Putin On G7 Seized Assets Plan: “Despite All The Trickery, Theft Is Still Theft”

Via ZeroHedge

After on Thursday Group of Seven leaders agreed at a summit in Italy to give Ukraine $50 billion utilizing interest from frozen Russian Central Bank assets, President Putin has addressed the move during a speech before his Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He once again denounced this as brazen ‘threft’ and described that Western leaders are trying to come up with “some kind of legal basis” for the asset freezes, “but despite all the trickery, theft is still theft and will not go unpunished.”

European Council President Charles Michel had announced the day prior, “Russia has to pay.” 

And President Biden had said, “I’m very pleased to share that this week the G7 signed a plan to finalize and unlock $50 billion from the proceeds of those frozen [Russian] assets, to put that money to work for Ukraine, [in] another reminder to Putin that we’re not backing down.’

Putin also warned that if the West steals Russia’s sovereign assets, then anyone it is proof that “anyone” could be next.

Additionally, following up on Putin’s words Alexander Bespalov, co-chair of the Investment Russia public organization, addressed the G7 plan:

“The idea of issuing any loans to Ukraine is inherently hopeless because only a person who is extremely detached from life and reality can suppose that it may win a conflict with Russia. Ukraine is already in a losing position. This is clear to everyone, and from an economic point of view there will be no growth or the capability to return loans in the next decades. So what we see is yet another attempt to establish some formal economic foundation to provide money for Ukraine’s military needs,” he told Izvestia.

In Putin’s remarks before diplomats, he at one point asserted that Moscow did not start the war. Instead, “In the West, the thesis that Russia started the war within the framework of a special military operation, that it is the aggressor, is constantly being repeated,” he explained.

Meanwhile days ago Sen. Lindsey Graham had a ‘saying the quiet part out loud’ moment…

“Therefore, it is possible to attack its territory with Western weapons. Allegedly, Ukraine defends itself and can do so,” the president said. “I would like to emphasize once again that Russia did not start the war. It is the Kiev regime, after the citizens of a part of Ukraine declared their independence in accordance with international law, that started hostilities and continues them. This is aggression.”

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June 15, 2024 3:01 pm

I have to agree with Putin on this issue. The 7 lame duck leaders are trying to escalate Ukraine’s lost cause.

June 15, 2024 4:32 pm

No, they’re just giving their fellow political puppet excuses to continue aggressions against the West. Which the political puppets in question will feed to Putin’s forces. Both sides will continue to purge themselves of White Nationalists at the same time. No good guys in this staged for primetime theater. Excluding the White Nationalists on both sides dying for central banking interests.

June 15, 2024 6:54 pm

The concept of ‘punishment’ is beyond the bankers and neocons’ comprehension when it comes to themselves. I have seen videos of Putin dealing with crooked Russian CEOS that would make these guys wet their pants–and Putin is just talking. No rough stuff. These guys have never been treated like the scum they really are, legally, like they are actually subject to laws and regulations. They are about to find out what that is like.

June 15, 2024 7:44 pm

Just like taxation is theft by parasites at gunpoint.

June 16, 2024 1:03 am

Putin will publicly execute Biden by beheading with a chain saw.
In front of Hunter waiting to be next and in front of the whole world when he takes down the US. Putin will take down the entire west in 3 weeks time, just to be able to execute Biden before he can die a natural death.
Putin is crazy like that. he will not tolerate anyone thinking they are above him.
He is a short guy it the Napoleon complex thing.
Biden has dug his own grave by staling Russian assets.
Putin will come in and take the only thing the US has to save its a$$, the gold reserves.
It is over for the US, I don’t think Americans know how over it is.
Lucifer is laughing at us, he sets all these events up.
he toys with his little puppets Putin and Biden and likes to manipulate and coerce us into such situations, then watch the two sides of the chessboard he controls totally, make the moves he gets sets them up to make against one another.
It has been like that from the beginning.
On the other hand, God is also watching, and disgusted at how easily the rich and powerful are like putty in the devil’s hands.
Making total fools out of themselves.
He sees the deranged minds of our leaders for what they truthfully are=puppets with Lucifer pulling their strings.
Putin enjoys having a show of beheading his enemies with chainsaws, when you are as wealthy and powerful as Putin, when you have it all, in Ego, and pride, but not soul, it takes the seriously demented sadistic tortures to make him feel something other than total boredom, as an empty soulless very important person, important to the whole entire world, to be worshiped as a god, the same way Netanyahu feels and Biden and Trump all feel at the top.
It is lonely at the top when all you have is wealth and power and importance, you need to validate it all the time or it might just all fade away into something trivial, commonplace and totally boring without that amazing zap of instant gratification, that only the ability to take down all competitors to prove who is the most powerful can give them each.
They are salivating now all of them just to get that chance, to take down the competition and prove they are the best. As Lucifer is laughing his butt off at them.
Ego, and pride, is what Lucifer can always count on for amusement.

June 17, 2024 10:57 am

I’ll smoke what he’s smoking.

June 16, 2024 9:48 am

Obviously the US govt is not satisfied with simply stealing the life blood of Americans, but also proceeds into boldfaced worldwide piracy, pretending to be the “victims”.
Sounds a LOT like the well-known “perpetual victim” ethnicity that coincidentally “wags the dog” of the US quite effectively.
Maybe the US is actually their puppet after all, as many people say.

June 16, 2024 6:10 pm

Who wouldn’t know better than the Superbowl Ring thief, himself?