‘Techno Foods’ Won’t Feed the World — But They’ll Make Tech Entrepreneurs Richer

Guest Post by Sandra B. Jónsdóttir

Foods invented in laboratories and produced in factories won’t improve the quantity or quality of our food supply, so who benefits? The business entrepreneurs who see food as a commodity to be patented and profited from.

Over millennia we have evolved with our food supply, relying on the collective wisdom of farmers to grow foods that sustain human life.

Increasingly, however, food is being produced by business entrepreneurs who see food as a commodity to be patented and profited from. Their techno foods are invented in laboratories, produced in factories and promoted with the claim they can feed the world while saving it from climate change.

It started about two decades ago when a giant U.S. chemical company (Monsanto) invented genetically modified (GM) crops and sold them to farmers with one main promise. GM crops could be sprayed with Monsanto‘s glyphosate, killing the weeds, but not the crop — saving farmers time and money by reducing the use of pesticides.

The opposite happened. Glyphosate spraying left more, not less, toxic residues in food and animal feed and caused cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) in American farming communities.

When greenhouse gases from livestock farming were shown to be contributing to climate change, a Silicon Valley company, Impossible Foods, claimed it could reduce the carbon footprint of meat production by making it in laboratories.

They created the Impossible Burger, which was fake meat made from an assortment of highly processed ingredients, including soy leghemoglobin derived from GM yeast and 46 additional yeast proteins — some of which were unidentified and untested for safety.

Fake milk was next on the agenda. Synbio or synthetic biology (precision fermentation) genetically modifies yeast, fungi, algae or bacteria to produce animal proteins which are then “fermented” in vats or “bioreactors,” and the resulting “milk” claims to contain “proteins identical to those found in cow’s milk.”

However, when John Fagan, Ph.D., at the Health Research Institute, conducted an analysis comparing cow’s milk to synbio milk he found essential nutrients in real milk missing in synbio milk, including vitamin E.

The amino acid composition of one whey protein was 57% different from cow’s milk and a second was 46% different. The synbio milk contained 92 small molecules that have never been part of the human diet and whose identity is totally unknown to science.

Lab meat (or cellular meat) is not “fake” meat but is an attempt to grow real meat in a laboratory. Stem cells are taken from a live animal and placed in a man-made soup of genetically modified growth hormones and other synthetic “nutrients” which are brewed together in steel vats or bioreactors.

Growing cells into real meat, however, has proven to be difficult and ultimately may be scientifically unachievable. The infrastructure required is vast, expensive to build and dependent on massive, consistent and costly energy inputs.

Scaling up production to meet market demand is proving to be almost impossible as contamination in the bioreactors is a frequent and fatal occurrence. Cellular meat has been massively hyped, but to date there has been no meaningful evaluation of its nutritional value.

If growing meat and milk in laboratories is problematic, the techno foods sector aims to invent even more unrealistic products. Investors have given $3.5 million to Biomilq, a company that claims they can make lab-grown human breast milk.

Funding was given to a company that plans to make woolly mammoth meatballs (using elephant DNA to fill in “gaps” in the mammoth DNA) and finance was provided to a group wanting to make lab-grown pet food (a lightly regulated sector whose consumers will eat anything).

Techno foods demonstrate that everything imaginable is not necessarily achievable. Perhaps food production should be brought back down to earth.

The Rodale Institute has shown that if global crops and pastureland were managed according to regenerative systems, 100% of global CO2 emissions could be stored in soils.

An organic food supply would not only reduce global warming but vastly improve human health and the viability of world healthcare systems while avoiding the centralization and corporate control of food production.

Improving the quality and quantity of our food supply is desirable, but techno foods seem unlikely to do either.

Originally published by GMWatch

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June 11, 2024 6:56 am

The use of herbicides/defoliants long state highways, utility right of ways, state and city parks waterways is appalling, but let your beef cow shit in the creek and the EPA will seize you farm for polluting the ground water.
Also, on top of contaminating the US food supply, the assholes that grow the grains they dry for harvest with glyphosates, also spray that poison on the hay/wheat fields grown to feed livestock and when the manure is processed for the home garden market it destroys the consumers gardens, for years, and the hay/straw can’t be used for mulch either, for the same exact reason.

I used to buy straw mulch for my small garden, but now I don’t because I’ve seen it destroy neighbors’ gardens…but the EPA/USDA/FDA are there to protect the health of consumer and make sure the our environment and foodstuff is safe and clean, right…right? We just have to vote harder, I’m thinking…reeeee

June 11, 2024 7:33 am

Here is the download for 2017 FDA food processing requirements.

Just a mere seven hundred plus pages. There is another whole book if one decides to go organic.
You by chance ever read any of Thomas Malthus’ essays?

June 11, 2024 6:56 am

If only there was a way to turn grass into protein. Oh wait there is, cows, sheep and goats!

June 11, 2024 8:45 am

were not was

M.ake A.merica G.rammatical A.gain

Ain't into Taint
Ain't into Taint
June 11, 2024 8:46 pm

Make tAin’t Gross Again!

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 11, 2024 7:59 am

Will it be halal or kosher? Or is it just to kill off they got and infidel.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
  Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 11, 2024 8:12 am

The goy .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 11, 2024 8:20 am

Be advised: pigs and chickens will not eat this stuff. For anyone who has raised either of these species that should tell you all you need to know about it.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 11, 2024 11:41 pm

My does are mostly refusing alfalfa pellets that we are just experimenting with to increase milk production. I am starting to suspect one of them is a jewish plant who is subverting the herd.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 12, 2024 10:11 am

My husband was dx’d with celiac disease and has been advised against eating gluten. Since he is Italian, that basically means no happiness (you may catch the Brian Regan quip). I’ve adapted a decent biscuit recipe for oat flour and cornbread works fine, but for sandwiches I resorted to buying the gluten free loaves at Aldi’s and while Nick has been toasting it and choking it down dutifully for the three months promised for “retesting”, I joined him for a grilled cheese gluten free yesterday and discovered it is indeed “okay” if you do not mind melted cheese on two pieces of toasted cardboard. The label says it is made with bioengineered ingredients.

I soaked the rest of the loaf in water and put it out for the chickens. It was still there this morning, crumbled up a bit. Even the opossums and raccoons left it alone.

Give us this day our daily bread, Lord. A trip to my Amish friends is in order for a new lesson in breadmaking.

I think I’ll take my a Flemish buck with me to impress Titus. Perhaps trade him for a gallon of maple syrup!

June 12, 2024 10:12 am

Point being that chickens won’t eat it and they eat dirt.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 11, 2024 10:03 am

Hate to disagree, but techno-food is a necessary evolution. More and more small family farms are going to homes as the elderly farmers retire and reap the escalated value of land, or the land is sold to developers in estate settlements. Food is needed in ever increasing amounts to meet the growing world population. Food must come from somewhere. The issue is whether it is safe, tasteful, nutritious and able to be competitively priced. What difference does the source of food make if the preceding criterion are met. Beside, with factory food we could avoid slaughtering innocent animals.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Mr. Hyde
June 11, 2024 10:07 am


  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 11, 2024 11:43 pm

“…when everything American’s believe is a lie.”

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 12, 2024 11:38 am

Obviously never thumped a bunny.

  Mr. Hyde
June 11, 2024 2:10 pm

Maybe we could give the death penalty to all the guilty animals that murder innocent ones, too. Does Dr. Doolittle have a law degree, by any chance?

And this lab-grown dreck can’t be made better, just as a perpetual motion machine or a universal solvent or container can’t be. What a backwards view you espouse! How about creating new young farmers, for a start?
Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?
USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells
What They Don’t Want You To Know About Lab-Grown Meat.
Lab-Grown Meat Is 25 Times Worse for the Environment

  Mr. Hyde
June 12, 2024 12:16 am

comment image

June 11, 2024 12:06 pm

The Enemies of Food Freedom

June 11, 2024 1:12 pm

It’s the intended domination and destruction of creation. Such has always been the goal of the tribe. Thus, we have misguided mainstream prophecies, about the intentions of the people who created the scriptures and have collectively focused for millennia to manifest every hateful promise.

Mrs Remembered's Cat
Mrs Remembered's Cat
June 11, 2024 8:43 pm

RV Guy “Mmm, Honey? Fry me up some carcino-steakums!”