Obama Panics As His Biden Remote Control Loses Connection

Via The Babylon Bee

LOS ANGELES, CA — The most powerful man in America was forced to deal with an unexpected emergency last night, with former President Barack Obama suffering a moment of panic due to his Biden remote control suddenly losing connection.

The incident occurred during a ritzy fundraiser where Obama was once again using his state-of-the-art remote control to guide President Joe Biden through a pre-programmed routine as he rubbed elbows with Hollywood celebrities to raise cash for his re-election campaign.

“Oh… oh no… not again,” Obama was heard muttering on stage as Biden appeared to experience yet another of his frequent glitches and freeze, leaving Obama at a loss as to what to do. “Why can’t they get this thing fixed?! C’mon, man! He’s frozen out there like a mannequin again. Those maintenance techs are going to get a piece of my mind!”

Witnesses reported seeing Obama frantically and repeatedly smacking the remote control with his hand. “He was obviously frustrated, as if this is something that happens a lot,” one person present at the fundraiser said. “Biden was stopped in his tracks and showed no signs of coming back to life, and Obama was just out there desperately trying to get his control to work properly.”

“I pushed every button multiple times!” Obama reportedly said to Biden’s handlers. “I tried to do a hard restart, and it still didn’t work. We’ve got to get this figured out before November, folks.”

At publishing time, the team of technicians who had been in charge of ensuring the usability of Obama’s Biden remote was reportedly being taken for an impromptu paddleboarding excursion at Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate.

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Mark Sivad
Mark Sivad
June 17, 2024 5:42 pm

You restart it by kicking him in the ass, everyone knows that.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Mark Sivad
June 17, 2024 7:15 pm

You’ll get shit all over your Florsheim’s kicking Pedo Joe in the ass.

(Dated myself there!)

  Mark Sivad
June 18, 2024 12:04 am

…kicking “it” in the ass…sounds like a euphemism the Barry & Big Mike show.

June 17, 2024 10:35 pm

The left is in complete Bi-denial!

June 17, 2024 10:44 pm

Of all the stupid misdirections the claim that Obongo is running the show behind the scenes is amongst the most ridiculous. The Kenyan is nothing but a palatable mulatto front man. He has never had an original idea in his life

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 17, 2024 11:54 pm

I didn’t know creativity and innovation were prerequisites to being a malevolent piece of shit ?Its all about presentation with the neo lib crowd he needed to impress ( looking the part , having that glib pseudo sophisticate air , and using “the right language “,” erudite ” . Of course he’s all bullshit grifter , but that doesn’t mean he isnt pulling the strings behind the scenes .I absolutely cant stand that communist fuck , I told everybody he would bring this country down 16 fuckin years ago but nobody listens, because I don’t” look the part, use the right language or have a glib pseudo sophisticate aire about me” lol but it doesn’t mean I don’t have the ability to call them right way more often than not . ( we put our faith in the wrong people based on superficial criteria )

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 18, 2024 9:22 am

“palatable mulatto”

What a strange thing for you to say.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
June 18, 2024 1:44 am

A note on the LGBT promotion we are getting shoved in our face all the time. 
This obscene destructive phenomenon is Very much thanks to Obama the Homosexual married to a Trannie, and in control of the Biden administration with all his old 
staff stuck onto Biden and pushing the LGBT agenda onto the country, for Obama’s third term in office.
When Joan Rivers stated on camera that Obama was a homosexual married to a trannie, shortly thereafter she was dead from a simple minor non threatening medical procedure.  
Very curious.
The Chicago cab driver on a video describing having sex with Obama had a VERY short life on the net. 
Making the poor old trannie a four star admiral in the Navy just because they could and giving her a good high paying job is laughable.
When the press flack for Biden is a black female Lesbian with ZERO prior qualifications or experience, riding on Air Force One and getting all the national attention there it is. 
Cry for the country.