Trump’s Conviction, Washington, and the Appeal of a High-Throughput Guillotine

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Everybody and his dog is writing about the Trump conviction, so I guess I’ll add my few grains to the sand pile. Otherwise I’d kill something, preferably a New York judge. Or several of them.

On the observable principle that each succeeding President is worse than his predecessor,  Biden has, barely, taken the title for godawful worthlessness and foreign-policy bafflement. But the question is not whether Trump has the morals of a politician, or whether he and some porn queen made the beast with two backs. How many readers would have done the same, given a shot at stormy?  The point is that the uniparty, the bicephalous brigandage that is the real government, has turned the entire political apparatus of Washington against Trump, while ignoring the behavior of its own miscreants.

The media make constant reference to the “insurrection” supposedly martialed by  Trump against the Capitol. What “insurrection” for God’s sake?

During the Floyd riots, mobs surrounded the White House and threatened to assault it, resisting police who ordered them to disperse. In Portland they took over land in the city and declared it independent of the government, attacked police with Molotov cocktails and bricks, both being deadly weapons. In Minneapolis they burned a police station.  this was insurrection on a massive scale. Martial law should have been declared, with the announcement , “Looters will be shot.”

Who was prosecuted for insurrection? Why not? Because  Floyd was black. The looters were black.  The white rioters were heavily middle class and Democrats. They were against Trump.

Yet savage sentences have been handed out to the mob of overexcited dingalings and damned fools who invaded the Capitol. Yes, their behavior was illegal and yes, they deserved punishment–but not the wildly disproportionate time they got. The idea that it was an attempted coup can only be sold to yokels with no faint idea of what a coup is or hhow coups are done.

All of this is utterly political. Who is prosecuted for what depends on almost anything but law. Trump is tried for a mildly sordid affair with a porn star but Biden is not prosecuted for being neck-deep in corruption in Ukraine along with his dirtball son. Curious, isn’t it, that a President known for this corruption frantically sends more and more money to Kiev. What do the Ukrainians know  that we don’t? Diddling a porn star is without meaning. Being corruptly involved with the  government of a country militarily  entangled  with America in a shooting war leaves opena real question of who is getting paid for what, and who has what dirt on whom.

There is a saying in sports reporting that you can bullshit the fans, but you can’t bullshit the players. When Violeta and I go to Washington we stay with journalist friends, and they are friends, on Capitol Hill, across the street from Lincoln Park.  One is a high-end executive with a major network. The Hill crawls with media  rabble and opinion mechanics. All of these people are wildly partisan against Trump. What they do cannot remotely be call journalism.  One has in her kitchen, always on, a television, tuned to MSNBC. I’ll guess that seventy  percent of its non-commercial time consists of raving, raving, raving against Trump. There is no trace of reportorial self-respect, the principle of always seeking the other side, of fact-checking. In newspapering a saying used to be, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.” Not now. Pure political advocacy.

At higher levels of the media anthill, people ,are not stupid Yet many seem to know little of the world beyond the ring road. Nor do they care. They do not even try to practice real journalism. Another dictum in the reporter’s trade was, “A burro is an ass. A burrow is a hole in the ground. A reporter should know the difference.” They usually don’t, at least as regards the mysterious and inexplicable reaches of Flyover Land.

For all the brainsthat many of them deploy,  they are not savvy pols. In Trump’s first victory, Washington had no idea why he won, why people voted for him, no idea of the anger in the country and why it was there.

On Capitol Hill, you sit around the kitchen drinking good wine and wondering whether to order out for Thai or maybe from this chic Mongolian kitchen, or perhaps go to this really great Turkish restaurant. Even in the kitchen it can be at least a hundred bucks  for two people,  delivered by motorcycle including wine and  tip. I’m not sure, because no one bothers to check.

In Middle America, where sometimes the water isn’t fit to drink, the Deplorables think that Saturday night out for the family at KFC is a  treat.  A meal at an Indian restaurant in classy Washington would be remembered for a lifetime. Vi and I were recently guests in DC at an all-you-can- eat Brazilian joint where doing the squat-and-gobble will set you back at least a cool C-note each.  The place was packed. This is Washington. Those people hadn’t been in a KFC since college, if then.

The contempt of Washo-York elites for most of the country is intense, and the hostility is reciprocated. If Trump goes to jail, I will vote for him because of his incarceration and, if he doesn’t, from loathing of Washington. So there.

Probably none of this matters. America is so far gone in chicanery, bribery, price-fixing, and general immorality that repair is not possible. The country may go parboiled in an ego-fueled nuclear explosion. It may die gurgling as it drowns in moral slime.  But I will vote for Trump , in jail or not, from sheer loathing of the whole fetid cloacal gush in Washington. He isn’t fit to be head of toilet maintenance in a Ugandan bus station, but neither is Joe,  It willbe a joy to see the faces on Cap Hill if Trump pulls it off.


As I write, it is national election day in Mexico, where I live. To vote here, you need your INE--Instituto Nacional Electoralcard, which has your photo, home address, CURP (a sort of social security number), and signature, and  serves as a de facto national identification, necessary for most official applications and often for things like hotel registration. There also three QR codes, which I don’t knowwhat are but maybe related to fingerprints, which are taken when getting the card. After voting, you put your thumb on a pad of black ink that is almost impossible to remove in a day, at least not without taking the thumb with it.  As a rule to which there are few exceptions, all Mexican citizens can vote in federal elections, no matter where they are or how they got there.  If your domicile is in, say, Jalisco, you can also vote for governor, mayor, and other venues that apply to you. If you are incapacitated, there are officials who will come to your home to register your vote, which is kept secret.

Seems  reasonable, but maybe worth a try anyway.

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June 8, 2024 7:56 pm

Fred, nothing the J6 demonstrators did was illegal…It’s a Constitutional right to assemble, and DC belongs to the People, not the government denizens who “work” there…..

June 8, 2024 8:08 pm

First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

. . . whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles . . .

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 9, 2024 1:17 am

Right on Anon , I’ve been dropping salient bits of that particular document myself .

June 8, 2024 8:28 pm

Trump encouraged them to gather. Then …nowhere to be found.

June 8, 2024 10:22 pm

He does attract large crowds, doesn’t he?

June 8, 2024 10:34 pm

So do other false churches.

June 9, 2024 6:19 am

Meet me in Washing on Jan 6 to take back America….reeeeee

June 9, 2024 1:23 pm

He was still giving his speech and telling people to be peaceful and patriotic.He was not at the Capitol that day but about a half mile away. They were supposed to walk to the Capitol but the riot had already started.
Watch the videos. Ray Epps incited the riot, lied to Congress about the time of his departure, and got probation with no supervision. Explain that?
Watch the videos. Trump supporters are peacefully walking around, some dancing and some talking when two new groups of no Trump supporters show up and start rioting.
Watch the videos, flash bang grenadas are shot into peacful crowds.
Watch the videos, Trump supporters are let in by the Capitol police, stay inside the velvet ropes and take selfies with the Capitol police and then are turned on and beaten.
This stuff is on hundreds of private people’s cell phones and the government own tapes so don’t tell me it was doctored.

June 9, 2024 7:28 am

In America, all government is of the people, by the people and for the people. The people being the government. Therefore, all government property is actually the property of the people and theirs to use as they see fit. That is, it would be a real world as created by the Founding Fathers.
Time to take it all back and if it means burning it to the ground to do so, someone get the matches.
Violence is and should be a last resort for reasonable men but when it is called upon, let it be unleashed without restraint until the problem is removed.

June 9, 2024 5:31 pm

Been saying that for a while.
The military grade weapon surplus being distributed to SWAT teams all over the country?
It’s yours.
You paid for it.
The rallying call should not be “Come and take it”,
it should be “Let’s get some…”
Planned violence is unnecessary; patience will win the day.
Learn where it is stockpiled.
Eventually much of it will be abandoned, like the warehouses full of weapons in ex-Soviet states…

June 10, 2024 10:08 pm

Or in Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc.?

Yes. Just having the info about the stock pile locations will make a huge difference in any civil emergency. It is public knowledge, but pretty obscure. Every gov’t agency from the feds on down to local police have armories, and they are often located near transit points, and not within police stations, high trafficked federal buildings, nor are they on army bases.

They are mostly just in non-descript buildings that don’t house much of anything. Places that may not be highly defended by the run of the mill gov’t actor when he is thinking about his family and pension.

Worth looking into when you do your area reconnaissance.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 9, 2024 11:05 am

To the left the capitol building is their high temple. The riff-raff defiled it and committed a sacrilege in the process. Blasphemers go to the lowest ring of hell.

June 9, 2024 2:20 pm

But they were bloody fools to let themselves be lured into the building. That’s still no justification for how they have been treated.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 8:22 pm

Seem to remember when we were bringing democracy to Iraq, all voters had to press their thumb onto a purple stamp pad after voting. It took days to wash off.

And voting was done in a day.

We’re soooo much more sophisticated here in the US. Don’t have to be stoopid like that.

  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 9:15 pm

Purple ink don’t work on niggers. Sheboons might use it as lipstick. When you vote they should rubbers stamp a star of David on the forehead.

  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 10:35 pm

I was there. The Iraqis were genuinely proud of themselves for voting.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 11:54 pm

LOL – the Brits are far more sophisticated – our electoral system is “first past the post” which means only the two UniParties get the seats, and the minnows are minimised to nothing even if they get 20% of the popular vote. The fix has been in for centuries and it keeps the Elites in power forever.

To quote Fred “Britain is so far gone in chicanery, bribery, price-fixing, and general immorality that repair is impossible. The country may go parboiled in an ego-fueled nuclear explosion or it may die gurgling as it drowns in moral slime.”

Rise of the New Elite – How Britain’s new ruling class lost touch with the country:

  Austrian Peter
June 9, 2024 5:25 am

An accurate summation.

  Austrian Peter
June 9, 2024 6:25 am

Once upon a time the Irish knew how to deal with the rotten-toothed, money-lender pwnd, sallow faced, fags, but then Mammon lured them into their lair of eternal damnation with promise of wealth for servitude, too.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
June 9, 2024 2:29 pm

Many thanks flash, great video – I can use this in my coming Letter from Great Britain series – you are a star like so many here who offers exceptional research and stunning satire – my favourite weapon against the neocon warmongers.

The Irish are friends:

  Austrian Peter
June 9, 2024 4:58 pm

Excellent informative video…thanks AP.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 8, 2024 8:48 pm

” He isn’t fit to be head of toilet maintenance in a Ugandan bus station, but neither is Joe…”

  • Fred Reed

Auntie loves beautiful imagery but no matter how you slice it Zhou Bai Din takes the prize; an incontinent, literal Communist, zombie marionette with a coterie of horrible Jews telling him what to do.

Oh, and Fred, please give us comrades over here at TBP your insights into the election by the Mexican people of Claudia SHeinbaum. The Evil Fuckers could have, at minimum, found someone, anyone, who might have a “ez” at the end of their name and was perhaps Catholic? AUntie bets Claudia will be importing a Knesset full of dual citizens to assist in running the country, si?

  Aunt Acid
June 9, 2024 6:30 am

Fred’s wife’s is of chozenite ancestry, so there’s that.

June 8, 2024 10:29 pm

If a criteria similar to the modern threshold for getting charged with retail theft (something like $990 or so) were applied to the J6 “folks” (nod to Bathhouse Barry for that nicety) then how many of the prisoners in Biden and Garland’s jails would never have been charged, let alone tracked down by some pretty high priced law enforcement? Fuk ’em all.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 9, 2024 11:09 am

Wrong color.

June 8, 2024 10:33 pm

Fred sounds like a dirtbag himself.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 8, 2024 11:47 pm

Well…he says he lives in Mexico and intends to vote for Trump. If that ain’t dirtbag Democrat behavior, I don’t know what is.

There is a certain symmetry to it though. All the other illegals are getting to vote, so…big whoop?

June 9, 2024 6:43 am

Year ago Fred wrote an article bragging of his tolerance for debauchery after attending an S&M party in DC, which was hosted by a member of the spook community involving all sorts of sordid activity that literally screamed degenerate. See Eye Aye guys walking around with their trousers dropped delivering spanking to other nude guests type creepiness and Fred loved it. So yeah, he’s all that and more.

June 8, 2024 10:54 pm

Mexicans elected that scum about like Americans elected the biden thing…

June 9, 2024 5:56 am

To vote here, you need your INE–Instituto Nacional Electoral—card, which has your photo, home address, CURP (a sort of social security number), and signature, and serves as a de facto national identification, necessary for most official applications and often for things like hotel registration. There also three QR codes, which I don’t knowwhat are but maybe related to fingerprints, which are taken when getting the card.

If you are incapacitated, there are officials who will come to your home to register your vote, which is kept secret.

MY GOD! That would have liberals running around with their hair on fire screaming disenfranchisement!

We should try it.

June 9, 2024 6:52 am

Of course, there’s never been the taint of corruption involved with anything smacking of military government.

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” Joseph Stalin

And, then there’s the problem of choice of candidates. Some of the more popular one’s may drop out early.

According to the provided search results, there are several candidates for Mexico’s presidential election who were assassinated in 2024. Here is the list of candidates who were killed:

  1. Javier Torres Barrera – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla (killed on July 13, 2023)
  2. Wilman Monje Morales – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz (killed on October 11, 2023)
  3. Alejandro Lanuza Hernández – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Salvatierra, Guanajuato (killed on October 11, 2023)
  4. Miguel Ángel Cruz Robles – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Villa del Carbón, State of Mexico (killed on October 26, 2023)
  5. Dagoberto García Rivera – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Maravatío, Michoacán (killed on November 4, 2023)
  6. Jaime Dámaso Solís – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Zitala, Guerrero (killed on November 24, 2023)
  7. Ricardo Taja Ramírez – Aspiring candidate for federal deputy (killed on December 21, 2023)
  8. Giovanni Lezama Barrera – Precandidate for local deputy of Morelos (killed on January 4, 2024)
  9. David Rey González Moreno – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Suchiate, Chiapas (killed on January 5, 2024)
  10. Sergio Hueso – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Armería, Colima (killed on January 5, 2024)
  11. Miriam Nohemí Ríos Ríos – Municipal commissioner of Citizens’ Movement in Jacona, Michoacán, and aspiring candidate for regidora (killed on January 11, 2024)
  12. Yair Martín Romero Segura – Precandidate for mayor of Acatzingo, Puebla (killed on January 23, 2024)
  13. Gisela Gaytán – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Celaya, Guanajuato (killed on April 1, 2024)
  14. Julián Bautista Gómez – Aspiring candidate for mayor of Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas (killed on April 9, 2024)
  15. Yolanda Sánchez Figueroa – Mayor of Cotija, Michoacán (killed on April 15, 2024)
June 9, 2024 7:01 am

Yes Mexico has been corrupt since before it’s founding. Mostly mixed race natives with Spanish, it has been ruled by the old Noble Spanish ruling class until just very recently. The thing is they are trying to stop the corruption, while half the people in the US are trying to enshrine corruption in elections.

June 9, 2024 7:56 am

Killing 62 Mexican candidates in 2024, to stop them running for office is a great way to end corruption. That’s how we know it’s working…reeee

June 9, 2024 6:15 am

I had zero fucks to give for any member of criminal congress, but after hearing Thomas Massie dish up the lowdown on the incompetency, cowardice and servitude of the Uniparty to Deep Shekels, including the pwnd bitch Rand Paul and Trumps trillion dollar lockdown lunacy, I really like this guy and his can do attitude.
If I lived in Kentucky, I would definitely go to the polls and vote for this guy, and I haven’t voted in years.

Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

June 9, 2024 8:31 am

The leftist lunatics especially the J6 Committee and any who supported them will keep telling us the great unwashed that the Capitol is the people’s house and it belongs to every AMERICAN CITIZEN !
With that in mind how did this self appointed group of DC parasites charge J6 protesters with trespassing when ownership of property is a right of American citizens?
oh I know they are all full of shit and have turned Washington DC into the Asshole Of AMERICA in desperate need of an enema of biblical proportions

June 9, 2024 9:54 am

Like Trump or hate him you could ne next. This has to be crushed or we will be.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 12:21 pm

That situation has always existed. The difference now is in the willingness to use the jack boot on the face. In the past they’ve been more subtle. Now there’s no need.

June 9, 2024 1:06 pm

I know the Democrat avatar is an Ass…but it really misrepresents their true nature which is more asshole in origin.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2024 1:31 pm

I love Fred’s humor.

Voting. Oh man, that’s great.

June 10, 2024 10:01 pm

All that voter security in Mexico, and they still “elected” a Jew.


(Also, if you ever have a chance to go to a Brazilian restaurant for a c-note, do it! A churascarria is all you can eat meat and salad bar. A gastronomic heaven.)