Hunter Biden is his father’s son

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The White House is a hell of a drug; no wonder Joe Biden can’t quit it

Beware the compiler.

For the entirety of his pre-Presidential career, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was never one of Washington’s A-listers. He was always an afterthought, sometimes a joke.

His biggest political achievement was lucking into the Senate at 29 from a toll-booth state and staying until retirement age. He won a grand total of six elections along the way, building a national political career with fewer than one million votes in all six races combined.

Truly skilled professional politicians – Obama, Clinton, Dubya – usually reach the White House by their late forties or early fifties. (Reagan and Trump were much older, but for them politics was a second career.) When Biden tried for the brass ring in the 1988 Presidential race, at 45, his lies and exaggerations made him a laughingstock. He was forced to drop out before the Iowa caucuses.

In a state with keener political competition than Delaware, that humiliation would have ended Biden’s White House fantasies, leaving him to become the third-rate lawyer he always should have been. (Biden & Biden: Your trust and estate and DUI specialists!)

Instead, Biden hung around the Senate for 20 years. Then Barack Obama decided a not-too-sharp white guy who played well in Pennsylvania would make a great second-in-command. Can’t blame Obama. He knew he’d be stuck dealing with Hillary Clinton, didn’t need any lip from his veep.

The satirical newspaper The Onion perfectly captured the nation’s attitude toward Biden in 2009 with a gem headlined Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am in White House Driveway

(It’s funny, because it’s true)


Those eight years should have been the end of Joe Biden’s dance in public life. He was an ideal vice-president.

Except Hillary – a compiler too, though in the humorless grinder rather than talentless grinner subdivision – lost to Donald John Trump in 2016 despite outspending him by $600 million and having the open support of the entire non-Fox media apparatus. Because of Russian collusion, or foreign interference, or something.

Mirabile dictu!

The heavens parted, opening Biden’s path to the promised land. He still would have lost in 2020 if not for Covid, but that’s another story.

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden became the President of the United States – the world’s most important job, the position he has lusted after and worked towards his entire life.

How many of us reach our dream so late, with so little daylight left?

Unfortunately, age has robbed Joe Biden of his abilities, such as they were. This sad fact is manifestly obvious.

We have all seen the videos, including two in just the last week: of him frozen on the White House lawn as the people around him dance; and wandering away from other world leaders at a summit in Italy so that one must corral him.1

Tragedy is an overused word, but the tale of the aged king losing his powers is tragedy in its rawest form: think Lear, demanding fealty from his three daughters and falling for the two who tell him what he wants to hear instead of Cordelia, who will not. Biden is no Lear, but he too is surrounded by family whose primary talents appear to be supping at his table.

Including one Robert Hunter Biden.

Hunt has a better pedigree than Joe — Yale Law, not Syracuse. And, credit where it’s due, he’s highly appealing to a certain kind of young lady. (For a while this was the kind who planned to read her Yeats just as soon as the cocaine ran out. Eventually even those girls got wise to Hunter and he moved to a more transactional type.)

But Hunter’s defining attribute is his selfishness.

To the extent addiction is a disease at all, it is a disease of selfishness. Especially for privileged users like Hunter Biden, who trash their families and lives in pursuit of chemical euphoria. (Note that I didn’t say fake euphoria, because the user’s pleasure is real enough to him.)

The drug legalizers and “harm reduction” advocates have tried to keep the rest of us silent about this reality. They insist we see users as victims who need help, rather than victimizers. But occasionally the truth leaks out, as it did last week, when Patti Davis – another President’s child, another addict – wrote that “addicts don’t think about other people; they think about themselves.”

(The truth hurts. Lies hurt more.)

SOURCE (paywalled)

Cocaine was Hunter Biden’s drug.

The Presidency is Joe Biden’s.

No one outside the West Wing can know how much power he really still has. Less than a younger and fitter man, surely. Perhaps more than the videos make it seem. Democracies don’t have regents, and the American system in particular is built around the man in the Oval Office and offers no real way to remove him without provoking a Constitutional crisis.

In any case he still has the trappings of power, from Air Force One on down. Those likely mean a lot to him, and even more to “Dr.” Jill Biden, Ed.D. (I once thought mocking Dr. Jill for her pretensions and her pathetic dissertation was unfair; but she is so clearly a malign presence that I’ve reconsidered.)

So Joe Biden will not go quietly into this good night. And Democrats – either because they’re too internally fractured, or because the courtiers at the top of the party like having a weak President, or both – have done nothing to convince or press him. They appear willing to ride him through November and hope he wins, pushing the crisis back for a few months.

It is tempting to blame those courtiers for this mess.

But Joe Biden is the President. He is the one who looks in the mirror every day and tells himself he is fit for the world’s most difficult job. And not just now, but through January 2029, when he will be 86 years old – more than eight years older than Ronald Reagan, the second-oldest President ever.

He is making this decision.

And the rest of us are paying the price for his selfishness.


(CNN and Biden’s other media defenders tried to explain the second video away. I urge you to watch it and read their excuses and decide for yourself. In any case, no one has offered a reasonable explanation for Biden’s White House freeze.)

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