Documents: Putin Was Willing To Compromise To End War in 2022

Guest Post by Kyle Anzalone

The New York Times published new documents and interviews about the talks during the first months of the war.

In April 2022, Ukraine and Russia were on the brink of signing a deal to end the war just weeks after it began. The New York Times published documents showing President Vladimir Putin was willing to make concessions to get an agreement signed.

According to the documents, Putin initially sought to have Kiev recognize Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Crimea. However, a draft agreement from April 15, 2022, suggests both parties were prepared to set aside the issue to end the conflict. “Paragraph 1 of Article 2 and Articles 4, 5, and 11 of this Treaty shall not apply to Crimea and Sevastopol,” the document says.

In December, Ukrainian negotiator Oleksandr Chalyi explained that an agreement was reached in the spring of 2022, stating the two sides “managed to find a very real compromise. We were very close in the middle of April, in the end of April, to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement.”

Kiev was also willing to accept neutrality with regards to NATO, according to the NYT. Ukraine’s negotiation team proposed a peace deal that would say the country “does not join any military alliances” and “does not deploy foreign military bases and contingents.”

The draft deal would have allowed Kiev to sign bilateral agreements with NATO states, as well as become a member of the European Union, but would have required Ukraine’s security partners to lift sanctions on Russia.

The Kremlin also sought to protect the rights of millions of Russian speakers living in Ukraine by forcing Kiev to repeal restrictions on the Russian language, and to bar the state from erecting monuments glorifying neo-Nazis and WWII-era Nazi collaborators.

As the talks were ongoing, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was pushed by his Western backers to forgo diplomacy and attempt to forcibly expel Russian troops from his country. Then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson made an infamous trip to Kiev to pressure Zelensky to abandon any peace negotiations, while Washington repeatedly vowed to supply unlimited military aid.

The NYT report added details about US pressure on Ukraine to ditch the talks. According to a senior American official familiar with the negotiations, Washington “quietly said, ‘You understand this is unilateral disarmament, right?’”

Additionally, the NYT noted that Polish leaders believed the French and German governments might have endorsed the peace agreement and pushed Ukraine to accept it. During a meeting in late March 2022, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda pressured other NATO leaders not to allow Ukraine to sign the Russian proposal.

Some US officials cautioned Ukraine not to trust Russia and warned the talks were merely a military ploy. However, two out of three Ukrainian negotiators who spoke with the NYT believed the Russian proposal was genuine, and one explained Putin had “reduced his demands” over the course of the discussions.

Ultimately, decision-makers in Kiev listened to their supporters in Warsaw, London, and Washington and elected to break off the negotiations. More than two years later, the conflict drags on, with Russian forces steadily advancing on major Ukrainian cities despite renewed Western military aid.

On Friday, the Russian president extended a public peace offer to Ukraine that is similar to the one nearly agreed to in 2022. However, along with Kiev agreeing never to join NATO and the West lifting sanctions on Russia, the Kremlin is now demanding that Ukraine recognize Moscow’s sovereignty over Crimea and four other Ukrainian oblasts that have been annexed by Russia throughout the two-and-a-half-year-long war.

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June 18, 2024 7:39 am

In the last war…

Ukraine was played by Poland.
Russia was played by Germany.

Think about it.
Putin is the contempo Hitler
and Biden is Dumbo.

EU is a stand in for war criminal and mass murderer, Churchill.

June 18, 2024 7:43 am

If that doesn’t prove that Putin is in it with the globalists, nothing will!

WARNING: This post may contain traces of sarcasm.

June 18, 2024 3:51 pm

Bingo! This is one of the most important points, so many otherwise good people get mixed up on. Just because Putin says he’s a Christian. Lenin and Marx could quote scripture with the best of them too.

June 18, 2024 7:56 am

The concessions given in the peace deal prove the war was never about beating nato or some multi-polar chess.

June 18, 2024 8:06 am

Without the CIA/MI6/BIDEN/OBAMA coup in 2014 in Ukraine, and the never-ending push to expand NATO to their borders, NONE OF THIS would have happened.

June 18, 2024 3:53 pm

So why do you think the Obama/Biden administration give Putin 15% of our weapons grade Uranium? That was a funny way for Secretary of State Hillary to, as she says, stare down Putin.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 18, 2024 8:37 am

The problem you have as an honorable fighter: when you are forced by circumstance to ‘punch down’, you want to give your opponent a way out with some measure of honor…but as the fight drags on you start losing your respect for your foe because you realize HE is too stupid to realize you are making the offer. Not long after that, the anger sets in and the REAL beating begins.

Russia may NEVER have had respect for Ukraine, but they WERE willing to pretend like they did. Well…that part of the fuckin’ show is OVER.

We’re pretty damned far from kiss and make up territory here.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 18, 2024 8:49 am

Nah, Ukraine was popping champagne at the deal. It was the overlords who nixed it.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
June 18, 2024 12:46 pm

If you stop the war, the money and corruption stop. You can’t have that!

June 18, 2024 1:45 pm

If you read the documents, not only was Crimea going to be left in dispute, but also Donbass or some portion of the territory they captured. They never finalized the lines.

June 18, 2024 2:26 pm

the only time there will be peace is when Russia is slaughtered and carved up into the regions the west has in mind for the rape of the prostrate Russia, at least until Russia is digested and the new ‘existential threat’ (with resources) is determined. then repeat, wash and rinse will start with a new terror of the planet identified for continuation of the MIC and elite rape of resources.

anyone who thinks the west wants peace is a daily koolaid drinker.

June 18, 2024 3:57 pm

You’ve got it backwards. The central banking controlled West is being fed to the central banking controlled East. Biden and Zelensky have not done one thing to hinder Putin. If such was the intention, the Biden administration could have reined him in economically. Instead Biden undermines our economy and wealth to the benefit of the ruble. This really should not need to be explained again and again.

charles zilich
charles zilich
June 18, 2024 8:26 pm

istanbul communique march 2022
Experts react: After Russia-Ukraine talks in Istanbul, is an end to war imminent?

Experts react: After Russia-Ukraine talks in Istanbul, is an end to war imminent?

istanbul communique language