AI and Commercial Music

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI creation websites, the one he chose is See this segment here.

So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, huh? I have been quite impressed with the recent slate of AI genius—ChatGPT, and now I am a composer myself, so this sort of thing would be very distressing if I were still in the music creation biz. Now it is not really threatening to me, just sad. It is sad how human development of a skill, often taking a lifetime, is reduced to a few seconds of computer calculation. Of course, without the years of human output ahead of the computer algorithm, there would be nothing there to be impressed with. Monkey see, monkey do.

But still. It is a bummer. But what is the appeal to art, and in this case pop music, anyway? I don’t think there has ever been a hit song without a popular performing artist behind it. I remember when I was in the music biz and heard day in and day out, “If you want to have a hit record or a lucrative career, you have to tour.” In other words, you have to have a presence as a human being to sell records. No one buys a record just for the music. Can any of you name the actual creators of pop music hitting the charts? The songwriters of your favourite tunes over the years? Not likely, unless the artist singing the song wrote it themselves, which of course is common, but if they didn’t, it is not typical for people to know the actual composer/songwriter—it could just as well be as any human being, who cares.

Still, does this mean popular performers will go to now to get their latest hit to sing and promote? I doubt it. But who knows what is in store for us? As long as humans are humans, I still think people will need to put a face to their favourite songs, a human face, not a computer one.

However, the operative phrase here is “as long as humans are humans.” Whether humans stay humans is debatable. Maybe it will be cyborgs in the future choosing their songs to listen to, preferably created by their high-tech cousin Suno sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Who knows . . .

I think as far as a threat to popular music goes, AI pop tune creation probably will fizzle out much like a fad does. The record industry is already suffering quite the “transhuman” dilemma with other music-making technologies that dehumanize the process. Regarding commercial music, this all may be just another nail in the coffin, so I may share Del’s concern. And, of course, once people lose interest in other humans doing creative things, the day the music dies may be just around the corner. Music’s death (and the death of human art in general) will occur for a lot of reasons, not the least being the demise of humans to even give a crap who or what creates.

Actually, that is the real problem. Along with this AI craze comes a bunch of human beings who have been desensitized to what art even is. The music Del gave as a sample was totally devoid of any soul or obvious human integration. I don’t doubt that most people would not even notice this deficit. Del didn’t (well, maybe just a little bit). This has often been the case with commercial music even when humans made it, and well accepted as well (lack of soul). Commercial music, created for commercial purposes, does not really need a human face. It has a utilitarian function, and as long as it accomplishes that function, then who cares? Unless, of course, if it is completely synthetic, with no human behind it at all, maybe it will subliminally be dysfunctional. That is always something to hope for—that humans subliminally notice the lack of soul.

What we generally consider “real art” today probably will not be as affected by all this AI insanity. At least not to the degree Del is concerned. He is right about lost jobs regarding commercial artists. Not only in music, but everywhere a product is created up until now requiring human hands. He even mentions lawyers, any sort of writer, and other professionals who may first succumb to this “artificial intelligence” replacement. It is the intellectual revolution compared to the industrial revolution.

I once led a seminar with the topic: “Is film music commercial art and not true art?” This was back in the mid-’80s. My argument was that film music was really a collaborative effort, not only driven by the visual medium which the composer had nothing to do with creating, but also creatively influenced by other artists in the medium such as the film’s director. It is even influenced greatly (very much so in my day as a film composer) by non-artists such as producers, accountants, and their families. How then could it be true art? (BTW, I do believe it is true art.)

When we get into even more commercial endeavours, such as theme songs and Fried Chicken commercials, the “artist” becomes even more removed from the end product’s efficacy. Of course, people enjoy working with people more than they enjoy working with machines, but that quickly will fade away, just like every other similar situation where in the past humans and humans worked together to create something. Gone with the wind.

Regarding “real art.” Well, these men and women are not fully protected either. Not so much because people would be just as happy going to the MOMA in NYC to look at computer-generated art (certainly as a novelty that has already happened) but because “real art” simply will not be appealing to non-human zombies—which is where humanity is headed. Until then, however, Suno AI may not affect Taylor Swift or Beyonce for a bit more time (although it is debatable if either of these artists, or their music, is human.)

In listening carefully to Del’s AI-generated theme song, it is rather easy to tell it is a bit off—the lyrics in particular. The style of music he chose (I think just a basic classic rock style) also is rather easy to re-create. Considering that nearly two decades of the pop music of the 50’s and 60’s stuck to only a few easy chord progressions. Most songs are rather formulaic in their constructions of verses, choruses, and bridges. Drumbeats are similar, instrumentation licks and fills are also very formulaic.

Commercial music is not difficult to emulate (fake) by rote (great commercial art is determined by how well it sells, or fits the product it was designed to fit—which in my opinion also takes great talent and human ability). It just used to take a lot of time for a composer to put all these elements together. And in the old days the creator of such music was also reliant on a lot of other performing artists to produce the music—such as drummers, guitarists, and bassists, not to mention singers. Don’t get me wrong, pop music can be art (so can commercial music, it just doesn’t need to be, to be successful—at least not consciously so). And pop/rock composers, and artists, can be artists. It is just that the music construction blocks can be assembled without a lot of artistry involved.

This is true for any art, actually. What the common person has now defined as “art” can be easy to emulate. True art cannot. Even pop music is considered by many to simply be commercial. I am reminded of a famous quote by the eminent composer and conductor, Pierre Boulez. He was quoted once (by his biographer, Joan Peyser) comparing a “smash hit” heard on the radio as “mass shit.”

I am, again, more concerned that the agenda will create, through transhumanism, a subspecies of being devoid of any soul quality at all, thus making “non-human” music perfectly fine to use in commercial applications. Of course, it stands to reason that the ultimate de-humanization project will create humans incapable of connecting to any sort of art, regardless of its maker. But that is an end-stage development. Maybe we have a few years before that final goal is attained—a few years where us zombies will still have a tiny scrap of humanness left, just enough to enjoy a beat and a decent melody. When we stop dancing, we can then say we finally made it to oblivion.

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Paddy O'Furniture
Paddy O'Furniture
June 8, 2024 6:59 am

Incredible truly artful music is alive and well. Japan especially is cranking out so many fantastic groups, rock, hard rock, metal, jazz, fusion etc. I’m an old 72 yr rocker have seen all the greats Zep, Bowie, Petty, Allmans, D Purple, Who Stones etc etc.
Band Maid is one excellent example check any of their songs out on YT

  Paddy O'Furniture
June 8, 2024 8:07 am

Try, Bayreuth Festival 1927. The music you mention is only relatively better than most of the mainstream crap we hear.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 8, 2024 3:00 pm

Modern “country” is as close as I can find to classical rock, and they keep cranking out good tunes and lyrics…so every time the River cuts to commercial, I switch to the Bull or the Cartersville station. Half the time it is so good that I don’t switch back til much later.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 7:22 am

Classic rock is only relatively better than what we hear today. Modern country is just an over digitally processed hot mess. Strange how many of the best records were recorded before WWII, with inferior technology. The work of such performers as Enrico Caruso, Kirsten Flagstad, and Frida Leider transcends the primitive recording technology.
I would recommend again, Bayreuth Festival 1927, if you can find it. Mainstream music was never good, never organic, never represented the better part of us, and for by far the greater part represented a confused culture going through an identity crisis.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 7:35 am

Modern electric blues and blues rock is pretty close too. There are also a lot of independent artists to listen to also, so way less commercial.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 9, 2024 11:16 am

I prefer bluegrass to the blues. I guess it’s a white thing. Although I’d much prefer the Blues to the damnable rap shit they’re forcing down our throats.

Not a big fan of classical either. I was forced into it as a child and it just didn’t take. I generally avoid it the same as rap. See what bad parenting leads to?

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 10, 2024 9:47 am

Are you certain you’re familiar with Classical music? I would not judge genuine Classical music with the novelty acts, clown shows, and Affirmative Action appointments of today. As for my previous recommendation of Bayreuth Festival 1927, I have to admit only an above average, well-educated Musician would likely be able to appreciate the culmination of musical evolution. Which occurred during the Romantic Period, with such composers as Liszt, Chopin, Beethoven, Wagner and Tarrega. I feel these things are worth knowing and the knowledge worth passing along. A counter measure to an age of disinformation, propaganda, and anti-White, history erasing, Abrahamic narratives.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Paddy O'Furniture
June 8, 2024 2:57 pm

Post a link of their best work. We’ll be the judges of what’s “good”.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
June 8, 2024 9:14 am

There’s a pile of this crap on jewtube. Lots of the narration pronounces normal words wrong.

There is some comic relief though…

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Lee Harvey Griswald
June 8, 2024 3:01 pm

That’s “CIA Tube” to you, Slappy.

June 8, 2024 9:44 am

I could care less about how music is created, what is of great concern is the fact that AI is now capable of creating content (fake Video’s) of a person doing and saying things they never did or said. As an example, it is entirely possible now to create a video of Donald Trump saying he hates Nigger and fucking Mexicans, and it won’t matter how much he denies he ever said it, there will be enough people that believe t’s real that the damage will have been done. 

Soon you won’t be able to tell what is real and what is fake.

June 8, 2024 10:06 am

All that means is lots of lawsuits.

anonymous 2
anonymous 2
June 8, 2024 10:18 am

I’ve been wondering if there will be a resurgence in film based photography for this very reason. Digital media is now all easily compromised by AI to the point that a picture or video is now meaningless as far as “proof” of an event happening. But traditional chemical based photography is still very difficult to fake and should still hold up as evidence.

Think while it's still legal
Think while it's still legal
  anonymous 2
June 8, 2024 11:59 am

How does the image get onto the film? It’s just one step more complicated to deep fake a film-based photograph than a digital photo. Probably can be detected, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

June 8, 2024 12:13 pm


June 8, 2024 12:19 pm

You have no clue as to the capabilities of this technology.

June 9, 2024 7:31 am

Kennyboy has no clue on how to turn his caps off.

June 8, 2024 3:47 pm

For those wondering when AI will start replacing human jobs, the answer is it already has.”

AI eliminated nearly 4,000 jobs in May, report says – CBS News 

Replace all jobs – no, not any time soon anyway but AI is going to have a massive impact on the job market.

June 8, 2024 7:08 pm

I’ve been working in AI now for over 48 years. It is nothing new. I’ve been using it for the creation of visual art for over twenty years and for the serious creation of new music for over ten years. The only thing that has changed is the hype surrounding it. By the way, AI used to be called “Statistical Pattern Recognition”. Look up the definitions of both, they are the same. Have been for a long time.

June 9, 2024 12:02 pm

Music is a language of expression, it expresses the character of the one who creates it.
Really beautiful music comes from advanced souls.
The very vulgar or debased music comes from dark souls.
The music they play in the stores and all over TV and the Movies, usually comes from Satanists, who have lost their souls.
It all has a master track set into it that is a satanic spell that turns people away from God and opens them to demonic possession.
Art is a means of communication, of the self expressed, what it has to say, is what it is: what it has devolved or evolved into.
There are only the 2 energies, life giving=enhancing=benefiting of God and heaven.
or the other: soulless, so from the devil, who know dictates what art should be, it is life-killing energy, that destroys life, poisons life, makes everything worse more in the image of Hell.
As humans who were once beautiful and all good, but were tampered with by the fallen angels in Atlantis, you have the choice. The battle is in each person, to become all soul=al good, or all ego=all evil.
People who have no souls really do believe their ego is their soul, or their true self.
They lie and deceive others but most of all themselves, that evil is good.
Everything else is the same in this world of dualities.
If you play the popular music to a plant, with its death energy, the plant will die, children too, to same effect.
If you play beautiful music like Beethoven or Mozart to plants or children or even the fetus in the womb, it receives the life force God energy of heaven.
Your government is no different. It is death energy from Hell, life killing energy as expressed by the character of those running this government in the West. Is it any wonder they tried to wipe you out with a carefully crafted death jab? That they are not finished, that the WHO is set up to take over the world as an assassination squad, after civil war and ww3, creates their one world government?
Forget about states, passing laws to keep out the venomous UN, WEF, and WHO, they are working on little civil wars all over the West, leading to one big War so they can take all.
In the end you will each decide and choose individually, whose side you are on by the energy you each generate to the world and people around you.
Will it be God energy=life giving, or dark life killing energy?
Will you express your true self as evil or good?
Will you end up in heaven or Hell by the end of this final battle=Armageddon.
That is what God and the devil are working on right now,
Everything you do or say or enjoy, or created or destroyed, is written down in your book of life. Good or bad, not through your eyes, but God’s and Lucifer’s.
You each have preferences, do you prefer the light or the dark, what is satanic and ugly, or what is pure and healthy?
Even the choice to go to doctors, who are all heath destroyers and providers of poisons, posing as cures, is the expression of what and who you really are.
If you accept what is evil, then you are evil, not good. If you reject what is evil and satanic, then you are good. In music in science in religious beliefs and even food=everything matters. So many believe that child sacrifice=abortion is good.
Animal cruelty is fine. The schools you send your children to are EVIL prisons. Everything in this world is prisons and slavery systems, especially the military. It all creates boredom and stops good natural self expression.
The devil tempest you to the dark side using EGO, which is insanity, lies which is insanity, and your money system he owns and controls, the biggest slavery prison system on earth that churns out boredom and inability to be what God created you to be. It all makes you turn to the devil.
Your belief that the money the devil prints or makes digital or mints as metals has a value, is a slavery prison system. You are all too insane, egotistical and willing to lie to yourselves and each other to end it and escape to the alternative which is good=loving each other and carding and loving this earth and God and knowing God provides for you when you are good, or bad, He pulls you back to HIM.
Until you rise up and end al money and take possession of this earth as a home to share that belongs to GOD who created it as an expression of His love for you=a paradise. This world will be owned by the DEVIL, and his expression of His inner being will be making it a dead filthy, bloody, and horrific wasteland of death and misery. He will sacrifice children, and destroy the ecosystem the air, the water the food everything will be satanic death energy and your music will be the screams of the children and everyone else being tortured, non stop.
When the fallen angels came here they brought the money system=Moloch mammon worship and child sacrifice. It will not end or be stopped until you end the money system. That is the TRUTH.
Some people know that money is evil, a prison slavery system, and they are poor and belong to God and will get to heaven.
Others worship Moloch and Money as their God and their good, and they are very wealthy, because they serve Moloch and sacrifice children. They are the WEF, the WHO, the UN new world order psychopaths, and they are all going to eternal Hell.
Everyone will choose a side.
You are either with God or against God.
Evil kills all life, and it will kill all life on this earth, just like bad satanic music when left in a room with a plant 24/7 will kill the plant.
Many of you are both sided, That is because of what Mammon did to your DNA, and ruined you making you both good and evil.
Before the tribulation is over every one of you will be tested.
Remember the teachings of those who came from heaven to help you fight the antichrist:Gandhi, Hitler, Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, and Krishna.
Be love, be truth and joy and do no harm to others be PEACEFUL, do not kill, lie, commit adultery, do not steal, or be selfish, and egotistical. Look at the antichrist, and let them serve as a negative example of what you should not be=greedy and sadistic and controlling and domineering, killers of all life around them.
Become benefiters, protectors, caregivers, and lovers of all life around you.
Reject the one’s who are alive but already dead=soulless ones who do the exact opposite like your government leaders who are all satanists. They all take money and serve the devil, and do as the devil tells them, they are liars and they only express their inner character in their professions as representatives=greedy despicable liars who are selfish and vain, and they don’t care about you or the children=they all know about the child sacrifice that our government takes part in and promotes in its own greed and lack of any soul or connection to God. They are literally killing the entire Western world=they have no souls.
They all are aware of and know about all the child sacrifice the Military and the wars provides to Moloch. When the warning comes you will see all those who chose the devil and hell burning with the same fire that can never be put out. The fire they will take with them to Hell for eternity.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 9, 2024 5:39 pm

Sounds like muzak … what used to be called ‘elevator music’ …