Double Feature: Hungarian PM Says the Danger of a new world war is growing and a New Enemies List

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Prime Minister of Hungary agrees that the West is close to the point of no return in the Ukrainian conflict and that a clash with Russia Looms.

A Ukrainian web publication, “Data Journalism Agency,” a propaganda organization financed by the US Government, has published an enemies list of 390 people and 76 organizations who do not support, or have second thoughts about supporting, the war against Russia that the West is conducting in Ukraine.

Somehow PM Orban escaped identification as “enemy.” I made the list along with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Donald Trump, billionaires Charles Kock and Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswarmy, Andrew Bacevich, Tucker Carlson, Col. Douglas Macgregor, Jeffrey Sachs, Scott Ritter, Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Taibbi, Ray McGovern, William Binney, Gerald Celente, Candace Owens, Katrina vanden Heuvel and The Nation, Seymour Hersh, “The Squad,” Amb. Jack Matlock, Professor Michel Chossudovsky and Global Research, The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Cato Institute, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jill Stein, Stephen Walt, Noam Chomsky, Codepink, Chris Hedges,, Zero Hedge, Glenn Greenwald, Professor John Mearsheimer, Women Against Military Madness and several hundred other people and organizations, including many Republican members of the House and Senate but other than The Squad few or no Democrat ones.

Here is the list:

The compilers of the list overlooked Mike Whitney and a number of others. Perhaps the compilers were worried that a list too large would validate the opposition to the war.

I assume the purpose of the list is to identify the people who need to be discredited, shut down, cancelled, and investigated by the FBI as “Russian agents/dupes” for their opposition to the widening of the war by the West’s increasing participation.

On the other hand, we can view the list as the leaders we have who are working to avoid a catastrophic situation.

The battle is between truth and propaganda. We will see which prevails.

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June 9, 2024 8:56 am

Listen to any government pathetic parasite elected appointed or hired from any alphabet agency and it should be quite obvious leftist lunacy and mental illness of the indoctrinated prevails and is supported by village idiots .
This is true in the majority of all governing bodies local state and especially federal .
The organized theft of the confiscatory tax system allowing currency to be introduced out of thin air supports these useful idiots as real wealth generating working citizens circle the drain
As the Republic falls off the debt cliff remember it’s not the fall , it’s that sudden stop when these idiots have assured we will hit rock bottom so let’s go to war !
They , you know the big THEY will demonize Putin and Russia as their latest BOOGEYMEN.
BUT those who understand indoctrination and avoid it will realize Russia and other World leaders that stand against the US are an unfortunate consequence of the mental illness that prevails in the US government
Putin and Russia, China and Xi all have their issues but they are not necessarily the bad guys !
Its the lunatics in Washington DC that sold out their country and citizens that are the bad guys

June 13, 2024 1:09 am

Nothing to do with left lunacy or right lunacy – it’s all to do with one thing and one thing alone: transferring ever more wealth to those that don’t need it, they already being billionaires a few dozen times over.

The oligarchs pick the presidential candidates and organise the punch and judy show. They organise the ballot stuffing/computer fraud if entirely necessary. They organise the bungs and bribery of Congressfolk and Senators, spicing it up with a few insider trading tips to keep them on the inside.

Corruption knows no political creed – it just knows about brown envelopes, share transfers, secret inside information and stamping on honest outsiders.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 9:14 am

I fear they will do to Hungary what they did to Yugoslavia. If it wasn’t for their atrociously built Yugo’s, no one would even remember that Yugoslavia ever existed. An entire culture wiped out. Disintegrated.

June 9, 2024 9:48 am

All those who are not prepared to fight in person, do not have the ability to fight in person, need to s t f u.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 12:06 pm

Gonna have to disagree with ya there, bro. I got no problems accepting moral support from the physically infirm. Not to mention that helping the less fortunate is part of our Commission.

Not a republicrat
Not a republicrat
June 9, 2024 9:29 pm

Who elected you the gatekeeper of who can comment here. Fuck you -shut the fuck up yourself.

June 13, 2024 1:10 am

You can fight without weapons you know. Especially if your foes are thick thugs with much more powerful military armaments….

June 9, 2024 12:27 pm

Being listed there is a badge of honour.
Thanks to ukies for the compilation.
They are right for a wrong reason.

June 9, 2024 3:30 pm

Orban is now questionable, possibly a fake good guy.
If he was one they would have already tried to silence him.
There are rumours that his mother was a jewish Gypsy.
Him not being on that list seems to confirm he is a fraud.
It is a great honor to be on that list, to be an enemy of evil.
But many of the names on that list are fakes and frauds.
It is the common people, the peacemakers, the blessed poor, who are the true enemies of evil, they will eventually rise up against Eveil and vanquish it and rule in a peacful heavenly world as loving caretakers and loving grateful protectors of this earth and its bounty, for eternity.
Of course before that happens, this world which has been destroyed, poiosned and made disgusting and polutted annd dead, will have to be reserected.
In the end all good will reserect just as Chrsit did.
All evil will go down literally down to Hell in flames.
After the warning we eill all be able to truly distinguish the good from the corrupt and evil, no matter what lists they are on now, or how many are fooled by them.
The good will be filled with horror at the sight of the evil ones as they will be here one arth visibly consumed by a fire, the same fire that they will be consumned by for all eternity in Hell.
Then they cannot fool us any more.
It will be a very visble sign,because nothing can put out that fire.
When they try toextinguish it with water, it will burn even hotter.
Gates, Soros, Musk, Trump, Biden, almost the entire Congress and senate, all the top people the UN, WEF, WHO members, Zickurberg, Oprah and Bezos, all the CIA, top Military, high freemasons, illuminati, celebrities, Hollywood insiders, music stars, many religious leaders, all of them will burn and we will all see it happen before the end, before the new world to come for those who endured until the end and did not serve mammon.
The onse who understand that we are all just raw material to be molded into what we each chooe to make ourselves, either an expression of God’s creation, or an expression of the devil’s destruction of what God created, like the jews.

June 10, 2024 5:05 am

Jewish Gypsy?
Either Jewish or Gypsy.
Question your sources. If the source is your imagination, double down.

June 13, 2024 1:13 am

Orban is quite simple, he is not interested in the USA, he is not interested in a Hungarian Empire, he is simply interested in preserving Hungarian nationhood and economic interests.

He has his fights with the EU and he is not alone in that. He quite sensibly believes that Russian oil and gas is far more reliable and far cheaper than US LNG.

I suggest that you live your fantasy religious life in the USA and bring all your fantasist USA soldiers home from all over the world and let the rest of the world sort out their own issues without your ‘manifest destiny’ claptrap decade after decade.

June 13, 2024 1:04 am

The compilers overlooked hundreds of millions of people deemed not sufficiently important to be listed. People like me and you.

About time that we compiled a similar list of enemies to humanity, eh?

  1. William Gates III.
  2. George Soros.
  3. Anthony Blinken.
  4. Jake Sullivan.
  5. Victoria Nuland and her husband.
  6. Ambassador Brzezinski in Poland.
  7. Benjamin Netanyahu.
  8. Volodomyr Zelensky.
  9. Keir Starmer.
  10. Emanuel Macron.

Well, that’s ten to be going on with. I’m sure we could add a few hundred more….