West has declared ‘war without rules’ on Russia – Medvedev

Via RT

There should be virtually no limits on how Moscow retaliates for the “maximum damage,” the former president has argued

Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” on Western nations that have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, former president Dmitry Medvedev has argued.

Every weakness of the US and its allies should be exploited to undermine them and obstruct life for their citizens, the Russian official said on Thursday, reacting to the latest round of sanctions announced by Washington earlier this week.

”Are they afraid that we would transfer our arms to the enemies of the Western world? We should send every kind of weapon, except nuclear (for now)!” Medvedev wrote on social media. “Are they afraid of anarchy and crime waves in large cities? We should help disrupt their municipal authorities!”

Russia could trigger a war in space, wage a psychological warfare campaign against Western citizens so that they “tremble under blankets in their cozy homes” and unleash a tsunami of fake news “to turn their life into a never-ending nightmare, in which they cannot distinguish reality from the wildest fiction.”

Moscow should “obliterate their energy infrastructure, industry, transport, banking and social services. Instil fear over an imminent collapse of all critical infrastructure,” according to Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

The latest round of American restrictions against Russian entities targets energy, metals and mining as well as the financial sector. Among other things, it has forced the Moscow Stock Exchange to suspend all trade in the US dollar and the euro.

The package is one of the biggest since the Ukraine conflict escalated into open hostilities in February 2022, impacting over $100 million in trade between Russia and its foreign partners, according to estimate from the US Department of the Treasury.

Medvedev claimed that a campaign of “maximum damage” as outlined in his post was preferable to simply ignoring the Western pressure, and urged Russian citizens to act accordingly.

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June 14, 2024 9:12 am

Russia [and the rest of the world] is aware of the open border of the USA….right?

More food plant fires and infrastructure accidents?
No way is it “the russians”

June 14, 2024 2:47 pm

Hard to say. There are foreign nationals from maybe a hundred countries. Most of them hostile. Russia is having their own weird fires. All over the Western world too. We have religious fanatics, political fanatics, cartels too. Many of these people don’t know enough to not poop in the drinking water, but our federal acronyms have often provided them military grade weapons and trained them how to use them. Add to this cluster energy weapons. By every indication Jewish central banking is pulling all stops to manifest their end times prophecies. First they must destroy the only viable opposition to their plan, the people of the Western world. Transferring wealth artificially by devaluating central banking currencies on the West to the benefit of central banking currencies in the East makes certain central banking suffers no loses. Even creating opportunity for insider information.

The ad girl
The ad girl
June 14, 2024 9:58 am

Medvedev is an intelligent and interesting character, and although he does sit on the Russian State Security Council, he can only advise, not drive, State policy.

Putin and General Gerasimov (Chief of the Russian Military) are the two men calling the shots, with the outstanding Lavrov (aka “the last of the great diplomats”) tasked with explaining Russian Foreign policy to the World.

Medvedev is a sort of “pressure valve”, allowing some gassing-off, venting some of the anger many senior people may feel behind the scenes, but can’t say it without it being seen as “an official Russian statement”, with all the diplomatic and military implications.

Viewed in that context we can clearly see that there is considerable anger, and great frustration, that Putin and Gerasimov are fighting “with gloves on and with one hand tied tied behind their back”.

Many in Russia, and amazingly in some European countries, want the Russian military to stop this “kid gloves sparring” approach to what has now become a major war, and take the effing gloves off and kick ass.

When fighting an enemy that is as unsophisticated, as ignorant of history, and as drunk on hubris as the West, and who only understands and respects violence, it is necessary to communicate with them through violence, extreme violence.

Putin nor Lavrov would never be so crude as to state this, but that is what Medvedev’s job is, to articulate in unsophisticated terms that, “if you want to have your ass kicked then we will kick it harder and better than it’s ever been kicked before”, or as my Canadian friend would say, “Carry on fu_king around and you will find out”.

Interestingly, General Gerasimov and his Staff has apparently gone into the Strategic Nuclear Command centre at the Yamantaw mountain complex, and is believed to still be there. If that is true then the Russians may not actually be currently undertaking a “non strategic nuclear exercise”, but they may in fact be putting things in place under the cover of an exercise, just like NATO are currently doing.

Maybe we won’t have to wait too much longer to find out.

  The ad girl
June 14, 2024 11:14 am

Is this the new excuse for Gerasimov?

The ad girl
The ad girl
June 14, 2024 7:00 pm

Nato propaganda mouthpieces speculate that the “Ghost of Kiev”, or some other imaginary super-hero took out both General Gerasimov (overall Commander) and General Suvorikin (who defeated the NATO led and equipped Ukrainian Counter Offensive) as they have not been seen for a while.

Gerasimov is now responsible for co-ordinating the Russian Strategic response to NATO as well as fighting the war in Ukraine, and as he does not do Politics as his western counterparts do, you will need to ask Putin the location of the DUMB he is in.

As for the also “fallen” General Suvorikin, he was recently spotted on a private jet in Nigeria, and is believed to be behind the co-ordinated efforts of several African nations to expel both the French and the Americans. Interestly the Russians are “helping” a significant American military force to vacate a $100 Million+ airbase the US Taxpayer built, and which the Russian military have just entered.

So, although Gerasimov and Suvirikin have not made any chat show guest appearances, they would both seem to be busy preparing the Global Chessboard for the main event to come.

Apparently, on Telegram, there are a few photos of RSOTM / Wagner Group “Advisors and Trainers” enjoying shopping in Miami, before they return to Cuba and get on with advising and training.

June 14, 2024 10:26 am

“undermine … and obstruct life for (American) citizens.”????

I hate to break it to him, but he’s way behind the US government in the effort to undermine and obstruct life for American citizens. He’s got his work cut out for him if he wants to top Fedgov in that arena.

June 14, 2024 1:34 pm

I think he is talking to the ‘Elite’ — Russians gonna crash their godlike plans, and take the ‘spoils’ they were expecting and distribute them (horrors) among partners (BRICS ++++) . COMMUNISM! (heart attacks among the ‘elite’) No soup for you, BlackRock! Raytheon! Lockheed Martin! No 10% for the Big Guy! Arghhhh

June 14, 2024 11:14 am

Tommy Tuberville entered Congress as an Alabama football coach on an Alabama generous salary. He leaves the Senate worth more than $80 million and a Wallstreet Wizard scoring >700% return on his investments.

This is one cog in the machine that the GOP wants us to keep limping along. They do not want the cash-cow system altered. The majority want to keep looting the taxpayer. I enjoy a hot shower, pretty Asians on the internet, reading medical journals, watching car repairs on YT. But any real possibility for the people to gain any type of control again is for this system to come crashing down and only the fittest surviving.

We are governed by shysters, snake-oil salesmen, liars and voracious psychopaths that desire to undermine the riches & accomplishments of others. People cannot wrap their heads around that what America does to other nations to rob & pillage the natural resource of other countries, they are doing here to the taxpayer.

Communism and social destruction has never been turned around by voting.

Trump will be change? He recently accepted $100 million from AIPAC Queen Sheldon Adelson-sign-my-napkin, Miriam Adelson. His son-in-law Jared is working now to develop land in the West Bank for that precious beach front property. “He’s my star,” Trump once said at a table of Generals. So…who do you think will come first? America, Jared, Israel? His sons such as Don Jr. appear in conventions where there is absolutely no discussion of anything Israel. The USS Liberty is addressed as a conspiracy theory.

There are 22 million NEW gun owners since January. The government is arming specific groups of men that have crossed the border and are waiting in tight security monitored hotels. These immigrants will not want to return to their American-looted countries.

No. All those countries we have seen in disarray on the nightly news and YT shorts is where I believe we are headed. The Elite are not going to give up trying to enslave with or without Trump. If they want to hide in their bunkers that is fine. How long will they be able to tolerate that psychologically? How many nations will be accepting of the trillionaires & government officials escaping to other countries, just like operation Paper Clip that pulled in the evilest of the evil into our nation, considering that the European countries are going through the same.

Let it happen and let’s get it over with.

June 14, 2024 12:51 pm

leave it to a ricemixer to think German scientists were evil

I still agree with you over all.

June 14, 2024 6:10 pm

^^^ The only real truth for a future with any freedom. All else is gaslighting and bullhsit.

June 14, 2024 11:53 am

Hey…all you lurking glowfags…wake up and start downvoting! Earn that paycheck…

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
June 14, 2024 12:10 pm

And Vladimir Putin offers peace…

  grace country pastor
June 14, 2024 12:32 pm

What is this “peace” you speak of? In the USA we’ve never heard of it…

  grace country pastor
June 14, 2024 1:00 pm

It’s the same deal as before. Nothing has changed, so why would the answer?

June 15, 2024 5:03 am

Your memory seems to be failing you.
In 2022 (last peace offer) the four new regions hadn’t joined Russia, so a few things have changed since.

June 14, 2024 1:27 pm

Yeah, I love Medvedev. He can say what the russians are thinking.