I Was Invited to a Lottery to Win a Meeting with Julia Roberts, George Clooney, and Joe Biden

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The movie actress Julia Roberts has sent me an email saying that if I send a donation to the Biden campaign I will be included in a lottery to be the one donor chosen to meet her, George Clooney and Biden. “We can’t wait to meet you,” she concludes.

I am amusing myself imaging Biden’s response to meeting me as the chosen donor. If Biden doesn’t know who I am, one of his aides is certain to whisper into his ear. Or would the aide? Biden would want to know “how did this guy get in here?”

Indeed, I wouldn’t get pass the front door. Demonized by PropOrNot as a “Russian agent/dupe,” and put on a new “enemies list” by “Data Journalism Agency” funded by Washington for my non-support of Western intervention in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as I believe it is leading to nuclear war, the Secret Service would stop me at the entrance, and away I would go in handcuffs as an assassin planted by Putin to do in Biden.

The “come hither” from the actress got me to wondering why anyone wants to meet her, Clooney and Biden. I have never understood people’s adoration of actors and actresses or any celebrity. As for Biden, who would want to shake hands with a mass murderer, a person who has refused to defend America’s borders, a person who provokes Russia into war?

It wasn’t that long ago that many people viewed actors and actresses in a negative light, not just because of their loose sexual morality, but more fundamentally because they portrayed themselves in roles that weren’t them. They were people pretending to be someone else. This was seen as a lack of integrity, of character. Actors and actresses were chameleons and characterless.

Today we discuss how well this actress or that actor played being someone else. But what we admire today was once seen as the normalization of falseness.

Of course today we cannot conceive of this way of thinking. which is an indication that standards have changed.

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June 11, 2024 6:27 am

Wow, and PCR didn’t even puke.

June 11, 2024 6:52 am

I would love the opportunity to smash the faces of Joe and George and glaze the tonsils of Julia.

June 11, 2024 8:48 am

Not worth it, your dick would fall off after being in that foul mouth.

June 11, 2024 7:26 am

What does the winner get?

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
June 11, 2024 7:50 am

What’s incredible is these clowns can look out across America and say to themselves “Joe is doing a great job and I want to support it”.
It’s not like they are part of the MIC. They don’t get higher salaries and more movie offers if Joe wins. What can be their motivation?
They can only be idiots who think voting actually matters and Joe with the democrats are doing good things for the country.
……mental defectives

  Steve Z.
June 11, 2024 8:02 am

They’re actors. They are paid to sell their image regardless of their opinions. Also the Pentagon subsidizes Hollywood movies to the tune of billions yearly.

June 11, 2024 8:01 am

Who’d wanna meet with those scumbags ? Maybe to spit in their faces.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 11, 2024 8:03 am

Maybe you’ll get to smoke a rock with hunter too.

June 11, 2024 8:17 am

So, did you make a donation and enter the lottery or not?

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 11, 2024 10:09 am

Usually I disagree with this pundit, but this essay hit the bullseye. Leftist movie stars, especially those two are among those trying to ruin this county. I would no more want to meet them, or Brandon, than shake hands with Benedict Arnold.

June 11, 2024 10:42 am

The second prize is you also get to meet Robert Dinero, Whoopie, and Hillary.

June 11, 2024 11:03 am

So Julia Roberts is doing an old lady remake of Clueless.
Working title:
Moar Cluelesser 56.0.

June 11, 2024 11:48 am

Con game. They screw their own people. You think that ‘ lottery ‘ won’t be rigged ?

Poopa Jay
Poopa Jay
June 12, 2024 5:47 am

The Sweet Poopa Joe and his (s)pacific groupies are now taking donations from North Korea, happily floating bags of shit over the not so open border there. I guess all the Team USA celebrities only have shit that doesn’t stink.

June 12, 2024 11:03 pm

Don’t send money, those are Nigerian Princes hired by the DNC to fund raise…the DNC heard the Princes had millions and only needed an investor to collect.