yeshua in ad70 they are kaput.

  Don K
June 22, 2024 1:08 pm

All your gods are literally Sumerian. Good grief, what is it with religion and ignorance?

June 22, 2024 4:05 pm

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Anony me me
Anony me me
June 23, 2024 5:45 pm

Teach up a douche in the way for him, and when he is old, he will still be a douche.
It is scriptural.

  Don K
June 23, 2024 5:42 am

The tribe was exterminating nations long before the Khazar narrative, and Yahweh Is a plagiarized Sumerian God. He was the bad guy and expelled by the other Gods. A lot like Satan. Furthermore, the Bible justifies genocide and the destruction of nations in the same words the Talmud justifies murder of Goyim today. Most Conservatives follow the pseudo religions script of the Jews. Islam follows another pseudo religious script of the Jews. Sharing the same end times. Liberals follow the Communist plan of the Jews. Three mainstream, Jewish narratives. Three death cults. Modern Satanism also promises the same end times plan. Yet another Abrahamic death cult. Demonstrating the tribe playing us against one another for the sake of their genocidal plan for the planet Earth. We should not make important and eternal choices based on name brand narratives spoon fed by dubious sources.

Anony me me
Anony me me
June 23, 2024 5:48 pm

Like when they kicked abraham out of Ur for loansharking, gambling, prostitution and distilling?

June 22, 2024 11:47 am

Chuck Baldwin is not “The Church”. You come across like one of those left-libertarians who took over the LP. Are you more “left” than “libertarian”?

June 23, 2024 5:30 am

Nothing wrong with religion. The problem is who created and controls mainstream religion, and common acceptance of their plan for Armageddon as supposedly divine and genuinely spiritual. We can do better than cherry picking from narratives spoon fed to us by Jews.

Anony me me
Anony me me
June 23, 2024 5:49 pm

Yes we can.
No we won’t.
Well, I did but I do not have any confidence in the [dum]masses.

June 22, 2024 12:36 pm

One thing is for certain, evil has too much of a hold on America to ever emerge too it’s former self. It would take quite a culling to do that. Maybe we need to look closely at the concept of the movie saga “The Purge”.

June 22, 2024 1:34 pm

From a religious angle that link is interesting. People believe Ritter and others with religious fervour. No amount of proof that he is wrong, or outright lying, will sway the religious mind. People will take a statement, or an article, or even the title of an article, and like biblical exegesis, twist it into the most favorable interpretation possible, or ‘well, he really means this’. They will look for hidden meanings as well. And anyone contradicting them is like the church lady looking at everything as Satan.

What was it Qanon followers were always saying? Sit back with your popcorn and enjoy, trust the plan, the white hat patriots are winning even this very moment, the bad guys are actually in prison. What do Ritter and the others tell you? Victory is perpetually imminent, the black hats are being taken out in secret unstoppable missile strikes, etc. Sit back, and Putin will bring down the NWO Satanist globalists.

When you look at wars you are told it is between good and evil, and then these prophets tell us that good is winning! Good must win of course. Even though Israel is basically just killing and terrorizing civilians, somehow Israel is also completely losing.

And for years now, their ‘prophecies’ aka predictions have been wrong. But they keep making more, and people keep believing.

I think Baldwin proves my point. He says, bold is my emphasis, “I believe what Ritter said is TRUTH. And although Ritter may not understand the Scriptural significance of what he said, his words are lining up with genuine New Covenant teaching.”

The only real question I have left is whether christianity creates this type of vulnerability or whether the vulnerability is inherent in us and christianity merely exploits it. Either way,
judea delenda est

June 22, 2024 3:42 pm

I tried to watch a few of his sermons. Dry, monotonous, bo-ring. Didn’t make it through. He is not very engaging. And what’s up with the snot rag he keep wiping his nose and face with. Kinda gross.

June 22, 2024 4:37 pm

What is a Christian politician?

An irreconcilable contradiction.

Jesus said “no part of this world”

A politician is part of this world.
