Hunter Biden’s Conviction on Firearm Charges Is a Red Herring

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

We now have matching news from the opposing camp. Just as Trump is the first US President to be convicted by a jury, Hunter Biden is the first son of a sitting president to be convicted of a federal felony.

This conviction of Hunter Biden leaves me unsettled, as does his likely pending conviction for federal income tax evasion. The real issue is the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop that the FBI was able for awhile to suppress and brand as “Russian disinformation.” This is under US law obstruction of Justice by the FBI. All responsible should, if US law is still enforceable, be arrested, indicted, and prosecuted. It would be justice to see the FBI in the dock after all the innocent people the corrupt organization has put there.

The laptop information is the real issue. It shows that the Bidens are a crime family and that Hunter was marketing abroad his father’s influence as Vice President and as President. It seems clear that Biden senior, “the Big Guy,” received payments from the influence peddling. Yet, not only did the corrupt FBI and whore media cover this up, the Justice (sic) Department directed attention away from the major crime by focusing the prosecution on minor issues.

Hunter is convicted of lying on his handgun purchase statement by hiding the fact that he was a drug user, and Hunter most likely will be convicted of income tax evasion as he and his accountants could not report income from influence peddling without launching a federal case that would cast a net over father Biden.

MAGA Republicans are delighted with the verdict as it spreads the criminal accusation into the Democrat camp. MAGA Republicans do not realize that they are being manipulated and diverted from the main issue into a subsidiary issue.

Decades ago the Nobel prize-winning economist George Stigler pointed out that government is a private, not public, organization. Political campaign contributions purchase Congressional votes for special interest enrichment, and federal regulatory agencies are captured by the private industries that they are suppose to regulate, thereby serving private and not public interests. Fauci at NIH, for example, served the profits of Big Pharma’s Covid “vaccine” at the expense of the lives and health of millions of people.

Today all sorts of American politicians are serving Israel’s interest at the expense of Palestinian lives and the honor and integrity of the US government. The same politicians are serving the profits of the military/security complex by widening the conflict in Ukraine and fomenting war with Russia, Iran, and China that could easily end in the extinction of life on earth.

There is no doubt that Stigler was right. I watched and experiences it during my quarter century in Washington. The public’s interest never enters into Washington’s concern.

There is no such thing as the “public interest.” In the Western world government is merely a tool of the greed of private interests. Voting cannot overturn this high level of corruption.

Founding Father Thomas Jefferson said that periodically the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants. It remains to be seen if Americans are up to the task of preserving liberty.

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June 13, 2024 7:47 am

I told you. It’s all about G.R.E.E.D.


June 13, 2024 7:58 am

Yup,been saying all along…..I would NOT have convicted him on “federal gun statutes”,reason being those “statutes”(they’re not law in the strictest of sense)are wholly repugnant to the Constitution!!….as far as Trump I have a name……..John Edwards!….
you media whores covered up the FACT his “mistress”was having their love child DURING A PRIMARY CAMPAIGN…..while his WIFE was in the hospital fighting cancer and the ENTIRETY of the media covered it up!!!
Didn’t say a PEEP for TWO YEARS!!!!…..
Talk about catch and kill!…..yeah,Trump did WHAT……..?????…….please…….

June 13, 2024 8:16 am

PCR is condescending in this piece. Most conservatives are well aware of the fact that Hunter is being tried for paultry bs while the massive corruption on the laptop is being ignored.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 13, 2024 7:53 pm

If what you say is true, then why aren’t any of them doing something about it — like bringing the serious charges against HB — and even against the big guy?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 13, 2024 8:39 am

Ironically, it is the FBI who is supposed to be vetting our top official candidates for moral corruption/ actual crimes.

We’ve been screwed far longer than you know!

June 13, 2024 8:55 am

Does one not suppose the two trials, Trump’s and Biden’s, occurred in this sequence on purpose? Will Biden’s sentencing occur before or after Trump’s? Will there be media conflations between the two and what about the coming trials both… conveniently… face?

If one sees this entire circumstance as other than Kabuki please explain your basis for such credulity. I could use some, this phony teetering on the limb grows wearisome and I long for the release brought by action.

June 13, 2024 9:30 am

comment image

June 13, 2024 9:41 am

The hate US for our freedom to discern, bruh…it’s crooks and criminals all the way down.

Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

June 13, 2024 4:14 pm

I await those in the FBI to be brought up on charges of evidence tampering or election interferenc. Wake me up when it happens!

June 13, 2024 9:28 pm


June 15, 2024 12:20 pm

Still waiting for the ATF to undergo regulatory capture…