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June 9, 2024 9:59 am

This points out the futility and willful ignorance of calling America a Constitutional Republic. It’s also causing resentment because it’s becoming a term of capitalist privilege; elitist and colonialist and is rather putrid, availing largess to the leisured oligarchic class that ‘just want to be left alone’, while the masses are too busy and famished to participate in the civic administration of the country and largely are no longer invested in it. The majority of people are poorer and more disconnected with the levers of social, economic and political levers of power and the mobility thereof with each successive war. That it is not a concern or pressing issue to a majority of people further reinforces that this is not a country that even wants or is capable of managing how the national and local monies are generated, earned and allocated, but will endure the consequences of the purveyors of Realpolitik exponentially. Special interest types need to stop putting forth the disinformation that this is some sort of domestically managed system of governance through a civically informed voting body politic in regulating foreign and national affairs. The resultant blowback will prove monumental in checking institutional power at a particular threshold for the people and political powers; a clash of civilizations. The voters are however among the hugest facilitators of their own dispossession while eagerly anticipating and awaiting their trickle-down depleted quality of living standards.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2024 10:38 am

If you think the masses are famished, you haven’t seen the asses of the masses.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
  hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2024 11:08 am

Lol, the masses have some massive asses .

  Framius Ridiculousus
June 9, 2024 11:26 am

Considered giant, 23 years (a generation) ago:
comment image
Surgeon General: Americans Have Gigantic Fat AssesThe Onion › surgeon-general-americans…
Jun 13, 2001 — WASHINGTON, DC–According to a report released Monday by the Surgeon General’s office, 67 percent of U.S. citizens have gigantic fat asses, with

June 9, 2024 11:29 am

Oh, and, in 2001, the fedgov sec’y of health was a fit man, not a fat tranny with a fake admiralty.

We don’t have too much further down to go.

June 9, 2024 1:56 pm

America is still a consitutional republic. It is just near the end stage.
The treasury is bare ( and the spr).
The people no longer trust the media.
Everything is ” the last chance to save it” and no comprimises.
In a 2 party system we see the fuckery where suddenly one party allows the other party to steamroll or halt legislation.
Shooting judges will be next if we follow the historical fall of RR governments

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2024 10:35 am

There never was.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2024 11:41 am

But there WILL be…and it’s on the way right now.

June 9, 2024 10:52 am

That “evil” Vodka Man Bad Vlad dropping some truth bombs. When the USSR went poof, in my grug headed ways thought, great now NATO can go bye-bye and the USA can vacate all the European bases and other facilities. Let European countries do their own thing for defense. Yeah, I was stupid for thinking that. Here we are today, the GAE a paper Tiger.

June 9, 2024 11:41 am

The research is used to further usurp the country. Think of the Frankfurt School for instance and how they were able to direct research into policies, trendsetting, and in shaping worldviews. This methodology is the point; that there are always active movers and shakers planning, strategizing and affecting incentives, influence, and transformation of the institutions (preparing future workers for automation), wages and incomes and the according surplus generated thereby-in whom they are directionalized to actually benefit and fortify, along with the defining of gender trends and how that entrenches the elites as they marry to ensure generational wealth, the politically determined access and availability of goods and services and housing market prices further ensuring stratification and lack, along with predetermined affordability of non-GMO and healthy foods, medicines and supplements (without energy and proper nutrition these things aren’t agitated for overall). These outcomes don’t come out of a void. They are actively deliberated and enacted. The issue is that it is only one-sided. There is no such counterpart on the part of the people, and hence why they are not a realized Constitutional Republic. That is why all they can do is react, but have no solutions overall. The weight of civically administering a country seems to be too much for them to be able to process and grasp agreeing to let the politicians finagle them out of regulating these sectors.

June 9, 2024 1:06 pm

The Empire will continue as long as the few Elites are benefiting from it. The slaves should not be complaining or their crumbs will be taken away.

June 9, 2024 5:19 pm

It seems Putin (and Xi undoubtedly also) understands that nothing need be done about the US.
It will slowly destroy itself and burn out, taking its remaining allies with it.
One can see this abroad, and at home.
As the government’s ability at control diminishes, the opportunity for freedom increases.
There is no need for a ‘revolution’.
Who wants control of a sinking ship?
Better to choose a lifeboat.
The country is slowly collapsing in on itself.
The institutions are a feeble joke of times past.
When the jackboots of the state are paid in worthless paper or worthless bytes, their loyalties will shift.
The best hope would be for a collapse into a federation of states that can squabble amongst themselves.

The Puppetier
The Puppetier
June 9, 2024 9:06 pm

The world is being run on the concentration camp model.

Think about it.

Any doubts?
Read Lies of Ulysses by Rassinier.


Men with brassards appeared at eight o’clock: a table was set up; a clerk sat down. One by one we passed in front of the table where we stated our registration number, name, and profession. The men with brassards were Czechs and Poles who had been interned for a variety of offenses. They were heavy handed and made generous use of the rubber truncheons with which they were armed. “Hier ist Dora! Mensch! Bloder Hund!” and wham, wham.
This second quote from the second link proves that sufficient supplies were sent to the camps only to be stolen by the inmates from each other:

Meanwhile, the sick in the infirmary were dying from the lack of this special food which the S.S. had intended for them. In explaining the mechanics of the thievery, Kogon just calls it an aspect of “system D”, indiscriminately used by all of the prisoners who were involved with the distribution of the food. Such a characterization is both inaccurate and charitable, with regard to the Haeftlingsfuehrung.
The worker, in whatever Kommando, could not steal, because the Kapo and the foreman, all set to denounce him, watched him very closely. At the most when the distribution of rations was made, he could risk taking something from one of his fellow sufferers. But, the Kapo and the foreman, working together, could set aside something from the supply of rations, before distribution, and this they cynically did. And this “setting aside” was done with impunity, too, because they could not be denounced except through the chain of command, that is, through themselves. They stole for themselves, for their friends, for those in authority to whom they were indebted for their positions, and, in the higher ranks of the hierarchy, for the S.S., from whom they hoped to keep or get protection.
As for the diet of the sick, the Kapo of the infirmary — the very one who attested to the accuracy and the objectivity of Kogon’s testimony — expropriated a considerable quantity for the benefit of his colleagues and the accredited Communists. [7] During my stay at Buchenwald, every morning he set aside some milk, about a liter, and some other delicacies, for Erich, chief of Block 48. Multiply this example of plunder by the number of persons in the whole camp, who also had the opportunity to steal, and one can see the amount of milk which the sick in the infirmary never received. Compared to this kind of theft, the petty scroungings along the food distribution circuit were insignificant.

The inmates in the camps behaved like selfish animals, stealing from their fellow inmates, and got away with it.

June 10, 2024 2:17 am

It’s a unicycle world, ridden by clowns.