Eat More Pork Chops – A “Really Tasty Alternative” To Beeflation

Via Zero Hedge

Cash-strapped consumers are on the hunt for deals this summer. We highlighted in a note earlier Friday that Goldman analysts revealed that Walmart offers the best grocery deals among major brick-and-mortar supermarkets. Digging deeper, the discussion has now shifted to the meat aisle.

Consumers are well aware of soaring beef prices over the last several years, primarily due to the collapse of the US cattle herd to its smallest size since the 1950s.

Collapsing herd.

Retail ground beef prices.

The good news for consumers is that with an abundance of pork supplies, prices are much more affordable than beef.

How much cheaper?

Well… Wholesale pork prices are currently $2.13 per pound cheaper than beef. This added savings means consumers have increased purchasing power if they switch from beef to pork during this summer’s grilling season.

According to Bloomberg, the pork industry is finally about to catch some tailwinds after oversupplied conditions severely dented margins in recent years. Now, industry leaders are raising awareness about pork savings.

Pork producers have been under pressure as meat demand hasn’t kept pace with supplies and higher crop prices made it more expensive to feed herds. Still, attendees at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, last week expect the industry’s fortunes to start turning, with more demand giving them the bump needed to further improve margins. -BBG

“I would ask that every American go out and buy as many pork chops as they can and share with their neighbors,” said Bryan Humphreys, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council, a hog producer trade group.

More from Bloomberg about the good fortunes coming to hog farmers:

Hog producers are seeing the beginnings of a turnaround after a pork glut sent profits plunging over the past year. For operators who bulk up pigs from farrowing to slaughter weight, margins in April turned profitable for the first time in seven months, according to Iowa State University data.

“Every time that things get tough, people eat more pizza,” Rabobank senior animal protein analyst Christine McCracken explained, adding that ground pork is a “really tasty alternative” to ground beef.

And there you have it. Beef is becoming a luxury item. Pork is for the poors.

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June 15, 2024 7:26 am

Pigs are one of those animals where the quality of meat changes drastically from those raised on commercial farms vs a small farm. I used to hate eating store bought pork chops. We raise a few pigs a year, one goes in the freezer and the rest get sold. The pork chops are to die for.

June 15, 2024 7:51 am

Once upon a time, in my area of the once the rural South, there were hog farms galore where one could purchase the hog of their choosing, but now due to Federal/State laws and local zoning regs, it nigh on impossible for local farmers to raise hogs for commercial sale, outside of complying with a shitload of restrictive regs, including total climate controlled housing.

Flash forward to the current year, the pork now raised commercially has been bred to have less fat, because low fat good, but less flavor and fed actual garbage including plastics, but the USDA works for the We the People…yep, it’s true. Just axe one of the dickless, pension whoring worms.

June 15, 2024 11:49 am

Pork is a meat that should be consumed in very small quantity as it has a tendency to stay in the colon. I say demand beef and don’t cave in so easily to these gomers, who are they to dictate what meat we eat? When they start paying for all of my grocery bill, then we will talk about this moronic restriction, and not even then will I agree with this CO2 cow fart nonsense. ‘Splain to me why people are letting this sort of thing get out of hand?

BTW, do pigs/hogs fart? People fart, cows fart, dogs fart….even cats fart……I’m sure pigs fart too.

No Sweat
No Sweat
June 15, 2024 3:39 pm

Ate tons of pork. ‘Listed Unclean’ for a reason?

June 17, 2024 7:04 am

You know why, when evil ZOG makes all the rules, the Goy suffer. Even worse, ZOG wants another war , and Russia is their targeted bad guy. Crank up the rhetoric and brush wars against Russia, crank up the Draft Registration for young Goy, crank up the war equipment. From a Rancher About My Cattle: pigs, chickens & goats can reproduce like rabbits but cows have one calf per year and a bull takes two years to mature. A steak is more like aged wine than fast food so it naturally cost more.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2024 7:16 am

Most people don’t understand any of the basics of where their food comes from, especially meat. Pigs aren’t made of “pork chops”, there are only 16 per carcass if you cut them rib in. That leaves a whole lot of other cuts that are normally overlooked but are just as delicious if you know how to cook.

And how they are cared for an fed has everything to do with the taste and nutritional quality. I would no more eat a pork chop from the grocery store than I’d lick the bottom of a shoe. Unless you know where they were raised and what they were fed you are taking chances with your health.

Seriously though, at this point why haven’t people who know these basic truths either learned how to raise your own, or found a local farmer who does it the way it should be done. Eating CAFO meats is like drinking energy drinks and taking vaccines, it’s just retarded.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 19, 2024 9:51 am

I know guys who buy a semi load of corn cheap and spray the hell out of it with Malathion to keep the bugs from ruining it within a month, and then feed it to their hogs, which they then sell at auction to slaughter houses to be turned into pork chops etc. If the Urbanites just ate the bugs, they would be far less likely to get cancer. PS: I forgot to mention that cows can’t be raised by the thousands in NYC corporate owned chicken and pig barns; cows need hundreds of expensive acres and pasture. But frankly Scarlet, I really don’t give a rat’s ass about Big Blue City Usurper ZOG dim commie useless idiot NWO Environmentalist Globalist voters and the sooner they all get cancer and die the better.

June 15, 2024 1:04 pm

Fire up the grill medium heat, get thick Americas Cut chops and sear them off then move off direct heat and cover the grill to bake…last 10 minutes mix 1/2 Chili Sauce and 1/2 Soy Sauce as a BBQ sauce…improves even store bought pork.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 15, 2024 4:50 pm

Who could’ve imagined that hamburger would be more expensive than shrimp?

  Iska Waran
June 17, 2024 12:09 pm

but it’s not
and if you’ve looked into how farmed shrimp was raised you probably wouldn’t eat it

June 15, 2024 7:40 pm

Beef it’s what’s for dinner

June 15, 2024 11:21 pm

Eat up while you can. My guess is that pigs will be the next animal to catch the “bird flu” and that’s when the culling begins by our friends and saviors, fedzilla.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 16, 2024 3:55 pm

During the FauciFlu, it was pointed out that mRNA ‘vaccines’ are currently being used on pigs and on cattle … 

Here’s an interesting take on their use in pigs … same as the lies and propaganda about its use on humans …

  Anthony Aaron
June 17, 2024 12:11 pm

The one thing Bourla was known for before covid was making (marketing) a ‘vaccine’ to sterilize pigs.