NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation

Via ZeroHedge

Last week, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene took a detour from grilling Anthony Fauci over COVID-19, to confront him with photos of beagles who had been subjected to animal testing experiments widely reported to be funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), following a 2021 investigation series by the group White Coat Waste Project.

We should be recommending you to be prosecuted,” Greene told Fauci. “We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison,” she continued, adding “That man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison.”

This opened up a can of worms which includes a response from White Coat Waste, and triggered the Washington Post‘s Glenn Kessler to do a deep dive into ‘Beaglegage‘ in an effort to debunk Greene.

When we first saw Greene hold up the photo, we figured this would be easy to debunk — another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic. -Washington Post

Only to discover that the NIH appears to have lied about funding the experiment, which involved beagles between 6 and 8 months old obtained from the kennels of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis. In the study, the beagles were sedated and then exposed to hundreds of sand flies that had been deprived of food for 24 hours. This exposure took place as part of research into zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL), a disease carried by sand flies that can affect dogs and humans.

After ZeroHedge amplified the White Coat Waste report (archived), there was a full blown panic.

In late October 2021, CNN asked Fauci to appear for an interview, and one of his staff members suggested late on Oct. 24 that Fauci pause any TV interviews “until we get a handle on this.” Early the next morning, Fauci emailed 12 officials and asked them to “tell me what grant or contract they are referring to.” Within two hours, one replied that they might have identified the grant. (Most staff members’ names are redacted.)

“Let us find out for sure if it is that grant, and then let us take a look at what the experimental design is, and importantly whether it has received the appropriate ethical and animal care consideration,” Fauci replied in an email. “I want this done right away since we are getting bombarded by protests.”

Within two hours, one of the researchers involved, Abhay Satoskar, a professor of pathology and microbiology at Ohio State University, emailed to say that NIAID had been mistakenly cited as a funder of the study and that he would seek a correction from the journal. One NIAID official wrote in an email that Satoskar “stated that it was mistakenly cited because he was not clear of the true purpose of US funding acknowledgment” and that the program in question had been funded only by the Pasteur Institute.

Satoskar, meanwhile asked Shaden Kamhawi, the editor of the journal, to correct the article. Kamhawi initially agreed, but noted internally that she may have a conflict of interest as a NIAID employee. She then sent an email in a panic over the ZeroHedge article potentially inviting “a lot of noise & unwanted attention for [Fauci]. They also called us an “illegitimate blog of no credibility,” which is high praise considering the source.

Study disappears from the database

When the story broke in 2021, the NIH scrubbed it from its database and then fed WaPo disinformation:

When The Post reported on the controversy in November 2021, the article noted: “The trapped-beagles study does not appear in a database of NIH-funded projects.” The emails show that, while it was removed before the publication of The Post article, the study had been listed in the database for months and was still listed as of the previous month, when Fauci first asked about the controversy.

We need that to be corrected too, ASAP please,” one NIH staffer wrote on Oct. 27. The anxiety level rose as officials realized it would take several days, until Nov. 1, before the project would be removed from the database — where reporters could not then find it. -WaPo

What’s more, The NIH also issued a statement in 2021 insisting that they funded a separate study in Tunisia involving a vaccine and that the controversial experiment involving sand flies was not funded by them.

Except – internal NIH communications reveal they had no independent proof other than the principal investigator’s statement that NIH did not fund the controversial study.

Meanwhile, other documents obtained by White Coat Waste reveal that their cover story about the more benign beagle experiment was bullshit too!

Finally, other documents obtained by White Coat Waste suggest the Tunisia study funded by NIH was not as benign as the agency suggested. Instead of an “enclosed open space,” the study’s grant application shows a photograph that indicated that the dogs were kept in a cage as they were “exposed to sand fly bites each night through the sand fly season to ensure transmission.” The grant application also described how, separately, dogs would be sedated and placed in cages for two hours while they were exposed to 15 to 30 female sand flies. -WaPo

Here’s WaPo’s bottom line:

The emails show that NIH was not fully transparent as it tried to handle a public-relations nightmare. Perhaps there was little reason to doubt Satoskar, but officials embraced his explanation without confirming as they rushed out a statement. They made no acknowledgment that they had removed the study from the NIH grant database or that the editor of the journal that quickly issued the correction had a potential conflict of interest. Moreover, the NIH study in Tunisia that the agency said it funded was cast in a positive light that is undermined by the grant application that has since been made public.

Sounds like a National Health Institute of no credibility to us… but then again, what’s new.

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Biff Tannenbaum
Biff Tannenbaum
June 11, 2024 9:20 am

I trust Dr Fauci with my health they way Hannibal Lecter did with his patients

June 11, 2024 9:21 am

This is just the tip of progressive inhumanity. Don’t be careful of these people be FEARFIL. They are sociopaths in the least.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 11, 2024 10:22 am

The scum, embodied by dokter Falsi, are criminally psychotic.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Aunt Acid
June 11, 2024 12:58 pm

TY. A far more accurate description. This is no time to sugar coat anything.

June 11, 2024 6:44 pm

Fauci was gonna use newborns for the Beagle experiment but his staff told him the optics were bad…anyhow the Beagles were more expensive.

June 11, 2024 9:40 am

ZH commenter “Yikes Stripes” provides these links:

58 minutes ago



IT GETS WORSE: Fauci funded inhumane medical experimentation on minority AIDS orphans in NYC
While the COVID Virus Mostly Spared Children, Dr. Fauci Did Not… Tony Fauci Killed from 300,000 to 900,000 Children with His Lockdowns, Mostly in Africa › 2022/06/covid…
“When that failed (in the eyes of Fauci, Gates, WEF) [they] have destroyed their crops, manipulated their weather causing droughts/floods so [they] starve the people of Africa. Seems to me that [they] are all racists! It’s a Wonderful Life…”

Did Dr. Fauci Use African Orphans for AIDS Experiments?


Kary MuIIis on PCR test and fraud at the CDC and “scientific” journals, and Fauci.
Everyone should download and save.
Gay activists freak out online after learning that Fauci was responsible for AIDS epidemic
Interesting what a search for Fauci gay bath house visits pulls up.
Fauci only frequented gay bars and bathhouses all throughout the ‘80s FOR THE SCIENCE, y’all. 
He had to personally experience how AIDS was transmitted. Over and over and over and over again…. – Barnhardt
Dr. Fauci Lurked in Gay Bath Houses (without a suit and tie) all through the 80s to help AIDS…. – Yahoo News
Fauci hosed down naked ‘in kiddy pool’ because he was covered in something white. – The Sun
Video shows 1980s Fauci warning that even just “close contact” with those already afflicted with AIDS could result in infection.
Fauci speculates that “if the close contact of a child is a household contact, perhaps there will be a certain number of cases of individuals who are just living with and in close contact with someone with AIDS, or at risk of AIDS, who does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact or share a needle, but just the ordinary close contact that one sees in normal interpersonal relations.” – Yahoo News
Sound familiar? 
See the Covid-Pattern?
Video here.
WallStreetApes says:
Whistleblower Says Democrat Politician Ran
 A Dark Website For Pedophiles
If you want to know how truly evil the people we’re dealing with are, you need to hear this:
This is from Nathan Larson, Democrat politician, ran for Congress, multiple times. Ran a website for pedos to discuss their dark intentions and fantasies. 
Here’s the quote.
“It’s not enough to f*ck kids and take their innocence. You also need to reproduce the next generation with them. Let them see that you prefer to f*ck the offspring you have with them, than to have s*x with a woman who is no longer jailbait.”
There is more to the quote mentioned in this video but honestly it just gets so much more dark and disgusting I won’t transcribe it. You can watch the clip and hear it. 
The whistleblower provided the evidence to Major News Media, no one would run the story. He says they were all aware of it including enforcement agencies but no one would do anything about it 
Democrats Nathan Larson is an admitted pedophilia advocate who also was on trial for allegedly grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl.

June 12, 2024 6:12 am

Remember, your governments approved and forced all covid insanity. Those responsible have to be charged, all of them.

June 11, 2024 12:03 pm

Executive CONFRONTS Warren Buffett & Bill Gates Over Epstein

June 11, 2024 12:09 pm

Eugenics man staying in the fight to kill us all

June 11, 2024 12:14 pm

I’m of the opinion that tony and his kind should suffer the same fate as their victims.

Minus the sedation, of course.

June 11, 2024 8:48 pm

Ah, c’mon… be creative.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
June 11, 2024 12:19 pm

Forget hanging Fauci from a lamppost. The beagle saga gives me a much better idea.

June 11, 2024 1:06 pm

People who abuse animals will do such to people of they think they can get away with it. It’s a value of life thing. Some don’t have it.

June 11, 2024 1:39 pm

I expect this is the result of operation Paperclip. Import Nazis and become Nazis.

Rather like import 3rd world and become 3rd world.

June 11, 2024 1:50 pm

You and I will both be DVed, but recall who taught the Nazis eugenics: Americans, such as Planned Parenthood and others. The evil-minded trade with each other all the time. The Nazis loved the work of the Jew, Edward Bernays, for example. This Jewish legal scholar, Hans Kelsen, repudiated the results and methods at Nuremberg:

The Menace of Political Show Trials


The Nazi medical plan for control of the planet; World War Two never ended


Nixon, Rockefeller, IG Farben, and global control


IG Farben: the roots of the COVID plan


Dispatches from the War: the pharmaceutical/medical troops occupy planet Earth

June 11, 2024 2:50 pm

How do you measure a beagle?

With a beaglegauge.
How do you let him out of the yard?
With a beagle gate.

Q What do you name your Tavistock mind control rock group?
A The Beegles.

A “My dog doesn’t have a nose.”

B “How does he smell?”

A “Awful.”

June 11, 2024 3:32 pm

How d’ya keep a skunk from smelling?

Put a clothespin over his snout.

June 11, 2024 3:56 pm

Frozen SkunkXg11  Published 11/17/2008

A man and his wife were driving home one very cold night when the wife asks her husband to stop the car. 

There was a baby skunk lying at the side of the 
road, and she got out to see if it was still alive. 

It was, and she said to her husband, “It’s nearly frozen to death. Can we take it with us, get it warm, and let it go in the morning?” 

He says, “OK, get in the car with it.” 

The wife says, “Where shall I put it to get it warm?” 

He says, “Put it between your legs. It’s nice and warm there.” 

“But what about the smell?” asked the wife. 

He says, “Just hold its little nose.” 

The man is expected to recover, but the skunk she used to beat him with died at the scene.

June 11, 2024 3:48 pm

Fed disinformation?
I am old enough to remember when disinformation was called lies.

are You sure?
are You sure?
June 11, 2024 4:08 pm

You may have mis-remembered.

  are You sure?
June 11, 2024 7:11 pm

Absolutely not

Mrs Remembered
Mrs Remembered
  are You sure?
June 11, 2024 7:24 pm

How dare you.
I’m married.
It’s Mrs. Remembered

June 11, 2024 7:23 pm

Uncle Jemima “Dare’s disinformation and dat-information. Mis-information, Mr Information, my favorite is gin-formation. Well, not so much gin as corn mash liquor.

And a throwback to an actually funny SNL skit:

June 11, 2024 9:42 pm

Ethical Skeptic on X: “Week 22 of 2024 Excess Cancer Mortality in younger bracket, ages 0 – 54. – elevated 29% and still rising. 12-sigma event. Inflection began on Week 51 of 2020.” / X

June 13, 2024 6:49 pm

‘Illegitimate blog of no credibility’. Zerohedge breaks ‘em first and gets ‘em right near as I can tell. I came to TBP through Zerohedge.