Carbon Credits Are the Biggest Scam Since Indulgences—How You Can Avoid Being Fleeced

Guest Post by Nick Giambruno

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church convinced the commoners to buy indulgences to alleviate their sins. And they made a fortune in the process.

Similarly, today, our overlords—the mainstream media, central bankers, and their political allies—are working overtime to convince the commoners to pay for their alleged climate sins.

Enter carbon credits, government-issued permits that grant you the privilege to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide.

Although advocates promote them as a way to “save the environment,” in reality, carbon credits are nothing more than a devious mechanism to tax, regulate, and control you.

It’s not a coincidence that the most philosophically and ethically bent people are promoting them.

For example, at a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, participants revealed and touted an “individual carbon footprint tracker.” It will track where people travel, how they travel, what they eat, and what they consume.

Carbon accounting is already creeping into many places, like Google Flights.

A federal carbon tax is already a reality in Trudeau’s Canada, and it’s causing the price of food and other goods and services to soar. But Canadians haven’t seen anything yet—the federal carbon tax will triple by 2030.

In short, there’s a growing push to implement the carbon credit scam worldwide. And that’s not a coincidence.

Remember, central banks only exist to harvest wealth from the populace through inflation and redirect it to the politically connected, an insidious practice known as seigniorage.

Fiat currency is the usual mechanism central banks use to perpetuate this fraud. They get most people to run on a hamster wheel most of their lives chasing after confetti money they create with no effort.

However, there is a limit to this process.

For example, the governments in Venezuela and Zimbabwe have debased their currencies to such an extent that they are worthless. They have squeezed as much wealth out of their populations through seigniorage as possible.

Governments in the US, Canada, the EU, and others still benefit from seigniorage, but they sense they are not getting as much juice from the squeeze as they used to. Price increases are hitting multi-decade highs, and the US dollar, the euro, and other fiat currencies are quickly losing their luster.

In other words, central banks are debasing fiat currencies to the point where they can no longer extract as much seigniorage as they used to. That presents bankrupt Western governments with a big financial problem and is why they need to find a new way to harvest wealth from their citizens.

That’s where carbon credits come in. They’re the new mechanism of seigniorage designed to transfer wealth from you to the politically connected.

The idea is to get people to run on the hamster wheel chasing carbon credits, an artificial construct governments create with no effort.

Think of it like this…

Imagine if Tony Soprano forced everyone in his neighborhood to buy “breathing credits” from him, which grant you the privilege to breathe a certain amount of air. And that, naturally, it would cost Tony Soprano nothing to create as many of these “breathing credits” as he wanted. He could also hand them out to his friends and others who did favors for him, creating a corrupt patronage system.

This is basically what governments plan to do with carbon credits. Except they are also gaslighting you by telling you they are helping save the planet. Without that patina of propaganda—which the media, academia, and the rest of the establishment reinforce—there’s a good chance the people would revolt.

What To Do

The foundation is being laid to create a totalitarian system to track, control, and tax carbon—an element that touches every activity of human life.

Carbon credits are merely a way for governments, central bankers, and their allies to control the populace and secure continued seigniorage as the fiat currency system flounders.

It’s the biggest scam since the indulgences of the Middle Ages.

The good news is that there is still time to fight back. The bad news is that there isn’t much time.

That’s precisely why I recently released an urgent video with legendary investor Doug Casey and renowned hedge fund manager Chris MacIntosh.

The Green Energy Deception: 

The Collapse of the Green Scam… How Investors Can Profit Right Now

Click here to watch it now.

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June 11, 2024 7:38 pm

POLITICO: ‘Europe’s Greens take a beating at the polls. Is the US next?’

June 11, 2024 7:50 pm

Suck my diesel

goldman-sucks in the woodpile
goldman-sucks in the woodpile
June 11, 2024 8:23 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 11, 2024 8:48 pm

If everyone sends me a dollar a day, I’ll hold in my farts. You can totally trust me.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Iska Waran
June 11, 2024 9:59 pm

I “totally” do!

June 11, 2024 9:06 pm

If he wanted people to do something about it why not just TELL THEM WHAT TO DO instead of directing people to a damn video?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 11, 2024 10:01 pm

I think you might be misunderstanding what’s really wanted here…but that is a separate issue entirely.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 11, 2024 9:58 pm




June 11, 2024 10:43 pm

Nobody who believes in the one true God is afraid of “climate change”. The very notion is ridiculous. God actively sustains all creation. I think all of this is ultimately an attack on Jesus Christ and His Church.

June 11, 2024 11:39 pm

First of all, what device are they using to measure something, like in the graphic, saying something like 278 kg CO2 emissions? How do they know if it’s accurate? Like police radar speed detectors that must be recalibrated after every certain cycles.
Or is it all smoke and mirrors and just pull random numbers to justify high CO2 readings, when in reality, it’s dangerously low.

June 12, 2024 12:05 am

Never believe anything Government tells you especially when it’s such an obvious scam like Covid then vaccines then Ukraine now Bird Flu …
We are going to have to eradicate a great deal of who but I assholes . Perhaps a ridiculous tax on carbon credits similar to income tax but more confiscatory.
If you can afford Carbon tax credits you probably are not affected when purchasing them
Better yet execute those who think carbon credits and deficit spending to $34 trillion of debt is ok

June 12, 2024 6:00 am

CO2 is not a pollutant or a climate driver. If it is possible to lower the level in the atmosphere such a thing just might kill us all.
Without coal, oil and gas we will die in very large numbers.

June 12, 2024 9:46 am

It’s about depopulation.