Putin Names Two Conditions For Ending The War ‘This Very Minute’

Via ZeroHedge

Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Friday speech addressed the West’s efforts to host a major Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland this weekend. Though scores of world leaders will be there, Russia has not been invited, and China has snubbed the event citing that it’s pointless without Moscow’s representation given it is a party to one side of the war.

Putin outlined his “conditions” for peace. He said for the military operation to be halted Ukrainian forces would have to withdraw from the four regions annexed by the Russian Federation. “Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions,” Putin said in a televised address.

AP/Getty Images 

Russia held referendums in late September 2022 for these war-torn oblasts, and the overwhelming majority of voters were in favor of being absorbed into Russia, which Kiev and the West called a “sham” election.

Putin also stipulated a second main condition for ending the war: Ukraine must reject ambitions to join the NATO alliance.

“As soon as Kyiv says it is ready to do this and begins really withdrawing troops and officially renounces plans to join NATO, we will immediately — literally that very minute — cease-fire and begin talks,” Putin said in the talk given to a gathering of diplomats.

Interestingly, Putin showed signs he could be willing to compromise when it comes to territory, which is a bit of the first and hopeful sign that he’s serious about finding ways to wind down the war. According to AFP:

The Russian leader said he did not “rule out maintaining Ukrainian sovereignty” over the southern Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions “on the condition that Russia has a strong land link with Crimea.”

But despite what appears to be very serious possible overtures, the Zelensky government has long maintained that it will not countenance negotiations or peace settlement until there is a full withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukrainian territory as existed pre-February 2022.

The weekend Swiss peace summit is expected to focus on gaining full international backing for Zelensky’s 10-point peace formula, however international press has acknowledged this as still “a largely symbolic effort”.

The sixth point of Kiev’s plan reads as follows: it calls on Russia “To cease the hostilities, Russia must withdraw all its troops and armed formations from the territory of Ukraine, plain and simple. Ukraine’s full control over its state border, recognized internationally, needs to be restored.”

Putin also took opportunity Friday to reiterate that Zelensky is ‘illegitimate’ and is serving as a mere puppet of the West:

For Moscow this of course remains a non-starter, and Putin has frequently emphasize that it will never give up the newly acquired four eastern territories, which have long been Russian-speaking areas, both historically and currently.

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June 14, 2024 2:22 pm

G-7 in Italy must be cooking up plans to double down in the near future.

Just about at the top of the roller coaster now.

June 14, 2024 2:26 pm

Sorry to hear that Putin is offering true peace agreement because the Ukrainian money laundering machine might end and as long as the powers that be in Ukraine and the US/EU/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX have Ukrainian citizens they can push out to be ground up by Russian Military there will be no peace .
The corrupt war profiteering that the Ukraine government parasites are involved in and NGO’s still cashing in fuck the peace and the people there are mansions and yachts to buy
Of course Fraudulent Dementia Joe is unaware of everything excluding the load of shit in his depends but Jill knows just how fucked up her idiot husband is but she loves the title First Lady and will endure all manor of public embarrassment

June 14, 2024 2:42 pm

comment image

They look less than motivated.

June 14, 2024 4:29 pm

Not what it is, read the context, I’m not going to facebook though.

I hadn’t checked but I knew it was bullshit as soon as I saw it was aussiemongol


June 14, 2024 6:10 pm

I don’t use twitter, what is the proper way to make it show up?

nope that wasn’t it

June 14, 2024 7:20 pm

“The photo is from the Memorial service held by the Military Institute of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv for a graduate of the school, nothing to do with recruiting teens like the OP is insinuating”

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 15, 2024 12:03 am

They have a bunch of school kids dressed up like recruits at a minimum. Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on with these Pukraine fuques. Sick bastards want to depopulate the country and replace what’s left with Africans and other third world drones for the WEF and NWO, UN etc. Not In My Name. FJB and the whole G7,NATO et al.


Recruits don’t get dressed up in military clothing until they are inducted into the military.

June 14, 2024 7:32 pm

Like Wall Street Jew doesn’t know the real reason.

June 15, 2024 6:11 pm

I think Putin is prepared to kill all those people to satisfy his territorial ambitions.
Since things didn’t go as well as he expected, he’s now willing to (temporarily) settle for less than all of Ukraine.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 14, 2024 3:23 pm

Putin knows Blinken won’t allow Ukraine to accept his offer.

June 14, 2024 2:42 pm

It’s getting totally obvious that Putin is in it with the globalists!

June 15, 2024 6:25 am

I don’t usually agree with you, but this is exactly correct. Thank you. Hard to believe how many don’t see it.

June 14, 2024 5:52 pm

Sorry Vlad, the Central Bankers really don’t appreciate you trying to avoid war…it’s always their Plan B.

June 15, 2024 6:34 am

Putin is under sway of central banking as much as Biden and Zelensky. All work against the West, because the Western Nationalism is the only viable opposition to Jewish global conquest. If Putin bypassed central banking he would be a Fascist. Both Putin and Zelensky send their Nationalists to die fighting one another for false pretenses. Clearing the field for Jewish migration to the area. This will come into play as the War Theater in the promised land unfolds and the self-appointed chosen people execute their end times game plan.

June 15, 2024 1:22 pm

…you’re not allowed to be more cynical and black pilled than the Mouse

June 15, 2024 6:14 pm

Putin has his own central bank.


June 15, 2024 7:22 pm

Don’t play so stupid. More like central banking has their Putin. They have their Biden, Zelensky, and Xi too.

June 16, 2024 6:52 pm

I think you’re confusing policies common to most governments that drive the actions of their separate central banks as collusion between the central banks when all central banks are the created creatures of their governments.

Is it commonly believed that the BoJ or the Chinese central bank are controlled by Jews and working hand in hand with the FED?

June 16, 2024 6:47 pm

There aren’t many Jews left in Russia. Where will these Jews migrating to Russia come from?

June 14, 2024 6:44 pm

I had a brief fantasy that “People’s Republics” would die with the Soviet Union.

June 14, 2024 7:31 pm


June 15, 2024 4:50 am

It isn’t Russia who needs to get serious about peace.

June 15, 2024 4:53 am

scores of world leaders will be there


ZH is really getting more retarded by the day

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 15, 2024 8:08 am

Surely Putin isn’t that stupid. We’re way past ending this peacefully. Putin currently has his boot on the rattlesnakes neck. To lift that foot while the snake is alive would be suicide…either quickly or slowly.

Proud men NEVER forget a slight and always look to repay…usually at a premium.

This sort of fight only ends one way…with the winner gloating over the corpse of the fallen.

We’re very close to the end now.

June 15, 2024 1:14 pm


it matters not what Putin offers. the greedy bastards that are profiting off death and destruction are in power and will never, ever give up the power, or the graft. they will have to be MADE to accept an end to their DEATH-FOR-PROFIT undertaking in ukraine.

June 15, 2024 6:17 pm

China is the most open about their plans for dominance