Pushing the Envelop for War

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Rather than being pessimistic, our future depends on understanding who is doing what. It has been the Neocons in the Biden Administration who have lived their entire lives hating Russians, and Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, and Merrick Garland are all Jewish who trace their roots to Ukraine and profess that their families suffered in the persecutions of Jews by the Russians. All three have weaseled their way to the top of the food chain, and with the absentee president, they have pushed the entire world to the brink of World War III. NOT A SINGLE member of Congress will even dare to investigate what is happening. Nobody will stand up to defend our people or the future of our children and grandchildren.

Migration Crisis 2024The Democrats have flooded the country merely to retain power, and they do not charge about the people or the nation – it is just about retaining power. This 2024 will be a joke, and NOBODY will accept the outcome regardless of who wins. The days remaining in the like-expectancy of the United States are numbered. As I outlined in the special report on the Migrant Crisis, this will backfire on the Democrats, for the unskilled people they are flooding the country with will turn on Americans exactly as took place in ancient Rome when Emperor Valens did the same thing as Biden and opened the border. When they turned against the Romans, there was a huge battle, and even Emperor Vales was killed in that battle by the migrants.

The 2020_Coup 2I have laid out how the 2020 election was REALLY stolen – inside Congress, not by voting machines or people who counter votes twice. I have put this out for $10 because I fear they will do this again. Everyone would understand how it was really done using even COVID Rules that Pelosi imposed so not more than 53 people were allowed on the floor when any challenge must be debated before the full Congress. They may be preparing to use Bird Flu to support mail-in ballots, and the same scheme appears ready to replay.

Sateillite SystemThe Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched on February 22nd, 1978. A nuclear explosion in the lower atmosphere would destroy all the satellites we use, even for targeting. Such a blast may even prevent future satellites from deploying for up to one year. The Neocons have their fake media out there saying Putin is desperate, and they have the audacity to say his nuclear weapons are old and would not operate. Everything they say is to make it sound that the West can easily defeat Russia.

Reagan in quest of peaceOnce upon a time, we had leaders who sought world peace. This book has a special place in my library. It was a great honor to have been called in by the Reagan Administration on economic concerns. I can tell you that the Neocons then OBJECTED to Reagan’s meeting with Gorbachev, and they advised him, “You can never trust a Russian.” If the Neocons ran the world, it would be in ashes by now. I have NEVER met people with hatred in their souls. They are consumed with hatred and should NEVER be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.

All I can say – get off your ass. At least write to your PRETEND representative and ask why nobody is interested in peace anymore.

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Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 21, 2024 9:30 am

The USSR was worthy of hate and not to be trusted about anything. How could anyone born after WWII and equipped with a functioning brain not hate the USSR. Unfortunately, Russia has not changed its behavior significantly enough to dispel that hatred, and won’t until it is no longer ruled by a former agent of the USSR.

  Mr. Hyde
June 21, 2024 12:23 pm

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  Mr. Hyde
June 21, 2024 12:55 pm

Russia has a Jew pretending to be Christian for their leader. Claiming to be Christian gets a free pass from too many so called Conservatives. Putin is under sway of central banking as much as Zelensky. Both send their White Nationalists to die for central banking Jewish interests. Biden undermines the dollar as the international standard unit of trade. To the benefit of the ruble and Putin. Allowing Putin the economic solvency to wage war, and undermining the economies of the West. Things that would not happen if Putin and Biden truly worked at cross purposes.

June 21, 2024 2:31 pm

Central banks are the governments. They run everything. They determine how many should die in order to keep the fiat debt based economies afloat. They select the leaders of all countries. Here in the U.S. anyone that wants to run for president must get two blessings. The first one is from Wall Street and the second one ( the most important one) is from the Federal Reserve which is about as federal as FedEx and has zero reserves. You destroy the central banks and you eliminate the majority of pain, suffering, malfeasance, wars, starvation, ect….🙏✝️

Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
June 21, 2024 10:45 am

I have NEVER met people with hatred in their souls. They are consumed with hatred and should NEVER be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.
They are not people. we sleep they live.