There’s Just One Thing Propping Up the Dollar

By Phillip Patrick, for Birch Gold Group

This morning, the following headline caught my eye:

Headline Investors Dont Want a Stronger Economy

Does this strike you as strange?

A “stronger economy” means a productive economy, one that’s creating goods and services that make our lives better. Exporting them, even – improving the lives of people around the world.

In short, a “stronger economy” is a win/win. Everyone benefits! (To be sure, not everyone benefits equally, but that’s always the case in capitalism.)

For some reason, that’s not what investors want.

That’s exactly why you see the financial news media covering some decidedly bad news stories as good news. Here’s an extract from the article:

Bad news can be good news, at least when the Fed and interest rates are concerned.

For every crack revealed in an otherwise solid labor market, as new data showed Wednesday – and May’s jobs report might show Friday – there’s an impulse to cheer what it could mean for central bankers.

The worse the economy is doing, the more likely officials will reverse the tightening.

Rising unemployment, a slowdown in consumer spending, plunging mortgage demand, rising credit card and car loan delinquencies and reports that middle-class Americans are being squeezed so tightly they’re “gasping for air financially” – all this somehow becomes good news because it gives the Federal Reserve a reason to lower interest rates.

I’ve suspected this for some time now. Today the conclusion seems unavoidable. Investors and financial media are increasingly less concerned with the real economy and the real struggles people face, every day.

Every negative headline gives them another reason to hope the Fed will return to zero interest rates and money-printing.

They don’t seem to understand that higher interest rates are the only thing propping up the dollar’s value.

Today’s “nosebleed rates” vs. reality

There’s an entire generation of Americans who thought interest rates were supposed to be zero. That credit was always going to be free. They write sentences like this one:

The idea of what lower rates could bring is intoxicating, given how things have been going with nosebleed rates.

You’ll see dozens of headlines calling an Effective Federal Funds Rate (EFFR) of 5.33% as an “18-year high.” Technically true, but very misleading.

Most people aren’t aware that the long term average EFFR is 4.6% – which means today’s “18-year high” is only barely above the long-term average.

The last time inflation spiked in the U.S. Paul Volcker raised interest rates over 22% before it was finally crushed. That was a truly harrowing period for the nation – with two brutal, back-to-back recessions and double-digit unemployment. That tough time set the stage for the 20-year economic boom of the 80s and 90s.

(If you don’t understand the connection, here’s Dr. Ron Paul’s explanation of how interest rate repression leads to malinvestment.)

My point here is simply this – near-zero interest rates are not normal! Credit is supposed to cost something.

The problem facing the Fed right now is larger than the talking heads at CNBC seem to understand.

The real problem facing the Fed

Now, on the one hand, that bad economic news we discussed above puts the Fed in a really tight spot.

They’ve said, over and over, that they’re data dependent. They’re making interest rate decisions based on data – but which data specifically? That’s less clear.

Another thing most people have forgotten – during the pandemic panic, the Fed changed their own mandate. Now, instead of targeting 2% inflation, they’re targeting a long-term average of 2%

Theoretically, there’s nothing stopping Jerome Powell from declaring mission accomplished! (Well, nothing other than credibility.) With Core CPI at 3.6%, the Fed could decide that someday in the future inflation would eventually fall below 2%, that it would all average out in the long run.

They could lower interest rates. They know very well what would happen. Smoldering inflation would flare up everywhere, again, and the cost of living would skyrocket. Again.

But there’s an even bigger problem…

Higher interest rates are preventing a total collapse in the dollar’s value

One final thing “investors” and the finance media forgets: The U.S. dollar has no intrinsic value.

None. Zero.

When the Treasury Department sells an IOU, they’re promising to pay nothing but dollars. And the Federal Reserve can, as Neal Kashkari famously said, can print an infinite number of dollars.

An infinite number of dollars won’t improve our situation.

See, the Biden regime has been flooding the world with U.S. debt at a staggering pace. When Biden took office, the nation had $28 trillion in debt.

Now, we’re at $34.6 trillion – a 24% increase! Not even counting his plans for the 2024 budget.

Biden’s legacy, $6.6 trillion in debt in three years, is an almost unimaginable amount of money…

Even if we adjust for inflation, it’s 20% more than we spent in four years fighting World War II!

By itself, Biden’s $6.6 trillion alone would be the third biggest national debt in the world.

Since the dollar has no intrinsic value, its global value is based on supply and demand. A 24% increase in supply, without an equivalent increase in demand, has one result: Lower value.

Maybe you’ve wondered why your purchasing power has declined 17% since January 2021? Well, now you know.

Obviously this is not a problem you can solve by making more dollars! The only reason any sovereign currency has value is an implicit promise that the issuer won’t engage in reckless hyperinflationary money-printing.

The U.S. hasn’t crossed the line into hyperinflation – but the surging cost of servicing the national debt ($1 trillion in 90 days!) makes it a valid concern. Right now, pretty much the only thing standing between the dollar and a total collapse in value? The Fed’s 5.33% interest rate.

The promise that lenders can give Janet Yellen $100 today and get back $105.33 in a year. (Whether that $105.33 is worth as much as the $100 a year ago – or if it’s worth even less – is an open question.)

So what’s the solution?

Well, that depends on who you ask…

Paul Krugman, spokesman of the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) crowd, says the government should default. It’s just “money we owe to ourselves,” he claims. He doesn’t mention how the foreign entities (banks, insurance companies, individuals and central banks) would respond to our decision to cancel the $7.4 trillion we owe them.

Steve Forbes thinks it’s time to bring back the gold standard. He’s right, but the U.S. gold reserve is only worth $614.5 billion – that’s not much balanced against the outstanding debt of $34.6 trillion…

One long-term solution is to grow the real economy. That means developing and manufacturing goods and services people around the world want to buy. That means reversing the trade deficit – to become a nation that exports cars and semiconductors and energy, rather than a nation whose chief export is debt.

Now, that could happen! In the meantime, though, I believe it’s smart to diversify our savings out of dollars. That’s what the world’s central banks are doing – for exactly the same reasons Birch Gold Group customers are. For a stable, inflation-resistant store of value that can’t be defaulted on.

Gold has intrinsic value. The dollar simply doesn’t.

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lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 12:00 am

The $ is medium of exchange in in’tl trade. Nothing more. It floats and is heading lower. And, the Petrodollar is dead.

Since we import everything, it means a much lower standard of living for much of America.

The EBT will quit working one day. Perhaps when Putin has had enough and bombs the Polish Military Airfield. Clif High sez 7/15-16. Saw that Obummer has built climbing-proof fences around the WH.

Isn’t this a fun time? And, I’m serious. And 71. Let’s go to work and just live it out.

Hey, Live And Let Die, as Ian Fleming noted.

  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 2:07 am


  lamont cranston
June 8, 2024 9:41 am

And, the Petrodollar is dead.

Mohammed Bin Salman, has chosen not to renew a security agreement with the US, set to expire on June 9, 2024. This means Saudi Arabia can now sell oil and other goods in currencies like the RMB, Euros, Yen, Yuan, and more, instead of just the US dollar. It’s a big change because it challenges the dominance of the petrodollar system, which has been in place since the US stopped tying its currency to gold in 1972. This decision is expected to speed up the process of moving away from the US dollar.

June 8, 2024 1:58 am


June 8, 2024 6:18 am


LOL how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

June 8, 2024 6:20 am

I thought investors wanted higher interest rates, and borrowers and speculators wanted lower interest rates?

June 8, 2024 6:23 am

the U.S. gold reserve is only worth $614.5 billion – that’s not much balanced against the outstanding debt of $34.6 trillion…

I said that a while back and got snarky comments and down voted.

June 8, 2024 9:11 am

Maybe because nobody understands what your point is.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 8, 2024 3:23 pm

The point is that King Cash is being dethroned for something with ACTUAL value.

June 9, 2024 7:42 am

that the quantity of gold in any tradable amount would be some small as to be unable to determine it’s worth. Same point the author is making.

that’s not much balanced against the outstanding debt of $34.6 trillion…

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 8, 2024 3:22 pm

Normally, people suffering inflation should be SAVING, not borrowing. Why? High interest rates! But just how safe IS the money in your bank account?

These are NOT “normal” times. We’re at the point in the cartoon where the Acme dynamite blows up in our faces. We’re OUT of good choices.

True Values needed
True Values needed
June 8, 2024 9:23 pm

What we need is a recession. We must stop trying to prevent it. That like trying to stop the sun from raising.In the real world, not the fake one we made, there are good and BAD times.It is none always good times, non is it always bad times. It time to admit our mistakes and let it happen. Yes, we might already be in one.But what I am waiting to show it clearly is prices falling. But here is the bad part, this time we must not spend our self out of it. Rates need to stay put or even go higher. Government make work programs need to end. Small business and people Must get us out of this one. We need a true GDP, not one propped up by the Government. If Big business and Banks fail, that is a good thing. All that government money waste needs to end. Wokeness needs to end. We must go back to the ideas of making things better and do our best. No more laziness, Each should do what they can. Money is Not wealth. What our country needs now is wealth!

  True Values needed
June 9, 2024 9:43 pm

Decentralize. It will be enormously painful. It may not be voluntary, people may refuse to participate voluntarily, then war and destruction force decentralization and the holistic changes in lifestyle and ‘wealth’ associated. Boo hoo because that is all that will work long term other than complete top down control over every aspect of human life. Two painful choices, one freedom based, one slavery based.

Jeff Greenlee
Jeff Greenlee
June 9, 2024 5:39 pm

The only possibility for the (former) united state of america is a crash. Either a stagflationary downward crash if they lower rates, or an upward hyperinflationary (rendering the US$ worthless) crash. Gold has already been demonetized, is manipulated, and can’t help the dollar debacle. That leaves Bitcoin, the most pristine capital asset in the world. Eventually, when all the doubters are silenced, everything in the world will be repriced in Bitcoin and everything will go downward to their marginal utility cost thus saving the world, not just the US$. Fake fiat immoral, illegal, illegitimate money must be finally admitted. There is no way out except truth. It will bring the only solution — peace, freedom, truth, hope, and abundance for all. Corrupt warmongering, empire-building, enslavement, poverty, and inequality — all the results of fake fiat manipulation will unwind in a debt/death downward spiral. And that is a good thing.

June 13, 2024 3:17 pm

How about we abolish all debt now.
Begin a new money system from our collectiove tax dollars.
Covict ehe bankers of their crimes gainst humanity
Then put the bankers in Prison.
End all privately (jewish) owned banks.
Make Usury illegal.
Make war illegal.
Make SATANISM illegal.
Become one nation under God again.
Then God will bless us.
Right now, the USA has cursed it self with the blood on its hands of trafficed children for adrenochrome the drugs run also by the CIA, porn and prostitution, and the crimes that pay for the drugs so the CIA can be wealthy, at the cost of everyone else.
The devil owns all the evil ones and will destroy them all, they have proven who they worship. The reperestives in congress and the senate have bought themselves one way tickets to eternal hell with the meony they take from AIPAC.
This is the end Arrmegeddon. everyone will go where they belong, those who destroyed america for fun and profit are going toeternal destruction for themselves as dead souls.
When they destroyed the US, they destroyed their own souls.
When they served the jews, they served Lucifer.
The sheep and the goats are now seperated.
What you do out of love for your fellow man=is the highest form of Love=Charity, what you do that way for others, you fhave done to God.
What you do for the jews for money that kills life, that destroys all good, freedom, and joy, you have done for Lucifer, those will be destroyed in Hell as they burn for all eternity.
In the middle of the war, it will stop with the warning, and they who belong to the devil and are already marked, all the wealthy and powerful, we will see them on fire, and nothing can put out that fire. Garabandal the night of screams foretold of that.
There will also be a miricle, and then the 3 days of darkness, the end for all evil and anew begining, with Christ as out King.
Forget about money, it has always been just a tool for the devil to take souls from God.
All the wealthy nations will fall.
All wealth is poison to the soul.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to get to heaven.
It’s too late to turn back now, and desmantel the prison slavery syetnm of the jews called money and usury.Too late, too manty wars too late, too many trafficed children too late, too much adrenochrome has filled the devil and his slaves: the wealthy powerful demonically posessed dead souls who rule the world for Lucifer.
They will all be burning soon enough and that will be the prison they put all of you in they must be imprisoned with forever.
Its too late to lock them all up.
Everythibg they do, and have done has just been to make money whiles at the same time: destroying life, all life, for Lucifer.
Their lies that what they do is for betterment of mankind, and humanitarian mercy, or as a cure to the problems of the world, are just lies.
They do evil=they bring death and destruction of the earth and all life on it, in order to get more money from Moloch, Satan and Lucifer, their overlords from Hell.
In the afterlife, in Hell, it will all come back to them as the fire that buirns them and can never be put out. Because they have never and could never and will never confess and repent off their sin or return to god, They only seek to replace god with their own dead souls, and satanism posing as science. They only seek to please the devil, and be his instruments of desruction and death on earth.
Only those who seek to please God and be His instruments of good, protecting life and loving and forgiving and having mercy and charity, giver not takers, life-giving representatives of God will remain for the New Kingdom of God to come.
There are only 2 kinds of people on earth right now.
Those who have killed their souls for money and those who have given all to save their souls for God. Like Gonzalo Lira.

June 13, 2024 3:28 pm

The USA has the most Gold reserves in the entire world.
The russian-Chinese and Brics are coming for it in WW3.
With that Gold we can have the greatest gold backed currency in the world.
After the Yellowstone explodes, the earthquakes sink and spit amercia, it will be smaller and it will be prime farm land coverd by the volcanic ask which by the way contain ziolte which will remove all the RADIOACTIVITY fromm nuclear war.
China bough that land from the CIA, under Bush.
They paid for it already.
Thsi war coming was planned back in the 1970’s when the governement via NASA, found out about Yellowstone being a super volcano ready to erupt.
They have done the most evil thing possibel to Amercia and they can take all their money to Hell with them and It will not put out the flames that will envelope them for eternity, or buy them a drop of water or any peace.
They all purchased some land in Boliva and Paraguy to retire on, but they won’t have anything in Hell, but cold darkness and fire.
They will never live again, born with a soul from God, of a human mother, and given love and protection because they did not do that for their country, instead they selfishly profited off a disaster, they could have saved us from.
They chose to worship Satan, for MONEY.