Biden and Macron Bow to Zelensky at D-Day Event

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

US President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to once again discuss America’s role in funding Ukraine’s war with Russia. Biden publicly apologized to Zelensky for delaying the $61 billion aid package, as US Senators have stalled the bill in a failed attempt to coerce Biden to invest in his own country. The entire D-Day memorial was shamefully transformed into a public spectacle to promote the West’s war against Russia.

I apologize for those weeks of not knowing what’s going to happen in terms of funding. Some of our very conservative members [of Congress] were holding it up. But we got it done, finally,” Biden said. “We’re still in. Completely. Thoroughly.” Where is his apology to Americans for recklessly spending to the point of no return on endless wars that he will expect them to die in for an unjust cause? Now America can’t let Russia actually win this war that the West carefully orchestrated. Prolonging the war is dependent upon Western funding.

Zelensky compared the situation with Russia to World War II, ironically, and said the United States and Ukraine must stand “shoulder to shoulder.” Zelensky said it was once again America’s duty to “save Europe.” Biden obliged by committing another $224 million to Ukraine.

President Macron of France was also on board with celebrating a future Ukrainian victory rather than honoring the troops in attendance. “I’m sure that a day will come when Ukraine will see the same jets in our skies that we saw in Normandy skies yesterday,” Zelensky later told French politicians. “Your combat aviation, brilliant fighter jets under Ukrainian pilots’ command will prove that Europe is stronger, stronger than evil which dared to threaten it.”

Romanticizing the idea of another world war on D-Day is one of the most pathetic propaganda techniques yet. I doubt the veterans in attendance would want any young men to endure that suffering on behalf of politicians who do not care about the people they represent. These world leaders are keen on ushering in World War III regardless of the will of the people.

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June 10, 2024 6:58 am

We are living the last few verses of Romans Chapter One. A whole lot of forces at work.
It all starts with homosexuality and then all the other sexual deviant behaviors set in with the end results shown below.
Here are the last couple of verses (28-32) from the Amplified Bible Translation, think about them.
“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them.”

There is a reason that ‘educators’ do not want people to learn how to read in government schools today.


June 10, 2024 12:52 pm

There’s reason the Jewish bog money central banking interests want the Goyim buying into their pseudo religion cults promising Armageddon and one world government too. I’m thinking the way home is not through the spoon-fed narratives of the people already destroying and enslaving the world at large.

June 10, 2024 7:27 am

Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month
Marine Le Pen’s far right party defeated Emanuel Macron’s EU Elections on Sunday.
Le Pen’s party is winning 32% of the vote.

French President Emmanuel Macron was pulverized in the national election today. According to exit polling, Marine LePen’s National Rally party will win around 32% of the vote, while Macron’s Renaissance party will win around 15%. Overall, in the EU elections this weekend the populist movement expanded seats and the leftist/green party’s lost seats.

Sacré Bleu! – Marine Le Pen Trounces Emanuel Macron EU Elections – Macron Calls for Snap Election Later This Month

June 10, 2024 8:22 am

TBH, what actually happened was that Macron bowed to Zelensky while Biden half squatted and shit himself. Marty was just being polite with the wording of the title.

The Puppetier
The Puppetier
June 10, 2024 9:32 am

Cock talk about getting the Ukrainian investigator fired by holding up a billion dollars,

Turned into “Sorry it’s taking so long to steal the rest of the money, even I can’t collect my 10% until it is stolen.”

June 10, 2024 10:10 am

The count down to leakage….

And a Joe Biden created turd asstronaut accidentally hit the launch button at gape Canaveral.

June 10, 2024 10:28 am

“The entire D-Day memorial was shamefully transformed into a public spectacle to promote the West’s war against Russia.”

If it’s war they want, then it’s war they’ll get. It’s a good thing Putin is calling the shots because if Medvedev were President of Russia, it’s very likely mushroom clouds would be already be rising over Ukraine and other parts of Europe.

June 10, 2024 12:53 pm

Did Zelensky curtsey back?

June 10, 2024 4:30 pm

Nice photo. Is Macrone married to Tom Petty?