Pope Attended First G7 Meeting – Are AI Systems Sentient Beings?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Pope FrancisThis week marked the first time in history that a Catholic pope attended a G7 summit. Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, host of the summit, first announced the pontiff’s involvement a week before the summit. Although all ears have been on the alleged peace talks and the future of the West’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war, the Catholic Church was present for another reason. Artificial Intelligence has become a common message for the church, and it was also announced in Pope Francis’ new year’s declaration. The church has not been hesitant to say they fear the future of living among increasingly intelligent AI.

In addition to the pope, India’s Narendra Modi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey were in attendance, as well as three African presidents – Abdelmadjid Tebboune of Algeria, Kenya’s William Ruto and Tunisia’s Kais Saied. Italy is seeking to tap into trade with Africa to use it as a way to transfer energy. The issues surrounding migration were also up for discussion.

Italy and the Vatican stand in opposition to the United States and most of the West on the issue of abortion. US President Joe Biden “felt very strongly that we needed to have at the very least the language that references what we did in Hiroshima on women’s health and reproductive rights,” an unnamed senior US administration official said ahead of the summit. Even Catholic France encoded abortion in their constitution this year under President Macron. Yet, the G7 nations have agreed not to discuss abortion at length as Italy is the summit’s host this year.

The Catholic Church has historically declined political speaking engagements as they are seen as beneath the pope. “The pope already has the floor,” an Italian church historian, Alberto Melloni, told the NY Times. The Pontifical Academy for Life signed a declaration in 2020 along with tech giants IBM and Microsoft to urge for the ethical usage of AI technology.

consciousnessThe church has not commented on whether AI robots will be seen as sentient beings. Can they obtain consciousness? The church remains vague on its views but has grown increasingly concerned at the prospect of advancing AI technology.

The church insists that the public must know whether they are interacting with a human or AI robot and privacy must be respected. Human life should come before robotic, man-made “life” whether sentient or not. “Alignment,” aligning the outcome of AI to the benefit of humanity, has become a commonly raised topic. “The urgent need to orient the concept and use of artificial intelligence in a responsible way, so that it may be at the service of humanity and the protection of our common home, requires that ethical reflection be extended to the sphere of education and law.” At the G7, the pope said that we must not allow AI to take away people’s “ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives, by dooming them to depend on the choices of machines.”

Artificial Inteligence 1Pope Francis said he believes machines should not be used in these ongoing wars. “No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being,” the pontiff said, adding, “”We would condemn humanity to a future without hope if we took away people’s ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives, by dooming them to depend on the choices of machines.” World leaders have a powerful tool at their disposal that is capable of claiming countless casualties.

Bill Gates predicts that AI will transform the world in just five years. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the rise of AI could affect about 40% of jobs worldwide. In my research, I have found that AI systems are not sentient beings. This all stems from the distorted idea that our brains are supercomputers and there is no God, for our consciousness is simply created by throwing in a bunch of data, shaking it well, and out comes a person. Thus, the thrust to mimic the brain led to the creation of neural nets, but that effort also failed to create original thought.

AI will never replace human judgement, but it remains to be seen whether politicians will treat AI robots as if they were indeed human as technology advances and the untrained eye cannot distinguish humans from robots.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2024 6:38 am

US President Joe Biden “felt very strongly that we needed to have at the very least the language that references what we did in Hiroshima on women’s health and reproductive rights.”


  hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2024 7:04 am

My thoughts exactly.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2024 12:49 pm

It must refer to some conference the shitheads held in Hiroshima.

June 17, 2024 7:38 am

The world’s first trans-pope. He identifies as a pope.

President Pretending To Be Catholic Meets Pope Pretending To Be Catholic

June 17, 2024 9:16 am

And there we go.

Jesus “My kingdom is no part of this world.”

Pope “My kingdom is of this world.”

All the proof you will ever need that the catholic church is not the church of Jesus.

June 17, 2024 9:38 am

If the Council of Trent and Vatican II weren’t enough proof.

June 17, 2024 11:47 am

Start in 40AD.

June 17, 2024 11:55 am

The magic jesus act was all I needed to know that the true Jesus story was embellished so as to turn the true Jesus into a popish psuedo savior magic practicing effigy.

Strip away all the magic act and you have a chance at learning the truth about everything.

June 17, 2024 1:22 pm

The true Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the triune God. He humbled Himself to become flesh.

Pope n Croak
Pope n Croak
June 17, 2024 1:33 pm

We are all sons of god.
There are no non-sons of god humans.

“You are gods.”

June 17, 2024 6:06 pm

That there is no ‘true’ jesus?

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
June 17, 2024 2:58 pm

The Council of Nicea took care of that.

June 17, 2024 11:03 am

In my research, I have found that AI systems are not sentient beings.

Karl Denninger agrees….

The Latest Bubble, And Why It WILL Pop

It’s “AI” of course.

There is no such thing. There never has been and I argue there likely never will be either. Certainly, there is no evidence we’re any closer to it in actuality than we have ever been in the age of computing, which runs back to roughly the 1960s…

As technology has advanced both the speed of processing along with storage and its speed have wildly increased. But the fundamental character of how a computer works has not changed since the first calculating machines. Yes, before transistors and even tubes there were calculating machines but they were all, even when mechanically-based, deterministic devices. We have found evidence of such devices that, for example, calculated the precise date and time of solar eclipses. Being deterministic, absolute facts a calculating machine can give you that answer, and it will be correct.

But “intelligence” isn’t that. It is not simply the manifest weight of how many times something is repeated, for example. You do not need to see a child walk in front of a car and get smushed to know that said child will be killed by the car; the outcome is intuitively obvious to humans yet while we can describe the acceleration or impact that a living body can withstand without being damaged or destroyed we have to teach a machine that this is undesirable and thus to be avoided…

My cat is better at inferring where prey is hiding when he’s hungry than the best of AIs and said cat consumes a tiny fraction of that AI’s power budget in BTUs.


June 17, 2024 11:46 am


June 17, 2024 11:52 am

The pope working arm and arm wit world leaders.

“My popedom derives its authority from the earth.”

No part of this world my ass

Pope n Croak
Pope n Croak
June 17, 2024 1:32 pm

I knew it.
It was always a bullshit scam.

June 17, 2024 1:49 pm

AI needs Jesus too.
The Vatican is ready to be AIs Spiritual adviser.
God help us.

June 17, 2024 2:12 pm

Never dreamed I would say that the Pope is a literal Communist Cocksucker.

June 17, 2024 5:24 pm

“The church has not commented on whether AI robots will be seen as sentient beings.”

Really? That’s because the Catholic Church is being led by a bunch of Fucking Retards.

AI having consciousness?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ya fucken ‘tards!!

June 17, 2024 5:38 pm

Hello! It’s me! Glad to see you!

June 18, 2024 12:15 am

The Beast…is a Jesuit.