Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin

Via RT

Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit Pyongyang for the first time since 2000

Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for its friendship and support and pledged to assist Pyongyang in its own struggle for independence and identity.

Putin is scheduled to visit North Korea on Tuesday, for the first time since 2000. Ahead of his trip, the Russian president has written an article published by the leading DPRK daily, Rodong Sinmun.

“Russia has continuously supported and will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence, identity and the right to freely choose their development path,” Putin wrote.

The Russian leader thanked North Korea for its “unwavering support” of the military operation in Ukraine, international solidarity, and “willingness to defend our common priorities and views” at the UN.

Putin also described Pyongyang as “our committed and like-minded supporter, ready to confront the ambition of the collective West to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other’s interests.”

The “rules-based order” the US has been trying to impose on the world is “nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship that relies on double standards,” Putin noted.

While Kim Jong-un and the DPRK leadership have repeatedly offered to resolve differences by peaceful means, the US has refused to implement previous agreements and “keeps setting new, increasingly harsh and obviously unacceptable requirements,” Putin wrote.

The Russian president complimented North Koreans for “effectively defending their interests” even after years of “economic pressure, provocations, blackmailing and military threats” by the US.

According to the Kremlin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, Transport Minister Roman Starovoyt, Roscosmos chief Yuri Borisov, and Russian Railway head Oleg Belozyorov are scheduled to accompany Putin on his trip to North Korea on Tuesday.

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 18, 2024 8:05 am

Status quo, then. Nothing changed there.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 18, 2024 3:44 pm

A Commie is still a Commie. Even when he’s a Jew posing as a Christian. Biden has done everything he can to facilitate Putin’s intentions.

June 18, 2024 8:15 am

reeks of desperation

June 18, 2024 10:40 am

The Swiss Piss Conference sure did.

June 18, 2024 10:25 am

North Korea Sends Nearly 5 Million Artillery Shells to Russia, With More Expected During Putin’s Visit

This was reported by the Minister of Defense of South Korea Shin Won-sik in an interview with Bloomberg.

Seoul has identified over 10000 shipping containers sent from North Korea to Russia. These containers potentially contain up to 4.8 million artillery shells similar to those used by Putin in the bombardment of Ukraine.

“Putin is expected to seek closer security cooperation with North Korea, especially military supplies such as artillery shells that are necessary to seize a chance to win,” Shin said.

Abra Cadaver
Abra Cadaver
June 18, 2024 10:48 am

I hope Putin gives NK a bunch of nasty missiles.
And that NK launches a bunch of these missiles at SK, Japan and Philipines

NK acting up would further split the now evil western empire system. And speed up the collapse of the parasite classes.

  Abra Cadaver
June 18, 2024 12:32 pm

Gotta hit Guam too. That would be the funniest target to see destroyed.

June 19, 2024 8:13 pm

The guamese are fucking retarded, lazy and fat.

  Abra Cadaver
June 18, 2024 3:47 pm

Jewish central banking controls Putin just as much as our own nations. Your comment is just mindless hate. Serving the intentions of the Abrahamic tribe. Why should all life on earth suffer for the crimes of a non-Western occupied government and banking system?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 18, 2024 11:11 am

The US can arm Pakistan and Saddam Hussein and Chechen separatists, instigate color revolutions hither and yon but they chafe at anyone else dealing with unsavories. Putin is just reminding the US that two can play at the troublemaking game. And if NK has some useful ammunition to sell at a reasonable price, why not add to Russia’s arsenal?

  Iska Waran
June 18, 2024 1:50 pm

No one cares. Both sides did it in the Cold War and everyone knew it was just part of the game. If they talk about NK, it’s just to scare the ninnies.

It sucks for Ukrainians that they got used and abused, but now it also sucks for Russians that the Kremlin half-assed their SMO and didn’t get their own puppet in, or didn’t have enough power to force Ukraine to concede before the entire treaty got tossed.

Documents: Putin Was Willing To Compromise To End War in 2022

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
June 18, 2024 2:46 pm

Fresh review of the Ukraine horrific debacle.
The blood washed onto the maximum Neocon Warmonger Whore Victoria Nuland and Biden. 500,000 dead and another 500,000 wounded! 
The smart ones left the country and Zelensky and pals get mega rich off USA cash.

  Ursel Doran
June 18, 2024 3:17 pm

So no comment on how he was quoting higher numbers a year ago?

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
June 18, 2024 3:02 pm

comment image

June 18, 2024 4:45 pm

Putin wants to take NK into the russian sphere of influence, away from Chinese dependence, and towards a alternative economic system.

The problem is SK being a western proxy war waiting to happen, and the last unopened cold war-era can of US involvement, since UK is about to hit the dust.