“Freaking Brilliant New Trend”: Write “Vote Trump, End Taxes On Tips!” On Server Checks

Via ZeroHedge

About a week ago, former President Trump floated the idea of canceling taxes on tips at a campaign rally in Las Vegas. By Thursday of last week, Republican lawmakers were delighted by the idea and how it could generate new Trump voters ahead of the November elections.

This tips thing was genius,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said, who was quoted by The Hill, adding, “[Trump] was like, I’d love to tell you it was based on a bunch of research, but it was based on a discussion with a waitress who said, ‘They’re coming after my tips.'”

Cramer said these service workers are “just feeling this assault on their tips” by the Biden administration. This is also happening as Bidenomics inflation crushes the working poor into oblivion.

On Friday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY.) wrote on X, “This week Trump suggested we shouldn’t tax tips. He’s right. Next week I’ll be re-introducing @RonPaul’s original Tax Free Tips Act to eliminate taxes on tips!”

Trump’s new push to onboard some of the nearly 16 million people working in the leisure and hospitality comes as President Biden’s polling data continues to slide – and the president with possible dementia continues to stun the nation—literally every week.

What’s happening on the ground and across the country at restaurants and bars are Trump voters informing service industry workers about how voting for the former president will allow for ‘No Tax On Tips.’

This is a brilliant strategy that is spreading like wildfire on X: 

All of this shows how Democrats are out of touch with the nation’s vibe. Radical leftists in the White House are too focused on funding endless wars, such as the one in Ukraine, the woke indoctrination of children, catering to illegal aliens rather than voters, not enforcing common sense law and order in cities, and pushing for more taxes and bigger government.

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