Who Really Beat the Germans?

Guest Post by Brian Maher

Eighty years ago this day the Allied powers massively raided the French beaches at Normandy.

It was a superexcellent event — the greatest maritime invasion in all of history.

Its plotting, its organizing and its implementation remain astounding wonders.

Over 4,000 Allied men fell down that day and never stood back up — over half were American.

Thousands and thousands more were slain in subsequent campaigns against Herr Hitler’s armies.

If you ask an American he will likely instruct you that D-Day was the high moment of the Second World War.

It represented the momentous pivot. He will concede that Allied nations had something to do with it.

Yet he will tell you theirs was a junior contribution. It was an American show with American stars and Allied extras.

Is it true? It is largely untrue.

It is truer to claim the United States largely scotched imperial Japan than Nazi Germany.

In certain respects the German armies the Allies battled in Normandy were sad shadows of themselves.

They were largely underpowered and undermanned. As we have noted before: Some Germans manning the Atlantic Wall were not even German.

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Many German units had been depleted on the Eastern Front. They were on recuperation in France when the Allies dropped in on them.

They remained formidable nonetheless.

The English Churchill once claimed, “You don’t know war until you have fought Germans.”

The Allies knew war. In every meaningful joust the Germans inflicted greater casualties upon the Allies than they absorbed.

Allied materiel superiority simply overmatched and overwhelmed them — American materiel superiority in particular.

The Germans moaned that if they encountered an enemy force and were met with well-aimed rifle fire, they were up against the British.

If they got sprayed by machine gun fire it was Russians.

If nothing happened at all and 30 seconds later they were showered with artillery shells… they knew they had run into Americans.

The Germans were astonished that the smallest American units enjoyed such luxurious combat support. They did not have it. Nor did they believe it was gentlemanly.

We do not seek to diminish, demean or dismiss the valor and accomplishments of the United States Army.

We certainly do not intend to diminish, demean or dismiss the sacrifices of its men — we have visited the American military cemetery above Omaha Beach.

Yet the United States was not the war’s central victor. Who then was the war’s central victor?

The answer is the Russians. The Russians did much of the wet work.

The United States showered them with substantial materiel assistance, it is true.

The convoy routes to Murmansk were busy — as were the German Unterseebooten interdicting them.

Yet it was the Russians who largely trounced the Germans. The war in the East heavily decided the Second World War.

The Eastern Front was a scene of unrivaled homicide.

The 1943 Battle of Kursk — for example — was the largest confrontation in the history of warfare.

Over 3 million men were at each other’s throats. Ten thousand tanks and 8,000 aircraft locked in hellacious competition.

The Russians won and the Germans were subsequently cooked. Following Kursk German defeat was not if — but when.

The battle transpired nearly one entire year before the Allied landfall in France.

The Russian Operation Bagration ran from June 1944 to August 1944.

It murdered some 450,000 German soldaten and wrecked 28 crackerjack divisions.

Had those forces been available for service in France, the Allies would have likely confronted a severe mauling.

Yet the Russians handled them. From the military perspective, Bagration bulked far larger than Overlord.

It cleared the route to Berlin.

How significant was the Russian contribution to the Allied triumph?

Russia inflicted some 80% of all German wartime casualties — 80%!

The United States, Great Britain, Canada and additional Allies inflicted a mere 20%.

In all, the United States withstood some 400,000 World War II combat fatalities. Russian combat fatalities… meantime… ran to 8.7 million.

An additional 19 million Russian civilians went under the sod — over 27 million Russians in all.

The nightmare is burned and seared into the Russian memory.

Is it any wonder then that the Russians are so alert to external menaces — including that of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?

We would remind you that portions of Ukraine sit east of Moscow.

Place to one side Mr. Putin’s multiple atrocities. If you seek to understand his trespassing of Ukraine, look first to geography.

Yet on this 80th D-Day anniversary, we reflect upon the war’s avoidability.

The abovesaid Churchill even labeled it “the unnecessary war.”

Why did the unnecessary war become the inevitable war? Read on.

Wilson’s “Gift” That Keeps on Giving

By Brian Maher

A nation can survive its fools, it has been said — but not its traitors. Yet we begin to suspect the opposite is true. That is, a nation can survive its traitors — but not its fools. That is because a nation’s fools nearly infinitely outnumber a nation’s traitors.

Please answer this question: How many traitors roam within your range of acquaintances? Now please answer this question: How many fools roam within your range of acquaintances?

If the fools do not exceed the traitors by a count of 1,000-1 we would collapse immediately upon the floor.

All evidence we have compiled indicates the ratio of fools to traitors very far exceeds even the 1,000-1 figure we cited. It may indeed approach 1,000,000-1.

Being a fool is no crime, of course. We would be rotting behind the bars if it were. Much of the population would be with us — as would our very jailors.

Fools nonetheless present dangers. And the damages they work often defy calculation. A fool is a fool, it is true. Yet a fool with a bad idea in his head is a toddler with a loaded pistol in his hand…

Woodrow Wilson, Fool

In 1917, after three years of relative neutrality, Woodrow Wilson ordered the doughboys into the trenches. Was Woodrow Wilson a traitor for meddling in Europe’s civil war? We would never suggest it.

He may have meant the best in the world. He may have authentically wished to make the world safe for democracy — and by extension safe for America (as well as the large American banks, who had extended the Allies substantial loans).

He may have believed the angels were with him.

But was he a fool for hurling the nation into a European civil war? Almost certainly. The warring parties had nearly bled themselves white by 1917. Neither side could shatter the other.

They would have likely exhausted themselves. They would have likely come to terms and walked away, honors even. “Never again!” they would have cried.

But Mr. Wilson dispatched the boys “over there” in 1917. This dispatching shifted the battle tide against the kaiser. And the Allies “won” the war.

Yet the Versailles Treaty that closed the war to end all wars… spawned the peace to end all peace.

The German nation did not consider itself defeated on the field of battle. And why would it?

Where were the Allied breakthroughs across the Rhine? Where were the German towns falling one by one to Allied onslaughts?

There were none.

Germany believed it was signing up for “peace without victory” when it signed at Versailles in November, 1919. It did not believe it was signing for defeat.

The European Allies who signed the same document entertained ideas altogether different. They embraced the theory of German defeat. What is more, they embraced the theory that Germany was uniquely responsible for the civilization-wrecking warfare.

Thus they yelled for harshest retributions against Germany.

These retributions and the German resentments trailing behind them paved the path for Herr Hitler — with all that followed.

In brief: Mr. Wilson’s fool crusade failed to make the world safe for democracy. It rather made the world unsafe for democracy by making the world safe for fascism… and communism.

Mr. Wilson’s shade remains in favor among today’s overseas interventionists. His ghost has been observed recently in Ukraine, wagging an index finger against isolationism.

American anti-interventionists are aware of his ethereal presence. They have countered with a wagging finger of their own, directed towards Mr. Wilson.

It is not an index finger — but the middle digit. But to proceed…

WWI was coined “The Great War” until an even greater war broke loose 20 years later. This greater war you know as WWII.

We must return then to Versailles. Was Woodrow Wilson and his famous 14 Points responsible for the Second World War?

All Roads Lead Back to Wilson

Here our former colleague David Stockman hauls Wilson into history’s dock. Does David exhibit clemency? No. David instead indicts Wilson for every crime on the calendar:

Had Woodrow Wilson not misled America on a messianic crusade, the Great War would have ended in mutual exhaustion in 1917 and both sides would have gone home battered and bankrupt but no danger to the rest of mankind.

Indeed, absent Wilson’s crusade there would have been no Allied victory, no punitive peace and no war reparations; nor would there have been a Leninist coup in Petrograd or Stalin’s barbaric regime.

Likewise, there would have been no Hitler, no Nazis, no Holocaust, no global war against Germany and Japan and no incineration of 200,000 civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Nor would there have followed a Cold War with the Soviets or CIA-sponsored coups and assassinations in Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Brazil and Chile to name a few. Surely there would have been no CIA plot to assassinate Castro, or Russian missiles in Cuba or a crisis that took the world to the brink of annihilation.

There would have been no domino theory and no Vietnam slaughter, either.

Nor would we have had to come to the aid of the mujahedeen and train the future al-Qaida in Afghanistan. Likewise, there would have been no Khomeini-led Islamic revolution and no U.S. aid to enable Saddam’s gas attacks on Iranian boy soldiers in the 1980s.

Nor would there have been an American invasion of Arabia in 1991 to stop our former ally Saddam Hussein from looting the equally contemptible emir of Kuwait’s ill-gotten oil plunder — or, alas, the horrific 9/11 blowback a decade later.

Nor would we have been stuck with a $1 trillion Warfare State budget today.

Does David simplify events? Do we simplify events? Perhaps so.

A Fool, Not a Traitor

We do not propose the 20th century would have remained bloodless absent Mr. Wilson’s botchwork. The world was — as it always is — to its neck with fools. And these fools would have certainly gotten themselves up to mischief somehow or other.

Yet we believe the hottest hells of the 20th century may have been averted had Mr. Wilson simply sat upon his hands in April 1917 — and kept the boys home.

But it was not treason that sent Mr. Wilson stumbling into Europe’s war… and the world subsequently into the 20th century’s hells.

It was foolishness.

“God has a special providence for fools, [drunks] and the United States of America,” said Germany’s Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck.

It has remained the case. Yet we begin to suspect even God’s providence has its limits…

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Bought & Paid for
Bought & Paid for
June 8, 2024 6:59 pm

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Woodrow Wilson

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Bought & Paid for
June 9, 2024 12:48 am

comment image

June 8, 2024 7:10 pm

The same folks who, so far, have beaten everyone, and are beating what’s left of The West: the bankster mafia and secret societies, in concert. Oh, and they’re aided and abetted by the compliant billions who acquiesce in their continuing subjection, which this time will result in gigadeath depop.

June 9, 2024 5:55 am

Russia is as controlled by Jewish central banking as the U.S. and China. National Socialist Germany bypassed central banking, while central banking and FDR armed the Soviets for industrialized, genocidal war. To cover their crimes the Jewish media falsely accused National Socialist Germany of genocide. While Western Allied fire bombing campaigns and Stalin’s policy and practice of mass rape perpetrated genocide upon Germany, and even much of Soviet occupied Eastern Europe. To this day no one can point us to a National Socialist gas chamber which would facilitate human euthanasia in the real world.

June 8, 2024 7:20 pm

But it was not treason that sent Mr. Wilson stumbling into Europe’s war… and the world subsequently into the 20th century’s hells.

It was foolishness.


A suspicious person might wonder how it happened that Wilson came to power in the first place.

Odd coincidences abound, in the election of 1912.

From Wikipedia….

The 1912 United States presidential election was the 32nd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912. Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft while defeating former President Theodore Roosevelt (who ran under the banner of the new Progressive/”Bull Moose” Party) and Socialist Party nominee Eugene V. Debs…

Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt

At a campaign stop in Milwaukee on October 14, John Schrank, a saloonkeeper from New York, shot Roosevelt in the chest. The bullet penetrated his steel eyeglass case and a 50-page single-folded copy of his speech Progressive Cause Greater Than Any Individual and became lodged in his chest. Schrank was immediately disarmed and captured….

Death of Vice President Sherman

On October 30, 1912, Vice President James S. Sherman died of nephritis, leaving Taft without a running mate less than a week before the election.

June 8, 2024 7:36 pm

There are actually a few American Citizens that actively search for the honest details of Our History, good or bad.
I’m one of them….but it has to be vetted and unquestionable.

June 8, 2024 7:49 pm

Didn’t need this article to know it was the Russians.
My hats off to them..
Now, even if I didn’t admire them for their National Bravery, I’d still be very cautious of making any country that spans 9 times zones an enemy.

June 8, 2024 10:11 pm

Nations and so called leaders in Europe and the U.S have always underestimated the Russians, as they are now. They call the war in Ukraine an invasion, how can you invade you own land???? Ukraine has been Russia for centuries same goes for the Crimea, it’s why Obama never raised a stink about Crimea because it belong to Russia. It’s all History my friends. Ukraine is a made up Country.

June 9, 2024 5:44 am

The Russians would have offered little to no resistance, had not FDR been arming the Soviets for global scale industrialized war, during the 1930’s. While the Depression raged FDR built up the Soviet Union, or more precisely the Soviet military. That’s why the Soviets had more tanks and war planes than the rest of the world combined. And why a preemptive Operation Barbarossa met with a Soviet force of over 40,000 battle tanks, a likewise number of war planes, and over 2,000,000 Soviet troops. Had this Soviet force been staged for defense and not invasion, a hopelessly outnumbered and out gunned Wehrmacht would have ceased to exist on or near that day, June 22 1941. Leaving the entirety of Western Europe wide open for a Soviet invasion. Which was the plan of Stalin, and by all indications FDR. The greatest generation laid down their lives and their nation, fighting until the end a combination of central banking Capitalism and central banking Communism. Or worldwide Israel/Judea.

June 9, 2024 9:48 am

While our boys were suffering in the South Pacific from lack of materiel because
FDR’s live-in jew advisor Harry Hopkins was manipulating him to send materiel
to the jew bolsheviks in the USSR
Read Diana West’s book “Betrayal” for the sordid details

June 8, 2024 8:31 pm

The lesson for the Russians should have been that if you allow yourselves to be ruled by a foreign occupational government, that hates you beyond sanity, you are going to be sent off to fight wars that solely serve your masters interests at your great expense.

A lesson the Americans will soon have the opportunity to learn.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 8:39 pm

It’s obvious that the USSR carried the water bucket. But don’t forget Stalin had his invasion plans too. Hate to say it, but Hitler’s invasion of the USSR was unexpected and caught Stalin off guard.

If he hadn’t invaded, we might be speaking Russian today in Peoria.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 10:54 pm

I was in Peoria a couple of weeks ago and there were Ragheads protesting at intersections. Hope you won’t be speaking Arabic down there.

  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 10:54 pm

It is a fact that the Soviets were mobilizing to steamroll Europe before Hitler even tried to liberate his countrymen in Poland.

June 9, 2024 5:45 am


  lamont cranston
June 9, 2024 9:51 am

Stalin was mere weeks away from invading Germany. It’s all detailed in Victor Suvorov’s book “Icebreaker.” He was given access to the USSR military archives after the Soviet Union fell and spent 20 years there researching the book.

June 9, 2024 2:28 pm

Yes they both signed their non- aggression pact to give themselves time to prepare for attacking the other. At the time neither knew who would attack first, the Germans or the Russians. We now know it was the Germans and Russia was still ill prepared for the war.
Russia’s calvary was still on horseback while Germany’s was mechanized. Russia didn’t have enough tanks or good enough tanks yet. Russian military leaders were also ill prepared as Stalin had purged most of Russia’s experienced Generals and other high ranking officers.

June 8, 2024 10:05 pm

World War Ii, the war that saved Josef Stalin and launched Marxism throughout the world. Unfortunately, the Marxists were also embedded in the US of A during Frank the Cripple’s reign of error. Started under Woody the Vegetable’s admin.

June 9, 2024 9:53 am

Whittaker Chamber’s bolshevik jew spy handler gloated to him that the U.S. was second only to Germany in the communist infiltration of the gov’t and society.
Read about it in “Witness”

June 8, 2024 10:16 pm

Only the jew

won world war two

June 8, 2024 10:50 pm

The only winner in WW2 was the Jews.

June 8, 2024 11:10 pm

jew, not Jews

don’t dignify them as a proper thang

It would be like saying “I’ve got Cancers”.

June 9, 2024 12:37 am

The statistics show that roughly seven or eight out of every ten German soldiers killed during the Second World War perished fighting the Red Army. The War in the East as it was termed, was the largest land conflict in human history. The number of men, tanks, vehicles, aircraft and other material of war involved boggle the mind, they were so numerous.

The Russian people sustained casualties which defy the imagination; some historical estimates place the death toll at twenty million lost, once civilian and military deaths are totaled up. A single campaign – the Siege of Leningrad – which lasted a little more than two years – cost more civilian deaths (over one million) than the U.S. sustained during the entire war.

Yet, the Russian victory against the Wehrmacht was not won in isolation. Stalin later admitted in private to colleagues that without U.S. Lend-Lease aid, the Soviets would have been forced to capitulate during the worst days of 1941. Even then, the German advance slowed and stopped within sight of Moscow.

The Soviet war effort would have been strangled if not for the Anglo-American victory in the Battle of the Atlantic, when Hitler’s U-boats almost broke the back of the trans-Atlantic merchant shipping lifelines to the U.K. and Murmansk.

Likewise, although North Africa and the Mediterranean (including Sicily& Italy) were not pivotal in the sense that other campaigns were, they pulled greatly-needed men – millions of them – and equipment and weapons away from the German effort in the East. Without them, the Germans would likely have had the strength to break the back of the Red Army.

The Air War over Europe, especially over Germany proper, sealed the fate of the Third Reich in the same manner: Not just in terms of direct damage, but in terms of the opportunity cost to the German defenses in the East, and later, the West as well. And no less than Erwin Rommel, arguably Germany’s finest battlefield commander, said that without command of the air, victory was not possible.

And no other nation on earth was capable of waging war against the Empire of Japan, as the U.S. did it – supply lines running halfway around the world. Such a projection of combat power may never be seen again.

June 9, 2024 7:45 am

Bolsheviks in control of all three branches of the Federal government built the Soviet Union and communist China, too. With US taxpayer funded aid, Communism would never have take root anywhere on the globe. You might say the US government is the Father of International Communism and not be wrong.

People know about the Lend -Lease program which armed, fed and funded the Soviet War machine, but most have no idea of the extent of the economic ass-rape the American people suffered as a result of DC Bolsheviks extreme efforts to build the global communist machine.

Damn appalling is all I can say. For a clear picture, these three books will bring the degree of betrayal of the America by a completely treasonous government into glaring focus. McCarthy didn’t go far enough.

From Major Jordans Diaries
by George Racey Jordan

“My reason for writing this book is very simple: I would like to keep the record straight. I want to put in permanent form. the full story of my experiences as a Lend-Lease expediter and liaison officer with the Russians during the war, when I served for two crucial years, from May 1942 to Lune 1944, both at Newark Airport and at the big air base at Great Falls, Montana.

I went into the Army as a businessman in my forties and a veteran of World War I. From the first, as my story shows, I worked wholeheartedly on behalf of the Russians because, like everyone else, I considered it my duty to do so. That they were satisfied with my efforts is indicated by the fact that it was Colonel Kotikov, head of the Russian mission at Great Falls, who requested my promotion to Major.

But the tremendous volume of Lend-Lease material going through under “diplomatic immunity,” the infiltration of SOviet agents through the Pipeline, the shipments of non- supplies and even military secrets, were more than I could stomach. I finally protested through proper channels, first in Great Falls, and then in Washington; nothing happened. This was in 1944, while I was still in the Army.”


Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II Hardcover
by Sean McMeekin

McMeekin also reveals the extent to which Soviet Communism was rescued by the US and Britain’s self-defeating strategic moves, beginning with Lend-Lease aid, as American and British supply boards agreed almost blindly to every Soviet demand. Stalin’s war machine, McMeekin shows, was substantially reliant on American materiél from warplanes, tanks, trucks, jeeps, motorcycles, fuel, ammunition, and explosives, to industrial inputs and technology transfer, to the foodstuffs which fed the Red Army.
This unreciprocated American generosity gave Stalin’s armies the mobile striking power to conquer most of Eurasia, from Berlin to Beijing, for Communism

Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR My Exploited Father In Law
by Dall, Curtis B.

Dedicated to young Americans-May you benefit from observing how certain shadowy forces contrive to ruthlessly advance their own financial and ideological objectives at your expense. They select, then groom, and ultimately control many of our highest government officials. They plan the wars and through “foreign policy” arrange to set the stage for incidents to initiate hostilities. They overwork the word “Peace” to mislead you and create a plausible smoke screen in order to conceal their real operations. You can recognize who “they” are.
Hence, I say, young Americans, be alerted-be more effective than my unsuspecting and bemused generation.. Sally-forth, defend and preserve for yourself and those who follow you our great heritage of freedom and liberty.


June 9, 2024 3:10 am

The assessment of Mr. Wilson is for the most part accurate. Nevertheless the what if part of history in the article is the loosest part of conjecture. The warring factions might well, and probably would have continued the war until all of them had succumbed to revolution. The 20th century might have become even more violent than it did experience. Yet the United States would have avoided that violence. The path laid down by the founding fathers would have been vindicated. America would have remained a shining beacon of freedom rather than the danger to individual liberty which it is at present.

June 9, 2024 6:12 am

Yes Russia was did the biggest part in beating the Germans. still Russia wasted men and material. Russia got a lot of those materials through Lend/Lease from America. Russia terribly wasted soldiers and material by Stalin’s no retreat order. Russia had political officers behind the front lines and shot anyone attempting to retreat. If you were captured and escaped, you were suspect and imprisoned or executed. That is motivation to fight.

Russia also experienced the brutality of the NAZI machine unlike America. Russians wanted to exact revenge. They matched Germany’s brutality on the way back to Berlin. Last we all know Eisenhower Halted at the Elbe.

“Eisenhower gave us three reasons for standing on the Elbe: His armies were already well beyond the line of the western occupation zones that had been agreed to with the Soviets. Why take casualties for land that would have to be handed over? He had always worried about his troops meeting Soviets on the run around a corner. He thought it safer to meet them with a broad river between. And, finally, ”Berlin is only a political objective, not a military objective.”

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 9:40 am

Who REALLY REALLY beat Germany?

Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolph Hitler.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 1:30 pm

NAZI Germany, you are talking about the Weimar Republic.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 6:21 pm

One led DIRECTLY to the other.You parse it however you can “understand” it, but you sure as hell can’t tell us I’m wrong!

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 8:35 pm

Nobody needs to tell you that you’re wrong, at this point it’s a a given that you are.

June 9, 2024 1:11 pm

America and the allies may have won the most battles in WWII but I don’t think we really won the war…in hindsight, 80 years have past, and the Nazi’s that founded the CIA are still in power.

June 9, 2024 8:44 pm

Is is painful being that stupid and ignorant?

I’d bet you have never heard of the Lincoln Brigade, and had no clue the OSS was organized as it was, and no idea of how jewish it was.


June 10, 2024 12:55 am

I’ll see your Lincoln Brigade and raise you an Operation Paperclip…you fucking glowfags are like lice on monkeys.

June 10, 2024 1:59 am

Says the monkeypox infected glownigger who pretends he can’t tell the difference between NS and Judeo-Bolshevism.

Or, maybe you’re genuinely that fucking stupid.

June 10, 2024 7:46 am

An acquisition of National Socialist intellectual property and a kidnapping of scientific minds does not equate to National Socialists taking over the country. If that were true our government would have bypassed central banking. Instead of Jewish central banking exercising complete control over government, media, big tech, big agri, big pharma, etc. I don’t our open border, multicultural polices support your case either..

June 10, 2024 12:28 pm

Ok, you made your point, I get it…you are a member of the National Socialists. Fuck you, fuck the Zionists and Fuck the Bolsheviks. Now that all that fucking is done, all that’s left is running down your CIA glowfag momma’s leg.

June 10, 2024 5:22 pm

And you’ve made your point: You are a worthless moron and a degenerate who literally belongs in a labor camp.

June 11, 2024 12:35 am

Yes, labor camps have always been the preferred solution of the National Socialist party when it comes to the American patriots…you bastards are merely Bolsheviks in better uniforms…cue the Nazi salute

June 11, 2024 10:44 am

I wish to acknowledge I may have made a mistake…I made allegations against your momma but realized after some intersection that Bot’s don’t have mothers. I will not be continuing this conversation for that reason. If, however, you actually exist I suggest you and your IC buddies hop back on your rainbow short bus and head back to your safe space at Mother Jones with the rest of your comrades…and fuck off.

June 9, 2024 2:39 pm

Who Really Beat the Germans?
The bankers with the “Moses’ noses” did it.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 6:25 pm

The kaiser broke the bank by starting fucking WW I. Was HE a Jew? And Hitler started WWII trying to crawfish on Germany’s national war debt.

The USA is going to start WW III to crawfish on paying off it’s global debt.

Are you seeing the fucking pattern yet?