Sammy Hagar, a rocker with at least half a brain

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

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Sammy Hagar Regrets Getting Vaccinated

June 14, 2024

Sammy Hagar Regrets Getting Vaccinated | Society Of Rock Videos

Sammy Hagar has recently expressed regret over receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, despite his initial support for it.

In a candid Instagram video, he admitted, “I know I’m looking a mess but. Special announcement coming.” He further elaborated in the comments, stating:

“Not sure what all the facts are. But I definitely regret getting vaccinated because I got COVID anyway. Sh*t didn’t work for me anyway, but we live and we learn and try and do the right thing for the safety of ourselves, our family, and all those around us.”

Hagar received his COVID-19 vaccine three years ago, sharing the experience on Instagram in March 2021. At the time, he was eager to resume live performances and protect those around him, saying:

“I dislike shots as much as anyone. But I want to get back to playing live concerts, traveling the world without putting anyone at any risk – my family, my friends, and myself included.”

Sammy Hagar’s Reflections On The Pandemic

In September 2022, Hagar and his band, The Circle, released the album Crazy Times, which reflects on the events of the pandemic. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Hagar voiced his frustration about the loss of freedoms during this period, saying:

“Everyone is watching the guy on the bike instead of the f*cked-up sh*t happening in the streets. We always gravitate toward the big distraction, but f*ckin’ COVID was the big distraction. We all took our eye off the ball. The government just seemed to get away with murder. All of a sudden, everyone turned back into sheep because they were so afraid.”

He continued:

“And I just think we lost our freedoms during that time. The government started pushing us around telling us what you gotta do. ‘You gotta get shots, you gotta do this, you gotta do that. You can’t go here. You can’t go there. You gotta wear masks.’ Maybe all that was necessary, and I did get the vaccine, but I know more people that got COVID this year than last year, including myself.”

Previously, Hagar had been a proponent of vaccination, encouraging fans to get vaccinated and emphasizing the importance of safety measures. However, he preferred to set rules for his shows rather than issue public service announcements about COVID-19 safety. Now, his experience with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated has led him to rethink his stance.

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