If the mRNA vaccines are a breathtaking discovery, destined to save the world from viruses and cancer, why has Pfizer stock declined 50% since 2021? Why is Pfizer stock at the same level it was in 2013? Why is Pfizer stock 33% lower than it was in 1999? It’s almost as if the market realized the entire covid scamdemic was a farce and the Pfizer jab never stopped transmission or infection. Or, maybe the market knows the Pfizer jabs have killed and continue to kill millions. Maybe the market is anticipating a hotshot lawyer piercing their liability protection because they committed fraud in their testing protocols.

Don’t feel sorry for their poor CEO Albert Bourla. He was awarded over 600,000 shares from 2020 until today. Shockingly, he also sold over 600,000 shares at average prices in the mid-40’s. You can bet all the other executives at Pfizer have also sold hundreds of thousands of shares at far higher prices than $28.

In case you were curious, Moderna stock is down 67% since 2021. If these mRNA vaccines were really a modern miracle, their stocks would be soaring to all-time highs. In reality, the government and the media colluded with these treasonous bastards to force a dangerous product into the bodies of billions of people through threats, lies, and fear mongering.

Bourla, Fauci, Birx, and hundreds of other co-conspirators should be executed for their mass murdering crimes. I would invest in a start-up company selling this product:

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June 11, 2024 9:04 am

The people who have witnessed the inner bowels of the federal government tell us no matter how depraved and evil we regard the government it is not nearly enough to address the reality. Although a life long agnostic I must concede the evil presence of Satan.

June 11, 2024 11:24 am

The reality is that the whole country would have to be overturned to attempt to thwart any of this rule through medical dictates, whether civil war, World War III, or nuclear warfare. Then what would replace it? Who would be capable of doing so? This entire farce of having a mostly dumbed-down public with every entity available ruling over them is merely the precursor to a ground invasion. It’s the ultimate result of all of this directionalizing of monies, voting (consent), and the pulpits to benefit big business, Big Pharma and technocratic/scientific jurisdictions.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 11, 2024 1:40 pm

Did GOD try to rehabilitate Sodom or Gomorrah?

Now you know exactly what we’re in for.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 11, 2024 1:38 pm

I will further validate that conclusion. It is 100% true.

The ad girl
The ad girl
June 11, 2024 10:08 am

No, that is not it.
According to a “well known analyst” the so called “profit centres” and valuable parts of these companies are being separated from the parent companies and in some cases merged / sold.


To leave an empty shell that can be prosecuted and bankrupted into oblivion without the “valuable” parts ever being touched.

The Savvy Traders are well aware of what is going on and share prices reflect this. Dim and slow pension funds and retail investors will be left holding the bag, along with tax payers for the lost “loan” repayments.

Follow smart biotech money and see…..

  The ad girl
June 12, 2024 3:33 am

Money is a secondary issue to holding all these people who actively committed genocide to account.
Assets and financial holdings can be stripped from these people and then used to pay compensation to people who have been harmed.
Where there is a will, there is a way.

Very Pissed Off
Very Pissed Off
June 11, 2024 12:01 pm

Absolutely about positioning for the inevitable lawsuits. They’ll do whatever has to be done to protect their money. They’re laughing all the way to the bank as their stock prices fall – they’ve already got their money out. Nothing happens by accident with those evil mothers.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 11, 2024 6:28 pm

And the 9th Circuit has ruled that mRNA is not a vaccine. That opens the door. No more EUA cover.

Canadian Expat
Canadian Expat
June 11, 2024 7:34 pm

Since the beginning of 2024, Pfizer shares are down only 5%.
Unbelievably– Moderna shares are up 32%.

June 11, 2024 9:49 pm

Simply EVIL bastards.