A Door Closes, A Window Opens

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Almost every headline and what passes as ‘news’ in the United States, is a cry for help.” Karen Kwiatkowski

Now that the gunplay and colorful flash-mobbery of Juneteenth has concluded, it’s on to next week’s big debate between the two major party candidates — if debate is even the right description for what is more like a joint press conference conducted by one candidate’s PR firm. What does the reality-starved public think it will see? Probably anything but a fair fight.

It’s hard to imagine what possessed “Joe Biden” to decide this was a good idea for him (unless he wasn’t the decider). Since we’re in an era of archetypal psychodrama, the event looks more like a ritual sacrifice. His recent public performances have been, shall we say, less than reassuring in both utterance and physical poise. He comes off as Captain Queeg meets Mr. Magoo. So, you have to wonder if some ancient tropism-of-the-mind steers him to certain destruction, egged on by those of his own faction who will benefit from his exit.

The sordid spectacle of the Alvin Bragg prosecution has backfired spectacularly as even the president’s own cheerleaders begin to perceive the frightful dishonesty of a politicized DOJ that could just as easily be turned on them. Rachel Maddow and Joy Behar rehearsed their persecution fantasies for all to see on air this week — and, of course, and as usual, it was a sheer psychological projection of what their own party has been up to for eight long years.

One supposes that “Joe Biden” will follow exactly that script next Thursday, as he accuses Mr. Trump of being “a dictator,” Adolf Hitler 2.0, seeking to use the levers of power to terrorize the defenders of democracy. It’s hard to see how he might get away with that. All Mr. Trump has to do is aver to the long list of malicious prosecutions, including the ones aimed at himself, launched lately against “JB’s” opponents. And he might throw in the regime’s lust to suppress free speech and truth itself — as in the Hunter Biden laptop monkey-business and hiding the facts around the Covid-19 fiasco.

Speaking of which, this would be the best opportunity for Mr. Trump to come clean, if he can, about his role in the mRNA vaccine roll-out that has now morphed into what looks like the biggest disaster in modern medicine. It appears obvious that, as president, Mr. Trump was buffaloed by “the experts” in a culture that worships expertise. How exactly would he have opposed the White House Coronavirus Task Force headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci? And backed by the combined forces of the CDC, the FDA, the NIAID, the NIH, and every medical board from sea to shining sea? Should he have just said, Nah, we’re not gonna do that? I don’t think so. But there won’t a better moment, or a bigger audience, to explain how all that actually worked, and went wrong.

Since Mr. Trump’s temperament has drawn the most intense objurgation from his detractors, the easiest thing he can do in this debate is just mind his manners, and not allow himself to be baited or taunted. The roster of “Joe Biden’s” failures is so deep that all Mr. Trump has to do is remind the audience what they well-know adds up to an apparently deliberate to wreck the nation: the open border and the growing record of atrocious crimes committed by illegal aliens plus the immense anxiety about the intentions of jihadists and other nefarious foreigners ushered in by Homeland Security; the idiocy of our role in the Ukraine War and how easily the conflict could be concluded by willing negotiation; the cratering on-the-ground economy of goods and services (minus government hand-outs, bail-outs, subsidies, and statistical shell games); the out-of-control Deep State intel blob that is eating away at our basic liberties; the insane race-and-gender hustles aimed at sowing hatred and disordering normal modes of human relations; and much more that has been done to insult and humiliate the people of this land.

In short, the record of “Joe Biden” and the claque behind him is unequaled for demolition of our national principles, institutions, traditions, and aspirations, and if it’s not already plain to see all around you, Mr. Trump is in a position to calmly make the case next Thursday night without resorting to any histrionics. There will also be opportunities for him to use the old Muhammad Ali “Rope-a-Dope” play on “Joe Biden.” Let the old grifter start yapping “convicted felon” and Mr. Trump can offer a review of the many cash gifts from foreign entities received into Hunter Biden’s dozen or so shell corporations, with a recitation of bank records, deal memos, and testimony-under-oath already in evidence, with hearings still ongoing.

There’s also the fair chance that, despite the Adderall lighting up what’s left in his brain-pan, “Joe Biden” will quickly melt down altogether into a pathetic, gibbering zombie, spouting inanities about his Uncle Brosey amongst the cannibals, his victory over the arch-villain Corn Pop, his conquest of Mt. Everest side by side with Xi Jinping, his growing-up Latinx and Jewish in Scranton, PA, his rescuing Martin Luther King from a mob of Ku Kluxers and . . . well . . . the nabobs of the Democratic Party will finally have what they’re longing for: the excuse to dump this perfect ass of a fake president and throw the window wide open for Hillary Clinton to fly in on her leathery wings (Caw! Caw!) and lead the dwindling number of her deranged admirers to another humiliating election loss.

What does this party have to run on besides the utterly empty, mendacious battle cry about saving our democracy? It offers nothing but ruin. The debate might even spell the death of the party itself. Oh, but also don’t rule out “Joe Biden” canceling at the last moment. Reasons.

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June 21, 2024 10:07 am

OK, so, Hillary “wins” in 2024. World finishes going to hell on her watch. She shrieks about “a vast, right-wing conspiracy” to hurt her, out of spite and misogyny and hate of any powerful woman, and, by extension, all women.

June 21, 2024 12:21 pm

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June 21, 2024 7:37 pm

Hillary is as right wing as they come. A full fledged ziocunt. Best buddies with Trump.

June 21, 2024 10:23 pm

Only if you consider a Nazi to be right wing.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
June 22, 2024 11:03 am

Could’ve just left it at “cunt”.

Karen's mother
Karen's mother
June 21, 2024 10:09 am

Kunstler’s words of the day:
Tropism: the turning of all or part of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus.

Objurgation:  a harsh reprimand or criticism.

Inanities: a nonsensical remark or action.

Captain Queeg: Fictional character, the unstable skipper of the destroyer-minesweeper U.S.S. Caine in The Caine Mutiny (1951) 

  Karen's mother
June 21, 2024 11:03 am

Jim in an earlier life. Or maybe it was William F. Buckley….

comment image

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 21, 2024 9:13 pm

Loved Firing Line. Bought a clipboard immediately. The best show on SCETV ever.

Bill had a place in Camden, spent part of the winter there riding. Never met him but did see his brother James (Sen. C-NY) in DC when I did a 4 week MBA seminar in 1975.

Back when National Review was not a Neocon rag, subscribed to it.

  Karen's mother
June 21, 2024 1:43 pm

Are you a mentor to your offspring ma’am? Thank you for the definitions

June 21, 2024 10:52 am

Jim does have a way with enhancing our confabulations here.

June 21, 2024 11:00 am

I had a thesaurus once.

June 21, 2024 11:39 am

But a comet extincted it.

June 21, 2024 12:04 pm

i had the worst thesaurus in the world. it was terrible. it was also terrible.

June 21, 2024 12:17 pm

i had the worst most terrible thesaurus in the world. it was terrible. it was also terrible.

June 21, 2024 9:38 pm

You ‘ad a thesaurus?

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 21, 2024 11:09 am

I started reading him on 24 Hour Gold when he was still a lib simply because of his ability to write in such an elegant manner and his use of “high end” language.

June 21, 2024 10:55 am

Trump should be calm, let Biden rant, and look at Joe with a mixture of concern and pity, and then compare his record with Biden’s. In other works, subvert the expectations. As for revenge the Democrats keep saying he will exact if elected, he should stick with a simple answer; he didn’t do it when he was president the first time, so why would he do it now? And since the Covid stuff is much more associated with Biden then him, he should stay away from it. Trump only snapped the ball; Biden carried for the next four years. In the in the end, the facts of the debate won’t change many minds or votes. But if Trump tones his usual act some, some fence sitters might feel a little better about voting for him. He should rebut clearly wrong claims–when Biden came in the inflation rate was 9%–but not chase every provocative thing Joe says. Trump should be giving us his solutions for the border, for crime, and for inflation. I think that is what people would appreciate hearing about.

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
June 21, 2024 11:17 am

Fine if the subversive comes out as the doddering fool he has been most of the time. Suppose SOTU Joe comes out shouting and accusing? We know the MSM will call it “dynamic”. I’m not sure low-key and reasonability works with that. “People will see….” isn’t certain.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 21, 2024 11:20 am

Agreed. Short answers. Yes, No. “No, that’s all I have to say about that.” Make an effort to take as little time as possible. Biden won’t be able to handle twice as many questions as planned for which will happen if Trump refuses to eat the clock and they need to fill the time. Perhaps they have a plan for that but making Joe talk more and more would be throwing a real grenade into the debate for CNN and the Dems.
Also, I would make every effort to continuously refer to Weimar Joe as Mister Biden and address him as Mister Biden. Even while Joe is ranting and defaming him and calling him things, just keep calling him Mister Biden. It will drive them nuts.

June 21, 2024 11:26 am

How about if Trump just reads passages from Ashley’s diary.

June 21, 2024 3:48 pm

That might be happening….

June 21, 2024 10:59 am

Trump should wear body camera and live stream everything.
That way he can keep up a running commentary:
“This is just sad. They are forcing an old man with dementia to run for office. Sad sad day for America. Now look, they won’t even turn my mic on, but they are letting Joe ramble on with gibberish. This is awful. This is un American. This is elder abuse.
This is gross obfuscation.
What a sad sad day for America when those responsible for disseminating news are deliberately and actively concealing the truth from their viewing customers, the American people. A truly sad sad day for America. “.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
June 22, 2024 11:06 am

Wear the body camera & live stream in the event that the networks experience a “glitch” and “edit” what wasn’t broadcast.

June 21, 2024 11:02 am

Where there you have it……….a lifelong democrat pining away for the death of his once beloved democrat party.
No telling what fuckery the CIA/BLOB has in store for merca next Thursday but Im sure it will be fake and gay.

June 21, 2024 11:25 am

Here ya go. Spooks took over DHS

EXCLUSIVE – New Docs from Disbanded DHS Deep State Group Reveal the Biden Admin Views Trump Supporters as “Domestic Terrorism Threats”

Today, America First Legal (AFL) is releasing the second tranche of internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” obtained exclusively through AFL’s litigation with Ambassador Ric Grenell against the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is the second installment of #DeepStateDiaries, a multi-part series of releases including newly obtained documents.

Under the Brennan-Clapper committee’s approach to national security, when all else fails, DHS should use being “in the military” or “religious” to profile people and tag them as having  “indicators of extremists and terrorism” as a pretext to allow DHS to spy on them. According to the Group, “we should be more worried about these.”

EXCLUSIVE – New Docs from Disbanded DHS Deep State Group Reveal the Biden Admin Views Trump Supporters as “Domestic Terrorism Threats” – America First Legal

June 21, 2024 11:12 am

What makes anyone think there’s going to be an election this year? No doubt Joebama Binbiden and his handlers will likely attempt to pull a Volodymyr Zelenskyy and cancel the 2024 elections in order to “save democracy”.
We certainly can’t have a ‘dictator’ running for office let alone occupying the White House.

June 21, 2024 11:20 am

Jim, Anonymous Conservative has ample experience dealing with narcissists and has some great advice on how to ‘innocently’ trigger them into a complete meltdown temper tantrum.

If emotions are the only way to change minds that were swayed by emotions, well a huge emotional breakdown sounds like a good way to start.

Any chance you can get through to Trump?

June 21, 2024 11:27 am

I don’t even understand why they have presidential debates. I can understand them for races where the candidates aren’t in the news every day, and many voters might not know much about some of the candidates, such as U.S. Representative, but every voter in the country already knows, and has an opinion on, both presidential candidates. The likelihood that anyone will change their mind about who they are going to vote for based on the debate results is infinitesimally small, and certainly wouldn’t affect the outcome of the race even if voting was not rigged, which it is. It is all theater. The ‘winner’ was determined a long time ago, and this debate is just part of the theater.

But I will certainly not be watching the debate. I am not a masochist. I will rely on the highlight clips that will be posted all over the Internet, and the commentary by people who have the fortitude to endure the torture, to get an overall feel of how the debate went. And even that little bit of exposure will be almost more than I can stomach.

Jobrock obiden
Jobrock obiden
June 21, 2024 11:27 am

Why do people even care which clown is in the white house. I can’t think of a time in my life when shit ever got better regardless of which tool was in the house. Each election has come up with 2 options that somehow manage to be even worse than the last election. We know our votes don’t matter anyway. Give the election circus the attention and respect it deserves which is none.

Reader mostly
Reader mostly
  Jobrock obiden
June 21, 2024 3:01 pm

Just goes round and round, like a snake eating its tail.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
June 21, 2024 11:43 am


As I commented earlier…
Halleluah, CNN has decided that no adults be present for this debatable spectacle.

June 21, 2024 3:46 pm

All Trump has to do on the border is talk about the rapes and murders of young girls by illegals, many of whom are convicts known to have committed violent crimes…

June 21, 2024 4:14 pm

you know damn well they rehearse their lines, their questions and answers etc together for some time leading up to final air date. It’s all a ruse Biden and Trump are in on it too.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 21, 2024 4:25 pm

You lost me at “Trump got buffaloed”. That’s two red flags and a big red line to me.

Millennial Rabble
Millennial Rabble
June 21, 2024 4:48 pm

It appears obvious that, as president, Mr. Trump was buffaloed by “the experts” in a culture that worships expertise.

Agreed that this worship of expertise is an unsustainable problem that will end one way or another. It’s remarkable how widespread this is among older Americans (not TBPers of course…).

However –

How exactly would he have opposed the White House Coronavirus Task Force headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci? And backed by the combined forces of the CDC, the FDA, the NIAID, the NIH, and every medical board from sea to shining sea? 

– those aren’t the people who made the decisions. They’re careerists, not decision-makers. Sure, if they had any value, they could have acted differently. But the leadership of those orgs are in the positions they’re in precisely because they toe the party line rather than question it. Their main problem (that will be manifesting for a generation or two) is that they have revealed themselves to be irrelevant.

COVID was a national emergency (in the bureaucratic sense). That’s higher than CDC/FDA/etc. The real thing Trump could come clean on is why the national security state pushed a secretive global operation pretending to be a public health issue. Of course the answer is uncomfortable for the GOP partisans out there. He was probably in on it, and even if not, he’s been covering for it.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
  Millennial Rabble
June 21, 2024 7:46 pm

I am gen x and my generation bridges the old and new America.
You wrote:
“Agreed that this worship of expertise is an unsustainable problem that will end one way or another. It’s remarkable how widespread this is among older Americans (not TBPers of course…).”
The deference to expertise was grounded, in my opinion, by Christianity, Standards, Excellence and Results. This credo, for lack of a better phrase, used to be a thing in America. A widespread thing. It worked.
What was Superman’s saying? “Truth, justice and the American way.” A super-majority of Americans all believed in that.
Honor used to mean something.
Ditto integrity.
People used to resign if they were responsible for something terrible that happened on their watch, even if they weren’t the guilty party.
These types of actions rarely, if ever happen now. I doubt anyone in your generation has ever seen it happen. Fauci would have already been on trial in the former America.

A Door Closes. A Window Opens ?
A Door Closes. A Window Opens ?
June 21, 2024 9:46 pm

You mentioned brandon. You mentioned ol’ what’s her name.

Could You NOT mention defenestration?

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
June 22, 2024 11:02 am

The debate might even spell the death of the party itself.

That’ll never happen – every time the demise of the Democrat party was thought to be a foregone conclusion, they only doubled down on their corruption and became stronger.

Whether Trump’s ego will allow him to admit he was bamboozled on the Covid response of lockdowns & jabs, remains to be seen – I doubt it.