Thanks to the Wayback Machine, many old 30 Blocks of Squalor articles have been recovered. Below is one from December 2012 for your enjoyment. I can assure you, West Philly has only gotten worse in the 12 years since I wrote this.

The summer months generally lead to my best commuting months of the year. With school out and people on vacation, I generally make it to and from work in about 45 minutes. Except, of course, on Friday night when it took me 1 hour and 48 minutes to get home for no good reason. I had gone over a month without having to experience the 30 Blocks of Squalor, until last Tuesday. An accident on the Schuykill on this sweltering 100 degree day forced me to dodge the potholes and stray bullets along the Squalor.

As I approached the 30 Blocks, I again thought there was nothing left to say after writing two dozen posts on this urban wasteland of woe. But as soon as I turned onto Chestnut Street there before my very eyes was a power boat on a trailer hitched to a GMC Jimmy parked in front of a $20,000 hovel. This is another one of those WTF moments. I don’t own a boat. How can someone who lives on the 30 Blocks of Squalor, where the median household income is $20,000, own a boat.


I’m sure some people are thinking, this is one of the hard working legitimate men who live on the Squalor. There must be a few. This possibility was put to rest when I noticed the license plate on the vehicle. It was the good old cardboard version. I bet you didn’t know that hand written cardboard license plates are legal in West Philly. Well not really, but the police are generally distracted by the murders, rapes, armed robberies, and drug cartels.

staten island license plates

As I continued down the block I was thankful for my windows and air conditioning. It was Tuesday, trash day on the squalor. Or maybe not. It’s tough to tell the difference between trash day and a normal day in this neighborhood. The people who live on the Squalor clearly have no self respect, sense of community, or interest in cleaning up their streets. They can afford Satellite TV but can’t invest in trash cans. They throw their trash and debris to the curb in plastic bags, where the wild dogs that roam the streets tear them open.

The filth and stench along the Squalor is palpable. What kind of person throws garbage and empty bottles onto their own streets? Do you throw trash onto your front lawn or the street in front of your house? What does this filth say about this community? We know for a fact that more than 50% of the people along this roadway are not working. I also know there are dozens of churches in this section of Philadelphia.

The houses along the Squalor haven’t seen a paint brush or hammer and nails in decades. Why can’t the pastors of these churches lead an effort to pick up the trash and fix up the crumbling hovels? Would it be cruel and inhumane to require people collecting unemployment to do community service? Of course that would require black people to accept responsibility for their own community.

It seems they would rather have murals painted showing black people doing noble service, rather than actually doing anything. The irony of mounds of trash amidst weed infested lots, below the murals of black people doing glorious things, is lost on the ignorant leaches that inhabit West Philly.

Someone commented on my last 30 Blocks article that West Philly has 10 community farms. Having driven the mean streets of West Philly for the last six years, I never noticed any farms. I guess I wasn’t looking hard enough. I vowed to keep my eyes peeled for one of these glorious community farms. I thought I’d spotted one, but it was just another weed infested vacant lot beneath a mural.

I resumed my search for one of these elusive West Philly community farms. Does crab grass growing amidst garbage, needles and gun casings count? After you cruise the streets of West Philly long enough you realize you have as much chance of finding a community farm as you do of finding a woman with a wedding ring, a man carrying a condom or paycheck in his pocket, or a teenager carrying a book. Slim to none, and Slim left town.

For a moment I thought I had spotted two West Philly urban farmers tending to their crops, but alas it was just another hysterical mural of black teenagers actually graduating from high school, I suppose. Definitely not college, as less than 1% of the West Philly free shit army can spell dog or add 5 + 3 in their head.

The only gardens you will find in West Philly are indoors. And the farmers don’t actually want you to find these gardens. The entrepreneurs of West Philly can grow plants when it suits them, but tomatoes and cucumbers aren’t their specialty. The ROI just isn’t high enough.

This may explain the $65,000 gold Jaguar that I saw parked in front of a $15,000 crumbling hovel. I sometimes wonder how liberal minded folks rationalize the fact that there are far more Mercedes, BMWs, Jaguars and Cadillac Escalades in neighborhoods with a median household income of $20,000 than there are in my upper middle class community where the median household income exceeds $80,000. How do they rationalize people in West Philly with Apple iPhones, Direct TV Satellite dishes, racing motorcycles, and wearing $100 sneakers when 50% are unemployed and 80% are on food stamps? Is it a matter of fairness?

I’m sure my liberal friends will contend that some of these people earned those cars through education, hard work, saving, and picking themselves up by their boot straps. Now that is a funny statement. The few operating enterprises along the Squalor are run by Asians, Koreans, Mexicans, and white people with a death wish. The most successful businesses in this community are the maker of roll down steel security gates, window bar makers, plywood distributors, and Space Available sign makers.

If graffiti was a business, it would be booming in West Philly. When you drive down Chestnut Street at 7:15 am you are struck by the desolation, decay, destruction, and despair. I grew up in a small town just outside of Philadelphia, only about 20 minutes from the 30 Blocks of Squalor. Not one business in my town needed roll down steel security gates. I never witnessed bars on any windows. West Philly looks like a prison, because most of the inhabitants belong in prison.

Every store, business, and crappy restaurant has steel shutters and bars on their windows. Businesses with outside inventory like car repair places have high chain link fences with a big helping of barbed wire at the top. What does this say about this community? This block was a thriving middle class white neighborhood in the 1950s. The houses were well built, the neighborhood was clean and safe.

You could leave your door unlocked at night. After 60 years of Democratic welfare policies, the place goes into lockdown at 5:00 pm and no one in their right mind would walk the streets after dark. Is society to blame for the 30 Blocks of Squalor? Where does personal responsibility enter the equation?

This was going to complete another chapter in the 30 Blocks of Squalor saga, but the following day while resuming my regular route past the luxury townhouse gated Mantua Square low income housing mecca, I experienced another dose of squalor ignorance. As I drove down the street towards 37th street a big assed 15 year old piece of crap Buick came blasting out of a side street and I had to jam on my brakes to avoid being crushed by the ignorant piece of shit West Philly high school dropout driving it. He looked right in my eyes as he cut me off.

I was just a honky in a Honda to this once and future prison inmate. You can be sure if we had collided, he would have kept going because he certainly didn’t have car insurance or a valid license. Those are just for sucker white people who play by the rules. If I had been hit, I wouldn’t have had to worry about a crowd of residents surrounding my car. The FSA doesn’t get up on weekdays until noon. The best shows don’t come on OWN or BET until the afternoon. I’m sure some TBP members would have found my foul mouthed tirade over the next three minutes humorous.

What won’t be humorous is when the EBT cards start getting declined in West Philly during the economic collapse on the horizon. If you think West Philly smells bad on a hundred degree day, imagine what it will smell like when it is burning.

Burning these neighborhoods to the ground will be an improvement. I might need to change my route to work, but it will be worth it. Burn baby burn.

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June 12, 2024 9:33 am

What’s even worse is people not being armed in states that allow you to carry guns.
Case in point, the White guy in Houston that was mowed down twice, then stabbed to death by a sexually confused Nig, surrounded by unarmed bystanders.
I won’t be letting that one go.

June 12, 2024 9:38 am

Thanks for sharing this, Admin. Glad you found your records. In some ways, same words apply today. Can’t wait to read more if you post.

“What won’t be humorous is when the EBT cards start getting declined in West Philly during the economic collapse on the horizon. If you think West Philly smells bad on a hundred degree day, imagine what it will smell like when it is burning.”

June 12, 2024 9:56 pm

He’s right, these assholes from the city (mostly NYC in my case) throw their trash everywhere. I keep meaning to put up signs along the road that read “Instead of littering, do the world a favor and consider suicide.”

June 12, 2024 9:42 am

That was fun. Thanks for reposting.

June 12, 2024 12:53 pm


June 12, 2024 2:20 pm
June 12, 2024 10:00 pm

I like a version with the lyrics “We’re working in a third world shit hole”…sums of my woke company.

June 12, 2024 2:09 pm

Liberalism is a mental disorder just as most niggers are low IQ on the bell curve .
You cannot fix stupid or crazy it’s ingrained genetically .
Any attempt to raise these deficient individuals to equal status of average IQ white people is a complete waste of time and effort .
liberal whites do not function in reality while most blacks fail to function at anything other than some violent level . Both are lost causes to be ignored and ultimately eliminated by as merciful means as possible
, a drugged farm perhaps where you keep a flow of anesthetics and chemical castrations and birth control in the water and food supply !

June 12, 2024 9:27 pm

I miss the 30 Blocks articles. Glad Admin doesn’t have to drive there anymore.